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Posts posted by mark45y

  1. On the towel question, it's probably because they really don't want you to see them, they don't really like you, and they don't really want to be in that situation at all. Who could ever get over that?

    Have you ever had a relationship with a bar girl?

    Have you ever lived with a bar girl and her family?

    Have you ever met a bar girls parents?

    Have you spent much time in brothels in Thailand?

    I would submit that you don't have a clue about what you are writing in this area.

    Naive is an understatement.

  2. Once upon a time I ran a really fancy restaurant. A blind guy came in with his dog. I told him I would take him to his table and assist him in any way he desired but he insisted on bringing his dog. I refused and he called the cops. He was quite adamant about the issue. The cops came and I learned my lesson. I apologised to the blind man and promised all concerned I would never do it again. After that I got used to dogs in even a white table cloth hi so restaurant. No problems.

    Actually, the initial theme and subsequent fodder for this thread has really nothing to do with dogs in restaurants....but instead the angst and disgust is directed towards the usual suspects of the Thai culture and their different practices. The dog aspect is just a guised conduit to drive a means to an end.

    Ya, I know. Too bad. The place I stop for espresso daily (25 baht) has a resident pug dog. The dog is old as the hills. She comes and peacefully sniffs my shoes under the table and goes to sleep while I drink my coffee. I could go to Black Canyon and pay three times as much but I kind of like the dog and small businesses in general. The espresso has a bit too much Robusta for my taste but for 25 baht I can't complain.

  3. If I get a choice of table beside a dog or children then the dog will get me every time.

    Dogs in restaurants are a no no. There is nothing worse than when you are settling down and enjoying a good meal, than to see a blood engorged grey tick slowly climbing up the wall.

    The last time I checked seeing eye dogs were allowed in all restaurants in the US (by law).

    Don't know about the rest of the world.

    So your statement about dogs being a no no in restaurants is incorrect.

    The exception proves the rule, Mark... though I'm on the side of the dogs myself!

    Once upon a time I ran a really fancy restaurant. A blind guy came in with his dog. I told him I would take him to his table and assist him in any way he desired but he insisted on bringing his dog. I refused and he called the cops. He was quite adamant about the issue. The cops came and I learned my lesson. I apologised to the blind man and promised all concerned I would never do it again. After that I got used to dogs in even a white table cloth hi so restaurant. No problems.

  4. If I get a choice of table beside a dog or children then the dog will get me every time.

    Dogs in restaurants are a no no. There is nothing worse than when you are settling down and enjoying a good meal, than to see a blood engorged grey tick slowly climbing up the wall.

    The last time I checked seeing eye dogs were allowed in all restaurants in the US (by law).

    Don't know about the rest of the world.

    So your statement about dogs being a no no in restaurants is incorrect.

  5. So Pattaya is a dump because you can't smoke dope and drink all night?

    No, IMO Pattaya is a dump because it is the World's foremost sex-tourism destination filled with mongers from all over the World paying poor farm girls for sex.

    I merely mentioned smoking and drinking because the other poster indicated Pattaya could be a good place to do both. I indicated Cambodia is currently better for both activities, which it clearly is.

    Do try to keep up.

    I'll try and keep up but I fail to see what your rant about Pattaya has to do with illegal cigarettes? Why would you bother us to listen to your parochial views on sin in Pattaya when discussing illegal cigarettes? Sounds like you have an obsession. Smoking dope and drinking and prostitution are the subjects you interjected in this thread. Why not stay on topic instead of exposing us to your inner mind. Keep it to yourself.

  6. And I always thought Cambodia was "the dump" ... they allow sex with underage kids don't they? quite horrible the last time I visited.

    On the other hand Pattaya is becoming really good thanks to the excellent work of Lord Mayor Khun Ittipol Khunplome.

    Cambodian people are far friendlier than Thais I find and it is still largely and thankfully free of the singlet wearing mouth-breathers that seem to occupy all of Pattaya.

    FYI, Cambodia is far more visibly active at tackling Paedophilia and child sex tourism in general than Thailand, and you can enjoy a drink legally at all hours and a wee smoke if you are into that sort of thing.

    Enjoy being arrested then extorted for a tiny bit of weed and being told to go home when the bars close at 1am in Pattaya though, whatever floats yer boat.

    Yeah, Pattaya is much better. :lol:

    So Pattaya is a dump because you can't smoke dope and drink all night?

    Or the reverse that Pattaya would not be a dump if you could smoke and drink all night?

    Good points. TAT needs you right away.

  7. So sad, whilst most of the world makes progress against misogyny you can trust Islamic clerical extremists to head even further in the reverse direction.


    An Egyptian cleric in 2009 decreed that men and women may only work together in offices if the women have breast-fed the men. That cleric was forced to retract the decree, and was fired, then reinstated. But the decree was reiterated by another cleric in Saudi Arabia. :ph34r::crazy:

    The divide is too great and the common ground is too small.

    One side has to win and one side has to lose.

    Western civilization is too liberal to fight the battle.

    Give it to China and be done with it.

  8. Marriage is what makes the Thai bar girls different. With the exception of some hard core pros most women enter into the bar business to find a husband. The reasons are as various as women in the business.

    Walking down the street I heard a, “Hello Mark.” and I turned to look. “My God Jung, your father would kill you if he knew you were here.” “He not know, away business.” “Why are you here?” “Want buy paw present.” I am always amazed.

    Reasons apart from the standard, take care family, include education, cell phones, motorcycle payment, gold for boyfriend and the list is endless.

    The reasons are as diverse as the ages from 18 to 60. I met one 60 year old lady with 8 children and 15 grandchildren, she was in the bar because the grandkids were driving her crazy. “Yi this, yi that is all I hear. Yi I want candy, yi I want go store.” “Let my lazy daughters take care of kids I go work bar for holiday.”

    Thailand is different. Thai bar girls are different. 90% if the time if you speak Thai you will get an honest answer to almost any question you ask.

    If none of the above rings true to you get out of the typical bar areas in into the Thai hinterland.

  9. In the last couple of days, three or more threads were started, apparently with the sole purpose of ridiculing the original poster; one has since been closed down, unfortunately; we should appreciate the remainder while we still can, while bearing in mind the remote possibility that people are not as daft as they seem from their posts


    Getting back on topic - are there any tinkers on this forum?

    Does anyone really believe that tinkers are superior?

    OK u folks, I got much taut at the early birdy time to tink. I dunno. My girly girl say all da time I am Bun ya on. Me be tinking that is a tard!! What u say bro?

  10. No, you cannot get this over the counter in a pharmacy.

    The odds of having contacted HIV from a single exposure is low, lower tsill if there was partial protection from a condom. Most doctors would recommend against PEP in such a case unless it were known for sure that the woman was HIV positive or there is other high risk factor such as open sores on the penis.

    There is certainly no need to preemptively treat for STIs as men are usually symptomatic, you'll know within a few days.

    When you get back home, get an HIV PCR test when 14 days have passed since the exposure. Obviously, in the interim, you must use condoms with all partners or else avoid sex altogether. This will probably require telling your wife, which you should, and which will likely make the no sex a fait accompli for a while ;)

    "This will probably require telling your wife"

    Not entirely sure of the wisdom of this move.

    I think this would make a fascinating topic don't know what forum would be appropriate though. I don't think I am the right person to start the thread. Maybe someone else will volunteer.

  11. Thailand was just the reverse.

    PEPSI owned this market for decades.

    In Thailand the generic name for a brown fizzy sugary soft drink was & is "Pepsi"

    Marketing grand slam.

    Akin to "Kleenex" or a pom saying "I'm going home to HOOVER my rugs"

    Coke is still a distant second place.

    I go in restuarants & say "give me a coke" (cuz I am American) - lots of times you get "We only have Pepsi is that OK?" lol - hell yeah

    One thing about soda in Thailand that I have not figured out is why Buddha likes strawberry soda.

  12. Sorry dude but YUM brands was owned by Pepsi. KFC & Pizza Hut have always served Pepsi products AFAIK.

    Stand to be corrected.

    You are correct. But I was talking about way back when before Pepsi became a fast food owner as I remember it.

    There was a lot of talk by Coke of staying loyal to Coke because Pepsi was going to be a competitive entity. I believe what you are talking about happened roughly the same time period as I am talking about.

    My statements were mostly involving the burger big three at the time, Mac, Burger King and Wendy's.

  13. So tell us, Gravion, where is your domicile, current and past?

    Inquiring minds want to know....

    Speak for yourself; I prefer abusive speculation


    I don't particlarly care where he is from, although it would be interesting to know, but I wonder where people talk and write like that in English.

    Where do grown men say, tee hee hee giggle giggle? Or "hey anyoone reckons most of thai police got wide backs."

    I've got 500 baht - no, say 100 baht; no I'll resist the temptation to wager all together...

    I've got a talking sock puppet who says he's a refugee from Sammyboy in Singapore.

    What makes you think he is a grown man? He's probably Singaporean.


    That was the first thing I thought of, Sammyboy. Bro, I would say you are correct.

  14. I thought I made it clear in the OP that the lady was not a professional bar girl, she certainly never worked in a whorehouse.

    I thought and I thought as the days went by and finally one afternoon I said, “A thousand baht one hour after you get off work, OK?”

    She said no. I still came to the restaurant to eat and later that week asked her, “Today?” She said no again. Two more times I politely inquired if she would be available and on the last inquiry she said, OK.”

    Your personal definition of prostitution is a bit outside the traditional one

    Forgive a small journey into the past. Once upon a time Texas was completely dominated by Coke. Coke had the entire market. If one wanted a Pepsi you were simply out of luck in any fast food restaurant.

    Pepsi sneaked in and took over a small segment of the market in South Texas by changing about 100 Wendy's hamburger restaurants to Pepsi.

    This created major concerns in the hallowed halls of Coke. It was a small chink in the armor of the cola giant and it had to be stopped.

    They sent their best and brightest VP to shore up the market. She was a stunner. She had risen quickly in the ranks with her flawless academic credentials and work performance. She also wore short skirts and had big boobs.

    I controlled 10 Wendy's restaurants. She zeroed in on my restaurants serving Pepsi.

    What I got for the deal? A go cart formula 1 replica to drive in parades, a million dollars in shared ad expenditures and her in bed for the weekend. I switched to coke. Was she a prostitute? I don't know but the principle stuck with me. Men will do a lot of unusual things for sex and women will do a lot of unusual things for money and power.

  15. Almost every hetero male on this forum gets to consort with Thai women if they so choose -- I wonder why you think that your experiences are so unique or elucidating with your Yoda-like explanations of how the game -- at least in your perception -- is played ...

    I think you would be surprised to see how many guys can't get a date in a whorehouse!

    (or maybe not :D)

    At my age, appearance and general demeanor I am pleasantly surprised when I get a date anywhere.

  16. Jaapfries you need to respond more often. :clap2:

    I think he meant it seriously


    Dear StreetCowboy & CanuckKamuck,

    We have a little saying where I come from and I'm sure you've heard it before.

    At the risk of 'upsetting' the Rudyard Kipling swinging poster, here goes:

    "You Can Lead A Horse To The River, But You Can't Force Him To Drink"

    Like I said: nonsensical drivel by an obvious moron of epic proportions !

    Not worth wasting my time.

    Feel very sorry for him, though.

    Everybody has problems. Some more than others and I sense you have had your share.

    I am not married. I try and approach life in a light hearted way and not get too serious about the whole thing.

    I get up every morning and thank my higher power for life today. If anything I plan on doing today does not happen I will not lose any sleep over it.

    My ex wives and kids are fine back in Farang land and happily living their lives. I am here and happily living my life without much of the baggage that I used to carry.

    Best wishes.

  17. It is fascinating that the worlds experts on love are all in Thailand crowing over there conquests with hired helpers.

    I thought I made it clear in the OP that the lady was not a professional bar girl, she certainly never worked in a whorehouse.

    To be more forthcoming I asked her out three times before she consented to go out with me. Matter of fact she stood me up twice which upset me a bit.

    I am pretty sure since I saw her for the first time she had three Farang husbands. You may think of this as some kind of prostitute but I don't think a married women, even though with three husbands is generally considered a prostitute.

    Her husbands were young men working off shore as far as I know. My working hypothesis is at least two of them found out about each other. I think one of them punched her in the mouth and knocked out at least two of her lower front teeth. Watching her radiant smile I noticed something strange about her lower jaw like she had a new bridge or it had been recently broken (could be just my imagination).

    I am certainly no expert in love as I have been married three times. I do have some knowledge in marriages and divorce though. It has been my experience with marriage over 40 years that it has little to do with love (just my opinion) maybe the reverse is true.

  18. So tell us, Gravion, where is your domicile, current and past?

    Inquiring minds want to know....

    Speak for yourself; I prefer abusive speculation


    I don't particlarly care where he is from, although it would be interesting to know, but I wonder where people talk and write like that in English.

    Where do grown men say, tee hee hee giggle giggle? Or “hey anyoone reckons most of thai police got wide backs.”

  19. Mark teacher grading little Andrew from Bangkok.

    Reading comprehension, F

    Oh Mark -- you villainous little man!

    Actually, my reading comprehension is second to none.

    But my abilities don't stop there. You see, I'm also able to detect a mile away the scent of ordure which rises each and every time you post your ill-judged and semi-literate drivel.

    That's not to say that the scent is overwhelming. It isn't. But it is nonetheless a little "obvious".

    Well little Andrew what you say may all be true but unless you are the person of the second coming you have to present a reasoned argument to support your beliefs. This is not kindergarten where the big bully with the most friends wins. You have to support what you say, not, "oh well you know he is wrong because I said so." You may be able to detect ordure a mile away because it is self generated. I welcome your comments on anything in the OP that strikes you as disingenuous. Your opinions of me personally are not the topic of this thread but feel free to start your own thread on them if you wish.

  20. I am interested in where Gravion's writing style comes from. He sounds remotely like a character on that TV show, "Outsourced." Where do people come from who write like Gravion? Does he talk like he writes? Where do those people come from? How old are they? My best guess would be teens from India or Singapore but I am not sure. Does anyone have a clue?

    My guess is England. He use's 'our' instead of 'or' and refers to the "Telly"

    He is probably in his 20's and using a mobile to post, hence using txt-style writing.

    I think he seems like a nice guy who isn't ashamed, nor should he, or anybody else.

    Language can tell you a lot about a person and motivation along with an extra perception of what they really mean.

    The poster uses the expression, “tee hee hee giggle giggle” in another post and uses the words bro and little brother (body part reference). Is this London talk?

  21. I believe the sex worker is fretting about you giving her something dreadful as we speak.

    I hope you wife was not doing the mailman while you were paying for it here.

    That said, eat lots of somtam pla ra, It will sweat all pathogens out.

    In the interest of accuracy condom or no condom is an item negotiable by price. Frequency of condom usage is determined by location and nationality catered to in most cases.

  22. Let's see if I've got this right.

    Little 65 year-old English teacher Mark went into a restaurant.

    He met an attractive prostitute.

    He paid said prostitute to have sex.

    Three years later he met said prostitute in a different restaurant.

    Said prostitute recognized him.

    Little Mark offered to pay said prostitute for sex again.

    Said prostitute declined.

    Debate now centers on whether the story is true or whether it's a load of "bullocks".

    Mark teacher grading little Andrew from Bangkok.

    Reading comprehension, F

    Reading between the lines, F

    Prejudice against teachers, A

    Prejudice against old people, A

  23. To be honest mate, I think you are flapping over nothing.

    But to be safe, get a check up when you get home. Just have to tell your wife you have a headache until you are sure.

    Good luck

    If you are really concerned you could try the zip your penis in your zipper ploy. While zipping up your pants with your wife present scream and pretend you have caught your penis in your zipper. Tell her it hurts too much to have sex for a while. Or the stomach ache and vomiting thing because of food poisoning picked up in Thailand. Wife will not ask you to have sex if your vomit before you go to bed. Make noises while over the toilet and keep a mouthful of water to spit up if she comes in to check on you.

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