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Posts posted by bartpix

  1. We are in a case of Deja Vu.

    The "CLUB" that we must be a part of in order to have a genuine handicap here in Thailand (Especially around the Pattaya area) has AGAIN organised a monthly tournament at Phoenix -November 11th- even after numerous calls by the club's members to the problems iniated by the new owners. It would seem that the club's members wishes (Phoenix Shareholder / Members ) are being ignored by our own club. Even after notifing my "Club" about the difficulties the members were having with their chosen golf club, they chose to organise the club's monthly tournaments at Phoenix. I have to ask..... what ever happened to members rights?

  2. A related post elsewhere on ThaiVisa - In case it may have been overlooked!

    "Members of Phoenix Golf & Country Club present petition to Prime Minister's Representative

    On Thursday, a group representing shareholder / members of Phoenix Golf & Country Club, Pattaya presented a petition to the Prime Minister's Representative at their new offices in the Association of Government Scholarship Students opposite the number 1 gate of Government House.

    Around August 2013 the club and lands were sold to a new owner who declared that from November 1st 2013 new rules and regulations would be enforced. The membership of Phoenix Golf & Country Club consists of players from all parts of the globe - Thailand, Japan,Korea, Germany, Norway, Canada, USA, Australia and many more. These members having checked with lawyers found the new rules and regulations illegal and in violation of their original membership rights and privileges.

    An action group was formed and after several attempts to reach an amicable solution with the new owner, the group's request remained unanswered, so in December 2013 a complaint was filed with the Consumer Protection Board ( CPB ) in Pattaya against Phoenix and its new owner, but CPB Pattaya did nothing to resolve the problem. So around 160 shareholding members in May 2014 lodged a well-founded and documented complaint with the Consumer Protection Board ( CPB ) this time in Bangkok, requesting them to investigate this matter and to mediate or to go to Court on behalf of all the complainants.

    The lawyers of CPB found the new owner breached the Consumer Protection Law and CPB should act on the consumer’s behalf to file the lawsuit against the new owner. The case was presented to the subcommittee of CPB Bangkok already, but the case appears to have stalled at this juncture. It is now 2 years since the case was presented to the CPB in Pattaya.

    It is hoped that the Prime Minister will petition the CPB in Bangkok and the members will regain their legal rights as quickly as possible.

    Eva Johnson

  3. Just had this forwarded to me from another forum :

    {The course this week confirmed that from November 1st the PSC green fee will double from 950 bt to 1900 bt.

    Plus caddy fee and single cart (no more freebies) so for a PSC member you're looking at the best part of 3K plus caddy tip etc.

    And the restaurant still sneak in ++ on your bill.

    They asked if we would be booking for November ?}

    It would seem that the honeymoon is over !!!

  4. Hi LBFM,
    It is both.
    As happens it seems, in every case in Thailand the judge pushes time and time again to have an agreement worked out between the two parties rather than making a judgement after a given number of failed discussion / negotiation sessions. This of course prolongs the whole procedure allowing (a) delaying tactics by one party and (B) cases to backup to an incredulous degree. The argument being made is that over 100 members have accepted the new demands and returned without question, so therefore the outstanding members should accept the same. My belief in talking to the members I came across and played with at Phoenix prior to November 2013 and since, is that 20 odd have returned because of living on / close by the course, their partners are caddies there or age considerations. I again point out that the returned members have received nothing in writing about their standing in the club. That is, they have no written confirmation of their rights - it is all verbal. It was admitted at the court that the current incentives- Reduced Fees, Transfer Fees, Free Carts on Tuesdays, Free Mondays etc.are only upto the end of October, with no mention of what will happen after that. I believe they are playing the waiting game, believing their resolve will outlast the old members.

  5. Interesting Diversion from Phoenix Golf & Country Club, Pattaya.

    Met with a Phoenix G & C Club member- recently joined - who was having a drink in in the clubhouse with other members when they were joined by a personable executive of the management who told them that the court case against the club was basically over, as they had managed to defer the case until the end of 2016. But had to admit that the reduction in transfer fees etc. were only a temporary measure and would not commit anything to writing, let alone meet with the boycotting members to discuss and negotiate.

    This personable executive appears to enjoy spreading numerous rumours to attract business dis-reguarding the realities on the ground.

    The reality is that the case has been deferred to November 11th 2015 at 13:30 at the Pattaya Civil Court, Thappraya Road, because of the intensely busy schedules of the club's legal representatives resulting in their inability to negotiate before then. (Form your own opinions)
    Maybe all you itinerant members since November 1st 2013 would care to have a peek at Thai justice in action on Wednesday November 11th - free entrance but no free beer though!

  6. If you are looking for a Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 4G/3G/2G Dual Sim + SD Card Slot, due to an enthusiastic friend (I asked for 2, he bought 4) I have 2 for sale at same price I paid.

    Details: Unopened shrinkwrapped Xiaomi Redmi Note 2 16Gb Dual Sim 4g/3g/2g, MicroSD card slot upto 32Gb, Mediatek MT6795 Helio X10 Octa-Core 2.0GHz, 5.5 inch 1920x1080 Multi-touch screen, 13MP rear + 5MP front phase detection cameras, WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac Dual Band, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS, A-GPS, Infrared Port, Accelerometer, Gyro, Promixity, Compass, Fast 3060 mAh Battery Charging - 60% in 30 minutes.

    Google for great reviews.

    PM me for further details.

  7. I was just reading the cost of a 15 year membership at Parichat G.C., the new course just beyond Pattaya Country Club, Baht 150,000 for a 15 year membership with caddy fees at Baht 400 per round.
    Wow, I hope they survive. Again I must point out that golf charges / fees are dropping around both Europe and the US, while the opposite seems to occur in Thailand.
    I do realize that the main object of surviving in business is to make a profit, keep your existing clients happy and open the opportunity for new clients to join alongside your existing clients while keeping the elder (regular) groups from moving elsewhere. In my estimation, this is not rocket science, but would appear to be lacking in the decisions decided upon by certain golf clubs.
    To re-inforce the disparity, I just received an email from the AGENT from whom I bought my membership, asking if I knew anybody who wanted a Green Valley Membership, he now had a membership until October 2035 (20 years and some months) for Baht 155,000 including transfer fee for the privilege of playing 54 holes at membership rates. (Green Valley, St. Andrews and Silky Oaks).
    If anybody is interested in this offer, PM me for the contact details. You will deal directly with the agent and negotiate the final pricing together. Just to be clear - It has nothing to do with me - I am merely passing on the information.
    Again, I re-iterate that, I retired to Thailand to play a sport that I am average at, but presented me with the weather opportunities that I could not have availed of elsewhere - to the same degree.
    As TAT may be discovering - The number 1 tourist at the moment (Chinese) along with the number 2 tourist (Russian), number 3 (Indians) are not major golf players, the emphasis has changed and the local courses have to rely on regulars and Asian playing groups.
    As per usual, I am ever hopeful that a consensus might be agreed upon, and we will all live out our lives as we envisioned. Here's to a happy relaxed future.

  8. Coming November 1st. will be the 2nd anniversary of the Phoenix Golf & Country Club Members exclusion from playing their course due to restrictive practises by the new owners.
    Sadly, Pattaya Golf Societies and Bars including the local Club to which we all must be a member in order to retain a handicap have virtually ignored the position of their Phoenix Golf Club members, whom have had to endure this situation for 2 years.
    Hopefully, with a new Golf Chairperson in place and a sensible policy ongoing from our preferred club in Pattaya, we (the older members of Phoenix) would hope to have an amicable outcome ASAP.
    As stated previously, the reluctance of the new owners of Phoenix to converse and engage with the existing (old) members of Phoenix is really strange and somewhat off-putting.
    I for one, am hoping that a proper and amicable solution will be forthcoming within the coming deadline and we all will return to our dream of retirement golf as we imagined.
    Here's hoping that a solution is at hand.

  9. The answer is yes. Since the takeover in November 2013, prices of plots have increased two-fold and the service charges likewise. There is an ongoing dispute with the residents / houseowners over the increased charges with many refusing to pay the increased charges. I am sure some of the residents / houseowners that are members on this forum would be delighted to give exact details of the new charges they have to comply with.

  10. The case against Phoenix brought by the Thai members has been re-submitted to the court with the updated information on the companies and individuals running the course and club. In addition, further details that were not in the possession of these members, were added to strengthen their case by the CPB in Bkk who ARE continuing their own case – albeit at a bureaucratic pace.

    Anyone who is interested in the exact details of where the CPB case is ( and I suggest that all members should be – even those that have returned to play there without receiving any written confirmation of what their entitlements are ) can call CPB on 1166, using a Thai speaker for clarity, quoting our case number and you will be put through to the lawyer dealing with it.

    If you wish to do this and do not have the case number, PM me.

  11. Gents, without the boycott by members of Phoenix (Gold) Golf & Country Club, the capitulation of, compulsory carts, Baht 200,000 transfer fees and the other impositions imposed on the members by the new management would not have succeeded. I am sure that a number will disagree, but there are still original loyal members out there that refuse to bend to suppression.

  12. I bought a Samsung 46" 3D Smart TV from PowerBuy Thailand ( Inv: UP12075079 Pattaya Klang) retail Baht 90,000 just under three years ago (28th July 2012) when this model was top of Samsung's range. Approx. September of 2014 the TV started having vertical coloured lines down the left side whenever the set was turned on followed by additional vertical lines down the right side after a period of viewing. Thankfully a free 2 year additional warranty was on offer at the time adding to the normal 1 year warranty. Samsung Service (Pattaya) replaced the screen panel in December 2014 only to have a very similiar problem occur in January 2015. Upon examination by Samsung's Service Dept. the screen panel was again replaced (number 3).

    It is now May 2015 and once again vertical lines have appeared down the left side of what is now our 3rd screen panel with the appearance of similiar lines on right of screen panel after prolonged use. Our call to Samsung Service Centre elicited a response of " It must be the way you take care of it". As a HiFi and Visual Media fanatic (the reason I paid so much for the unit in the first place) I take great care in protecting my HiFi/Media/PC equipment from the frequent outages we are subjected to in this area. For me, to have such a negative response from the local representative of Samsung to try and "pawn off" problems with this unit is totally un-exceptable.

    I then tried to find an email address for Samsung (Korea) Customer Relations (Complaints / or similiar) to see if I might elicit a response from the parent company and their customer care policies. After trying numerous Samsung related sites in Korea (amazingly only in Korean - no English considering their sales outside Korea), I could not find one related to customer grieviences.

    I am looking for proper customer care in relation to this item which I believe has performed below expectations for the price paid.

    I would like to know if any TV members are having similiar problems with Samsung.

  13. Gentlemen,
    All us shareholder / members of Phoenix Golf & Country Club ever wanted was to be informed and talked to by the latest owners of our club as would occur as a matter of form by any person / company taking over a club / company in an everyday amiable way. What has happened at Phoenix is inexplicable to the ordinary shareholder / member who have (in some cases) invested their life savings in what they thought was a nice retirement present to themselves. A membership in a club that would allow them to see out their days with the occasional round of golf with friends and aquaintances.
    For some reason, the new owners decided to forego all that and impose a completely different set of rules and regulations on the shareholder / members without talking to or consulting with the existing shareholder / members.
    It would be nice if the current management of Phoenix talked to the existing shareholder / members and came to an agreed conclusion, so we all might put Phoenix Golf & Country Club back where it should be as one of the best Pattaya Golf Clubs and enable the membership to grow to a sustainable level for ongoing improvements to the course and a profitable future for the new owners.

  14. Just to be Clear ...... Finsbury (whatever that means)

    "The Phoenix members made it clear to everyone else that their campaign was aimed solely at improving their own terms and they would not be interesting themselves in improving terms for the average PSC member."

    I have no idea where you plucked that "quote" from but it certainly was not included in the previous posts from Phoenix Shareholder / Members that contribute to TV postings. The existing Phoenix Shareholder / Members took the action not alone for their personable situation but for the benefit of all golfers that might wish to play Phoenix. And as you may have missed, the terms for golfers has changed at Phoenix since a case was initiated against them. Do you really think this would have occured without the case been brought against them?

    If you do not wish to support the shareholder / member fight against injustice and right of membership as purchased - that is your right. But please get your facts correct and in your terms " get real ". If you wish to ignore what has happened at this course, that is your decision. But remember that once one club succeeds in " putting down the protest " the remainder of the cartel will follow.

    Again I reiterate, I am retired and purchased my shareholder / membership of Phoenix with the sole purpose of playing golf for as long as I am able to, without hassle. That is what I paid for and expect. The new owners are trying to change the rules without discussion / consultation with existing shareholder / members. For me, this is not the way to do business. What I am really sad about is the attitude of posters such as Finsbury who have no consideration of the real case that is ongoing and are not interested in acquainting themselves with the facts.

    After you have sought out the opinions of the shareholder / members and what has transpired to date, I look forward to your update.

  15. I contacted the Golf Chairman of the PSC to clarify their position in relation to support they might give to PSC members who are also members of Phoenix and are not even granted either a meeting or discussion / negotiation over the penal changes to the conditions of our shareholder / memberships.

    It seems our situation (as PSC + Phoenix members) was not discussed when the PSC agreed new arrangements with Phoenix. Surprising, I know, but I guess the meaning of "club" has changed from what I am used to.

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