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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Linux and Unix (Linux is based on Unix) have been around for many decades, and still both are used primarily by software professionals and engineers. People have been able to get Linux operating systems for their computers since the '80's, yet only a tiny fraction have chosen to do so. I wonder why?
  2. I've never been on Twitter and have no desire to ever be on it. My only concern with Twitter and social media in general is in their usefulness for spreading lies and misinformation. That is already a problem on Twitter, and under Musk it may become a bigger problem, if he can keep it running. It's unclear if he can, which wouldn't bother me in the least. The last time I checked Tesla had taken a beating in the stock market, dropping Musk's net worth below $200 billion. Still an obscene amount, but if Musk wants his chief moneymaker, Tesla, to fund his space program so he can go to Mars, then Musk should use the genius you credit him with to straighten out the issues at Tesla. Another fun fact about Tesla; it makes 25% of its revenue in China and has a factory there. If Twitter becomes a platform for spreading news the Chinese government does not like it will not hesitate to threaten Musk's income and investments in China to stop such news. Then we will see how committed to free speech Musk really is.
  3. What "right people" has Musk brought on board at Twitter? What experience does he have managing a social medial company? Musk was forced to make he purchase he didn't want to and is now in over his head.
  4. As has been pointed out to you repeatedly people have been banned from Twitter for breaking the terms of use, most notably for posts seen to promoting violence. Trump was banned from Twitter after being warned that his repeated lies about a stolen election were promoting violence. As has also been pointed out to you, the author of the Washington Post story about the Hunter Biden laptop did not stand behind it because it could not be verified. Twitter and other media held off on the story until it could be verified, which was not an easy task due to the chain of custody issues. They understandably did not want to promote a fake October surprise story three weeks before the election, though people with no regard for the truth did. Very few conservative figures have been banned from Twitter. Look up your favorite Fox or OAN pundit and you will probably find they are active on Twitter. Twitter does not censor, except when users violate terms of service they agreed to.
  5. I don't think Apple and Google/Alphabet are terribly worried about this.
  6. Do you think Musk reviewed the job descriptions and performance reports on all of the thousands of people he fired? If not, how does he know he only fired the non-performers?
  7. You really need to work on your writing skills. The only idea you succeeded in communicating successfully is that you are impressed by China's progress in the last 30 years. Yes, China has made impressive advances in the last 30 years. It has gone from backwards to middle-income developing status. It did that by abandoning communism and copying the science, technology and manufacturing skills from more advanced countries. However copying is not the same as innovating and catching up is not the same as taking the lead.
  8. The Chinese living in Taiwan, the US, Thailand, etc. who were born there or chose to live there permanently are citizens of those countries, not China. This started when I posted "Funny how the most capable Chinese people don't live in China. Maybe they don't like the government." Saanim took exception to that comment. Yet it seems the minority of Chinese who chose to leave China, and the ethnic Chinese who never lived in China, have many more high achievers than the majority that live in China. I don't think the minority of Chinese who live outside of China are inherently superior to those that remain in mainland China. I think they live in countries where they are allowed to excel. That is why many of them, or their ancestors, left China. Assuming they will oppose the governments in the countries that allowed them to excel and support China's aggressive expansion and occupation of lands and seas it has no right to is nonsense.
  9. The previous CEO didn't fire or run off half his staff and warn those remaining that the company may have to file for bankruptcy, all while still losing money. And he paid $44 billion to be in this situation. A true business genius.
  10. There have been 13 Chinese winners of the Nobel Prize since 1957. Only three lived in mainland China win they won the prize. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Chinese_Nobel_laureates
  11. If true that would indicate a serious lack of security at Mar-a-Lago. Good thing we don't have classified there. Oh, wait....
  12. Players rolling on the ground faking injury then getting up unhurt, players kicking the ball out of play in such an obvious manner even an American can see it then pretending they didn't do it.... Yeah, European football is a hoot!
  13. Let's take a look at the number of Chinese Nobel Prize winners https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Chinese_Nobel_laureates : Living in the People's Republic of China (mainland China): 2 Living in the Republic of China (Taiwan): 4 Living outside of either China: 6 Perhaps I should have specified that the most capable Chinese people don't want to live in communist China. Either that or the communist government doesn't allow its most capable people to excel.
  14. "The far left has been exploiting Twitter for years and having anyone who disagrees with them banned." There is a point where hyperbole becomes an outright lie. Mitch McConnell, Ron DeSantis, Sean Hannity.....None of these have been banned from Twitter. The vast majority of people who disagree with "the left" have not been banned from Twitter. Only those who break the terms of use are banned.
  15. And so long as those millions of soldiers stay in China and Russia they will be safe from the US. If they attempt to invade the US or a US ally, well....
  16. Do you think China or Russia would do well in a "non-proxy" war with the USA?
  17. Who do you suggest the Philippines put their faith in to "save the day"?
  18. Yeah. Funny how the most capable Chinese people don't live in China. Maybe they don't like the government.
  19. Of course they should be banned. Why does anyone need a high capacity 12 gauge semi-automatic shotgun?
  20. Right. It's not like this topic is about Donald Trump. Oh, wait....
  21. Yes, one shouldn't leap to conclusions. For example, one shouldn't assume that a sexually confused young man raised by an anti-gay father would not be influenced by anti-LGBTQ rhetoric. We don't know what motivated this person.
  22. Further evidence that politics and democracy in the US have degenerated into reality TV BS. I really hope we an rise above that.
  23. After advising on speculation about what is going on in a sick mind, I now can't resist posting: Whenever I encounter someone who is publicly and virulently anti-gay, my first thought is "Methinks he doth protest too much". Full disclosure: I think people who are in deep denial of their own sexuality can become very warped individuals.
  24. I think it's pointless to speculate on what was going on in that twisted mind; we are unlikely to ever know. I advise avoiding that rabbit hole. Nothing justifies the murders and I hope he is locked up for life. I don't care if it is prison or an asylum.
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