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Posts posted by bartpix

  1. Having just returned to LOS and looked for my paid Expat Tv without success ... I would love to know what is out there with 5-9 day backup and the same quality as Expat TV with on-screen schedules ( 99% UK stations) - without jumping through hoops. ie: as simple as possible.

    Principally having HD quality of UK stations with 5-9 day backup (without buffering) is my goal.

    I am looking for a paid service that will survive the current turmoil.

    Many Thanks in advance

  2. The "New" management have been avoiding the old members since the takeover in 2013. Instead of talking with the existing members and discussing where "Phoenix" could grow and prosper. The "New" management decided to ignore and isolate the existing members, nullifying their existing rights as agreed upon their joining as Members of Phoenix. A situation that interestingly has been ignored by the Pattaya Sports Club whose members are Phoenix Members along with a number of Pattaya Golf Societies.

  3. Tiger Clappers

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    Having played this course many times over the last 15 years I have to say what has gone wrong

    new owners spent money and brought a major event but forgot about telling the crowds

    now the course is being ripped up for the next Kings Cup

    the first changes destroyed a great 9 with a number of gimmicky greens and a "signature par 5'" would love to know the signature 

    the next 9 which is barely open has new patches on the greens already, albeit they match the first 9 cheese grater effect greens

    the bunkers are like building site waste pits and the fairways look like dune buggy race tracks

    so happy I never joined this club as it appears the stuck up members think it is better than the proverbial sliced loaf and are happy to enjoy their subsidized Guiness at the expense of the visiting parties

    an attempt to woo more visitors with free carts has now been halted and I am sure the management will soon see that the path to the gate will not be trodden as much as it has been

    what happened to one of the great courses, is it poor management, or pure greed or just deaf ears as I have it on good authority that good times are around the corner, but so is Xmas and the next Kings Cup

    maybe photoshop will paint another great picture

    wake up and look at what you had and try and consider the local visitors and not the 'one off's"

  4. I have been trying to locate a supplier in Thailand for the 220 Volt DeWalt DWE315KT KT multi-tool kit without success. Does anyone know where one can find this in Thailand or something very similiar.

    I did locate Buriram Hardware but they do not know what deWalt multi-tools are. I would even go for a Chinese version of equilevant power if available.

  5. Mogy, no need to write off your investment.
    The new management were wrong from the start - trying to isolate the old shareholder / members without consultation and hoping to railroad them into submission. As I have mentioned again and again, moving forward for the current club's management will be more and more difficult, without dealing with the existing club's shareholder / members. The simplest solution is for an agreement between the management and the shareholder / members before the dwindling numbers effect the upkeep (and survival) of our cherished course. And we can all again participate in the proclamation of the best course, a stone's throw from Pattaya. Again - Hope etc...

  6. I am so sad that the club I had chosen to join, of the numerous around the Pattaya area, after playing all the surrounding clubs , before deciding - turns out to be the worst, on a club - membership basis.
    All the new owners had to do was talk to the existing shareholder / members, explain their plans and proposals - something that is the norm in business terms - but instead decided to ride roughshod over the existing shareholder / members - without consultation.
    The Pattaya Sports Club, whose members are affected by this, chose not to support their members in this dispute. I wonder why?
    How difficult is it to engage with shareholders in a company that you are taking over?
    The "High Season" that is upon us now, already shows a drop in golfing numbers, and I presume an ever extending of "Privileges" (Free Golf Cart etc) as the numbers decline.
    How easy it would have been to talk to the shareholder / members at the outset.
    I live in (everlasting) hope !

  7. I have to say after using Samsung smartphones upto S4 and after buying the Xiaomi Note 2 to try, at a third of the equivilent price from the main brands - I am wondering why anyone wants to pay such high prices, when other brands are offering even less features to the previously stated smartphone priced 33% of the the "so called leading" brands. I can buy 3 of the above for the price of 1 "Named" brand. It goes to show what "marketing" does to a product pricing.

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