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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. The Orville season 2 just started. This is a promising sign for the year 2019.

    I watched season 1 and expected more from Seth to be honest, but I will give it another try with season 2.
  2. O-A can only be obtained in your home country and cannot be converted from an O visa .

    Main benefit from an O-A is you can get almost 2 years from the visa by doing a re-entry just before it expires.

    Also you don’t need money in a Thai bank until 2 months before your first extension ( which could be 22 months from obtaining visa if you timed it right ).


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  3. Just renewed my 2 to a 5 year DL, moved province 18 months ago and asked ( created a thread on here) if necessary to change address on license . The general consensus was “ just wait till renewal, no problems “ and that was exactly what happened.
    Got a residence certificate from immigration and renewed up to a 5 year with no questions asked.

  4. I have a will in Australia, and a will in Thailand. They both say the same thing - what assets there are in Thailand go to my GF, what's in Australia goes mainly to my son.
    I have no plan for dying - I'm too busy living. When my quality of life changes, I'll do something about it.

    Pretty much the same situation for me .

    My Thai gf will have access to my bank account and of course the house and car are hers already.
    My son and daughter will share my uk assets.
    Everyone is already aware of this situation.

    Of course at 57 I don’t plan to pop off just yet but who knows what will happen in the near or distant future.

    It’s never too early to get your affairs in order !!
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  5. Just received my "Yellow Book" (Tabian Baan) from Lampang Municipal Office.
    I took:
    1.  Passport, photocopies of ID page + a translation of the latter
    2. UK Wedding certificate + photocopy (no translation)
    3. House-book and wife's ID + photocopies
    4. 2 passport-style photographs
    5. Immigration Department Certificate of Residence + photocopy
    6. Wife
    7.  One Thai witness, a neighbour.
    *Very straightforward and simple procedure - front desk checked that my papers seemed in order, then steered us towards a table at which the checking/interview took place.  Asked about pre-retirement occupation, length of residence in Thailand and at current address, names of parents. 
    *Responses by wife and witness to various questions (nothing at all difficult) were transcribed onto various forms, some of which I and wife were asked to sign.  Start to finish about one hour (no queue).
    Collected Yellow Book four working days later.  
    Next step:  Obtain Thai ID card, the procedure for which I'll add to this thread.

    You did well !

    I wish all Amphurs were as easy going !

    My amphur ( Bang Pa-in ) requires an arm and a leg to issue a yellow book ( to me anyway) neither of which I was prepared to give !!
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