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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. I started to watch his video thinking " let's see how the poor guy is holding up " !

    Seems like like he's holding up just fine a little too fine if you ask me .

    Soon into his video I lost all sympathy and found myself thinking that it was more of an update to his YouTube channel.

    Don't think he did himself any favours at all, no mention whatsoever of his girlfriend or unborn child. ☹️


  2. My gf got upset with me for using my phone during a thunderstorm a couple of days ago, I stopped using it ( in the name of peace and quiet).
    Today she shows me a photo of some charred bodies and a photo of a house being hit by lightning claiming it was due to phone use.
    Now I'm in a dilemma: do I risk entering into trying to educate her and run the risk of getting my sexual favours reduced ?
    Or do I agree with her and keep a happy home !

    No contest really !!

    " yes love, you were right, now bend over that chair " [emoji16]

  3. I'm not sure it is as black & white as that. I've been overseas for 12 years and not had any issues but I've never had to renew my license. Had a couple of IDPs in this time. I know guys who have been oversees since the Falklands war kicked off and had no issues with their license. Perhaps the fact that they have property in the UK as well as employment with a UK company and a UK bank account helps.

    It's certainly a grey area.

    I lived and worked o/seas for 20 years for a UK company, had no property in the uk ( used my fathers as mailing address ), but maintained a uk bank account and uk driving license even though I claimed my tax back every year as non resident.

    Now I'm retired and " living " in LOS I'm hoping to maintain banking and DL, just gotta be a bit careful [emoji15].

  4. I guess you mean exchange rate, go to their website and you can see there, it's peer 2 peer system, almost mid market rate, their GBP to USD is amazing with just 0.5% charge. ... 

    Yeah, exchange rate, thanks I'll check it out .
  5. Just wondering. . . I don't drive. but my wife has held a driving licence for 18 months. We hoped to take a summer holiday in the UK and hire a car so she could drive us around.
    However, she is adamant that she cannot legally drive in Britain until she gets her "full" Thai licence after holding her licence for two years - which won't be until the end of October.
    Is she right - and if she is, does anyone know a get-around to avoid us having to put off our planned UK trip until next year?

    I got my 2 year ( temporary) Thai license in Jan 2017, the lady said it could be renewed for the 5 year license in 1 years time, I questioned that ( via my gf ) and she repeated said statement !!
    I thought it very strange that this is available !, I mean who would it benefit ?, except for you of course.
    There was a thread a couple of months ago re: insurance on the temporary Thai license when hiring a car in uk, I offered the same solution but got no feedback.
    Maybe your wife could call the DLT to see if possible ?

    p.s. Doesn't interest me as I still have a couple of years on uk license.
  6. Look at Transferwise, they charge about 1.5% for GBP and send Baht directly to your Thai bank, no other charges.  Their exchange rate is far better than any bank or forex...

    Just out of interest, what is the interest rate £ to baht on Transferwise currently, I need to transfer some £'s.
  7. Funny.
    Alcohol is one of the many things that make life pleasant / bearable (your choice).
    But perhaps "drinking in moderation" is a concept that is difficult to grasp for certain nationalities.

    I found " drinking in moderation " a difficult concept to grasp unfortunately, beer was my tipple of choice or the occasional whisky, Logan and Ballentines were my favourite, so obviously not a connoisseur but I just liked the taste.
    That was then.
    Now the odd, ( once a month to be sociable ), Jack Soda is enough for me .
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