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Everything posted by mikecha

  1. we ded also scams on the phones via internet call back whats app phone disconected but thats not all Dutch People be aware there is a scam from the tax office {Belasting Dienst } Netherlands sent a message saying that you must pay 347 Euro open this link to pay well first of all the tax office never sends something with a phone message it is always with the blue envelope or verification with Didi De , BE AWARE DONT OPEN AND GET ROBBED
  2. Much rain and the levy near to overflow a dry day night would be good this year even the well is cloudy sometimes
  3. Try it out then u know
  4. completley right lifehere is still INEXPENSIVE compared to europe of course if people dont like it they can always go and start somewhere els and then complain again but there are many here breakfast complain 10 am beer complain lunch complain after noon complain early evening complain Dinner complain and when they go to bed complain day in day out For some that is there Life Sad
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