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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. "...when you don't bother to report on the very damning evidence being released by Twitter that is context to his post and that demonstrates unequivocally how incredibly corrupt this last election was." So report on this evidence. Remember to use credible sources.
  2. What's missing from your posts are sources to support what you claim Trump is saying. Exactly what rules does he propose the change? What's missing from Trump's fraud claims is any credible evidence of fraud.
  3. I see. You consider Skipalongcassidy a reliable source, but not CNN. Or do you have another source that shows that Trump "only" wants to suspend the Constitution in regards to elections, as if that wasn't bad enough?
  4. An opinion piece in the NY Post. Seriously? Is that the best you could come up with?
  5. Interesting: The Republicans backed a New Jersey resident for Senate in Pennsylvania and are backing a Texas resident for Senate in Georgia, yet they claim the Democrats are guilty of voter fraud.
  6. Of course, Hunter's Biden's laptop. A story so questionable the author of the story wouldn't stand behind it. Also, a story that was not about anyone running for office or in government. Well if we're going to correct past wrongs by suspending the constitution let's start with a much greater wrong: FBI Director Comey re-opening the Hillary Clinton email investigation days before the 2016 election. That had far more impact on a much closer election than the laptop story. We can erase the historical record of President Trump and all he did, including the Supreme Court nominations, and set things right by rewriting laws, appointments, and history to reflect Hillary Clinton winning.
  7. Your first source doesn't say Musk banned anything. Your second source is pre-Musk and states: "Twitter has suspended several popular accounts with alleged ties to Antifa — which have more than 71,000 followers combined — following the Inauguration Day riots." Since Antifa is not a formal organization with any official leadership, it can't have a Twitter account. The second source also states: "Twitter has been cracking down on accounts belonging to extremist groups and those that peddle conspiracy theories following the Jan. 6 siege on the US Capitol." "More than 70,000 QAnon-related accounts have since been purged." Interesting. Alleged Antifa accounts with 71k followers versus 70,000 QAnon-related account. Even if the average QAnon account had only a handful of followers, that would mean Twitter banned QAnon accounts followed by many times the number of followers of alleged Antifa accounts. Of course that was pre-Musk. It will be interesting to see if Musk allows the right-wing conspiracy theory accounts such as QAnon to remain while banning any account that a right-wingnut says is an Antifa account.
  8. Unfortunately the real story is that Alex Jones saw what was coming months ago, transferred and hid most of his assets, and then filed for bankruptcy. https://nypost.com/2022/08/15/alex-jones-transferred-real-estate-to-his-wife-amid-45m-lawsuit/ https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/alex-jones-transferred-over-18-million-to-shell-companies-to-hide-assets-from-sandy-hook-victims-court-filing-alleges/ar-AAW1ap4 The man is a slime-ball.
  9. LOL, posting that Trump was politely saying he was skipping the inauguration shows that you've drunk too much of the Kool-Aide. Trump wasn't being polite, the man-child was pouting, and making it clear he didn't accept the result of the election. Take a look at Trump's tweets on January 6: https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/tweets-january-6-2021 Note that he condemned Mike Pence while rioters who had chanted "Hang Mike Pence" were in the Capitol. "Mike Pence didn't have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution...". He also never condemned the rioters, he told them "Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!" The other quote from my source that you omitted was “The 75,000,000 great American Patriots who voted for me, AMERICA FIRST, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future. They will not be disrespected or treated unfairly in any way, shape or form!!!" Then he tweeted that he would skip the inauguration. Hitler never signed an order to exterminate the Jewish people in Europe, the Godfather never directed anyone to put a horse head the the movie producers bed, and Trump never told anyone to storm the Capitol and attempt to overturn a legal election. Does that make them innocent of the crimes committed on their behalf? Keep in mind that Hitler, the Godfather and Trump also never condemned the crimes or the people who committed them. As noted, Trump's tweets before January 6 led to the attack on the Capitol, and, after repeated warnings, his tweets made it clear that he would continue the election denial that caused the violent attack. That's why he was banned from Twitter. It should have been done much sooner.
  10. Trump repeatedly violated Twitter's policies: "Time and again, Trump tested the boundaries of what he could say, violating the company’s rules against election misinformation, glorifying violence and falsehoods about COVID-19." https://www.courier-journal.com/story/news/local/2021/01/09/twitter-bans-trump-what-tweet-got-president-banned/6607968002/ His continued posts of election denial resulted in the assault on the Capitol. Following the assault on the Capitol, he continued to post this nonsense in spite of the warnings. To put it in very simple terms: Among the billions of posts by millions of people on Twitter, there were many that could be interpreted as a call for violence. However Trump's posts actually led to violence, and he continued to post the same inciteful nonsense. So he got banned. Is that too difficult to understand?
  11. Allowing Russia to invade countries with impunity until he goes to far and invades a NATO country is likely to end in nuclear war. Caving in to nuclear blackmail until the blackmail gets so outrageous it must be resisted is likely to lead to nuclear war. Making it clear that a nuclear attack will result in a response in kind (Mutually Assured Destruction) is an unpleasant reality, but it has kept the peace for for over half a century. Until someone figures out a better alternative, it's what we should stick with.
  12. Georgia, you've embarrassed yourself by electing Marjorie Taylor (Jewish Space Lasers) Greene. Don't make it worse by electing this clueless fool. BTW: I spaced out on Greene's name so I did an internet search on "crazy georgia congresswoman". The first three results were about her.
  13. So everyone who disagrees with you is indoctrinated, everyone who agrees with you is a free thinker. Is that it? You have been well indoctrinated.
  14. The GOP would be more understanding of Putin? Ok...... What leads you think the Democrats have not been riding China hard? Only legitimate votes are being counted. If you have credible evidence to the contrary, please share it.
  15. Tech companies have a more highly educated workforce than average.
  16. Nick Fuentes "gets" Trump. Yeah, I can believe that. ????
  17. China has been developing a competing phone OS since before 2014. Do you think China skimped on resources? How widespread is its use outside of China? Musk has done well creating big new companies, in part by acquiring much smaller companies. However taking over a big existing company with a large customer base and turning into something profitable is new ground for him. It doesn't appear to be going well.
  18. Let's distinguish between the Linux operating system and the user interface built on top of that operating system. Yes, the operating system is widespread, but after years of competition between many different user interfaces, Apple and Android dominate. That has been the case for years. That tells us something about how difficult it would be to bring another operating system on the market and make it competitive.
  19. Android is a user interface built on a Linux platform, as is Windows and maybe Apple IOS. Linux alone is not a popular user interface for consumer devices.
  20. Please name some of the more popular Linux forms that half the world is using.
  21. I have no idea what you are asking in your first question. Regarding your second question, being the leader in technology, economic development, and size of economy has many advantages for the country in the lead position. That is why China is pursuing it.
  22. China is claiming international waters and territorial waters of the Philippines and other countries, and turning reefs into islands with military bases on them. That's why the Philippines is allowing the US Navy to return to Subic.
  23. Let's get real: Comparing American football to European football is like comparing tennis to basketball. The sports are so different any comparisons are ludicrous.
  24. I agree it's possible, but I can't see Trump's ego allowing that.
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