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Posts posted by mark45y

  1. When Thailand invaded Burma during WW II they increased the opium production from 8 to 36 tons. Times have sure changed.

    580 tons seems hard to believe and also hard to hide. Boy that is a lot of opium. When I was in the hospital for an operation in Thailand the doc told me I couldn't have any after 3 days. Gee you would think with 580 tons just across the border he would not have been so stingy.

    580 tons wholesale $1,740,000,000

    Retail, $9,280,000,000

    Baht 278,400,000,000

  2. Most of them were from other Arab countries and had immigrated to Jerusalem because the Jewish majority had made it thrive and then declared war on the Jews and lost. Arafat was Egyptian.

    Read some legitimate history books before posting such twaddle. :whistling:

    The flip side of that coins is the fact that alot of Jews from Europe flocked to what is now called Israel after British handed then Palestine to the Jews. ;)

    And a lot more Jews flocked to Israel after the surrounding Arab countries drove them out simply for being Jewish.

    By the way, the Brits stabbed the Jews in the back by allowing rampant Arab immigration and doing their best to stop the Jews. It is no secret that they played both sides against the middle. ;)

    Then one must ask these questions. Why is this so? Why, throughout history, have they been persecuted by the Germans, the British, the Arabs? And why now in the present day are countires such as France, Indonesia, Russia, UK, USA and UN etc etc condeming Israels policies on Palestine and pushing for the establishment of an Palestinian state?

    Children who play fair at school are usually popular amongst thier peers.

    Forgive my not understanding your "children who play fair reference." Did you mean that if children in Germany did not play fair they should be sent to the gas chambers? You mentioned Germans persecuting Jews in your above post. Perhaps you could explain a bit more about it.

  3. It is one thing for the US & allies to make this move it is another when Russia & China state openly calls for stability.

    China and Russia didn't vote against the no-fly resolution, they abstained. Both could have vetoed the resolution, but neither chose to do so. They aren't backing Gadaffi. I don't buy the 'war for oil' theory this time. Libyan production is quite small compared to the likes of Iraq, and the guy is a genuine nut case. I think its a good thing that other governments have decided to step in and stop a slaughter.

    I agree. P.S. also Brazil abstained on the Sec.Council. China will ALWAYS lean to commercial interests over human rights. That's why they aren't involved either with Iraq or Afghanistan, except to rush in after the coalition does the dirty work, and, with big smiles, wave mineral contracts offers in the faces of locals. China didn't get involved in East Timor, in the Balkans. Its only involvement with Sudan was to try and make commercial deals on the fringes.

    One of the spookiest moments for Chinese foreign policy thugs was when Bosnia declared and achieved independence from Serbia. Scary visions of Tibet and Taiwan gaining full sovereignty tormented politburo minds. It's also no surprise that the movie Avatar was forced to stop showing in China in its 2nd week, while it was breaking records for attendance. It shows low-tech insurgents taking on and beating the bloated established military regime.

    I think it is obvious who instigated the rebel uprising. Who was the first to recognize them? Who was the first to call for military action? France of course.

    If you think France could incite 90% of men in Libya, between the ages of 15 and 45, into a sustained armed insurrection - you're naive indeed.

    If you're against the armed intervention, then perhaps you're in favor of insurgents and bystanders getting killed by Gadaffi's armed forces.

    Me naive!!! I simply don't care. Countries get the governments they deserve. If the Libyans want to be rid of Gadaffi then they go to a major country and promise them financial rewards or make it seem somehow that a regime change is in the interest of the other country. That's what Ben Franklin did with the French and I assume someone in the new Libyan government did the same thing.

    If a country wants to kill it's own citizens so be it. When they get tired of being killed they can change governments.

    I've been there and done that and got the T shirt and let me tell you no one said thanks for helping.

  4. "Life in Libya

    To remind: Libya occupies the first spot on the Human Development Index for Africa and it has the highest life expectancy on the continent. Libya attained the highest per capita income among African states. Libya enjoys the highest gross domestic product (GDP) at purchasing power parity (PPP) per capita of all of Africa.

    The quality of life is over a hundred times better than it was when he took over in 1969, when he instilled a policy of control of Libyan resources by Libyans for Libyans, then literacy rates rose from 10 to 90 per cent.

    Education and health receive special attention from the State. The cultural level of its population is without a doubt the highest. Everyone has a home, can afford cars and all the necessities of life. In short, Gaddafi has constructed a new sort of society, one that works very well and one where the people participate.

    During the global crisis when food prices soared, Gaddafi's government eliminated the taxes in order to make food more affordable.

    The construction of a broad network of giant pipelines was undertaken (the "Great Man-Made River") bringing fresh water from an enormous lake beneath its large desert, in order to serve the needs of Libya's 6 million population."

    So why was it attacked?

    Read here http://english.pravda.ru/opinion/columnists/14-03-2011/117194-us_imperialists_all_options_on_the_table-0/

    I agree. And Russia was better off under Stalin than Czar Nicholos. You just can't please some people can ya?

  5. I don't buy the 'war for oil' theory this time. Libyan production is quite small compared to the likes of Iraq, and the guy is a genuine nut case. I think its a good thing that other governments have decided to step in and stop a slaughter.

    Size of production does not matter when all oil is traded in the world reserve currency USD

    If the production is so small why then in the US stock markets oil jumped from $85 a barrel to over $107?

    Yes agreed & none will argue that Gaddafi is a nut...Has been for decades...That did not stop many heads of States from shaking his hand in the past

    As to the slaughter while I dont doubt folks have been killed.....Here in the US they spoke of hundreds then thousands & have as yet only ever shown two dead in a hospital from gun shot wounds.

    I would think thousands dead would be covered by more than a picture of two laying dead in a hospital.

    At the end of the day there are more questions than answers in Libya

    I think it is probably fair to state that the people of the US, UK, France, China and Russia have absolutely no say in the way the countries are governed and the actions taken by the military of the countries.

    I would imagine that Chinese and Russians have even less control of their government that the UK, US and France.

    I also wonder if Obama has any pull. I have always thought Hillary was running things but I could be wrong.

    I think this current action pretty well signals the end of the present administration in the US.

    It would be hard to pick a country the US electorate cares less about than Libya.

    Don't get me wrong I am not anti US but fellas, they have all jumped off the deep end on this one.

  6. FLASH: China expresses regret about military attacks on Libya, calls for stability to be restored to Libya as soon as possible/RT@Reuters

    Russia & now China have spoken.....only awaiting India now.

    It is one thing for the US & allies to make this move it is another when Russia & China state openly calls for stability.

    Add to that Gaddafi's statement that when this is done ( if he is still in power ) Western oil companies will be kicked out of Libya & all oil will be directed from Libya to Russia, China & India

    Adds a twist to it?

    Going into Libya under the guise of saving the citizens is total bullshit, we all know it's about OIL. It's a shame that the same premise was not considered in Rwanda when 1000s were slaughtered, but then again they don't have any OIL do they!

    We are pumping that crude out of Afghanistan, yes sir.

    But you are preaching to the choir here. The only one who wants military action in Libya in this thread is Soft George.

    You should address your comments to him.


    when the dust settles and the new muslim regime backed by Al Qaeda is in control, these insurgents will spit on their new found friendship with the western allies, as the infidels they see us as

    this is a major blunder by all the parties involved, they should have left it well alone and let this civil war work itself out.........

    Agreed, but you have to ask , who instigated the rebel uprising? It's all part of a bigger picture and these tactics have been used for decades.

    I think it is obvious who instigated the rebel uprising. Who was the first to recognize them? Who was the first to call for military action? France of course.

  8. I read three threads and I can only find one poster who wants the West to intervene in Libya, Soft George. Did I miss anyone?

    Um the U.N and Arab Nations just to name a few. I do not condone the mad man killing his own people. Now that the can of worms has been opened Gadaffi has to be removed and no I am not saying kill him.

    I understand the UN and Arab nations, because they after all are all in the US's pocket. I meant posters on Thai Visa.

    You seem to stand alone in calling for the US minions like France to bomb Libya. Do you really think Gaddafi will leave without someone killing him?

  9. http://rianovosti.com/analysis/20110317/163063719.html

    More and more experts are coming to the conclusion that non-Arab Africa will fall victim of revolutions. The delayed action mine planted by the Europeans during colonization will definitely have a cumulative effect on the whole of central Africa, Yevgeny Satanovsky, president of the Middle East Institute claims. In an interview with Samir Shakhbaz he also insists that Russia must avoid getting involved in possible wars”

    Interesting read, now Russia got its oil so they are not so keen on war. The US, GB and France have a different situation.

    Nations without oil or minerals can off course do as they please without US interference.

    One positive result of the latest assault is that NATO is cracking up as Germany steps aside.


    Svensk, you need to take a clue from Soft George he says, "Hello Hello the US have they forgotted they were not alone in this. Here we go again the U.S charge to the rescue. The US are playing a small part in this stop taking all the bloody credit as usual. Have the US ever heard of France, England, Canada and Arab nations who are also involved? Yes USA there are other countries in the world."

    It is not just the US this time. You need to be more even in your condemning of nations.

  10. The street food is good...it's just those filthy plates and utensils I avoid.

    Yes i agree, some of the street's food can compete

    with the food served in the best hotels (for taste).....but how do you manage to

    achieve the second part? do you get hand feeded by the vendor directly or by

    just telling her to throw it on the floor? :crazy:

    I think he means you ask the vendor to put it in a plastic bag and take it home to eat.

  11. Exactly, he wasn't joking man. I think he was making the comment that the international image is that a man with a Thai woman is also with a prostitute. Sorry if it offends you, but this image does exist. I'm married to a Thai woman as well, with a son, but I don't take offense to this comment. It's just the way it is and, hey, look around. There are a lot of prostitutes and ladyboys for that matter. whistling.gif

    I hate when Thais mistake the prostitute I am with for my wife. :D

    My daughter(39 years old) was visiting and told me the lady she saw me with was a “saucy little wench.” It was my girlfriend's mother who I was taking to the market.

    I think my daughter meant it as a compliment.

    What to say? I just nodded my head.

  12. Once again a basic thread gets hijacked by those with an agenda of hate. Here's a dose of reality. The entry of Saudi forces was legal and occurred at the request of an internationally recognized and accepted government. One may not approve and one may not like it, but it is a legal action.


    The USA is one of the few western countries that has shown diplomatic tact and restraint in the entire mess, but don'tlet that stop the hate speech. I sense another thread closure since some people can't be civil

    Why is US backing force in Libya but not Bahrain, Yemen?

    By Andrew North

    BBC News, Washington

    What's the difference between Libya and Yemen or Bahrain?

    All three states have been using violence to crush pro-democracy protests.

    But only against Libya are the US and its Western allies planning a military response.

    Yemen and Bahrain's crackdowns have so far been met only with words, not action.

    On one level the answer is obvious.

    Bahrain and Yemen are US allies - especially Bahrain with its large US naval base. Libya is not.



    Excellent question. There is a big dose of hypocrisy going on in. It is a good lesson for students of politics etc but the sad thing is people are dying in Yemen and Bahrain. No doubt a bunch more unnecessary radicalisation and anti-westernism will stem from this silly and niave foreign policy of doing one thing uif we like the state and another if we dont while going on about demcoracy, human rights and bizarrely considering Saudi is an acceptable government women's rights

    Just so I get the players on the right teams, Hammered, do you think the Western democracies should send armed force to aid the people of Libya, Yemen, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia?

  13. The other thing no one has mentioned will be obvious to anyone who has been a teacher in a government school in a small town setting in Thailand. Boys are allowed to hit and dominate girls in school. They are allowed to strike and harass them almost at will. This behavior reinforces male dominance and allows all but the most independent females to be overly influenced by young Thai men.

  14. This explains why 85 percent of twenty- to thirty-year-old males think about sex every fifty-two seconds and women think about it once a day -- or up to three or four times on their most fertile days.

    Your age is showing. You are stuck in your upbringing, with old values, and try to squeeze the world into the model. It doesn't fit.

    I can by experience, and reported experience from friends, tell you that women think about sex as much as us. And those that can act on it - do.

    Yours truly, Mr 'rarely needs to take the first step'.

    My age is showing!!!! Your limited experience is showing.

    10:33AM GMT 08 Jan 2010

    Researchers found the average male turns their thoughts to sexual intercourse 13 times a day – a total of 4,745 times every year.

    Almost a third even admitted it is often the first thing they think about when they wake up in the mornings.

    In comparison, women think about sex just five times day – or 1,825 times a year.

    A spokesman for market research company www.Onepoll.com said: ''Men are well-known for thinking about sex a lot, but to find out exactly how often is staggering.

    Suggest you read some research on a very well documented topic rather than your anecdotal evidence of a very small group of people who live in a land dominated by women who understand the male sexual being despite their limited access to education or modern feminist training and indoctrination.

  15. Hope my posting does not hurt anyone.

    I noticed that many are quick to blame thai males as being irresponsible and bad fathers and the cause of many unwanted pregnancies and also desserting the girls and kids etc.......not sure how much of this is true....what i have seen in the last 19 years in Thailand is that these days......thai females are more promiscious than the guys. Also , I see a lot of thai females trying to hook and take care of younger males who look good and also a lot of girls always want to hook a cute young male as a bf and most of the time they use sex. I have seen many cases where its the young girls who actually seduce the young guys and then oops...gets pregnant. males are males...give us an opportunity and what do u expect? Some of these young guys are not ready for a relationship and worst still parenthood and what do u expect them to do....flee off course. I think that serious education should first start with the thai females. Stop blaming thai guys. You should sometimes eavesdrop on some of these office girls and female students and you will be shock as to their levels of morality, etc.

    Why the higher standard on the females? Do females not also have hormonal urges? Why is it expected a guy is always going to grab sex and the run away but not okay for the girls to want sex. Your post is extremely sexist and out of date. It is these attitudes that attribute greatly to these problems. As long as we pretend girls don't have the same urges they will remain uneducated.

    Males have double the brain space and processing power devoted to sex as females. Just as women have an eight-lane superhighway for processing emotion while men have a small country road, men have an International Airport as a hub of processing thoughts about sex whereas women have the airfield nearby that lands small and private planes.

    This explains why 85 percent of twenty- to thirty-year-old males think about sex every fifty-two seconds and women think about it once a day -- or up to three or four times on their most fertile days.

    I suppose you have noticed that there is a significant industry in Thailand catering to male sexual needs and a very small almost non existent one catering to female sexual needs.

  16. The wise old man is proven more ”fidel” every hour.

    UN and HATO have served out their old role as world and peace protectors. They are now in the hands of the mega companies working for mega dollars.


    Dear EnSvenskTiger. I am confused on this one. Do you favor intervention in Libya and Bahrain by other countries to protect civilians or are you in favor of seeing the current dictators sort things out themselves?

  17. 6/10 is almost 50% livin' with the parents. it's pretty low indeed... I can see some of the issues here. People in BKK have nearly everything like other developed countries have. The development is more concentrated in BKK. Sky walk, Hi-so department stores and skyscrapers are the fact. To earn enough for the living in other rural areas is almost impossible. That's why they have to desert their children. dam*n Poor! Decentralized many things and build enough infrastructures out side of BKK can be good idea. Additionally, education here is suck. Is there any good reason that educating people is bad for the country? For communism only to think that educating people too much is to put them in danger. Otherwise, they grow up then enter into the sex industry. Pattaya is a <deleted>*kin' filthy city that's full of gays and hookers

    Why would you post such nonsense. Pattaya has some of the best and most affordable health care in Thailand. It has great restaurants and far cleaner air than Bangkok or Chiang Mai. It is obvious you are homophobic so I won't deal with that issue. 99% of the prostitutes in Thailand are outside of Pattaya and 95% of those prostitutes only cater to Thai men and women. You are misguided.

    Pattaya brings in a significant amount of money to Thailand both in tax dollars and income that is crucial for driving the Thai economy.

  18. Sorry, but anyone old enough to collect a pension should not be making babies (unless you are retired at 30 from professional sports). That is terribly unfair to the child, who deserves to have their father around and healthy enough to raise them well into adulthood, and the wife, who should not be burdened to be a widow AND a single mother. Never mind all the studies linking autism and countless other health issues to children born from older parents. Humans were not meant to breed past a certain age for many good reasons. It is just pure selfishness on behalf of the parents. If you are that desperate to have kids, there are millions of unwanted children starving or being neglected in the world, and your DNA is just not that special, anyway.

    And to listen to everyone completely ignore the notion of human trafficking and forced prostitution is proof enough why Cambodia does need this law, to protect those poor women from all the predators that are already in SE Asia.

    Seems the creator had a plan by stopping women from having babies after menopause. So far so good we agree. But I guess you took over the role of the creator when it comes to men.

    What would you do sterilize men after the age of 50?

    Jack O'Sullivan, co-founder of Fathers Direct argues that the advantages to late fatherhood outweigh the disadvantages. "Research shows that old fathers are three times more likely to take regular responsibility for a young child. They are more likely to be fathers by choice and this means that they become more positively involved with the child. They behave more like mothers, smiling at the baby and gurgling ."

    Celebrity older fathers include: Tony Blair (at 45), Ken Livingstone (at 57), Mick Hucknall (at 47), David Bowie (at 53), Mick Jagger (at 57), Phil Collins (at 51), Rupert Murdoch (at 72), Michael Douglas (at 58), Des O'Connor (at 72), Gordon Brown (at 54), Rod Stewart (at 60), Paul McCartney (at 61), David Jason (61), Eric Clapton (at 59), John Humphrys (at 56), John Simpson (at 61), Julio Iglesias Sr. (father of the singer Julio, at 89), Charlie Chaplin (at 73), Augustus John (at 47), Saul Bellow (at 84), Anthony Quinn (at 81) Pablo Picasso (at 68) and Luciano Pavarotti (twins at 67), Jonathan Dimbleby (at 62), David Letterman (at 56), Larry King (at 65 and 66), Woody Allen (at 51), Warren Beatty (at 62), and Jack Nicholson (at 53), Mike Oldfield (at 54), Rick Parfitt (at 59), Van Morrison (allegedly at 64), Kevin Costner (at 55), Rod Stewart (will be father at 66), Kelsey Grammer (will be father at 55), Ritchie Blackmore (father at 65).

  19. I really don't see this as a big problem. More manufacturing jobs are coming available every year. The population is shifting from agriculture to industry. Cell phones keep people in contact with the rural areas and if workers are needed they are summoned to Rayong and places like that to make cars and such. Once there the companies can train them if needed or if they only want HS grads then the word gets out and more people will go to HS. These are not the kind of jobs that will be farmed out to other countries. Burma is not going to supply the semi skilled labor to assemble Ford's.

    Women can also be employed in these positions and from what I see it is about 50/50%.

    Given the government maintains stability and a favorable climate for large investors and manufactures the infrastructure is here and shipping is not a problem so the population will eventually shift from the rural North to the industrial areas of Bangkok and the East coast.

    Far more important than education is a stable political environment. Thailand has a good workforce and it is movable because the family can take care of the kids up North. Thailand is already one of the world's largest manufactures of light trucks and the world's largest exporter of rice.

    Given an intelligent government for a few years, education and the rest will follow.

    Education does not come before good government it is the reverse. If the jobs are there the education will follow. Light manufacturing takes very few complicated skills. Thailand does not need to turn out rocket scientists or MBA's. It needs a semi skilled work force that can add and subtract and multiply and read and write.

  20. mostly, when you walk with a Thai or Cambodian woman , They assume she 's a whore............... trust me....dude

    Trust me dude when she is wearing her school Principals uniform with all the gold stripes no one thinks she is a whore. The lady doctor I used to pick up at the hospital? Nope, no one thought she was a whore. I worked with the Thai Navy for a number of years and the ladies I went to lunch with were mostly in uniform. No one thought they were whores. Thai towns are small if not in size then in attitude. Everyone within a few weeks had the complete biography of myself and any lady friend I might have. Trust me dude, they know who I am with.

  21. What ever the motives may be, i know that many Thai men resent and feel they are losing face because Thai women find them repulsive in their ways, they have the opportunity to chose a so called better and easier life,with a farang, high ranking officials,probably feel thay are being seen as dickless and inadiquate to fulfill a womans desires, and are really pissed off,...just a thought...:whistling:

    So why these "repulsive" straight Thai men do not get things right. Shower, shave, stop drinking etc... They are repulsive indeed.

    What Thai men do you guys regularly come across? I'm a relatively hygienic person, but I've found that Thai people in general take it to another level. I haven't met hardly any Thai men who don't shave and bathe regularly (often two showers per day), not to mention keeping neat, pressed clothes. I usually look like a slob by comparison b/c I don't really care if I skip shaving for a couple days.

    What I've noticed is that a very solid percentage of Thai men just don't commit to a woman very well. Okay, yeah, they drink, maybe gamble too, but I drink also. Big deal. More than anything I've seen Thai women get fed up with the men due to infidelity, and then just get to throw on the drinking etc. onto the pile of complaints. I don't know maybe I'm surrounded by proper Thais. Perhaps I should try living in the country for a while.

    Exactly. The ONLY farang men I've met have not a bloody clue as to the 'Thai Man', apart from those patronising bastards who claim their pool cleaner/handyman/gardener/mechanic to be 'their 'mate'' Ha! I've also a not so sneaking suspicion, having observed them alone with Thai men, they (the farang men) are afraid of them, not knowing how to conduct themselves faced with the true (non bar GIRL) side of Thai culture. It's funny and pathetic at the same time.

    They don't bother to understand their Thai 'girlfriend/wives' culture, rarely eating Thai food or bothering with the most fundamental phrases 'apart from one more Chang kup', so why would they bother being truly knowledgeable about Thai men (who I too have found much more concerned with their personal hygiene than their farang counterparts).

    As to your second point regards infidelity/alcoholism, again, the majority of farang men meet these girls in bars. Those who have been deserted by these 'particular' Thai husbands and have assuaged their guilt at taking advantage of them, by paying them for sexual services. Stop deluding yourselves. Robin Bloody Hood you ain't.

    And by the way, a Thai woman, ANY Thai woman having to sell her arse in a bar, would much prefer a sturdily built, beautifully skinned, softly spoken Thai man over a flatulent fatmouthed farang, any day. That's why the younger ones always keep their Thai boyfriends/husbands in the background.

    I have had three long term relationships with Thai women. The first, neither my GF or her daughter (18) would have anything to do with the father. He left them and did not provide anything for the daughters care or education. He was and is a member of an elite guard unit in the Thai Army in Bangkok. He is a good looking tall man and has had a number of wives and girlfriends after his first wife, my GF.

    The second lady's husband had a mia noi she kicked him out. She will not see him or take any phone calls from him.

    The third was a bit of a butterfly and the husband beat her up for playing around on him and took their two children to live with his family. He calls her to ask for money and she avoids his phone calls and won't see him because he only asks her for money for the children and I think it makes her feel guilty.

    So in my experience, that I can vouch for, most Thai women don't want to see the ex husband.

    Your next point, do bar girls have Thai boyfriends?

    Yes, at least one and I know one who has 10. There are a lot of different reasons for this and one is sex another is status. Another is drugs. Since 95% of bar girls work only in Thai on Thai bars this is also true for Thai bar girls servicing only Thai men.

    Do all Thai women prefer Thai men? No. Do most Thai women prefer Thai men? Yes.

    Almost all Thai women I have met prefer a man who does not drink or drinks moderately. Almost all Thai women I have met prefer a man who is clean shaven and not smelly and not fat.

    Thai people tell their significant other that they like fat people but I think they are being untruthful.

    Thai women tell their significant other that they don't like men who punch them and I think they are being truthful when they say this.

    Would the average Thai man prefer a Thai woman? All things being equal I would say yes. Would the average Thai woman prefer a Thai woman? Again all things being equal I would say yes.

    Would the average 60 year old Falang in Thailand prefer a Falang women of 60 years of age? I would say no. Would the average 60 year old Falang woman in Thailand prefer a 60 year old Falang man? I don't have a clue.

  22. The law has some merit. I for one am sickened by what I see here in Thailand all too often. Some old dude cruzing around with his young 20 something bride and the little baby in tow. Which I might add that baby inevitably grows up without a father after he turns over from old age . And men enslaving thier 'wives' as prostitutes in thier homeland is another problem.

    However it also has some laughable conditions. $2550 per month is a joke.If a Cambodian was on $2550k a month they would be in the high society group in Phnom Phen. Also the age thing should be adjusted to an age differential as opposed to the 'cannot marry' for over 50 year olds. So what they are saying is that a 51 year old foriegner wants to marry a 49 year old Khmer then that it against the law. Please.:lol:

    So you infer that it is OK for a 51 year old man and a 49 year old woman to marry. But it is wrong for some old dude to have a 20 something bride? Where is the dividing line? 40 with a 30? 35 with a 30?

    Give me a break. You can be sickened all you want, but it is none of your freaking business if two people want to marry and have a kid.

    It will matter in the future. To repeat a previous post:

    "If one sees an old man with a young woman in the West - everyone assumes its his daughter, grand-daughter etc. Here, everyone assumes its his g/f, wife etc.

    At the moment its not too much of a problem as the assumption is correct 99% of the time, but what will happen in the future now that so many farangs have retired here and had children with their Thai wives?

    They are going to find it v tough when everyone assumes their daughter - is their g/f/wife."

    My daughters in the West range in age from 25 to 50 years of age. My ex wives in the West range in age from 25 to 68. Life is a bowl of cherries. You all take this age thing too serious. Given the range of age between my wives and children unless you knew my family one would never know who was a wife or a daughter. It never bothered me, my daughters nor anyone who ever knew me that I cared about.

    My mother, bless her soul even had one Christmas dinner with all of the ex wives and children in attendance (and I lived to tell the tale).

    My restaurant also delivered meals to go. A strip club a couple of miles away was one of my biggest customers. My daughters regularly delivered food to the club. They got offered jobs every time they went. Did it bother me? Heck no. All of my children went to college and have good jobs why would they want to be a drugged up dancer.

    Any attractive woman who works in a bar or hotel is going to get propositioned by men.

    If you have raised your daughters well you will not have to worry about things like that.

  23. good idea! Hope thailand follows suit! less marriages over money and less murder over old dudes' life insurance. Less guys with girls their grandaughters' age.

    Hard to imagine many guys, if residing in cambodia, get over 2500 US dollars, unless they're working for an international company.

    Sorts out the riff raff pretty quickly!

    Have you ever really asked yourself why it bothers you to see old men married to young women?

    Makes you feel a fool?

    It bothers some people to see people of different races, creeds and colors married to people of different races, creeds and colors too.

    The motivation to discriminate is the same. Those people are not like you are they?

    it makes you feel guilty and defensive...like you rant on "what is dirty?" "let's define dirty" like you're bill clinton avoiding the obvious.....

    No fool..I 've got my family, a woman my age....wouldn't get a girl 3 generations younger than me.

    It doesn't bother me, but rather I laugh at old snakeheads with girls 3 generations younger.

    You can't take the heat, that's all this is about, haha.

    Forgive me but I think it does bother you or you would not have made all of the negative references about young women being married to older men.

    You feel yourself superior and a more moral person because your wife is closer to your own age.

    I will tell you why if you like. Or perhaps others on this forum would like to do that.

    The question is why do young men feel morally superior to older men because their wives are closer to their own age?

    Sorry have to go live outside the net for a while. I'll be back later.

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