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Everything posted by cocoonclub

  1. “Western common sense”? The Thais I know would never accept this, so it doesn’t seem to be “Western common sense” but rather “common common sense”
  2. What does working illegally and a “work-ation” have to do with each other? You can do a workation while having a work permit and you can work illegally from home, too.
  3. The standard one, guess you’d call it pale. I’m generally not much of a dark beer person and if it’s white beer, I’d go with a German/Bavarian beer
  4. Are you saying I should use a VPN to watch Xhamster or Pornhub every now and then? Are there really cases of going after people watching 10 minutes of porn?
  5. Coupling Sons of Anarchy Spartacus House of Cards Homeland Succession
  6. 10 years in Bangkok, never really had big trouble with anyone, neither Thais nor Farangs. Not even the taxi driver who drove me home from RCA completely shítfaced without any money other than some Vietnamese Dong left in my wallet. Maybe that one f-buddy that turned stalker when I tried to cut her lose. I must add that I had plenty of f-buddies here during my single days; usually some 4-7 different ones at a time so it never would get boring, with 1-2 rotating out and new ones rotating in. All of them were great; not necessarily girls I would present my parents as my gf, but just nice and friendly and good company. Except this one who wouldn’t let me rotate her out. A small, pretty, white-skinned 22 yo student some 10-15 years younger than me. Waited hours in my condo lobby for me so that I ended up taking the back door. Bombed me with hundreds of Line messages every day ranging from sweet talk to desperate to threats. She even managed to add my parents and family on social networks and threatened to make them look bad online, and wrote on a Thai friend’s wall that she would come to my office and make a scene if I don’t react. I was actually worried that she may pull some acid stunt on me. I actually never gave any f-buddy my phone number or social media IDs. Most wouldn’t even get my real name and country but a fake identity (I was “Steven from Canada” or so). Still she managed to find me. I guess there were signs before when she got really angry that I wouldn’t cum inside her, or when she had a breakdown after I told her that she’s free to go home if she doesn’t like it at mine. In the end, the stalking stopped after a couple of months of ignoring her.
  7. Quite disturbing how people on this forum advocate revenge porn, blackmailing, and sexual abuse by posting someone‘s nude photos online.
  8. Good that you were vaccinated. What you described will ultimately be the end game of this pandemic. People will be vaccinated so they can catch this infection same as they can catch the flu but without having to fear ending up in ICU on a ventilator. That doesn’t mean that there won’t be any severe cases and deaths anymore, same as we have deaths from the flu. But the overall risks and severity will be closer to a flu than what it is now. Of course, that’s assuming that this thing doesn’t mutate further. The worst case scenario still is that we get a worse variant that is resistant against the current vaccinations. That’s another reason why it’s so important that people get vaccinated.
  9. My secretary got similar info when she called. They told her it would usually open at the beginning of the month, so I can only guess that it should open next month unless there’s a big surprise and it’s completely different this year.
  10. When my ex-boss and colleagues went there they took a portfolio of photos of all our CSR events with them. Handing food to orphans; planting trees; fixing kindergartens. I haven’t seen any such requirement but may do the same.
  11. Two questions about the PR application: Has the application window been announced yet? I'm getting a bit nervous because it used to be Sep-Dec or Oct-Dec the last years with an announcement made some weeks before. We now have October and I haven't seen any announcement yet. What are the questions they ask in the interview that is being held in Thai? I speak Thai quite well and don't really have much concerns after talking to friends who got their PR (including my ex-boss who speaks very broken Thai). Still I wanted to prepare for it. Thanks!
  12. My point was: you will find enough farangs here that talk bad about Thai girls as you found in bars and restaurants. Thus, don’t bring your gf here
  13. I don’t know any of them, so I trust your experience. This is nonsense though. There are enough factory and retail jobs for these girls to do.
  14. During my uni time here, my western buddy and I would sometimes go to KSR when we were bored of Thai girls, to pick up some of those western backpackers. I remember we had a good night when we met two Swedish girls who had just graduated from Highschool and who had just arrived in a taxi from BKK. I hope that counts as talking to other farangs.
  15. Maybe I’m just not very social but even in my home country or any other country it would feel weird if a random stranger approached me in the supermarket or elsewhere for anything else than asking for a cigarette, directions, or something similarly banal. So even without considering that Thailand attracts quite a bit of trash farangs I would be cautious. I do talk to other farangs here when the circumstances provide some reassurance, such as networking events and hangouts; people met through friends; business contacts; or the hobby football team you join.
  16. For anyone having issues with the หมอพร้อม app, there’s another platform which must be using the same data: https://www.xn--82c3a4adfy1rc3b.com As I’m trying to open it now, it really shows me an error message saying “Out of hours service. Please come back again between 8:00 and 22:00” Amazing Thailand, the only place where the Internet isn’t open 24/7. Anyway, it normally works just fine. Two weird things though: 1. When you register (as a foreigner) you use the 13-digit number printed on your vaccination slip in the passport number field (together with your phone); 2. After you’ve registered, your vaccination certificate may not show up under “vaccination certificate” (at least not for me) but under “vaccination appointment” you will see all your appointments including date and place of vaccination and name and batch number of vaccine.
  17. Yeah, that’s my understanding too. I am more wondering how those digital nomads do it, ie. what bank account and address they use. If they use Thailand, they risk being found illegally working here. If they use their home country (assuming they still have an address there), the authorities there could assume the person still has tax residency there. At least they would tax the business there right? At that point, would they also report this to the Thai authorities as the digital nomad informed his local tax authorities where he is a tax resident now?
  18. As someone who has a boring corporate job with a work permit here and likes to not risk that, I may be too boring and old and risk-averse to understand these things, but I’ve always wondered how that works in practice. Don’t you need a bank account to accept payments? Don’t you need an office address, or at least use your private address? If none of that is in Thailand (because you would then expose yourself to the Thai authorities) but you’re a “nomad” without living anywhere, what bank account and address do people put into their Adsense accounts, iTunes accounts, Amazon accounts, or however they earn money? And if they use their home country’s address (if they still have), aren’t they then taxable there again? Or do people really open offshore shell companies in Belize for selling an eBook or having some followers?
  19. Non-B. All managing directors or senior level positions in MNCs, so no issue with salary requirements.
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