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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. I'm genuinely surprised by that. Are we sure it was Donald Trump who posted it?
  2. If important communications are encrypted we have nothing to worry about. I suspect that this is just a low-cost way for China to do random fishing expeditions, test our defenses and pull our chain at the same time.
  3. Did you not "like" and "Exactly mate" to the SunnyinBangrak post: "Yeah, real surprise isn't it. I literally can't think of any of what the left called "conspiracy theories" in the last few years that haven't been proven true. And who would trust a word they say now?" What conspiracy theories in the last few years have been proven true? SunnyinBangrak can't think of any that have not been proven true, and apparently you agree with him.
  4. Identify the conspiracy theories you "Exactly mate." agreed with and what evidence supports them.
  5. Another believer in lizard people identifies himself.
  6. As I explained, we do not have, and never had, the ability to catch a balloon or payload at anything close to the altitude the Chinese balloon was at. You said Newt's words were correct. His words were: “We had plenty of capacity to scoop that balloon out of the air,” Newt's words were incorrect, and shows a willingness to speak authoritatively on a subject of which he is clearly ignorant. You claiming the words were correct shows the same willingness.
  7. I think he'll first try to ignore Trump. If Trump continues the accusations it may force DeSantis's hand.
  8. Really? I eagerly await your proof of lizard people, blood drinking pedophiles, pizza restaurants with child sex dungeons, Jewish space lasers, millions of undocumented votes, etc.
  9. I believe the leaks that are consistent with and support observable facts.
  10. Good luck with that approach. I pointed out that Trump was in no way qualified to possess the nuclear codes in 2016, but too many people didn't listen.
  11. You think Biden is trying to destroy America? You are really deep down the rabbit hole.
  12. Your links are to opinion pieces from a joke of a newspaper. The first link does not identify any specific lie, the other was published before the speech. In other words, you've got nothing but you keep posting.
  13. "Critics have accused Hersh of being a conspiracy theorist. He has been criticised for contradicting the official account of the killing of Osama Bin Laden and for questioning the claim that the Syrian government used chemical weapons on Syrian civilians.[39][26] In 2015, Vox's Max Fisher wrote that "Hersh has appeared increasingly to have gone off the rails. His stories, often alleging vast and shadowy conspiracies, have made startling — and often internally inconsistent — accusations, based on little or no proof beyond a handful of anonymous "officials".[6] " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seymour_Hersh I'll wait and see if this story stands up to scrutiny.
  14. Newt's quoted words were ridiculously incorrect. No nation has the capability to snatch balloons or their payloads out of the sky at anything close to the altitude the balloon was at. The maximum service ceiling of the C-130, the aircraft used with the Skyhook, is 28,000 feet. https://www.af.mil/About-Us/Fact-Sheets/Display/Article/1555054/c-130-hercules/ The balloon was at more than twice that altitude.
  15. If you bothered to look, you'd see that the CNN link is to a transcript of the speech with factual comments putting some claims in perspective. It's for people who like factual, unbiased news. Apparently that's not your preference. However if you can find any factual errors in the link, feel free to point them out.
  16. Much to my surprise, that may not be correct: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2020/sep/25/viral-image/no-president-trump-didnt-say-about-miss-teen-usa-p/
  17. I agree, this will be fun. What will Trump do next? Will he say Casey DeSantis is ugly? Actually she's not, but that might not stop Trump. Will her being a cancer survivor spare her from Trump insults? Don't bet on it. Will he go totally off the wall and tie DeSantis to the Kennedy assassination? We can't rule it out. Will Trump point out that DeSantis is more interested in headlines and Fox News appearances than actually doing meaningful things for Florida? Maybe, though that would be a case of the pot calling the kettle black. I look forward to this.
  18. If the Russian economy can survive in spite of being denied Western technology, in spite of the brain drain exasperating a demographic crisis already in progress before the war, and in spite of the hardships to the remaining Russian people caused by putting the economy on a war footing and denying people consumer goods and necessities they have become accustomed to, you may be correct. Of course that is assuming a lot. Edit: I forgot to mention; the more the world moves away from fossil fuel dependence towards more sustainable sources of energy the worse things get for Russia's economy. Putin could have used his years in power to make Russia less dependent on oil, gas and coal, but he found it much easier to manage a kleptocratic petrostate. Slowing global warming isn't the only benefit of green energy.
  19. This was a balloon. It might have been able to record military communications, but anything of any sensitivity would have been encrypted. The fact that Republicans are obsessing about it shows that they have nothing better to do. As far as intelligence failures concern, it doesn't compare to Trump's fondness for showing off classified information, starting with his revealing of highly classified foreign intelligence to the Russian Foreign Minister early in his administration. https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/333496-report-trump-revealed-highly-classified-info-to-russians/ That undoubtedly damaged intelligence sharing with US allies for a generation.
  20. Just to be clear, everyone except China considers the South China Sea to be international waters. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/12/philippines-wins-south-china-sea-case-against-china
  21. In other words, you think opposing the aggressor in a war of choice started by Russia is a bad thing.
  22. Perhaps you were referring to Jim Jordan, however it appears your post is directed at Fetterman. It's somewhat unreasonable to ask a new Senator sworn in just a few weeks ago to have already passed any bills.
  23. Key point: Trump knew he had thousands of documents, many of them highly classified, that he had no right to possess and he refused to return them. Funny how you overlooked that. Also, as has been explained many times, the Secret Service was not at Mar-a-Lago to guard classified documents. They probably didn't know they were there. Yet you keep repeating the lie that the Secret Service was guarding the classified at Mar-a-Lago. There is a line between willful ignorance and trolling. You crossed that line long ago.
  24. Many of the supporters and/or defenders of Russia's illegitimate invasion of Ukraine rely on the "sphere of influence" justification. Evidence shows that both Russia's and China's concepts of sphere of influence allows them to dominate nearby nations and crush those that do not acquiesce to their domination. The United States could try to rely on such a concept, but I don't think Canada or Mexico would go along. In fact I think both Canada and Mexico would find a realpolitik way to tell the United States to F***-Off, and rightly so. Sphere of influence should imply an opportunity and willingness of nations to work with their neighbors, not dominate them. I think EU nations are more or less in agreement with my concept of sphere of influence. Those nations that have legitimate fears of Russian aggression seem especially keen on supporting Ukraine in its fight to exist as an independent nation. Supporting such a right to exist as an independent nation can come at a high cost; financially for the west and in blood for Ukraine. However so long as Ukraine is willing to pay the price for its existence I think the west should support it. A world in which three great powers dominate their neighbors and engage in a perpetual fight for total global hegemony is the back story of "1984". It is not a happy story.
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