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Posts posted by PoorSucker

  1. She is really superstitious, so temple in the morning for sure.

    I have tried to take her to fancy restaurants but she hates them, "to expensive".

    I bought her a new cellphone as gift because the old one is almost dead.

    She took my old one and wanted me to keep the new one. :)

    So, Temple in the morning and 99 baht BBQ in the evening.

    Maybe I'll by a bottle of sparkling wine, good idea or not?

    We live on Samui and she comes from Chiang dao.

  2. You must get a confirmation from the US embassy that you are married (they really like the embassy stamps).

    You need to get the translation verified by Ministry of foreign affairs (MFA), (they really like that stamp also).

    Then you must go to the Amphur and get your marriage registered in Thailand.

  3. Actually on my driving license test there was a question about this.

    By the law you must have the lights on.

    On newer motorbikes you can not turn of the lights.

    I have also heard about Police pulling over people and tell them to turn off the lights.

    So much for Police school.

    there is a law for Motorbikes to have lights on all day and night, but we were talking about cars! but anyway, have you ever been pulled over on your bike for NOT having lights on?

    I live on Samui, BiB don't pull over people here.

    But my friend was pulled over on Bike on the mainland because he had lights on.

  4. To develop the point further, Thaksin is a guy who lives by his own rules which prima facie might seem odd given he's a former police officer but Thaksin was a cop not only because it gave him authority, but because it gave him authority to abuse.

    Thaksin also is a guy who is certain that he makes history rather than 'only' lives history and that he's going to remake his native country Thailand to suit him. There are many such people in history, more recently those who are respected for their vision, e.g., Nelson Mandella and those who are well known madmen such as Adolph Hitler.

    I could say more but I needn't.

    Thaksin likes to compare himself to Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa, Aung San Suu Kyi, Gandhi, or some other of his absurd analogies.

  5. In 1969 I married in a Belgian town a Thai woman and we got from the registrar of marriages a document to certify we were indeed married.

    Now if I want to get for the first time an extension of my Non Immigrant O visa as husband of a Thai wife I will need to proof that we are married.

    Can we get the translation into Thai language done in Thailand?

    This seems to be the easiest way because a translation in Belgium will have to undergo a long process of legalisation before it is acceptable under Thai Law.

    We never declared our marriage in Thailand : could we simply get married once more under Thai Law?

    Sorry can not get married one more time.

    The legalization must be made in Belgium.

  6. After quite a few posts on here asking about houses/villa etc to rent for long term i have taken everyones advice and will simply come to Samui and drive round the island looking for a suitable place ... should be staying 7 months in total....

    but i will be booking somewhere for possibly up to a month for when i first arrive, want plenty of time to settle and plenty of time to choose the right place and im thinking of a Condo with a nice pool ..

    anyone suggest names of suitable developments??? or websites ???


    Try the condo motel next tesco,before you go over the hill...has 2 elephant statues squirting water.....i know the rent only...cos i wanted to buy 1...rent only...or the new ones by the lake...very nice,or end of soi sundays...all have nice pools...some gyms too...good luck

    Not recommended unless you like loud music from "the Peak" club next doors until 2 AM.

  7. Come on guys.......do it.......Think of a positive, constructive, politically feasible and do-able reponse to Five million, three hundred thousand citizen supplicants...........positive, constructive....if you dont understand such strange terminology, use MC2's posts as an example!.......... Just do it. Surpise the hel_l out of me......Do you have a capacity for positive, constructive suggestions about "Petition Responses"........I dont think you do...prove me wrong....Reach you guys, reach beyond yourself...........get out-of-the-box that the media has put you in!

    What media?

    It's "Truth today". :)

  8. Another blow for Thai tourism

    Is this just an automated insert into every topic now?


    My local minimart have upped the price of Birdy iced coffee in a can from 12 to 13 baht. They had also run out of Fritolay Sour Cream and Onion flavour. Another blow for Thai tourism.

    And my pharmacy raised the price for Yaa Nut from 12 to 13 but.

    Must be the Maffia. Another nail in the coffin for Thai tourism. :D

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