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Posts posted by mark45y

  1. It's an interesting thread. Did I miss it or did no one mention Herpes?

    Isn't he basically out of action for 6 months before he'll be cleared on that score?

    Perhaps we can go native and say a 'face saver' is required, eg, dodgy dentist, came in to contact with blood, etc,

    OP can no doubt think of something, after all has shown no lack of duplicity so far.

    Yeah the OP didn't seem to be freaking out too much about the wife, but I was thinking maybe last night 'drunken' tattoo incident, came to senses only moments after needle breached skin, but very worried as shanty with apparent HIV scare recently, tattooist drunk could barely keep eyes open, I dunno.

    I'd probably do something like that, if I ever become a cad.

    I've had g/f's cheat and nice enough to encircle me in the 3-way, indirectly. Very sweet stuff.

    Don't worry, i break condoms almost every time, because i am oversized and it's difficult to find good stuff here.

    Mail will be your friend, I think...


    The Japanese seem to approach the design / production process with an acceptable level of solemnity & sober due care. I'm impressed. Probably no OP incidents with the ones that won No 1 10 years in a row.

    If you include oral herpes I would imagine 50% of the Thai population has one or the other. Perhaps I am wrong. Isn't there some new herpes medication that one can take if you get it the first time and catch it early that actually kills the virus?

  2. Diesel subs? hahaha. Against any real military those would be laying on the bottom of the ocean as artificial reefs in no time flat. Even against a half-assed military I imagine modern destroyers/spotter craft can outmaneuver diesel subs and drop enough depth charges/sub killing torps to sink that investment real fast. I bet the general in charge of these latest appropriations will make a speech proclaiming Thailand's military superiority (with second handed tech) and go back to his corruption money purchased mansion somewhere.

    The Swedish planes were already a big useless money sink but these subs are something else..

    Wintermute go to the corner and put on your dunce cap.

    Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Greece. Indonesia, Sough Korea, Peru, South Africa, Turkey, Venezuela and Israel use the same type of German sub that Thailand is going to buy. Canada and the UK use Victoria class Diesel electric submarines among others.

    Australia is building 12 new diesel electric submarines.

  3. Pirates. Pick your nationality.

    Perhaps a counter to an Indian navy?

    Indonesia actually. They have the old style 206's, U13, U14, U19 and U20.

    They were all built around 1969. But the Thai ones were upgraded.

    Project 206A diesel electric subs

    Speed: 10 knots (19 km/h), surfaced;

    17 knots (31 km/h), submerged Range: 4,500 nmi at 5 knots, surfaced;

    (8,300 km at 9 km/h)

    228 nmi at 4 knots, submerged

    (420 km at 7 km/h)

    They are going for about 3,000,000,000 baht each.

    They sleep 12 people.

    For about three times they could get a new Dolphin class 209 like the Israel bought from the Germans.

    I hope the above information is accurate. The guy in the bar looked reputable. He spoke with a Russian accent.

  4. so... u may be surprised to see that food prices never really go up that dramatically..

    If you take alook at the supermarkets you will notice that the prices of the major food products like milk,rice,and meats have gone up 50% over the timespan of less than 2 years.

    You would do better looking at the consumer price index in Thailand.

  5. Last time I checked terrorism was one of Thailand's major problems.

    Terrorism is a very minor problem all over the world.

    More people did in car accidents in Bangkok every day than die in terrorist acts worldwide in the same time period.

    Yet governments want people to fear terrorists and not car drivers?

    Why do you think that is?

    A more efficient way of doing things would be to forget all about what terrorists are up to, and put all the money into building safer cars.

    But as long as we ignore the terrorists, they will only get worse! We need to think about why they hate us so much and try to do something about it.

    I don't think the Thai terrorists have said. I don't think they talk much at all. I don't think anyone really knows who they are or have any idea who to talk to to stop the problem. I would hope the Thai terrorists don't want the same kinds of things like women not being able to drive and go to school and hanging and stoning people for infidelity. But I don't see the terrorists going away in Thailand or any place else. Best we can hope for in 10 years is to avoid them and move to Issan. I don't see a lot of terror threat for Issan in the next ten years. I could be wrong though.

  6. Last time I checked terrorism was one of Thailand's major problems.

    You honestly think Thailand has more problems with terrorism than the West??

    Thailand is a very small country with few people. For its geographical size and population yes it has quite a bit more terrorism than the US or Canada or Australia or ......

  7. Like most things in life you ONLY usually here the disaster stories and guess where they end up????

    Of course i never said how many girlfriends id had over the years before deciding to marry??

    Id say it makes no difference if you live in Thailand or not as to whether your wife will cheat, if shes the type to cheat shell do it wherever you are.

    I wouldnt say the odds are 50/50 if you know the horse your'e betting on.

    Quite right. After 28 years of marriage in the UK it only took a few months here for my ex to realise that he was suddenly the most attractive guy in the world (the local women didn't care one iota that he was married)...

    No difference between the West and Thailand at all...

    Does it follow then that Thai women would be a better bet because they know of the intense competition for men from the West?

    Yes. Thai women find any farang man attractive whereas Western women have no time for them at all.

    There is no "competition for men from the West" - but those that are unattractive in the West will be amazed at how attractive they are here...

    And if one was attractive to women in the West the mind boggles at what will happen in Thailand.

  8. what is the attitude normally of thai girls about this situation

    If she doesn't share your bed on the first night, forget to get her phone number, don't call hers.

    At 31 she is unlikely to be a virgin.

    There are plenty around that will be happy to bed you on the first date.

    I agree. If she hasn't sussed out what a consummate prick you are on that oh so romantic 'first date', she will be so very happy you have 'forgotten' her telephone number. That way, she won't have to go along with her polite Thai cultural upbringing and 'be nice to you' through gritted teeth if you ever call.

    At 31 she is very likely to be a virgin if not married with children. How do you know? Find out with whatever brain you have. Ie: Where did you meet her? bar/restaurant worker/massage palour et al?

    And yes, their are still many (mainly in tourist areas) willing to haha 'bed' you (how quaint) on 'the first date' here. They're called ho's.

    If you want a TRULY decent Thai woman, EARN her. Respect.

    Even if you don't want a TRULY decent woman you have to earn her respect. It is surprising how many indecent women want respect too.

  9. Who knows more about marriage a guy who has been married a bunch of times with a bunch of kids and got divorced a bunch of times or a guy who has only been married once with no children? One has experience but his experiences have been failures?

    Who knows more about married women in Thailand a guy who is married to a Thai woman but does not live in Thailand or a guy who lives in Thailand and watches the goings on of married women who have foreign husbands? I guess it depends if your wife is different.

    That many men would bet their life savings on a game with 50/50 odds has always been a source of amazement to me? And subtract from that the difficulties of a cross cultural relationship. Wow.

    Like most things in life you ONLY usually here the disaster stories and guess where they end up????

    Of course i never said how many girlfriends id had over the years before deciding to marry??

    Id say it makes no difference if you live in Thailand or not as to whether your wife will cheat, if shes the type to cheat shell do it wherever you are.

    I wouldnt say the odds are 50/50 if you know the horse your'e betting on.

    Don't get me wrong. I am not saying you will not be successful. I am only writing about a man who looks at the odds in general and not a particular woman or man as the case may be. You are of course right for every 1 disaster there is one happy outcome. But that is still only 50/50 odds. On a happy note I never had a Thai wife leave me or steal anything from me.

  10. Who knows more about marriage a guy who has been married a bunch of times with a bunch of kids and got divorced a bunch of times or a guy who has only been married once with no children? One has experience but his experiences have been failures?

    Who knows more about married women in Thailand a guy who is married to a Thai woman but does not live in Thailand or a guy who lives in Thailand and watches the goings on of married women who have foreign husbands? I guess it depends if your wife is different.

    That many men would bet their life savings on a game with 50/50 odds has always been a source of amazement to me? And subtract from that the difficulties of a cross cultural relationship. Wow.

    Like most things in life you ONLY usually here the disaster stories and guess where they end up????

    Of course i never said how many girlfriends id had over the years before deciding to marry??

    Id say it makes no difference if you live in Thailand or not as to whether your wife will cheat, if shes the type to cheat shell do it wherever you are.

    I wouldnt say the odds are 50/50 if you know the horse your'e betting on.

    Quite right. After 28 years of marriage in the UK it only took a few months here for my ex to realise that he was suddenly the most attractive guy in the world (the local women didn't care one iota that he was married)...

    No difference between the West and Thailand at all...

    Does it follow then that Thai women would be a better bet because they know of the intense competition for men from the West?

  11. I don't see gregb as ranting.

    Are you sure that you want to admit that? tinfoilhatsmile.gif

    Admittedly this is the first of gregb's posts that I've seen - but he has a point.

    Thailand is likely to make life more difficult for us foreigners in the near future, but the West has far more problems.

    No country (as far as I know) hates Thailand - but there are many countries that hate the West.

    Terrorism is going to be a problem in the West for years to come, and at the moment, they are making even more enemies.

    Last time I checked terrorism was one of Thailand's major problems.

  12. It all comes down to 3 things water, energy, and arable land. North America is sitting pretty. It is the only region that is energy self sufficient if the USA was forced into some conservation measures. It also has water resources and full fertile lands along with the natural fertilizers needed to make things grow. Countries susceptible to water shortages and energy shortages are in deep trouble. Thailand is one of those countries at risk as its key water supplies flow out of regions dominated by China. Thailand is an energy importer and it will not be able to pay the increased costs of energy imports without societal pain.

    America can't do anything without energy.

    Farmers can't plant or harvest crops, come the end of the oil, America will self destruct in a couple of weeks, the people in the cities will devastate the countryside like a plague of locusts. Half the country will freeze to death in the first winter.

    Thailand doesn't actually need anything from the outside world.

    For example, my wifes farm is planted and harvested by hand, we are surrounded by mountains full of water.

    They don't need any electricity or oil to live, but it is nice to have.

    If I were to choose where to live when the energy ran out, America would be the last place on earth to choose.

    You seem to know very little about surviving Peak Oil!

    Where does Thailand get the money to run the government? Who pays the taxes? What does Thailand export besides rice?

    When you think about oil in the US I would advise thinking about oil in North America and offshore oil that has not been tapped. Oh and don't forget shale oil deposits.

  13. Who knows more about marriage a guy who has been married a bunch of times with a bunch of kids and got divorced a bunch of times or a guy who has only been married once with no children? One has experience but his experiences have been failures?

    Who knows more about married women in Thailand a guy who is married to a Thai woman but does not live in Thailand or a guy who lives in Thailand and watches the goings on of married women who have foreign husbands? I guess it depends if your wife is different.

    That many men would bet their life savings on a game with 50/50 odds has always been a source of amazement to me? And subtract from that the difficulties of a cross cultural relationship. Wow.

    I left my first wife to go to war. She played around on me and we later got a divorce.

    I left my second wife because of work for 6 months and she played around on me and we later got a divorce.

    First wife was a school teacher and the second wife was a department store executive.

  14. If the last 10 years has taught me anything its that life is unpredictable, certain things are predictable though

    Basic needs: Food, Water, electricity, jobs, place to live

    Things I didn't see coming 9/11, UK bombings, Madrid train bombings, 2 tsunami's, Hurricane katrina, unrest in the middle east thats spreading like wildfire, advancement in technology ( iphone ), Low Cost Airline Carriers. The rise of twitter and facebook. The US elects george bush not once but twice.

    In the next 10 years will have a real demographics problem with aging populations meaning having to pay more in taxes to take care of the elderly. Many countries include China, Japan, USA, South Korea etc. On a side note at the moment many of these same countries are actually having a decrease in populations.

    In the next 10 years the USA will no longer be a major player, look for china and india to be major players how they shape and change economies on all scales will be one thing. As far as thailand goes, realitically there won't be much change due to

    1. Corruption

    There is one thing that will change thailand but the outcome will depend on the people here.

    If the USA is not a major player who will tell China not to turn of Thailand's water?

  15. Ask for her CV. No, I'm serious. Almost all Thais that working have one. Most of the younger people use the MS CV format. It makes for an interesting read. One can ask with the preface, so I can understand your past life experiences.

    Ask if she is ok having a full medical exam.

    I have taught a course for 4 years in Thailand on CV (resume) writing. If you assume that my students talked to 3 friends each. Well chances are you may have seen one of my resumes. Depending on how you view my credibility you may draw your own conclusions.

    I completely agree on the medical exam. I have discovered many things from that information. One lady had no vaccinations. However you must get the lady and doctor to include you in the discussion of the test results and get them in writing. I used to date a nurse and was in a clinic when she and the DR gave a woman positive HIV results. The woman was not phased at all and the entire conversation revolved around not telling her BF who was in the waiting room the results. I figure if I am paying for the tests I should get the results. I have never had a problem explaining this to the doctor or lady concerned.

  16. Nor young, braless, wet t-shirt clad women grinding eachother in the streets like in some areas.

    Where does this happen - EXACTLY ?

    Been to or tried to avoid Songkran in five or six different cities. Most and loveliest girls I found were at Central dancing on temporary stages all around the mall in Chiang Mai.

    The only place I have ever seen bra less women were on Soi Six in Pattaya. But they were not amateurs by any means.

    I would also be interested where appropriate found this behavior occurring in Issan.

  17. As far as your comment on drugs is concerned, that is a very small minority and more indicative to prostitution in North America or Europe.

    Not sure you're right about that Ian.

    I don't know about up country but in Bangkok drugs are widespread among the bar girl community and regular used by more girls than you can imagine.

    At least that's my experience but then maybe I date the wrong women.

    You may or may not know but I am really down on drugs. Don't like them. Have seen too many bad things as a result of them. A couple of things about bar girls and drugs. 1. They take them to stay skinny. This is also very true in Thai only communities. I don't know if the prescription drugs given are much better as they both have bad side effects. This is an industry wide problem. 2. The momma san sometimes pushes drugs as another source of income and a facilitator of fun and games.

    The ladies get off work at the bar and head to the disco to party and that is a drug heavy scene.

    In the past five years there has been a rapid increase in drug use both in the bar and after work at the clubs. You can spot a coyote dancer a mile away from the extreme skinny appearance. Thighs the size of my wrist can't be natural.

    In some bars 95% of the ladies have Thai giks and I have never seen a Thai gik who was not into drugs.

    Someone has to pay for them as the guys don't work.

    It is a major problem and is not getting better. The main offenders being the Thai side of the industry. Seems to me that the average Falang likes women darker and heavier than the average Thai.

    About the towel issue and embarrassment that I forgot to post above. It is obvious that a Thai good girl wife still takes off her clothes under a towel with her husband after 20 years of marriage so it is more cultural than any other issue. Also, even sisters still use a towel when changing and after 30 years sisters can't be embarrassed among each other. A towel has nothing to do with being embarrassed about being a prostitute.

    It is also obvious to me that Falangs are far more embarrassed about being with a prostitute than it bothers the ladies. One only has to read Thai Visa for a while to figure that out. Not so much making up new identities for the GF but in the sometimes tedious recitation of the academic and moral qualifications of the significant other. When introducing a woman in West it is rare to be burdened with a complete resume by the male doing the introducing in the first five minutes of the conversation. For example, “Hi this is my girlfriend, she is a Harvard MBA and her parents own two banks and her grandfather invented canned tuna fish and her aunt came over with the Pilgrims.” If you get my meaning.

  18. On the towel question, it's probably because they really don't want you to see them, they don't really like you, and they don't really want to be in that situation at all. Who could ever get over that?

    Have you ever had a relationship with a bar girl?

    Have you ever lived with a bar girl and her family?

    Have you ever met a bar girls parents?

    Have you spent much time in brothels in Thailand?

    I would submit that you don't have a clue about what you are writing in this area.

    Naive is an understatement.

    Yours is the typical, defensive, psuedo-intellectual response intended to devalue an opinion you don't agree with. To me, however, what you say above is meaningless since I don't believe a person must experience everything in the world before one can have an opinion about it. If this were true, then no one could comment on politics, religion, etc., until they've been a PM or a legislator, or a monk/nun, (or dated a bar girl). This is nonsense, of course. This is why humans have the capacity for empathy and understanding.

    It still remains true that many "ladies of the night" don't like it and only do it for the money, or for drugs, or whatever. Hence, some are embarrassed by it.

    Glad you came back Jawnie. People should know some things about people simply because they are people too. I would agree with that. But your experience and education does not serve you well in trying to understand bar girls.

    It is like trying to learn to speak Thai without understanding tones. You can learn English paying almost no attentions to the tonal implications of words, not so Thai.

    You mention politics and religion and yes everyone has an opinion but that is hardly knowledge. Looking at the behavior of monks or politicians from a distance without some in depth study will lead you to false conclusions.

    You don't have the information to make any accurate conclusions about bar girls.

    Thai Visa is a unique resource about things Thai. There are people here who understand the Thai system from years of study and experience living in Thailand for many years.

    I would imagine there are over 1000 regular posters who have married bar girls and are living with them in Thailand and have for more than 10 years each. There are posters on Thai Visa who own brothels and who have lived in brothels and speak fluent Thai to bar girls on a regular basis and have for many years in all parts of the country.

    I know three generations of bar girls. A 60 year old grandmother, her daughter 35 and her grand daughter 20 who are all still in the business and I am not alone in this knowledge.

    People who come to Thailand and a year later are voicing opinions and giving advice about things Thai are usually not very well informed. Interesting to read as we all go through stages of learning.

    You are out of your depth here. Best you listen and learn. Or go out and see for yourself without your Western baggage on your back. A lady writing a story many years ago about Playboy bunnies went out and got a job at a Playboy club to understand the system and inner workings of Bunny life. She wrote a decent story. Journalists writing about war get assigned to a combat unit.

    If you want to know anything about bar girls or bar life feel free to ask. But you don't have the qualifications to be telling anybody anything about it yet.

  19. I try and stay ahead of the game. Though not a brilliant linguist I have a basic understanding of a few words of Thai. I can go into a bar and tell you if the ladies are from Issan or not. Sometimes I keep my mouth shut and listen and that can be illuminating as well.

    Duke is a fun woman. She is a cougar, having more men, money and fun than most Catholic girls in boarding school on a field trip to Bangkok.

    When listening to Duke and my current GF talk and joining in the conversation I am both educated and entertained.

    Yesterday they had a long phone conversation. Normally I don't eavesdrop because I am polite but I will admit to listening on occasion.

    However I was at a loss to understand them or I understood less than I normally understand.

    After the call I inquired of my lady, “What the heck language were you and Duke speaking?” She replied ,like I was the dummy, “Pasa Lom Sak.”

    Where are you going in Thai, “by ni.” Lao or Issan, “by sai.” Lom Sak, “by young.”

    It it too much. These simple farm girls speaking three languages. If I want to visit their home city I am again in the same situation I was years ago. A dummy in paradise not knowing what they are saying. I spend countless hours of study to figure out if that young handsome man is a brother or a gik and now they throw another language at me.

    So where can I get a Lom Sak language on line dictionary?????

  20. But a timid troll. Or the troll got out trolled.

    Here was established a topic of interest with many posts and the OP fled the scene rather than play with the trolls trolling the troll.

    Pity. But I guess there are shy trolls. Now we may never know about his peculiar linguistic habits.

    We are all according to some definition trolls at one time or another. Who cares, it's content.

  21. I find it very ironic that a guy that got the Nobel peace prize is again bombing the crap out of another Middle eastern country.

    All in the name of PEACE no doubt ?

    I also so a video saying he has just signed a Presidential decree that allows him to incarcerate a person for the rest of their life even after a court of law have found them innocent of all charges but simply on the say so of this ego maniac. Frightening ! Really frightening !

    Document please.

  22. Some of the recommendations by the UN to improve US human rights.

    Iran said that the US should enact legislation against insulting the Qur’an, and make “Islamophobia illegal.

    Mexico said the US should stop thinking Mexicans try and sneak into the US.

    Libya said the US should stop racial discrimination in the Social Security program.

    North Korea said the US should stop helping help North Korean refugees.

    No one likes Guantanamo Bay or a recent Arizona law, S.B. 1070.

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