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German farang

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Posts posted by German farang

  1. On 1/14/2019 at 11:16 PM, theguyfromanotherforum said:

    Try Mont Fleur. I find it to be low acidic like Evian.

    I alway (mostly) buy water from Tesco (their own brand): big bottle: 10 thb. Tasts good (to me) just to drink, prepare coffee or tea. Never experienced any chemical taste or problems. I avoid at all costs all brands from "Nestle", whatsoever!!!

  2. On 1/2/2019 at 10:44 AM, Blue Water Sailor said:

    Does France have serious gun control

    I say it (& mean it) again:  guncontrol by the meaning of gun-grabbing is bullshit! The "bad guys" who want one will find one! Everywhere! So I prefer that un-charged civilians should be alowed to own a gun! 

    Doesn't matter in which country: if you call the cops in case of real emergency:  how long time do they usually need to arrive & help you? If you (the reader) answer this wuestion honesty, then you found the answer already! Permit guns to innocent civilians! Everywhere!

    Sure, background check, training & safety education should be obligated - same as like to get an driving licence (ok, ok... TIT).

  3. 21 hours ago, BritTim said:

    Your friends mostly entered Thailand by land which definitely helped. They applied for their tourist visas in Vientiane, which is easy, but three, sometimes four, visas from Vientiane is usually the limit.


    To stay around 18 months, the tourist visas from home, plus tourist visas from Vientiane, entering mostly by land, will usually work. Entering at the airport after spending significant time in Thailand involves risk, but most officials will be less strict when they see the entry is from home country with a tourist visa also issued in home country.


    The biggest risk is visa exempt entry by air, especially from a nearby country. Next biggest risk is entry by air with a tourist visa from a nearby country and minimal time outside Thailand. Your nationality plays a part in how immigration views you. Those from the Indian subcontinent and most African countries are more likely to be targeted. Younger travellers who give the impression of limited means can be suspected of illegal working.


    In the end, luck plays a part, and criteria followed by immigration officials varies from entry point to entry point, and even among individual officials.

    As I heard (from friends & immi officers, now they get "some training" to read "suspecious" body- & behavior language. (very common in many western countries to make a kind of "risk analysis" in a blink.

    Also usual: commonly such analists are on watch at the surveillance  monitors (& sure they are connected to the fron officers).

    That's the way to identify traffickers, terrorists & criminals) or thise who "looks alike" to have something to hide.

    The solution: relax. Just be relaxed.

  4. 19 hours ago, jackdd said:

    The only case of "random Thai immigration check" i've ever seen is when they check people in "visa run vans" near the border, other than that i've never seen Thai immigration doing random checks and i've travelled quite a lot in Thailand and also in border regions.

    In random police checkpoints i was asked for my passport one single time, i did have my passport with me back then, but i doubt it would have been a big problem if i wouldn't have had my passport with me.

    About which "random Thai immigration checks" are you talking?

    Might a year ago I sat together with another farang (in random BKK) outside his condomium, I had coffee, he some beer.

    A picup truck stoped & 4 civiluan clothed (but visible armed) agents (2 of them identified themselfs by id as immigration police). They asked for passport & visa, backchecked by phone calls (to where ever). This was the only "random check" by immigration I ever experienced.

    In the aftermath this other farang suspected some local (jealousy? he's not that poor, but greedy as hell) snitch (since no any other farang living in our area)...

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  5. 2 hours ago, 4737 Carlin said:

    I'm currently in Phnom Penh and visited Lucky Lucky visa agents last week with a view to getting a SE tourist visa. They told me its highly likely they'd "void without prejudice" after issuing the visa and I'd be 50 dollars down with a useless visa in my passport - although I do have a history of visa-exempt entries to Thailand as I visit there at least 6 times per year. Phnom Penh, as stated above, is now only for newbies who require a Thai visa. They told me the voiding of visas is extremely common for all nationalities, including Cambodians, at PP now.

    "Voiding" ones happen to me in Saigon, 1 year ago. Questions for their reason wasn't answerd. (Youngish thai guy in the consulary agency, maybe a trainee who needed "show up power". An real unfriendly idiot!!!). Later heard similar complaints about Saigon. Don't go there anymore.

    My recommendation: Hanoi or Vientiane.

    Just saying.

    Wish ya'll great holidays ☺

  6. On 11/29/2018 at 6:45 PM, jvs said:

    Get out of there!!It is really that easy.You showed her you are scared of her,run while you still can.

    There is a number you can call,the airport.


    Today morning I told mine that I herewith brake up this relationship. The following hours was terrible, yrs, but not much different to my usual daily life during the last might 2 years...

    30 mins ago I confirmed her again that I can't stand her extrem artogant behavior anymore - also confronted her with screenshots from her "tinder", "thai friendly" & other similar staff.

    Well, might I should hide the knifes tonight... ????

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