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The man from udon

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Posts posted by The man from udon

  1. if you paid 1 baht it would be more than the tax I pay 

    13 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


    Yours is the classic irresponsible selfish post of the thread. Why wasn't your dog spayed? Why weren't you a responsible human? You bitch and complain, but you have just shown that you are a selfish, irresponsible person.  Why didn't you act responsibly and prevent  the inevitable  problem?  And if you will now claim, it wasn't inevitable, you truly are short a few cards  in the deck. Of course your dog would one day get out. It happens. Everyone's dog gets out at some point, because people make mistakes. Don't blame your wife because you failed.  And who  purchases a cold weather siberian husky for a hot tropical climate? Again, not much going on upstairs if you believe that was appropriate  animal management.





    I support multiple  animal care organizations around the world including in Thailand. My last donation was probably more than what you paid in Thai income tax for the last year. I  do it because that is the way I was raised and because I am fortunate to be able to share my wealth.    I also contribute to a number of  other charities because I have some very persistent  family members, clients and neighbours including one lady who won't take no.


    Again you are running off on a tangent because this is about a DRUNK who intentionally ran down a sleeping dog.  Know what's amazing? Your desperate attempt to justify an event that defiled the wat and that offended every religious Buddhist in that wat. You don't care do you? On any  given day you wouldn't accept the claims of a Thai criminal, but on this you embrace the violent drunk driver's claim about an alleged  biting incident. Odd that no one corroborates the story. Why would you take a cruel, malicious drunk driver at his word?  The man is most likely lying because he was caught. The idiot was DRUNK and needed an excuse to justify the evil he brought at the wat.  Do you not understand that killing living objects in a wat is forbidden? Make an effort man. You are living in Thailand.

    If  you donated 1 baht it would be more tax than I pay in 10 years as I'm retired.the man went there to make merit not kill dogs for no reason.he could of said it was an accident but didn't and knowing full well of the rules of the temple and the consequences of his actions.as for making donations large or small it's not a measurement of how good a person you are but if it floats your boat up to you.i do agree that it's not a very good way to kill an animal but this is thailand and if you pi55 a drunk Thai man off you can expect the worst.i am an animal lover but there is a problem with dogs here and nothing is being done about it.they attack people,carry all sorts of diseases and also they are a threat to other wildlife and kill many of the native animals such as snakes thus interfering with the eco system.so being a goody goody furry dog lover does have many negative effects.as for temples and Buddhism the only time I go is when they have molam on  all night with the near naked girls dancing and cheap beer.

  2. 27 minutes ago, lostinisaan said:


     Would a Thai write such nonsense no problem. "Murder an innocent dog"?


       Please send me a prvt. message and you can have all our unwanted Soi dogs for free. Plus food for three days. 


              Many of these dogs are evil bastards and bite everything that's moving.


             Okay, euthanasia would be a better way.  Especially the one who raped our Siberian Husky and made her pregnant.


    The cops didn't seem to be interested. 

    Are you sure your huskey didn't give consent.i didn't know dogs can rape dogs.

  3. I keep reading topics about the problems of a lack of education,training and retraining, health and safety.all this blah blah blah ain't going to happen,this is Thailand and any of the above is just pi55ing into the wind.i think we should just try to live with it as we ain't going to change it.this is a 3rd world country and will be for the foreseeable future.

  4. 1 minute ago, JAG said:


    Gentlemen, form an orderly queue please, and you, the chap from down Udon way, given your proclaimed intentions, would you mind going to the back (of the queue )!


    Wait a minute I see her first why should I go to the back of the queue.i would love to see her get back into power so I could see more of her.i bet she's quite a nice lady.i love women with power but Angela merkel and Teresa may don't quite do it for me for some reason.

  5. 22 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


    Well it's all relative. See, someone like me attaches a value to the dog, whereas, I don't attach value to you. If you were run down by a drunk in a truck, I wouldn't care. It's not  because I am insensitive, but rather I like dogs more than I do some humans. Perhaps, I am not a nice guy.

    If you like dogs more than humans why don't you adopt the 20 vicious animals that are in my soi then I would attach great value to you.the thing is I'm not a vicious dog that goes around biting people.hes now in the best place for him and he won't be attacking anyone again.i love animals and kept koi and four cats but there's a point when dogs that are pets become vermin.as for not caring about me getting run down by a drunk driver,I wouldn't give a toss if the dogs in my soi ripped you to bits.

  6. I'm sorry but us farang just don't get it.it wasn't the drivers fault,it was the tyres fault..or maybe the amulets fault but deffo not the drivers fault.going to cost him now with no income and a repair bill.som non nah...if I was him I would flog that amulet to someone he don't like.2017 thai year of the monkey,2018 Thai year of the monkey,2019 Thai year of...youve guessed it.

  7. 12 hours ago, ffaarraanngg said:

    Crikey have you ever eaten Thai KFC, i have about a decade ago on 2 occasions the 2nd time only to confirm the first occasions was as bad as i thought.


    It was so memorably bad i wrote about it a decade later on Thaivisa.


    More likely to see vomiters than fighters.

    I agree 100%. I could not believe it when I went to a KFC.it was deffo the worst chicken I've ever seen.i binned it and won't be going there again.im now mentally scarred for life.

  8. In other words can you put your lights on,don't drink and drive,don't speed,don't over load,don't jump the traffic light,dont over take on a blind bend,drive on the left side of the road,check you have brakes and well maintained vehicle  and don't shoot each other in road rage.the list could go on.

  9. So if I ever get into trouble out here I'll tell the police to go away and apply for an arrest warrant.???? I think police training come from watching crime programmes such as csi.homicidal maniac on the loose and you have to get a warrant to arrest him.the police can't even play cops n robbers properly.its no surprise to me that a former police inspector turns out to be a gun totting murdering head case.

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