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Posts posted by PoorSucker

  1. Try. Options / Find members topics / Find members posts.

    Also below your avatar.

    You mean the options button next to star rating in each thread ? Could not find post listing options from there.

    Below avatar means i need to post first or navigate to old topic which i have posted to be able to list my own threads or posts.

    Edit: Also noticed just now that Edit button below posts not working proper. Pull down menu for Full Edit and Quick Edit opens but hides under "next oldest - Forum support desk - next newest" navigation bar and very thricky to click to start editing. Using FF 3.5.3.

    I meant here:

  2. Same here.

    Didn't like the new look at all, there was waaaaaay too much wasted space. Very inefficient design. The main forum index was particularly hideous, an obnoxious side bar took up 1/3 of the screen. I hope if they change to a new design again it will be one that feels less bloaty.

    No no, just more space reserved for adds. The guys gotta make a living and those servers burn money at ever increasing speed... :)

    IMO it would be about a time to modernize the look a bit and maybe add some new cool functions but please do not overdo it.

    I like my assistant and would like to be able to see all my posts there or at least all topics i have participated. Now the limit is only last 10 posts...

    Try. Options / Find members topics / Find members posts.

    Also below your avatar.

  3. I need to obtain a non-Immigrant Visa type-O for my marriage visa in Thailand.Is it possible to get it in the Thai Vientiane Consulate(or Embassy)?

    I'm planning to go there on the October 12th'09,but there is a Laos National Holiday this day,so I wander if the Thai Consulate will be open?

    I will be driving a car,so is it possible to take the car to Laos,or is it just to much trouble?

    Consulates are closed on Thai holidays and local national holidays.

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