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Posts posted by mark45y

  1. I only post this for other posters who may be reading the thread because I imagine you don't have the time. 1. You could have the lady tested and find out if she has any STD's. 2. If you pay her for her time and trouble she won't give you much hassle about it. 3. You could also have done this before you had sex with the lady. 4. Condoms break all the time (especially if you mix oral and vaginal sex with the same condom. Change condoms when the lube wears off). 5. The treatment for chlamydia is a shot (IV drugs) and pills (in my experience). 6. Zithromax (azithromycin) may or may not cure depends on the person. It is not a sure thing 100% of the time. 7. Two condoms don't work better than one condom.

    8. The drugs you get here may or may not be real depending on where you get them. 9. Wear white underwear and look for a stain. 10. Milk your penis a few times a day and check for a discharge from clear to white or yellow/green. 11. Also check for pimples, warts, sores on a daily basis. Good luck.

  2. I am interested in where Gravion's writing style comes from. He sounds remotely like a character on that TV show, "Outsourced." Where do people come from who write like Gravion? Does he talk like he writes? Where do those people come from? How old are they? My best guess would be teens from India or Singapore but I am not sure. Does anyone have a clue?

  3. I had a girlfriend who owned a bar. Since she called checking up on me a lot my number was usually the last one dialed on her cell phone.

    At least three or four times a week she would hit the redial button by mistake and I would get her conversations with potential customers broadcast on my phone.

    They got so popular at the pub I went to that we eventually hooked my phone up to the loudspeaker system so all of the patrons could listen.

    Really fascinating conversations.

  4. If you haven't noticed it a lot of the Uni girls are on a break right now and the bar girls are joined by sisters who are not really bar girls.

    This element of Thai society allows the furtherance of higher eduction, an opportunity to pay tuition and work on English language skills.

    A far cry from only lust in some situations a foreign man can help the education and economic situation of single women in Thailand. I look at it as contributing to the future of Thailand.

    The young woman I front some cash to might be a future Thai politico or doctor or lawyer. It is helping the lower classes struggling to gain a higher education level compete with the wealthy classes.

    Doing your bit for the class struggle eh Mark? :clap2:

    To the OP....you should open up a language school for bar girls. Some of their multilingual skills are somewhat lacking at times I find....:whistling:

    Always trying to do my part. I have also received some strange offers, like, “if you pay my tuition for medical school I will take care of you when you become old and sick.” I have no doubt the woman was serious and marriage was included in the proposal. Thais start medical school earlier than in the West and to my knowledge at least, they don't get a BS before they enter medical school.

    It does put another twist on an occupation (bar girls) that most write off as morally indefensible.

    I met one stripper at a club in Houston who had graduated from medical school but didn't stop dancing because she couldn't take the cut in pay to put an international flavor into the discussion.

  5. If you haven't noticed it a lot of the Uni girls are on a break right now and the bar girls are joined by sisters who are not really bar girls.

    This element of Thai society allows the furtherance of higher eduction, an opportunity to pay tuition and work on English language skills.

    A far cry from only lust in some situations a foreign man can help the education and economic situation of single women in Thailand. I look at it as contributing to the future of Thailand.

    The young woman I front some cash to might be a future Thai politico or doctor or lawyer. It is helping the lower classes struggling to gain a higher education level compete with the wealthy classes.

  6. Reading through this entire sequence of posts almost makes me vomit.

    The other thing it does is that it makes me embarrassed to be a "fellow-farang" in Thailand !

    What these deprived chaps are addressing is "Lust"; not "Love" - these two phenomena are often confused, I realize, but

    then, when I read this last bit of drivel by "Powderpuff", who states "Rule #1. In Thailand you never lose your girl. You only lose your turn."

    I did what I hardly ever do and that was to respond.

    All of you guys must be extremely deprived bunch of mentally retarded bigots.

    Sounds to me that, without doubt, "masturbation" would be the best solution for the lot of you !

    When do you actually "grow-up" and establish some resemblance of "character", huh ?

    I, for one, have a hell-of-a-lot more respect for the "Thai-Ladies" you're all referring to, than for these

    self-opinionated, arrogant and no doubt spineless "superior" Farang !

    My "Rule # 1: You reap what you Sow !

    You said she was a terrible shag.

    So you need to go back & confirm she's a terrible shag. Obsession.

    Rule #1. In Thailand you never lose your girl. You only lose your turn.

    I don't really know if you are referring to me in your post but I'll give it a shot.

    "When a Hill-girl grows lovely, she's well worth crossing 50 miles of bad country to lay eyes upon"

    As I get older I think more about death. Not in a negative way but only as a fact of life.

    When I was a soldier I fear I was not a very good soldier. Some guys looked at the enemy and boasted, “it's a good day to die.”

    I looked at the Thai ladies in Kilo Sip before I boarded an aircraft at U-Tapao and thought, I hope my balls will be intact when I get back tonight.

    Now at 65 I can see the end of my life on the horizon.

    "When a Hill-girl grows lovely, she's well worth crossing 50 miles of bad country to lay eyes upon." I know how I want to go out of this life. In the arms of a beautiful woman. I want my last memories to be of her smile and her scent and her sweet voice saying “go again please.”

    I don't think my attitude is disrespectful of Thai women. If you choose to think it shows a lack of character, so be it. It is my life and my spine is in good shape, thank you very much.

  7. You said she was a terrible shag.

    So you need to go back & confirm she's a terrible shag. Obsession.

    Rule #1. In Thailand you never lose your girl. You only lose your turn.

    I think every woman has the potential to be a terrible shag and a great shag. My first wife was beautiful and a great shag but completely nuts. My second wife was a little better looking than the first and a terrible shag.

    There were times I thought about going back to the first wife even though she was crazy. I talked to my second wife's new husband and he said she was great in bed. I don't doubt that she had changed. Kegel exercises and watching some Marylin Chambers movies would have done it nicely. Chambers really was a star but that is another story. She died a couple of years ago, I was sad.

    Beautiful women have a harder time being great in bed because they don't have to try as hard to succeed in life. Changes in lifestyle or experiences can motivate change in performance.

    Powderpuff is of course correct but after three years my turn was coming up again.

    Obsession? Ya, I'll cop to the obsession thing. Thailand, women, I even thought I was a little gay because I liked a lady boy but Jingthing, tells me I am hopelessly straight.


  8. Go for it. It seems like this is something you need to put to sleep.

    Life's too short for ''what if's''

    Say goodbye in the morning and carry on with your life.

    As always with these things, the thrill of the chase is often far more thrilling than the 'kill'

    Good luck.

    Good point, HD. I remember so many astonishingly beautiful women who were duds once we were alone. But, who knows about chemistry between two people? It works for some but not with others. Unless it is mutual there is seldom any excitement... except initially.

    I went to see her. I got there a few minutes before she started working. She came in wearing a simple black frock. No jewelry. She walked past me as she came in and touched my side by way of saying hello. She had never done that before. Women in general and especially Thai women think a lot about who they touch. I don't mean bar girls but just regular women. She is 30 maybe a bit older. I had given a lot of thought to what to say. I unleashed my next line on her, “lets go play for an hour.” She said she had to work till midnight and why had I not called her up as we could have played before work. I sighed. She said when is your girlfriend going away again. I said three weeks. She said, “I can wait three weeks.”

    She gave me her email address. She is tech savvy. She speaks English and probably a couple of other languages. She has a car and motorcycle. I don't think Thai women take scalps but if they did I imagine she would have a few hung outside her tipi. Oh well, three weeks and I'll find out.

  9. Hmmmmm, guess I don't understand. If you can do it when your girlfriend is away, why can't you do it when she's home?

    When home she is a clinging vine type. We go everywhere together even shower together. When she is home I am the perfect faithful significant other. I don't even look at other women. We shop together, do the household chores together and cook together. When she is gone she can do whatever she wants, being discreet, as can I.

    Hmmmm, to each his own.

    Discreet, eh? Wonder if she reads Thai Visa when she's away....

    GF does not speak nor read English and has no idea how to operate a computer. She is not a real high tech person. She can lock and unlock the door but that's about the extent of it. She does the laundry by hand because the washing machine intimidates her.

  10. Maybe he is comparing it to the Vietnam War when veterans lost the lottery and went off and lost their lives as well. In another filthy war which we had no business in, cost us everything and gained us nothing. Just like Iraq. Just my observation.

    May that soldier and all those who have made the ultimate sacrific in the name of politics rest in peace. :jap:

    Actually for the most dangerous years of the Vietnam conflict there was no lottery. Everyone registered for the draft and the men who had deferments did not have to go. At first you could get out of going if you were in college or married but those deferments were dropped as the manpower needs increased. At the height of the war they were even drafting for the Marine Corps. A lot of Americans moved to Canada to escape the draft and were eventually welcomed back into the country.

  11. I stayed in Thailand 1968, 69 and 70. When I went back to the States I went back to college.

    A lady from the student newspaper wanted to do an interview with me to find what it was like for me to come back to the States after so long in SEA.

    She asked what were the major differences that I was having a hard time adjusting to. I told her sleeping with one woman at a time and paying for beer and cigarettes. The beer, booze and cigarettes were free to the military.

    That was the end of the interview. She closed her notepad and walked out and slammed the door. The whole think lasted 10 seconds. Needless to say the interview never made the newspaper.

    Now I have no intentions of ever going back.

  12. Hmmmmm, guess I don't understand. If you can do it when your girlfriend is away, why can't you do it when she's home?

    When home she is a clinging vine type. We go everywhere together even shower together. When she is home I am the perfect faithful significant other. I don't even look at other women. We shop together, do the household chores together and cook together. When she is gone she can do whatever she wants, being discreet, as can I.

  13. Most Thais like seafood. You could give her crabs.


    Not to go off topic but I find it strange that I have never gotten crabs in Thailand. I got them three times with Western woman (non professional) but never in Thailand. Has anyone ever gotten crabs here? Ya ya I know all the kids get head lice because I used to be a teacher and saw treatment almost daily. So I know lice exist in large amounts here but I have never seen crabs.

  14. Three years ago I frequented a restaurant which had a number of stunning women employees. It was obvious they would not be on the market long.

    Soon the gold began to show up and then the diamonds.

    The girls were not about to be had by old retired punters they were going for fresh offshore meat.

    You would see the guys come in occasionally and the pair would make gu gu eyes at each other while the men were served lunch or dinner. It was all proper and the guys were polite and the ladies lady like.

    One of the women fascinated me. She was beautiful. Not in just a Thai sense but in an international sense. Big breasts, light brown hair and a beautiful body. She spoke decent English and had that talent to allow me to speak Thai to her and she spoke English to me.

    This rather odd method of communication serves to improve my Thai speaking ability and her English while confirming that we both understand each others language.

    I knew I was not going to compete with the young guys working offshore with big bucks to spend on a couple of months living off the rig or out of the mine or off the chopper. I just watched.

    Every day as I watched and she waited tables or cashiered something started to happen. Some kind of non verbal communication. I could tell there was a small undercurrent of electricity building.

    I tried to think of a good opening line. Something that would tug at her heart strings and let her know what a emotionally genuine, good hearted man I was.

    I thought and I thought as the days went by and finally one afternoon I said, “A thousand baht one hour after you get off work, OK?”

    She said no. I still came to the restaurant to eat and later that week asked her, “Today?” She said no again. Two more times I politely inquired if she would be available and on the last inquiry she said, OK.”

    She was even more beautiful au natural. She was technically OK but nothing to write home about. I was a little surprised. I had thought she would be a three ring circus.

    The next day I bought her a gold and semi precious stone ankle bracelet. She liked and wore it every day but I did not ask for her company again. This seemed to surprise her.

    In a few months she left and I heard she got married to three Falangs. She was good looking enough to deserve three men and I wrote off ever seeing her again.

    Yesterday I saw her buying a cup of coffee from a street vendor and she took it into a posh new restaurant. I hadn't seen her for three years but there she was.

    She exploded in smiles when I walked in. Remembered what I drink and zoomed over to my position at the table. Her first question was, “where is your girlfriend?” I responded in Thai, “girlfriend go home.” I asked about her three husbands and she didn't miss a beat and said she didn't have three husbands. “If she had three husbands why would she be working”, she said.

    I gave her a hundred baht tip for a 30 baht soda and said it was good to see her and left.

    I am convinced she is a shark, a tiger waiting to strike. I don't trust her at all. But she is so beautiful!

    Looks to me like she ate up her three husbands and is back looking for fresh meat. This time she looks hungry. I wonder how she would be in the sack now.

    What would do? I have three hours to make up my mind. GF comes back tomorrow and my window of opportunity will be closed for another three weeks. GF spends 3 weeks a month with me and one week up country (mutual agreement).

  15. I have no problem with people who disagree with me. I like a good discussion. But to demean me based on appearance when you have never seen me seems a bit lacking in logic. Or to demean what I have said if you have never taught in a government school seems lacking in accuracy.

    I don't know what your problem is but if you have anything to say based on experience in Thailand that differs from what I have posted feel free to post it. Why tell me I live in a fantasy world if you have no evidence to support your claim?

    You ought to understand that some people have been in Thailand much longer than you. And you ought also to understand that your education and your intellect serve only to convey the fact that you are a fool.

    It's up to you what you do next.

    You could write some more semi-literate pseudo-intellectual trash which would reinforce my opinion that you are an idiot.

    Or ....... you could make a decision to grow up and start acting like a man.

    Ultimately the choice is yours.

    But why be a little boy when you could be a big boy?

    Andrew young dude, I got to Thailand in 1968 and I doubt if you were here then. If I am wrong please correct me.

    Why just flame me? “your education and your intellect serve only to convey the fact that you are a fool.” that is a flame Andrew. “You could write some more semi-literate pseudo-intellectual trash which would reinforce my opinion that you are an idiot.” That is also a flame.

    'Flaming' is defined as posting or responding to a message in a way clearly intended to incite useless arguments, to launch personal attacks, to insult, or to be hateful towards other members. This includes useless criticism, and any other comments meant to incite anger.

    To restate, this is what I wrote, “I can't imagine why a man under 50 would come to Thailand and work. The opportunities have to be minuscule as opposed to the West. Exception Western companies operating in Thailand.

    Having said that a bar is not a place to meet a good girl. Not in Thailand or the West.

    Personally I have never been looking for a good girl.

    Good girls throw themselves at teachers in Thailand. The principal at one school where I worked even lined up a different woman to have lunch with me every day. The kids wanted to fix me up with mom and the ladies who cleaned the classrooms and made the school lunches all flirted with me outrageously. The ladies at the mayors office where I helped out on occasion were shameless flirts. People as I walked down the street would say hello Kru or Ajarn and want to chat. The songtau driver would ask me to sit up front with him so he could try and fix me up with his daughter a college girl.

    It was my experience that I got hit on at least twice a day simply because people realized I was a teacher and not a sex tourist. So I don't know there the OP is coming from. Maybe you should change schools. I have found that government schools with a male principal and all female staff are far more conducive to fun after class.”

    Try responding to what I said instead of mocking me as a person. If you don't agree with something I said fine, say so. If you think I am wrong, fine state that. Why flame me? It serves no purpose. If what I said is in error point that out. I don't have any problem with you not agreeing with me.

  16. Do we have all of the BRICs now? Next superpowers to be are not happy so sharpen up old world!


    India has expressed regret about the airstrikes on Libya carried out by France, Britain and the United States, calling for a peaceful solution to the crisis."It regrets the airstrikes that are taking place. The measures adopted should mitigate and not exacerbate an already difficult situation for the people of Libya," a statement by the Indian foreign ministry said on Sunday.

    The Arab League also condemned the aerial attacks, saying the aim of the UN resolution was to protect civilians, but the West's military action has worsened the humanitarian conditions.

    Three sentences, right metisdead?;)


    That is a great link Tiger. Did you read the comments?

    You Western Viking-German Jesuit-Zionists that want the extermination of all......

    Dutch immigration authorities (as a matter of policy) make Muslim immigrants forcibly watch obscene videos of lustful nude topless Dutch women and videograph their reactions.

    THE JESUITS are massacring faithful Sunni and Shiites every night.

    And I am just scratching the surface. The part about Angela Merkel getting groped by GW is especially good. I would have quoted the Bill and Hillary thing but it too far out (phallus-cooker sex-maniac pervert). You must know the guy. Seriously, mention to him about Thai Visa like Orac said. The guys a hoot. Thanks again for the link. Now I know why you read Pravda. It is really quite entertaining.

  17. Good girls throw themselves at teachers in Thailand. The principal at one school where I worked even lined up a different woman to have lunch with me every day. The kids wanted to fix me up with mom and the ladies who cleaned the classrooms and made the school lunches all flirted with me outrageously. The ladies at the mayors office where I helped out on occasion were shameless flirts. People as I walked down the street would say hello Kru or Ajarn and want to chat. The songtau driver would ask me to sit up front with him so he could try and fix me up with his daughter a college girl.

    It was my experience that I got hit on at least twice a day simply because people realized I was a teacher and not a sex tourist. So I don't know there the OP is coming from. Maybe you should change schools. I have found that government schools with a male principal and all female staff are far more conducive to fun after class.

    Enjoy your fantasy world, little man.

    I could be cruel and ask you to post a photo of yourself.

    But .... I won't do that. It would be too much like taking candy from a baby.

    I rarely go to bars and don't date bar girls. Don't get me wrong I used to when I was learning about Thailand. Nor do I fault anyone who does. In many ways it is a simple solution to an age old problem. I don't go to bars simply because I don't like drunks.

    I taught in government schools and colleges in Thailand for 4 years. I have a pretty good understanding of how the system works.

    I have no problem with people who disagree with me. I like a good discussion. But to demean me based on appearance when you have never seen me seems a bit lacking in logic. Or to demean what I have said if you have never taught in a government school seems lacking in accuracy.

    I don't know what your problem is but if you have anything to say based on experience in Thailand that differs from what I have posted feel free to post it. Why tell me I live in a fantasy world if you have no evidence to support your claim?

    Do you really think being rude is it's own reward?

  18. If the USA is smart it stays out of this. It should do what the Germans, French and Italians do: Offer empty platitudes about the need for peace. That way no one has to deal with the crisis. The USA should focus on getting out of Iraq, finding a way out of Afghanistan and helping its ally Japan with the nuclear crisis.

    Again, I agree.

    Unfortunately the opposite is true. Smart are the Germans - they stay out of this.

    The US isn't smart and pushing this and telling empty platitudes about peace, the French joined this time the stupidity.

    That nuclear reactor in Japan is a completely different issue than the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Factually incorrect!

    French initiated the action and were the first to send jets. That would be the reason why French president's name is chanted all over the streets by the rebels(just turn your TV on any news channel)

    USA is not the leading country and has said so numerous times already.

    Germany did not support it to start with, however now officially regrets NOT being part of it and hence already pledged 5 000 000 euro

    Listening to TV reports apparently the German government is quite upset (embarrassed) at misreading the will of it's citizens on this issue. I would not be surprised to see some change in German policy.

  19. I can't imagine why a man under 50 would come to Thailand and work. The opportunities have to be minuscule as opposed to the West. Exception Western companies operating in Thailand.

    Having said that a bar is not a place to meet a good girl. Not in Thailand or the West.

    Personally I have never been looking for a good girl.

    Good girls throw themselves at teachers in Thailand. The principal at one school where I worked even lined up a different woman to have lunch with me every day. The kids wanted to fix me up with mom and the ladies who cleaned the classrooms and made the school lunches all flirted with me outrageously. The ladies at the mayors office where I helped out on occasion were shameless flirts. People as I walked down the street would say hello Kru or Ajarn and want to chat. The songtau driver would ask me to sit up front with him so he could try and fix me up with his daughter a college girl.

    It was my experience that I got hit on at least twice a day simply because people realized I was a teacher and not a sex tourist. So I don't know there the OP is coming from. Maybe you should change schools. I have found that government schools with a male principal and all female staff are far more conducive to fun after class.

  20. Well I think the odds are pretty high unless your in some high class joints, the last place I would want to find my future soul mate would be in a bar.

    One can only assume that you have not been into a bar/club that is not on/around Sukhumwit/Silom in BKK.

    Route 66 is full of Thais ... 99% of which would ignore a 30-something farang. The same with most of RCA and Ratchada.

    Current GF was DJ at club in RCA. She is 35 I am 65. She worked in RCA for 8 years.

  21. When I lived in Pattaya four years ago there were three dancers at the Jade who had Falang Giks. That's what they called them. The rest of the dancers had Thai Giks. All of the girls referred to the men they were dating after work as Giks. The girls spent about 1,000,000 baht a year on the Giks. The money was spent for gold, clothes, cell phones, drugs and booze when they went out after work.

    In the Karoke bars in the little town where I now live the girls have Thai Giks. That's what they call them and the girls pay the bills. One Thai Gik even got a chopper. Falang owns the bar and his wife manages it and her boyfriend is referred to by everyone as a Gik.

    I know a young Falang (50%/50% Thai American) teacher who dates the principal of the school and she buys him gold and clothes and when they go out she pays.

    I know another lady up North married to a German old guy and she has 9 Thai Giks. The locals tolerate it but think she is a bit much.

    From my experience with Giks the lady is the one who pays.

    If anyone posting on this forum has an honest relationship with wife or girlfriend you will be able to confirm this.

    Why would a Thai man get a female Gik? Sex is free or at worst very economic. Why confine yourself to one woman?

    I think Gik is mostly used by Thais to refer to a boyfriend of a female who pays the bills. If a man has a steady women not his wife it would be called a mia noi.

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