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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Well if i win, what would i do with the catheter bag?
    Be a bit of a struggle in the lycra tights:cheesy:

    Where there’s a willy there’s a way Colin !!

    A former POTY winner ( name withheld ) managed for 12 months with incontinence pants so your situation will be sorted with the aid of a rubber hose ( ala Freddie Mercury ) .
    • Haha 1
  2. I do hope that Colin wins, as I don't think I could stand the excitement/embarrassment.
    But I will hang on just in case of a role reversal.

    Bill if you do win just be aware that on the crowning ceremony Trans will remove the Tiara and the pink lycra tights and ceremoniously adorn them about your body !! There will be no time to wash them and as you are well aware you will have to wear them continuously for the next 12 months !! ( lashings of virgin coconut oil will be applied to prevent chaffing ).

    All this will be done before the thousands of TVF members gathered in Thaivisa Ceremonial Hall ( or Big C if the hall is not available ).

    You shall then, in the time honoured tradition, sing the Thai National Anthem in full voice.
    NOTE: in lieu of the anthem any Bon Jovi or Van Morrison ballad will be allowed !!

    Oh, and I forgot to mention, no underwear ( budgie smugglers, tightie whities, banana hammocks etc , etc ) will be allowed under the pink lycra tights, this will allow you many hours of fantasising of all the former POTY’s whose genitalia has rubbed the gusset .

    With this new information I suspect you will now be very excited to win said POTY and I look forward to you increasing the intensity of your campaign immediately !!

    You’re welcome [emoji4]
    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  3. Would have made sense.
    Now your next due date is in about 5 years (on your birthday).
    Would you have gone just after expiry it would be 6 years.
    Discussed a zillion times in the forum.
    Sometimes advise is good.
    (sometimes not :tongue:)

    Depends !!

    If we are talking about renewing a 2 year to a 5 year ( which is what the thread is about ) then your advice would not be good !!.

    Renewing a 2 yr to a 5 yr BEFORE RENEWAL will get you 5 years plus up to your birthday ( 5 1/2 years in my case ).

    Renewing a 2 yr to a 5 yr AFTER RENEWAL will get you exactly 2 years !

    Renewing a 5 yr to a 5 yr BEFORE RENEWAL will get you 5 years.

    Renewing a 5 yr to a 5 yr AFTER RENEWAL will get you 6 years.
  4. So far I've placed 3rd.  I'm depressed.  LOL
    Have a great Christmas, bannork (coal in yer stockings again?).  And ya'll, too, Andrew, tutsi, morrobay, balo, and all the rest of you music aficionados.  Rock on!

    Merry Christmas to you too Tippa, Bannork and all the regular posters on this thread .

    Here’s an oldie from a couple of great voices !!

    My gift to you guys, two for the price of one !!

    • Like 1
  5. Sounds a bit like the British cousin to American Spam!


    I could see eating the British tinned stuff in a corned beef hash.... But I really wouldn't be interested in sitting down to a meal of slices of the tinned stuff solo.  But that's my American palate speaking.  Same answer would apply to Spam, BTW....  

    Yup, the British tinned stuff is only good for a sandwich, hash, or throwing in a frying pan with left overs (IMO ).


    I have the same opinion on Spam, although it does appear sliced and fried in an English breakfast occasionally, but that to me is kinda like a poor mans bacon !! [emoji51]

  6. Are you suggesting a poll, Andrew?
    I'd vote 'annoying' but that would only be true if I had to watch them.  But I don't have to . . . LOL
    I had to paste this appropos remark from the vid's comment section.
    1960: I bet the future will have amazing music
    2018: ‘the number 1... we built this city on sausage rolls!’

    No poll please !!

    A couple of their videos are quite funny, one where he covers her car with a skin photo of him in various photos is worthy of a watch.

    But they have outstayed their welcome and the fact that this is the Xmas number one in the UK ( a highly disputed accolade) shows how British people are easily pleased !!
  7. Are you suggesting a poll, Andrew?
    I'd vote 'annoying' but that would only be true if I had to watch them.  But I don't have to . . . LOL
    I had to paste this appropos remark from the vid's comment section.
    1960: I bet the future will have amazing music
    2018: ‘the number 1... we built this city on sausage rolls!’

    No poll please !!

    A couple of their videos are quite funny, one where he covers her car with a skin photo of him in various photos is worthy of a watch.

    But they have outstayed their welcome and the fact that this is the Xmas number one in the UK ( a highly disputed accolade) shows how British people are easily pleased !!
    • Like 1
  8. FACTA is more about checking on American's foreign-money to look for income to tax. 
    The USA, China, and North Korea tax their citizens overseas-incomes - even when non-resident and not receiving any income from their passport-country.

    Ouch , that’s gonna hurt !!

    That would explain a bunch of papers re: US tax that they gave me when opening an account !
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