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Everything posted by cocoonclub

  1. 1) What does this have to do with investors? The law is about land ownership for residential purpose. 2) What “uncertainty” exactly do investors not like that wasn’t there already but is being “introduced” here? Investors know that laws can always change.
  2. How is that different from the US, the EU, or any other country? I have yet to find that one country where magically there’s an insurance for never-changing laws.
  3. It doesn’t matter. She caused someone damage, so she is liable for it. It was her fault more than it was the hotel’s fault. That’s why insurance exists.
  4. Any reliable source confirming that it’s not a risk? I don’t know. I don’t see how that’s relevant. But you’re not saying that something poses a risk only when you have heard of an incident, do you?
  5. That statement is at least exaggerated. The current situation in Europe does not “show” that Thailand is some little economical and political wonderland. You can’t compare Europe with Thailand during a (hopefully) once-in-lifetime war. Shít can hit the fan here too; it did during the Tom Yum Goong crisis. Bad times pass, and then Europe scores much better for many people in many regards. Ask the average retiree about his health insurance situation. Thailand’s economy also isn’t “basically autark” either. 20% is tourism, another big portion is international manufacturing. Having an “autark” economy is a pipe dream. Ask Russia and North Korea, even if they don’t wanna admit it. You can’t have an autark economy and enjoy wealth and growth at the same time. i agree to the rest of your statement. Thailand is a great place to be, for me personally and I believe for many expats living here, despite their constant moaning.
  6. You probably haven't even met any decent girls without tattoos. ????
  7. You’d be surprised how many decent girls I’ve met who had tattoos.
  8. Being called “woke” is a good thing. It means those who are part of the problem got <deleted> off because you’re calling out the bad and are pushing for change.
  9. Completely irrelevant and none of your business. Only good men do that. Good girls should stay at home and cook a meal for their good man who’s out harassing women on walking street. How about not blaming the victim?
  10. For those who want to blame the victim. No, the location isn’t to consider. The location doesn’t make a difference to what happened. You can “recognize the world for what it is” without blaming the victim.
  11. As always, if you don’t wanna be called XYZ, then don’t do XYZ. Applies for fascists and victim blamers and everyone else.
  12. I'm not minding any your business. You're the one asking why someone went here or there as if it was any your business.
  13. I guess not getting sexually harassed was her expectation, as would be mine. Anyway, nice try of victim blaming.
  14. It seems you are using your own definition, or that of a particular group of people. We can continue to argue about that word, or we can simply just stop here and agree that it’s pretty irrelevant because there’s no point of such distinction between working and non-working people in the first place, as no one regardless of their job should be subject to sexual harassment.
  15. A working girl is a civilian. It doesn’t matter whether she’s a hooker/working girl. You don’t sexually harass people regardless what their job is.
  16. Unlike you, I don’t have a fantasy legal system that I could explain to you. I just stick to the laws.
  17. I do. You don’t. 1. That’s not what happened. 2. It would still be Whataboutism. Hypocrisy and Whataboutism can happen at the same time, but you would actually have to know what Whataboutism means (and Hypocrisy) in order to understand that.
  18. Whataboutism, the favorite tool of those who have nothing to add, especially no arguments.
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