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Posts posted by bartpix

  1. Jacknyc, I am sorry that you did not see the online reaction from existing Phoenix members prior to your playing Phoenix. But rest assured that there is a growing awareness among the regular + yearly golfers in this area to the penal reaction by Phoenix management as regards existing members and guests. And we are in negotiation with same to return to a sensible solution.

    Any of us who have been in business previously realise that you MUST retain your existing members while you endeavour to expand your ongoing base.

    I am sure that sense will prevail eventually.

  2. It seems that through the years at Phoenix with the various owners, the groundrules with membership quietly changed. Hence the need by the new owners to verify exactly what you bought.

    As regards missing items from the 4 mentioned - please send all you DO have. I'm guessing that they would deal with the members with full details first and carry on from there.

  3. To all members out there that have the following list of items and want to participate in the action group, please PM me with details ASAP. We are making headway with management over the rights for our shareholder / members and because of missing / wrong information held by the original owners + SCB, the new owners legally require proof of your member status ( there appears to be a number of different memberships offered through the years) to return your full rights and privileges.

    If you want to join in this and forward you details as outlined below please PM me straight away.

    Items required ASAP

    1. Copy of Share Certificate - Front
    2. Copy of Share Certificate - Rear
    3. Copy of Transfer Form
    4. Copy of Membership Card
  4. I too was surprised by Fabian's attitude at Thai-Ger Golf Line. As he himself is a member and is fully aware of the ongoing situation with Phoenix management, I thought he would guide his clients to play alternative courses in the region. I understand that his business is golf trips for his clients. But, he should be informing his clients about the situation and offering them choices. I am sure that once clients are aware of the situation, that they would be happy to play elsewhere. All it would require is the information from Fabian or others in his company to his clients.

  5. I have apartments and I get my new cards from the safe guy (Locksmith) on Threppasit road ,He copies the old one for 100 baht! Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Can you say where exactly on Thepprasit Road the locksmith is located.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  6. Update on Thai-Ger Line golf.

    Having sent an email to Thai-Ger Line asking if they were playing at Phoenix Golf & Country Club, I received the following reply;

    " I can assure you that I have not played Phoenix for about 4 month! "

    To clarify the above reply I again emailed and asked if they had organised groups to Play at Phoenix since November 1st. To which I received the following reply;

    " Yes "

    First off let me thank them for their replies. But it would have been nice to hear they had alerted their clients to the situation at Phoenix and notified them that Thai-Ger Line Golf was not offering packages to Phoenix at the moment but still provided wonderful alternatives around the Pattaya area.

  7. For todays meeting between the management of Phoenix, the Consumer Prorection Board (CPB) and the Action Group, the Phoenix management sought a delay due to their legal advisor not having sufficent time to study the case (their words). So Wednesday the 8th January was confirmed with the Phoenix management and the CPB.

    Consequently we'll continue to enjoy the alternative golfing amenities of the Eastern Seaboard until then.

  8. The reason this forum was started was to alert both the members and visitors to the goings on at Phoenix by the new management. They increased the charges astronomically ( for the condition / state of the course ) and changed the rules / regulations to demean the existing shareholders /members rights.

    Having personally both observed the numbers playing at various times and talked to staff in different positions at the course, the numbers playing are definitely down with a number of last year's visitors complaining about Phoenix's fees as against the local courses.

    Without " tilting at windmills" a sound business decision would be better based on keeping existing members (year-round business) and increasing revenue through increasing use of course by new players /members.

  9. I couldn't agree more johnsmith. Because all of the golf clubs on the Eastern Seaboard are in an association and meet regularly. I have no doubt that the other clubs are watching this case to see how far they could push members and guests. Golf charges in the US and Europe are on a downward trend as clubs struggle for members and guests, but Thai clubs are ignoring this.

  10. Thaijett:

    " Include me out of that, why do you now expect others to fight your battles? Previously the members were not interested in other groups, in fact decrying that they made Phoenix crowded for them sad.png.pagespeed.ce.5zxzyGiJz0.png . I do not concur with your thin end of the wedge prophecy, Phoenix is a 1 off due to several contributing factors, including close proximity to Pattaya, and particularly Ban Amphur, ie Ambassador.

    I wish the members no personal ill will in their pursuit, just don't be a hypocrite, now that things are taking a turn for the worst, when before your ilk bemoaned visitors."

    I think you will find the members of all golf clubs moan about visitors clogging up their course as do residents of tourist areas about tourists causing traffic jams, price rises because of tourists etc... ad finitum.

    You will find many of the expat residents bemoan all things Thai. I would not take it too seriously, as they carry on residing here as against returning to their own " wonderful " country.

    I am surprised that you as a golfer would not support your fellow golfing fraternity against unjust charges and rules regardless of the particular club.

    The purpose of this particular forum was for I and my ilk to show support for the scandelous charges and changes imposed at Phoenix Golf & Country Club.

    Thank you for your " roundabout " support.

  11. Wife and I visited this restaurant last week. She went with a rice dish while I went with a noodle dish. Both tasteless and disappointing. Shanghai on " Sai Sam " still the best for taste and value.

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