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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. for what?

    Bit of a pub quiz question " who first played James Bond ? " people always say Sean Connery , but then the answer is Bob Holness who played him on the radio before Connery.

    This is the first I've heard of Barry Nelson I must say, although he is listed on the net as the first Bond ( in some lists ), this puts Bob Holness into second place . [emoji4]
  2. I hope she gets it ready bottled. Some job to collect the secretions. I had it in my (somewhat warped) mind that snails were chucked into a blender, flick the switch and there you have it.

    Yes ready bottled [emoji16]
    I did suggest I could " milk " the snails for their secretion but I don't have a WP !

    Shhhhh, that's Colonel Sanders secret recipe you're talking about there [emoji51]
  3. Can someone explain what snail whitening cream is all about? I have only really noticed it in the last 12 months or so. What part/s of the snail have the whitening effect?

    Apparently it's the secretion filtrate that has the " miracle " whitening effect.
    Very big in Korea and most of SEA .
    My gf sells it on the net !!
  4. I can picture the scene:
    The van is pushing the pickup to go faster in the left lane , the pickup moves to the right lane and the van accelerates thinking he now has a clear road ahead..........NOT !!
    I live near to the no. 1 highway north out of Bangkok ( close to where the van originated ) and I see it daily, it's like wacky races out there.
    I don't know if these guys have a tight schedule or are trying to squeeze one more " run " in before home time .
    I don't know what the answer is but the so called reforms made recently ( what reforms ? ) have done nothing to improve safety.

  5. Last week my gf asked me to visit her brother at the Ramathibodi Hospital, against my better judgement we took a van and the exact same route, Navanakorn to Victory Monument.

    It's been six months since I've been in one of those vans and I can tell you nothing has changed, no seat belts and a feeling of complete vulnerability as the van hurtled down the highway.

    Today we are visiting her brother again and yes I drove this time, and never complained about the traffic or finding a parking place !!

    Van ? Never, ever again !!


  6. You may know this chap - playing Crossroads with Bruce & Baker.

    But did you know the original, centuries earlier....

    About 11 years ago me and a colleague were working in Batesville, Mississippi and on a rest day decided to have a little drive around.

    Well, we were driving in the middle of nowhere when we came upon this




    in Clarksdale , Mississippi.

    Allegedly the spot where Robert Johnson sold his soul to the devil so he could be able to play the blues.


    ( took the photo from the net as I didn't get a photo at the time, or if I did it's been lost)

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