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Posts posted by PoorSucker

  1. Be more worried about make time in the Big Tiger.

    If you get deported you must stay in IDC (Immigration detention centre) until you have a ticket out of the Kingdom.

    In that case you will not have to pay for overstay.

    Note that you must provide ticket to your home country (country of your passport) on your expense.

  2. Maybe still recovering from the massive shock of the BIG SURPRISE?

    i'm not shocked, i predicted in the other thread his 'big surprise' would be something to do with education.

    So did you learn something?

    BTW, did you get a surprise?

    After all it was your birthday as well according to your personal statement.

    Or is it like "truth today" :)

  3. Carmine I agree - and it's good publicity for Koh Pha Ngan as well. I say good luck to her and I hope she wins the contest.

    No doubt there are a few on here who would prefer our representative to be more stereotypically "English", so fat, ugly, loud, obnoxious, pasty white (or orange) ... etc etc


    You forgot being drunk and wearing a football t-shirt.

  4. 2.18 In the case of a family

    member of a Thai(applicable only to parents, spouse, child, adopted child or child

    of his/her spouse):

    Permission will be

    granted for a period of

    not more than 1 year at a time.

    (1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM)

    (2) Proof of family relationship

    (3) In the case of a spouse, the marital relationship shall be de

    jure (legitimate) and de facto;

    (4) In the case of a child, adopted child or child of his/her spouse, the said person must not be married, must be living with the family, and must be less than 20 years of age; or

    (5) In the case of a parent, one of parents must have an average annual income of not less than 40,000 baht per month or a money deposit of not less than 400,000 baht for expenses within a year.

  5. Dbrenn, I don't really want to get into a flame war, but what about those (lucky sods) under the age of 50 who have managed to be able to retire (or who are of independent means). What visa would you suggest in their case? I believe that only a Tourist Visa fits the bill, they are after all Perpetual Tourists (until they're 50 anyway).

    Do as many others in this situation does.

    Form a company, get WP, get non-B visa.

    I did it before I got married.

    My friend (41years) has been doing it for years, he has a company that own his property.

    Has a work permit, pays his taxes and gets his multiple entry non-B from KL every 15 months.

  6. Here you go: Yaa dong

    I usually buy extract in my local pharmacy.

    Mix with Lao Khaoo.

    Liquid to drink right away or powder to settle a couple of days.

    When I'm up north to visit the family they bring out the big jars with family receipt when they see me. :)

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