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Andrew Dwyer

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Posts posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Many people travel around the country but maintain a permanent address for immigration and other issues. You can do your 90 day reports online or by mail to the immigration office where you maintain a permanent address.
    You only need a UK bank account to apply for the OA visa at the embassy in London. Not sure about the London embassy but many do not accept a Thai bank accounts to apply for one.
    Your wife can apply for a extension as your dependent at immigration based upon you having a OA visa. It will be valid up to the date your one year entry from the OA visa ends.

    I used a Thai bank (Bangkok) to obtain my O-A visa at London Thai Embassy with 800,000 baht deposited and a letter from the Bank ( in Thai).
    Most use a U.K. bank but just saying you have this option also .

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  2. Thaiphuket, I have the same laptop and was wondering why all the fuss until I looked at mine 3f97eef240e4e2ecec26b28cade6a7c6.jpgIt is not a question of flicking a switch and removing the battery as I think others are assuming.
    But with a password protected screensaver you should be ok, I should take it to the shop as early as possible and hover around till it's done, after all there's 10 special screws holding the backing plate on and then a few screws to hold the battery in.
    If he wants to keep it overnight then take it to the shop next door, I assume you will use a place like MBK ? which is full of shops able to do this for you.

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  3. Tony, I am pretty sure that you can't get a O-A visa at Hull, only London.

    I opened a bank account (Bangkok bank)while on a 60 tourist visa from Hull, it's a bit of a lottery is the opening bank account saga, I was refused 5 times ( 3 at Kasikorn, no work permit) twice at Bangkok bank ( no work permit), was getting depressed !!, one more try at Bangkok bank and no problems, got a savings account with ATM card.
    You will need 800,000 baht in your account or an income ( pension) of 65,000 a month, or also you can combine the two to achieve the target.

    You can do the Police check online ( ACRO) and have it posted to you anywhere ( they posted mine to Thailand).
    It says on website you need notarised documents but many people say that is not necessary, I sent mine via post to Foreign Office for validation.

    I also had the medical done in Thailand, seems people have problems getting it done in U.K. ( mainly with the cost).You can download form from Uk Embassy in Bangkok website, will attach a photo.


    It's difficult to get all the information together at the same , but study carefully and you will be ok.

    I am only quoting my experiences and some of these maybe won't apply to you.

    But good luck [emoji6]

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  4. I am as confused as the rest of you about the tm30.
    I moved into a rented apartment last May with gf and no sign of a tm30 receipt ( I have left Thailand a couple of times so no 90 report done yet, am on a O-A visa since October 16).
    Anyway, decided to quiz apartment reception about my tm30 receipt when it started to appear daily on TV !!.
    Turns out they never registered me ( although photocopied my passport and I signed some papers), they thought it easier to use gf's docs and pretended I didn't exist !!
    Anyway 2 weeks ago I filled in some forms ( at apartment reception) and am still waiting for the tm30 receipt, I think !!
    They showed me some tm30's they had on file ( some Indians staying here), they looked like original docs ( not photocopies) !!
    I thought the Indians would have the receipt, which I assume is the bottom tear off bit, stapled in their passports ??

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  5. 10 minutes ago, mettech said:

    I am fairly new here and i do rely on TV for any helpful advise on how no cope with the weard thai way of doing things and I managed to keep myself well informed with TV help.

    A special thank to Ubon Joe  for his help that he did provide the right info's on visa and other subject.

    Thank again.


    Ubon Joe ( and others, too many to mention) give some outstanding advice re: the hoops we have to jump through to stay in LOS.

    I also have received some invaluable advice from these guys.

    Hutch68 has stood up and acknowledged all the help he has had on TV and I applaud him for that .

    Good on yer mate !!

  6. I think the picture below gives a better clue.
    From the advert it is scheduled to run 6 times.
    Chiang Mai to Lampang on the Saturday, Lampang to Chiang Mai return on the Sunday.
    The schedule indicates a theme behind each journey and has a duration of 4 to 5 hours.
    Four prices are advertised on the facebook website, 1499, 649, 249, & 149.
    What the differing tariffs actually provide would need to be investigated from someone on the ground.

    149 is Thai price, 1499 is Farang price and the other two are typos !!

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  7. The local remand prison,just to make you remember you aint in kansas any more.
    The local park where you will pay 100% more to enter than your family(if they are Thai)
    The restaurant near the aforementioned park,which will happily strip you of what money you have left.
     A short drive down the motorway,to realise what you are missing in your own country.
    The wonders of Thailand are endless.

    100% if you're lucky. !!
    A couple of weeks ago they wanted 500 baht for me to go see a waterfall, the car and gf were free !

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    Anybody ever visited Wat Muang near Ang Thong ( north of Ayutthaya) ??

    Some of the weirdest ( and a bit scary) statues of mass murders and torture in the Temple grounds !!

    Definitely not a family day out, give the kids nightmares !!b19fd1ce631d37f5aae7f258c56a51b1.jpgea0cdf2e9e8ab3eb35b07c1cbd8912e5.jpg59307f87cd50aae96d0c6746e6297e15.jpg96ed0c9d917dc8e61599a1a517cc7412.jpg6a67f844c30e77db16f7ba1ce8162721.jpg

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  9. I'm gonna get a letter from the apartment office where I am renting since beginning of May 2016 to take to immigration for residence certificate.
    Or should I get them to fill in the tm30 ??
    Don't want to stir things up as the tm30 says " must notify within 24 hours from the time of arriving at the residence " and I've been here 7 months now and not been to immigration as have been out of the country twice and was on a non-imm B visa until Aug ( now on a Non-imm O-A)
    So, letter from apartment or tm30 ??

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  10. Andrew ... good luck with getting Thai license. It's really simple. I can only comment on my personal experience at Buriram DLT when getting my license. (I know many DLT's apparently have different requirements)
    1 - DLT accepted a police issued Cert of Residence. A lot easier and cheaper than Cert of Residence from Immi, so you might want to check that out with your local DLT first. Cost for the cops ... officially "up to you"  5555
    2 - You will also need a medical certificate before you go to DLT. Available from any clinic. Ask your girlfriend. If you're breathing, and can walk upright through the clinic front door, you'll nail it easy. 15mins. Cost ... 70 baht
    3 - I didn't have to do driving test or watch videos etc etc. DLT guy took one look at my IDP and said "you can drive anywhere in the world ... I give you Thai license easy"  Cost .... 205 baht. Valid for 2 years. After 2 years, renewable for 5 years each time.

    Thanks, I'll let you know !!

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  11. I came here (Bangkok) for work for 10 days back in '91, went home with happy memories and hepatitis !!
    Came back again in September 2015, met a girl, went back home ( had been living in Brazil 20 years), got divorced, retired and moved here indefinitely in March 2016.
    Still doing odd contract job for my old employer and drawing pension, so at 55 life is good.
    Obviously early days for me but would hope I can live out the rest of my life here !!
    Just living the dream right now !!

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  12. Sukhothai is the ancient capital ( among others) of Thailand and has a huge area where the old city was , around the 1200's /1300's I think.

    You should rent a motorcycle or bicycle to take it all in.

    As stated  (by Kwasaki ) Sukhothai city has nothing of interest.

    Chiang Rai has the White Temple (Wat Rong Kuhn)which should not be missed.

    Also Wat Huay Plakang is very impressive ( if not finished yet.

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