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German farang

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Posts posted by German farang

  1. 19 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    That depends upon where you will be living and what you want.

    It could be as little as 5,000 baht up to 60k baht for a high rent area.

    Since I'm pretty sure that this job is around 75 km far from BKK & in an industrial area you might should consider to look around in this tourist-destination near by. There you should find in 3rd or 4th line a condo about 10 to 15 k thb.

    Way to work needs a bike or car.

    Btw: do you speak properly Thai & German language to fit in this position? Just currious asking...

    Good luck ?

  2. 13 minutes ago, buick said:

    some 'limits' relate to a single withdrawal, but you can do multiple withdrawals.  so in this case, 10 withdrawals of 20,000thb each.  i first became aware of this in the philippines but didn't know the policy existed in thailand also.

    Suspecious. Until 1 year ago I could withdraw 50 k, since end of last year only 25 k - but that's limited for 24 hours (Bangkokbank).  And this limit is not only for ATM but also for transfers by using the bank app on cell! It sucks to visit a bank branch or withdraw from different accounts...

    In the branch & online don't have any limits. Nobody was able yet to explain that policies.

    Btw: foreign Visa or Amex surpricingly are also limited on Thai ATM for 50 k.

  3. Well, despite taxes I believe that e-cigs are -at least- same worse as real cigs. I smoked many years, so 5 years ago I thought that vapoing might would be a bit healthier & changed from cigs to e-cigs... but made the terrible experience that this stuff made me coughing a lot & very bad feeling in my throught after might only 2 weeks. Some friends made similar experiences...

    Just saying.


  4. 5 hours ago, Ulic said:

    17 years to recover from the earthquake. One lady referenced arriving a year before the earthquake.  Honestly, it does seem time for the program to end. That said they will mostly trape up to Canada and claim asylum there. They do not qualify for it but judging from the Haitians that have come half will be granted leave to stay. The half denied will be appealing for another 15 years or so.  Trudeau is an idiot the same as Merkel when it comes to this issue.

    Well, if you would confess that this kinds of "idiots" are just commited high treason on its own  folks, then you choosed the right definition!


  5. 19 hours ago, buick said:

    from the nana bts station, you take the bts to mochit station (end of the line) and use exit 3.  once you are street level, you should see some taxis lined up next to some concrete barriers on the road.  i believe the barriers are there to create a bus lane so be careful not to be run over by a bus !! (the buses will be lane 1 and the taxis in lane 2).  every now and then, there are no taxis at the barrier and you have to get one that is parked curbside a little further up the road.  or flag one down.  the fare is about 120-140thb.  most taxi drivers know where to go but not all.  try 'immigration', 'make visa', 'chaengwattana' to help them understand where you need to go.  it might help to have a map with you if at all possible.  it is not a difficult journey, about 30 minutes on the BTS and another 20-30 min to get to immigration via taxi (depends on traffic). 


    the immigration office is located at the very back of the government complex (furthest point from chaengwattana road).  it can be confusing as to what driveway to turn into, i've missed it before and been able to get in at another entrance further down the road. 


    it sounds like you are extending a tourist visa.  i'm pretty sure you can do that at any immigration office.  i did one in buriram once (normally use bangkok) and i gave them my hotel name in buriram as my address.  you don't need the TM 30 /house master stuff for the extension in bangkok.  just the standard items, copies of passport pages and TM6, plus the form, picture, and 1900thb for the fee.





    Don't worry, to extend a tourist visa for 30 days (at Immigration in the Govt Complex Laksi) is at easy: you only need your passport, 1 passport picture, your card of departure, thb 1'900 & copies of your passport (incl. entry stamp & TM 6 departure card). Copies & passport pictures can be done downstairs in the building (pictures thb 120 + copies thb 3 each).

    The staff there show you what to do.

    You DON'T NEED any document from your renter!

    • Thanks 1
  6. 9 hours ago, tonray said:

    You can teach English in neighboring country, live like your skint and send as much monthly as you can to your wife and kid. Monthly they can arrange a quick visit to maintain family unity. Sorry to see you in this situation but when life throws you lemons....

    Native english speakers are well payed in Vietnam & Laos, even you don't have an degree.

    • Like 1
  7. 17 hours ago, bleble said:


    What is your problem with drug users ? Just that you know nothing ? So ridiculous. Wish you the worst, in jail if possible also.





    Wow... why does this comment offent you? Are you personally "experienced"?

    All drug users are (at least) somehow related to all sorts of crime related activities!

    Let me say so: I personally like how Duterte (for example) mangage to "sort the things out". 

    No pitty & no mercy ever!!!

  8. 20 hours ago, Bingo66 said:

    Good to know thanks, any problems with people getting 2 tourist visa's back to back?

    No any problems in the Embassy in Hanoi. Friendly, gentle, fast (apply before 11 am & receive between 3 & 5 pm next day. Required to show cash (at least any currency worth thb 20 k) or bank report from day of apply, a print out from any atm is ok.

  9. 20 hours ago, Ossy said:

    Pretty vague reporting, again, especially regarding the militants' escape. Was it 'on foot to the nearby forest' or by road, ' . . .by using trees to block the road and deploying spikes to prevent authorities from following them.'? Whilst not the major issue of concern, here, I do feel that TN reporting should take more care over such a basic logistics aspect of the raid.


    Of far greater concern, though, is the motivation behind the damage. For officials seemingly content to conclude that 'The objective was to create disturbances in the area,' makes me wonder who the 'officials' were and how informed - or uninformed - their comments were.


    What is clear to me is that there are some people who are sufficiently unhappy about something or other to risk the consequences of being caught, prosecuted and probably imprisoned for their extremely drastic actions. Whilst not professing to be an expert on Thai political or social unease, I can't help feeling that this bus torching will be used as a precedent by hundreds - if not thousands - of like-minded 'prospective militants' who will be energised by this group's mission accomplished . . . the mission, of course, being to demonstrate SERIOUS DISCONTENT WITH THE WAY THINGS ARE IN THAILAND, AT THIS PRESENT TIME.


    If I was a Govt House top dog, right now, I'd be looking over my shoulder and more than a little bit worried about the mess the soldier-boys are making.

    The Phill's crazy guy Duterte could (might should) be an inspiration how to deal with!

  10. 2 hours ago, Langsuan Man said:

    It's the INTERNET stupid


    Thailand has done absolutely nothing about cracking down on piracy,  you just don't have hawkers openly selling pirated DVD's anymore because everyone downloads from the hundreds of media download sites that are not blocked here


    Get a big kick out of the fact that I can find all the porn I want with no blocking whatsoever ,  yet just accidentally click a link to the Daily Mail and you will get this: 



    How about to use any simple & free vpn?

  11. 15 hours ago, faranglomjay said:

    I started to work around at 16 years old. I had work permit before I meet her. Her niece is 4 years old. Well mentioned me might be enough but still I think they <deleted>... he's like 67 years old....


    edit: she started at 17 years old yes..



    should I pack my stuff today and just leave? I only have 2000b but get more money tomorrow from work. I really don't want to waste it on her or her family if I gonna leave anyway....

    Take your staff, leave, run! 

    Head up, look forward & start a new life.

  12. 5 hours ago, Bob12345 said:

    You can easily use them for robbing a bank as they look very realistic.

    Trying to get away with the stolen money with cops chasing you sounds dangerous to me (the trying to get away part that is, as traffic is killing).

    Uhhh, a wannabee gun-grabber... Do you even know what a BB-gun is? Wanna restrict kitchen knifes next? 

    Additional want remind you that uou are living in LOS! Cars, trucks, vans amd bikes are killing people here! Knifes & axes as well - but BB-guns?

    Sorry, mate, that's lefty lib giant BS! Isn't it? ??

  13. 16 hours ago, genericptr said:

    Thanks Joe. If another person sees this and had a contrary experience recently maybe they can let me know. My Dad could ask them for me if anyone had a number of an agent.

    Not sure if I understood well - you are requesting a visa for Cambidia? Well, that would be very easy: just fligh & get your 30 days visa directly from the immigration at Phnom Phenh airport, $ 40 in cash. No waiting, no aplications & no agency required.

    To get in Phnom Phenh (and everywhere else) a visa for Thailand you have to vsit the Thai embassy personally. 

  14. On 10/21/2017 at 5:11 PM, realenglish1 said:

     Even at  7 thousand baht per month over  5 years  is only 42 thousand baht .


    You can demand they give you the reason for the mistake and also why the correction with the corrected meter readings


    If they do not let the consumer division of the Thai government work it out I am sure they will be happy to

    Btw: 7'000 bath per month over 5 years is 42 thousend? Really? 

    I thought it's might 7'000 x 12 (months) x 5 (years) = 420'000.....

    But who know's, might here in Thailand everything is different (as my wife always complain ???)?

  15. 40 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

    And as proof that you really know this virtually 100% of Germans agree with you. Not only that, they will all be voting for the AfD.

    I don't said anything about 100% nor about AfD!

    I only posted my personally believe and asked <deleted> my post from yesterday got deleted.

    Btw: do you really think that ANY election and ANY party in Germany will chang anything? Me not!


  16. Now that's pretty interesting! 

    Yesterday I posted what I really believe and know about very well since I'm a German by myself(!):

    Merkel & her government are highly corrupt & criminal traitors on its own folks! They acting as muppets of Soros, Obama, Rothschild and all this evil scumbags!

    Now <deleted> got my post deleted???!!!???

    Are you admins from Thaivisa also acting in order of this lefty liberal haters of free speach?!?

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