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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Well now that the excitement of Christmas Day is behind us and as we move into the final round the voting will surely pick up and I expect an extraordinary amount of positive posts from supporters of their favourites urging them on until they ( Colin ) cross the finish line triumphant !!

    That is gonna happen isn’t it ??

    ....... hello............hello...........is there anybody out there ? .............( echo, echo )


  2. Are you looking to make me redundant?

    What ? , trying to keep an elderly bunch of falangs interested when there’s a half eaten turkey on the table, quality street in every redundant ashtray, a fridge full of alcoholic beverages ( including the Cherry Wine some distant relative bought you 6 years ago ! ) , a sherry trifle ( covered with a tea towel ) tempting you from the sideboard.
    When any attempt at posting a helpful/humorous/sarcastic reply is met with the dreaded loading page !! so you decide to leave it 20 minutes or so only to be met with the next round of the dreaded loading page ????
    When your wife/girlfriend ( or both ! ) gives you that look as if to say “ are you on your phone/the computer again ? “ forcing you to log out and stumble into the kitchen to help with the chores, head held low !!

    Not bloody likely !!

    Was just helping out in your absence, my 15 minutes of fame [emoji2]

    Here , take your headdress and tomahawk, you’re welcome to that job .
    • Haha 2
  3. I work for 3M in the states...if you can find the command product which has the hooks (not the Velcro) for pictures they work the best..two of them on a picture top frame will hold it very well and can do 5-7 pounds. The foam tape which I think is what others have mentioned is very good however it will stick like no tomorrow and removing it from a wooden frame could be difficult. And over time the adhesive will migrate into the wood fiber. Which ever is better the connnand product (easily to remove ) or the foam mounting tape is easier than screws in concrete. Sounds like when I retire there I should bring plenty of command hooks and mounting tape

    I just bought some of the Scotch clear mounting tape and although it’s very good I find the red backing very difficult to remove without damaging the tape.
    Do you have any miracle fix for this ?
  4. An interesting little battle going on between Nyezhov and WGDansen with Geriatrickid just managing to hold them at bay . Billd766 is holding his own ( [emoji23] ) in second but to no avail as Colin still has a commanding lead .

    It could all change though if Chomper and Sanemax put a spurt on.


    Meanwhile in groups 4 and 5 ...............................................yawn..................................[emoji99][emoji99][emoji99] !!



    • Thanks 1
  5. At this time of year we are all used to spending too much, eating too much and of course drinking too much.
    But I would ask you to stop what you’re doing and spend a minute , or two, thinking about those forgotten ones, those who are tucked away in a small corner away from the party !!

    Yes , I’m talking about those poor , downtrodden, lower than low nominees in groups 4 and 5 !!
    Shunned from society in the dark dank abyss of POTY semi final Part Two !!

    Please give them minute of your time and, more importantly, your vote !!

    • Like 2
  6. I can't understand why people will eat that voluntarily.  
    I buy sliced pepper ham from Foodland , only 50 baht for 100 grams , perfect on my sandwich , also buy Gouda cheese 1 kilo for 400 baht (Friendship).  
    I see no point in bringing a lot of stuff from abroad , most of it is already here. 

    I wish I had the options you have !

    I don’t know where Friendship is ( I’m assuming it’s in Pattaya ). Tops is the nearest ( excepting Lotus and Big C ) and that is 1 1/2 hrs away.
    • Sad 1
  7. I lived in Brazil for many years before coming to live in Thailand and came and went many times without anyone questioning me if I had the YF certificate or not ( I had as it happens ).
    A simple glance through my passport would see many entry stamps in and out of Brazil though, so I assumed I was never questioned because I never flew direct ( I know that doesn’t make sense as there are no direct flights ).

    On the other hand, in 2004 I was refused onto a flight from São Paulo to Johannesburg because my YF certificate had expired ( 11 years). In this case I had the jab locally and could not travel for 10 days.
    Brazil to Angola also needed a YF certificate to travel.

    This probably doesn’t answer your question but it seems to me that Thailand is only concerned with where you boarded your last flight !!
    Although if you had a passport from a country on the list then you would possibly get checked.

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