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Everything posted by cocoonclub

  1. Does anyone know whether Timodine cream is available in Thailand or what the equivalent would be? https://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/product/203/pil
  2. Correct. I am not aware of age restrictions regarding cannabis sale or consumption. What law exactly is that? Think? What does the law say? What “basic laws”? You didn’t mention any such laws. And your Wikipedia article (which I don’t necessarily consider a proper source for legal questions anyway) also doesn’t mention any such laws.
  3. I meant what I wrote. It’s not my fault that you didn’t read what I wrote. I didn’t write that’s is like a stone or fresh air. I wrote that “For the most part, Cannabis has the legal status of stone or fresh air”. According to what law exactly? I am not aware of any such age restrictions. Not sure why I would spend time at the police. But thanks, and indeed there are great Thai lawyers, some of which I work with on a daily basis. Provides a different perspective about the legal system in Thailand than the barstool nonsense that’s being parroted by some farangs.
  4. I would let my lawyer do that if I think there’s reason for it. I wrote “for the most part”. No, that’s not correct. The law doesn’t say anything about THC levels that can or cannot be smoked and it doesn’t say where it can be smoked. This would imply that you’re smoking in public, thereby violating laws against causing public nuisance. So I don’t understand why in such situation you would want to explain the legal status of weed to them, or why you would think that there’s reason to do so. The police would have arrested you for causing public nuisance, not because you have THC in your system.
  5. I don’t think so (and anyway it’s not up to the police to interpret laws because that’s what courts do). For the most part, cannabis has the legal status of a stone or fresh air. It’s simply a substance that exists and it’s not in any way regulated or even criminalized by laws. Minor exceptions are certain extracts as well as laws against causing public nuisance (which I don’t think even mention cannabis specifically but can be used against many different things including drinking in public). Put differently, there doesn’t seem to be anything in the law according to which you cannot sell, buy or consume cannabis.
  6. I’m wondering what law that is. I understand there are laws against causing public nuisance which could apply in this situation, same as it would apply to drinking in public. Other than this, I am not aware of any laws criminalizing cannabis, but that it currently has the same legal situation as a stone or fresh air.
  7. It’s stamped into your passport. We’re all adults and capable of obeying the laws and if not then there’s nothing to complain and no one else to blame than us.
  8. That’s nonsense, of course. Not all Thais are poor villagers who care about Sinsod. I‘m glad my gf rolls her eyes about these antique traditions. Otherwise I would run.
  9. If you’re white, below 40yo, and don’t look like Quasimodo, you’ll definitely enjoy being the token guy for the Thai ladies.
  10. Indeed a rather strange story. Yesterday there was a post on Reddit using the same photo. That person was asking for help because his friend went missing. He mentioned the last he knows was that his kayak capsized in Khao Sok lake and everyone thought this guy is talking BS because why wouldn’t the person who saw him capsize help him instead of informing Someone far away? And anyone who has been to Khao Sok knows that’s it’s a completely quiet lake. The only way to drown or wear a life jacket there is if you really cannot swim. We would just jump into the water from our kayaks without a life jacket and swim. There’s not currents or waves or anything. I’m also not aware of any dangerous sea animals.
  11. Again, read the topic before posting off-topic. Or don’t insert yourself into a discussion if you’re unable to understand what the topic is.
  12. Maybe you should read the first dozens of posts in this thread which all said stuff like this about Thai men. Isn’t it quite telling that a bunch of white men can write pages of racist comments about Thai men without anyone even noticing, but the moment someone pulls the same racism against white men people get all offended? That should tell you a bit about what “racism is quite widespread” here.
  13. You claimed that it makes a difference if an underage prostitute pretends to be of legal age. What the other guy pulled from an unofficial English translation of the penal code doesn’t support that, so I’m not sure what “exactly” you “figured” other than that you’re still lacking proof for your claim. Visit the ราชกิจจานุเบกษา, pull the penal code, then post a screenshot of the page where it says that underage prostitution is ok if the prostitute pretended to be of legal age or where it says that that is “‘mitigating circumstance”. You can’t because it doesn’t exist. And that’s why you keep dancing around here.
  14. Next time you wanna insert yourself into a discussion, try to understand what the topic is before looking like a fool.
  15. No, it isn’t. You’re confusing legislature with judiciary and executive.
  16. Again, the Thai penal code. I can’t quote something that doesn’t exist. If you want to know what a law says you read it. Read it. I can’t help you with that.
  17. I can’t quote something that doesn’t exist. Please redirect your request to the guy who claimed something is in the law that clearly isn’t.
  18. There is no proof for what you claimed because it doesn’t exist in the law as I wrote already. The “whistling Dixie” is you.
  19. Here: ราชกิจจานุเบกษา But you’ll be wasting your time. As I wrote already, what the other guy claimed doesn’t exist in the law, but feel free to read the 150+ pages yourself if you don’t believe me.
  20. Not according to the law. It doesn’t say that. What’s relevant is what is in the law, not what’s not in the law.
  21. I could but why should I provide free translation work or legal advice to you?
  22. Yeah, that’s how they always sound like.
  23. It’s impossible for farang men to make friends with Thai men. You gotta keep in mind that farang men are frustrated losers; overweight, bald, and fast aging moaners and complainers who have a superiority issue and are into dark farm girls.
  24. I wanna hear the “Thai legal definition”. Because you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Are those the same NGOs that make money of this issue? The same NGOs whose sole raison d'etre is child prostitution? And of course I won’t search for anything. You’re the one who made an accusation, so we can expect you to provide hard evidence from a trusted source that this is indeed as widespread a problem as you claim it to be. Then I’d be the first one to admit you’re right. But as long as you don’t have much more to offer than anecdotal evidence and the claims from dubious NGOs, I will keep calling it nonsense.
  25. The Thai penal code. And I’m amazed how you guys “disagree” with something just to admit that you haven’t even read it. Bravo. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised about foreigners crying foul for their own failure to know the laws of their host country.
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