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Posts posted by Sumarianson

  1. On 8/18/2019 at 1:51 AM, sambum said:

    I wonder how Thai visitors to the UK would feel about being subjected to the same requirements? As far as I know, once a Thai enters the country on their (Max 6 months?) visa they do not have to report their whereabouts at ANY time, regardless of where they are spending that time - either in one place, or spending a few days/weeks in different locations. They have been "vetted" and accepted and as far as I can see the security risk excuse by the Thai Government/Immigration is exactly that - an excuse for not admitting that their security systems have let criminals/undesirables into the country in the first place!

    As another poster puts it - it would be interesting to find out how many "criminals" have been caught as a result of this compulsory "TM 30" reporting? I would suspect that no real criminals would even  know what a "TM 30" form is - and I am not referring to overstayers, or people without enough funds in a Thai bank to qualify for a yearly extension!

    My partner and I went to London and Ireland (Rep.) on the same UK visa and never had to do any reporting of any kind. This in a country that was attacked by terrorists. There is a fine line between the duty to protect people and allow them their civil rights and their right to freedom. 

    • Like 1
  2. It is rediculous if the requirement asks you to report your address even if it has not changed, simply because you took a holiday outside the country or if you spend a few days in another province. Any immigration requirement should follow logic and be practicable in its application. Those of us who have bought property and live there full time should be exempt from the requirement unless we move or sell which has been the practical application of the rule all along.

  3. 1. Proper strict driving tests and driving instruction as in Europe. 

    2. Guidance by advertising on how to use the lanes on multi lane carriageways, zebra crossings, and box junctions. Enforce lane driving law ( left hand lane driving lane all others overtaking only) and increase the speed limit in line with Europe.

    3. Offenders sent for re- test at their own expense.

    4. Motorcyclists banned completely from driving up the wrong side of the road and on footpaths with severe penalties and enforcement. Helmets? Up to anyone over 20 to decide but compulsory for youths.

    5. Introduce more roundabouts/ under/ overpasses instead of dangerous right hand lane U turns which slow down traffic dangerously.

    6. Proper signposting on roads.


    Rediculous speed limit. It is bad driving and ill maintained vechicles that cause accidents and not speed as has been proved on the Autoban's of Germany.


  4. 12 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

    I am just off for my leisurely walk around a local lake here in Thailand, 4.45am I'll start.

    Pretty sure I couldn't do that back in my home city in the UK, although not been back for 14 years myself !

    I did it all the time in London. Loads of parks with lakes and foul. Some with Deer. You can hardly walk in comfort in a park in Thailand without serious sunblock and umbrella. Mind you I never get up at 4.45 I am already up. That's around the time I get home 555.

  5. It is not an MCB or as you call it a breaker. It is a Residual current operated device, ancient Aztec from my point ( I am an electrician (NICEIC and Part P) get a new board complete with Mcb's & RCD rated at 100mA and make sure the installer has the necessary equipment to test the installation (multi function tester) and provide a certificate (if such a thing exists in this wilderness) the certificate will show any problems existing. Otherwise chat with the electrical contractor. Don't give the job to a guy with flip flops on a honda 125 with a phase tester and a pliers.

    • Haha 2
  6. 3 minutes ago, NightSky said:

    The website security is flawed and anyone can access the database. Hope you didn’t use your main email address - expect lots of spam and scam emails if you signed it and if the website is still up without any security.


    there is a difference between fearfulness and stupidity.

    Again, more "fear". Don't worry if I have problems with airing my democratic viewpoint I will air that too. So far so good.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Martyp said:

    I agree that condo/house ownership should count for something. The degradation of the British pound is hardly in the control of the Thai government. Best to look at the policies of your home country for blame. The 800k/400k requirements have been around for a long time. I assume the 65,000 baht/month method doesn’t work for you either?

    Your comment and suggestion is appreciated. The 65K a month is a lot of trouble and grief. It is imperative to let the Thai government know that along with the problems we have witb exchange rates and the cost of living we have to be proverbially kicked in the head ( like some poor punter at a bar last night) with more insufferable rules and paperwork which have become the norm of the Thai beaurocratic system of government. Change is possible but it cannot be done while the government are in "fear". 

  8. 30 minutes ago, Peter Denis said:

    That's a very pittyful situation you are in: having to leave your loved ones because of the enforced 400K-800K money in the bank requirement.

    Are there really no other options for you?  Three suggestions:

    1. When you are +50 years of age, you could consider when back in UK to apply for a Non-Imm OA visa, which would allow you to stay up to 2 years in Thailand before the 400K-800K requirement would once again kick in.

    Note: For that Visa application in UK you need to demonstrate that you have sufficient funds.  However, temporarily borrowing 800K in GBP from family/friends till application is approved would be possible.

    2. There are several posts on this Forum claiming that it is still possible to make use of an agent to circumvent the 400K-800K requirement.  I am not recommending that but it might be a matter of last resort.

    3. Is it not possible to get a mortgage on the condo you own, and use that money for meeting the 400K-800K requirement?

    Thank you for your very kind thoughts and suggestions. My financial situation is far more complex than you can imagine. It is not that I do not have the funds for a few years at least but I will return to my own country and will need a home there. I will have to buy it. I need the necessary funds to do that. It is a combination of the new rules, the exchange rate and my own personal financial circumstance. If I was given my god given right to stay with and work to provide for my family without having to jump through hoops, I could manage. I would be able to buy a proper home for my child and work to provide for her. The fact that I have no permenant status here in Thailand prevents me from doing the best for my family or Thailand.I do not have a degree so cannot teach, although when I took my TEFL in London they told me that I was a natural teacher. 

    The Thai government does not give families the same rights as my country nor many European or 1st world countries. They are in "fear" and it is that fear that slows the progress of Thailand. Near all multicultural countries have thrived while the protectionist countries have lagged behind in most cases. I hope that this changes soon or Thailand will be dragged into the modern age by the inevitable changes taking place right now. I thank you for you kind thoughts which are much appreciated.

    • Thanks 1
  9. If someone hits you and you defend yourself there should be no charge. It looks as though this guy could not defend himself and was brutally beaten, yet they charge him. These security guards should have training to deal with the customers of these bars and clubs to avoid such incidents and bad press for Thai tourism. I certainly would not go for a drink in tbat area after reading this.

  10. I hope the efforts result in a positive outcome for us all. I offer my thanks to you for your efforts. As a bolster to this, many of my Thai friends see the TM30 as disruptive and an unnessary chore. However, they were not inclined to provide a signature on the petition. Their reason eludes me but I can guess at it. I agree with Mavideol that something drastic has to be done about the 800K in the bank business. I am currently planning to leave Thailand and a daughter here as I cannot contend with the measures. I have my own bought and paid for condo and new car all of which I am selling to move home. Strictly because of the financial burden of these new rules. My money is in the UK and the £ has lost over 10 baht for every £ in the last few years ( I have been here 7 years) this represents a massive reduction in my finances. The new rules mean that you have to transfer enough money to survive for the period that the 800K or 400K cannot be touched. It is a rediculous requirement. It would be better if after a period of stay more than say 5 years that you can use a purchased condo or a new car as collateral. Along with showing long standing sufficient funds in a foreign bank account to cover the next year of extension. This would eliminate those using money that is not theirs to gain an extension and relieve those of us who come here to live with our families honestly and in full compliance with the law. 

    These new laws mean that I cannot spend as much in Thailand with my family because of the extra burden and the exchange rate which is now pitiful. I have already warned my family of this. Change this before it is too late and you loose your expats.

  11. 2 hours ago, Suradit69 said:

    Have you never learned anything about British history? And don;t dismiss it as something from another era.  That past history isn't something radically different from current attitudes and behavior (although these days they can barely govern themselves let alone ruin the lives of others)  and they no longer have any serious influence on the lives of people anywhere outside their own island.


    Let's end the myths of Britain's imperial past



    To defend its empire, to construct its rudimentary systems of communication and transport, and to man its plantation economies, the British used forced labour on a gigantic scale. From the middle of the 18th century until 1834, the use of non-indigenous black slave labour originally shipped from Africa was the rule. Indigenous manpower in many imperial states was also subjected to slave conditions, dragooned into the imperial armies, or forcibly recruited into road gangs – building the primitive communication networks that facilitated the speedy repression of rebellion. When black slavery was abolished in the 1830s, the thirst for labour by the rapacious landowners of empire brought a new type of slavery into existence, dragging workers from India and China to be employed in distant parts of the world, a phenomenon that soon brought its own contradictions and conflicts.

    As with other great imperial constructs, the British empire involved vast movements of peoples: armies were switched from one part of the world to another; settlers changed continents and hemispheres; prisoners were sent from country to country; indigenous inhabitants were corralled, driven away into oblivion, or simply rubbed out.


    and much more ...






    ??????? And What? Mr. History man?

    • Like 2
  12. No law should separate peoples of the world who wsnt to live together. Otherwise we are limited to one country, one look, one culture, one boring existence. What when you want to marry an alien from another world? Will you then be restricted to the solar system or within 500 light years? People in government are so small minded. They need to grow an awareness of the world let zlone the universe! In the near future they are in for a nasty surprise.

    • Thanks 1
  13. On 7/26/2019 at 9:29 PM, marcusarelus said:

    I got 5G.  Quick and better range.  No problems.  

    5G through cables is not a problem. It is wi -fi signals that are the problem. If you think wi-fi at 5G frequency is not a problem then why did they not use it in microwaves? It was the first frequency suggested but avoided for safety reasons. Why do the army people who invented it saying it is dangerous. Why are there so many problems associated with smart meters? Do your research then say it is ok, but you won't. By the way I ran the department for meter recertification in the LEB. I am a fully certified Electrical Engineer NICEIC registered installer snd Part P. What are your qualifications again?

  14. I have been using 2.4G which is perfectly ok. However, in Ireland where they are being used a guinea pigs for the rollout of 5G, they have been reducing the quality and speed of lower internet speeds because of the lack of take up. People in Europe are more aware of the dangers. I have been involved in projects in Europe where the rich are installing protections against 5G. No hope for the average Joe due to the expense. Best thing is to stand up now and refuse yo have the meters or recievers in your home or on your property. It will significantly reduce the price of your property. Nobody will buy a house with an electrical transformer nearby, and quite rightfully so. I have seen many such properties that are simply unsaleable.


  15. A law that would separate a family or deprive a father of his human right to support his family is an unjust law. Just because "we"  put up with it and can pay for it, does not make it just nor humane. No one has suffered by him overstaying, but the intervention of "the law," will result in his children, his wife and most likely his family suffering. This blatent disregard for human rights should not be condoned in any court of law, let alone the media.

    A snail can cross any border in the world without a passport or snailprints. Are we not greater than a snail or a bird or any other creature? 

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