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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Riiiiggghhhttt....The big story here isn't the murder of five people, it's that some people thought this was a gay hate crime.
  2. When you read the story and strip out the few facts, it seems one CNN reporter continued to refer to the suspect as he/him instead of they/them. Why do you and the NY Post think this is a big deal? Don't you think this story should focus on the murder of five people and not the pronouns used to refer to the suspect?
  3. And if, like the Benghazi investigations, this one shows there is nothing there, you can still keep posting "Hunter Biden's laptop!" as if something is there.
  4. A check on finances is what Trump has been fighting for years. If you are referring to Obama, his birth certificate was released in the summer of 2008, it was verified by the Hawaii Department of Health, there was an announcement in the Honolulu newspaper about his birth, etc. https://www.politifact.com/article/2011/apr/27/obama-birth-certificate-timeline/ Funny how some idiots believe conspiracy theories over official documentation.
  5. Insider trading is already illegal, but difficult to prove.
  6. Right, and all he has to do to prove it is legal and above board is open his books for review. What are the chances he'll do that?
  7. I agree. If it were up to the Democrats there would probably be some reasonable ethical standards and transparency requirements. However so long as the Republican Party is the Trump Party, that's not going to happen.
  8. Really? How can you be unaware that Trump never released his tax returns, and is not legally required to do so unless it is part of a criminal investigation or unless it serves a "legitimate legislative purpose". I am not aware of any government background check on Presidential candidates.
  9. Trump was banned because his repeated lies about a stolen election were provoking violence. Are you referring to Obama telling Congressional leaders in 2016 that Russia was attempting to influence the US election? That's not the same thing. I hope you understand that.
  10. There are some posters who routinely complain about how long investigations take. They should be thrilled if this delaying tactic is ended.
  11. Now that politics have become reality TV, political stunts are part of the show. I can think of a recent President who rarely governed but loved staging political stunts.
  12. I take it you don't think the President should take actions or speak out after the leader of a cartel takes actions that are contrary to the interests of the United States. I disagree, that's part of his job.
  13. A public figure with a sordid sex life! He should run or President as a Republican. It worked for Trump.
  14. Yeah, it's almost like the press didn't want to cooperate in a political party's "October surprise" campaign with unverified information and no evidence of a candidate doing anything illegal. How sad.
  15. Yeah, Hunter is a sleaze and father's rarely acknowledge when their sons are sleazes. That's not a crime.
  16. Sure. The conversation could have gone something like this: Joe Biden: Son, if you're going to China on business, we shouldn't talk about it. Hunter Biden: Right. This may surprise people who have never been in government, but the smart government employees know there are some topics that are off-limits for conversation.
  17. Right. CBS has confirmed that an image provided by an unnamed source that is supposedly taken from Hunter Biden's laptop does not appear to have been tampered with. How is this significant?
  18. Even if the hard drive was imaged, unless a trusted forensic analyst did the actual imaging wouldn't the image itself be suspect?
  19. If you could provide evidence that former Vice President (at the time) Joe Biden actually took possession of those keys and worked with Hunter you might have something. Otherwise it seems like another case of Hunter Biden implying he was more important than he actually was.
  20. "The hearings will be a major snooze fest with little public interest. " Unfortunately I'm not so sure. The pundits of Fox News and the more extreme news stations will find something in the hearings to get enraged about, and the viewers who don't know the difference between pundits and reporters will believe there's something there, though they can rarely say what.
  21. "...had the Dems kept the house likely no investigation of Hunter would take place." Really? Where in the article, or anywhere else, did you find evidence that the recent election influenced the FBI, CBS, or anyone else in this matter? If the FBI were that susceptible to the political power of whoever was partially in power, why wasn't there more progress in this matter when Trump was in office and the FBI led by a Trump appointee?
  22. I was wondering that myself: How do you do a "forensic review" of a laptop unless it is in the possession of those doing the review? I will wait for more information.
  23. I assume that by "Trump leading his followers to protest against injustice in the Capitol" you mean the injustice of his losing the election. The greatest injustice at the time was his repeated lies about a stolen election and all the gullible people who believed it.
  24. I think he knew he would need a CYA word after whipping up the crowd with lies about a stolen election, words such as "fight like hell" and then telling them to march to the Capitol. What did you mean by "my point was that Trump has taken the place of Jesus , these days"? Also, what do you mean by stating the words of the Bible are similar to the words of Trump?
  25. Ok, you posted "my point was that Trump has taken the place of Jesus , these days ". I assume you meant Trump has taken the place of Jesus for you and possible others. What did you mean by these words? That is a very strange thing to ask. Before I attempt an answer, I'd like to know why you are asking this strange question. Is this an attempt at proselytizing?
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