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Everything posted by cocoonclub

  1. Or I can still eat there if I know that these terms and conditions aren't legal, regardless whether they've been clearly stated or not. Freedom of contract doesn't necessarily mean you can put whatever terms and conditions you like; contract and commercial laws may forbid certain practices.
  2. Im wondering if these contracts of charging a fine for not emptying your plate are actually enforceable and legal in front of a judge. When I buy something, ownership transfers to me, which means that I can do with it whatever I want to. I could take it home and eat it there; I could donate it to a beggar; and I could just throw it away. Maybe they can charge for creating/cleaning up waste but then I could just take it home. Practically the easiest way probably would be to tell the waitress that the food tasted bad and that you would like a refund. Up the stakes and they probably won’t ask to pay a fine. While I understand the reasoning behind these rules and personally don’t like people overordering and then throwing away food, I still think it’s a ridiculous and potentially not legal rule to tell someone what to do with what he bought.
  3. This. What OP writes is nonsense, both the alleged disappearing of money as well as the “unbanking with crypto”.
  4. The article literally starts with the words “Amid strict regulation (…) a Belgian expat (…) opened his own craft alcohol distillery and chocolate making facility”.
  5. To be fair, they’ve been brainwashed. Many Russians don’t speak English; those who are old don’t use the internet but watch Russian TV. Putin has effectively destroyed the free press in Russia and has been gaslighting and brainwashing Russians for years. Just look at our anti-vaxxers and Trump fanboys in the West who have been a victim of the trolls and desinformation campaign of Putin and his friends — and those still have access to a free press if they want. Ukrainians find that relatives in Russia do not believe it is a war "I'm trying to evacuate my children and my wife - everything is extremely scary," Katsiurin told him. He did not get the response he expected. His father, Andrei, did not believe him. "No, no, no, no stop," Katsiurin said of his father's initial response. https://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/ukrainians-find-that-relatives-in-russia-do-not-believe-it-is-a-war
  6. While I wholeheartedly agree to the sanctions put in place and western companies pulling out of Russia, I doubt it will lead to a regime change anytime soon. Let’s face it, the majority of Russians has been brainwashed by Putin. Try convincing an anti-vaxxer or Trump fanboy in the US and then add to that the fact that many Russians don’t speak English (ie., don’t consume Western media) and are old (ie., get most of their information from Russian TV stations). Those that haven’t been completely brainwashed by his gaslighting, lies and propaganda face prison if they protest. Again, I think the sanctions are absolutely right and we should continue turning Russia into an isolated pariah state. But let’s also be clear that most Russians equally are victims and collateral damage of their dictator.
  7. No average Russian will fly anywhere soon regardless of airspace restrictions. The average Russian will have other problems than spending his last money on two weeks vacation in Thailand and he would probably need to charter a separate airplane just to carry all the Rubles he needs for a dish of Pad Thai. AirBnB and OTAs don’t work in Russia anymore so he will have to book directly with the hotel for which he would need a credit card which doesn’t work anymore either. Hotels will want to see hard cash but in USD, EUR or GBP, which the average Russian can’t get anymore. Guess why Russian airlines stopped all international flights as of tomorrow. They know they wont have passengers anymore. Likewise not many foreigners will have an appetite traveling to Russia anytime soon.
  8. No, you’re wrong with that assumption. You’re in the wrong topic. Putin invaded Ukraine. None of the persons or countries you mentioned have anything to do with that. Only Putin and his cronies are guilty.
  9. I guess because most people don’t think it’s ok to pour your drink over someone’s head and don’t consider it particularly “gangsta” (whatever that is) to pay it back.
  10. Can’t he study Thai and change to an ED visa? At least it used to be possible to change from visa exemption to ED visa without leaving the country many years ago…
  11. I suggest you do the following experiment: create a profile on thaifriendly, age between 30-35, decent looking guy (use an AI to create a fake photo). You may be in for a surprise. I would never use these sites to “find” a relationship, but it’s ridiculous how easily you can hook up with all sorts of girls and women (and ladyboys) with minimal investment required. When I was still single and using those sites, I even stopped going on dates with those girls. I would simply ask them to come to mine for a drink and food. And except for two bad experiences (out of a hundred maybe), I never had any girl ask for money or act crazy.
  12. Wasn’t that the same with little kids not so long ago?
  13. Why do they need to get married for this? He married the Mia Luang just after a year of dating. Then he marries the Mia Noi equally quick. Cheating is one thing and already bad enough. But why complicating it even further with a marriage that needs to get divorced? Wouldn’t it be easier to live the butterfly life without having to divorce a marriage whenever you change your mind yet again?
  14. I don’t see a profit when you’re losing 1 month rent plus 300 Baht plus whatever damage is under all that garbage that’s been rotting there for years. Luckily it doesn’t matter because the law is clear. I just hope the landlord will be able to enforce it and sue this bad tenant.
  15. You didn’t answer my question. Not even slowly. I guess that depends on what kind of massage parlor you visit. There are plenty of legit and high quality massage parlors where none of that happens. I just don’t understand what that has to do with the topic or my questions. Are you saying the profession of a waiter does not exist? Or are you saying a waiter may be raped?
  16. What is an “official agreement” vs. an “unofficial agreement”? And for the contracts you agreed to in your life, do you also accept “other details” that the other party demands later which were “omitted”? Good for them. I don’t know what they do. Do you? So you wanted to post off-topic?
  17. Cancel the flight and reschedule? Even the EVA lounge wasn’t that great and it’s supposedly one of the better ones.
  18. Research doesn’t have to discover “cutting edge” new things. It also adds value to confirm previous research, especially during a worldwide pandemic. Imagine we had stopped collecting data after the first round of vaccine trials confirmed the vaccines are safe and effective. Oh you would have protested. And I won’t ask you what “cutting edge” research you have contributed either.
  19. I won’t do your job for you. I just note it’s common for people lacking evidence to ask the other party to prove the opposite. A bit like telling someone “you’re a pedophile, now prove you are not” Where I come from, doctors record the cause of death, and they know better than you. And even as the biggest conspiracy fairytale believer, a look at the excess deaths clearly shows that Covid deaths certainly haven’t been over- but underreported.
  20. Not sure what “the West” contains but if we look at certain European countries which arguably have the most advanced social security systems, they’re doing fine both economically and socially, and I am not sure if any of those European citizens would prefer to live in Thailand instead. Of course every country has its small share of uneducated losers who interestingly complain the loudest while contributing the least but leeching the most.
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