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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Some of you are flattering yourselves. The POTY is a turnoff for a majority of TVF members. If it wasn't, there would have been more than the 100 or so voting participants out of the thousands of tvf members. 
    If the event is boring, it is because it is a reflection of the  clique who monopolized the activity, much as they often do with some of the forum threads.
    The lack of participation was not due to the forum software, or mods or any other excuse you want to come up with, but was a direct result of the ick factor. Some of the comments were cringe inducing. It was as if the dirty white sock and sandals brigade  took control of things.  The event reflected the sentiments of  elderly caucasian  western males. It should therefore come as no surprise why women, and active people steered clear. The idiotic  back and forth over pink tights  was an illustration. Yes, it may be funny to the 65+ year old guys sharing it, but like Grampa Ned's stories, they get boring by the 25th+ rendition. It's boring and a turn off. At least Nancy had  bonafide stories of her helping people, i.e. human interest. There was a learning component take away.
    As for this nonsense of changing votes or digging up dirt; what is this the schoolyard follies? Vote once and think before voting. Fluid votes are a reason why people get annoyed. As for dirt flinging, again, people who do not wish to relive the  schoolyard era when they were preteens slagging Jimmy Jones because he didn't have  new shoes or Ethel Marmelade because she wore a hand me down tunic will steer clear.
    My suggestion is less negativity, more focus on good deeds and contributions to the community. More stories of positive events or solutions to common day problems. For example, I am grateful to the experienced  folks who counsel on the need for grounding wires etc. Without  reading such  cautions, I would have been fried. Same for taxi/transport advice or where to get decent eats. Some folks are just brilliant and no one ever says thanks. The POTY could be a way of recognizing them. Again, back to the grounding wires, think of how many  injuries were avoided because someone took the effort to explain what to look for. That surely is more notable than commentary on pink tights. 
    And one can slag me off, but just remember, that there is a reason why thousands ignore the POTY. Continue to ignore them and the POTY continues as a shrinking participation navel gazing event.

    No slagging from me.

    You voiced your opinion and brought up some valid reasoning.

    POTY should be, I agree, a chance to honour those who gave something positive to the expat community by way of a helpful post.

    But unfortunately it seems now that the POTY winner is already predetermined and any commentary on his ( or her ) posts is irrelevant.

    I do feel that this coming POTY can be different, as there’s no obvious winner, with many newcomers posting on a variety of subjects.

    Will it reach the dizzy heights of yesteryear ??
    I doubt it .

    But it could drum up more interest given some changes I believe, hence this thread to encourage people to make suggestions and stop POTY disappearing altogether.

    Or has it run it’s course and time to call it a day ??

    • Like 1
  2. Indeed, but the Garmin (actually the Kenwood entertainment system) has a bigger screen than my phone.

    Not in my Honda Jazz it hasn’t !!

    Going slightly off topic.
    Actually the biggest problem I have with using the phone is finding a suitable phone mount when using the gps app !
    The suction cup mounts are very versatile but the windscreen is a long way away and in the direct sunshine the suction fails. The dash on my Honda is “ bubbly “ and suction cups don’t stick.
    Tried the magnet and air vent version but either have to turn the air off to that particular vent or freeze my phone .
    Currently using this but in reverse due to the hondas steep dash !!

    • Like 2
  3. Yup, works fine for me too. Use Google Maps to find the location then bang the co-ordinates into the car GPS (built-in Garmin).

    Or open Google maps, type the location , press go and slap it onto the dash, works a treat !!

    Logging onto Google will save your locations and home address ( if you tag it ) for future use.
    • Like 1
  4. I was using a Clarte breadmaker (2,000bht Lazada) but the drive belt has just broken for the second time in 6 months, repair is free but takes 2 weeks, gonna bin that one.
    Just ordered a Morries breadmaker (4,500bht Lazada) hoping that will be a bit more reliable.
    thought about Petrus breadmakers around 3,100-3,500bht usually mislisted as toasters or noodle makers.
    Nothing much available locally in Chiang Mai.

    Was looking at the Morries this morning, not a bread maker myself but this thread is converting me, be interested in your opinion of the Morries .
    • Like 1
  5. The answer is a complete rethink and revamp


    A structured POTY. This would begin with 11 POTMs. Starting in January and finishing in November, there should be a POTM each month. with each winner going through to the grand final in December (baring dropouts or deaths or bannings,..... in which case reserves go in).


    There would have to be rules, of course, like posting at least once in a month, and for those who do not want to be included being able to abstain from the grand final; the POTY. 


    I personally would not want TVForum staff included. The more they stay low-profile the better for me. Previous winner welcome. But, just as in Miss World, all the finalists would have to make a profound statement about their particular passion (football, plastic bags, food etc....) to help us voters differentiate between them during December.


    Now. would the POTM winners carry their votes into POTY? I'm undecided on this.





    After giving it some thought owl I think the danger might be that it would become a monthly competition ( accumulating in a grand final) with all the controversy of deciding who is the monthly winner !!

    For example you couldn’t choose the monthly winner on “ likes “ alone or at the end of the year you would end up with 11 x funny one liners or 11 x first posts on a thread!


    Don’t want to pour cold water on your idea but it might just multiply the confusion by 12 !!

    • Like 1
  6. The answer is a complete rethink and revamp  

    A structured POTY. This would begin with 11 POTMs. Starting in January and finishing in November, there should be a POTM each month. with each winner going through to the grand final in December (baring dropouts or deaths or bannings,..... in which case reserves go in).


    There would have to be rules, of course, like posting at least once in a month, and for those who do not want to be included being able to abstain from the grand final; the POTY. 


    I personally would not want TVForum staff included. The more they stay low-profile the better for me. Previous winner welcome. But, just as in Miss World, all the finalists would have to make a profound statement about their particular passion (football, plastic bags, food etc....) to help us voters differentiate between them during December.


    Now. would the POTM winners carry their votes into POTY? I'm undecided on this.






    Sounds like a well thought out idea there owl !


    I love it , the candidates would have been nominated more for their monthly posting rather than their character.

    So in December you have 11 candidates who have proven their posting prowess over the past year and then can fight it out for the POTY in the usual style.

    ( I don’t think they should carry their votes over)


    I vote for this !!



    My only question is :


    By whom or how is the monthly winner decided ??


    • Like 1
  7. Your girlfriend has the same 'affliction' as one of Mrs NL's nieces.
    When in Thailand, on what passes for my regular diet (around 80% home-cooked Thai by mum and 20% dad being dangerous in the kitchen), it's twice a day. A decent-sized 'download' around 1-2 hours after the morning pot of coffee has been emptied. The second round is usually late afternoonish but seldom in the evening. if I somehow miss the second #2 the day before, the first #2 the following day has more 'bandwidth'.
    At work either offshore or in a camp, I find I bind up a bit and it becomes a once-a-day event needing some huffing and puffing to get less done, ie. smaller, harder stools. Not sure if it's the change in diet (usually more western fare) or the water filtration but I usually get around it by having the galley/kitchen get some oatmeal or porridge on the brekky menu. On the odd times I seize up at home, it's oatmeal or prunes or prune juice that gets it back to normal. I hardly ever get the screaming sh!ts.

    My ex wife could never “ go “ if not at home , this includes going away for a week holiday, she always carried suppositories !

    I never really get the screaming sh!ts but just a heightened sense of urgency [emoji51]

    The only time I was really “ sh!tting through the eye of a needle “ was back in the uk after a visit to Thailand in ‘91, and it lasted for 2 weeks !!
    A month later I turned yellow and discovered I had Hep A !!
    • Sad 1
  8. In my opinion, the person on the wrong side should pull out into oncoming traffic as he can see what’s coming. Riding on the correct side I sometimes - when there is heavy and fast traffic - I force the opposing party into doing that, but I am sure the logic of that is not understood by most of them............ but whY would I have to put myself in (even) more danger if somebody is on the wrong side of the road?

    I agree with you that the person riding on the wrong side should pull out into oncoming traffic.

    But it seems that we are in a minority !

    I don’t remember the last time an oncoming mc or bicycle pulled into the road to let me pass !!

    On a couple of occasions I’ve blatantly taken the left side line in order for opposing rider to pull over and they have stood their ground and actually stopped forcing me to pull out.


    I doubt if there is any written law on this but certainly an unwritten one !

  9. But it is fixed. IMHO it's working better now than at any other time during my short time on the forum.
    Obviously the Techies feel the need to unfix it. Probably worried about running out of work/their jobs.

    Yup, job security !!

    There’s a saying “ if it’s not broke, break it “ ( or something like that ) [emoji51]
    • Like 1
  10. BTW, I was serious about using artificial intelligence for this. 
    Think about it. 
    It could be designed to take many factors into account --
    minimum number of posts
    breadth of forums posted in (a great poster posting in only one forum not appropriate for the overall site POTY)
    repetition of posts (posting the same crap all the time obviously negative)
    language skills in the posts
    creativity of writing in the posts
    gauging feedback to the posts by direct quotes (different than likes), positive and negative
    entertainment value of posts
    helpfulness of the posts (advice to others)
    Insipidness of tone and content (negative)
    Constructive controversy level -- a healthy balance between totally bland/sucking up to all in a spineless fashion and flaming
    Would it be perfect? Of course not, but arguably much more fair than the current random mess of a system.

    That would be fair, but let’s wait until the transition to the new server on Thursday evening has finished.

    Who knows what innovations this change will make . [emoji51]
    • Confused 1
    • Haha 1

  11. It's obviously a lot of fun for the few, and should remain on the pub forum so the few can have their games, but, under this format, shouldn't be patronized by moderators, nor considered as something above what it is.
    (If that doesn't get me nominated for Curmudgeon of the Year, nothing will!)

    I think you have summed it up nicely.

    It does now have a small number of followers who are more interested in the jokey commentary than serious posts ( and I include myself in this category ).

    I suspect it will continue in its current format to amuse the few who follow it and have a similar parallel thread running ( as this year ) commenting on how it now “ pathetic “ and “ not like the good old days “.

    But that’s okay, I , for one, will continue to follow it and make some humorous remarks ( in my own mind anyway ) when I feel the urge.

    I think it’s plain to see that it won’t achieve its past heights of following and will continue to plod on to amuse the minority.
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