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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. The question was not addressed to you. Why not give Mac Mickmanus a chance to reply before you butt in?
  2. I pointed out that both Trump and Hitler were careful to not do the dirty work themselves. That is true. Trump did nothing for hours after the protest became an attack on the Capitol and Congress other than watch television. Prove me wrong, provide a credible source telling us what he did. It's Trump's sworn duty to defend and protect the US and its Constitution. He didn't.
  3. The Capitol police were overwhelmed. The DC police didn't have jurisdiction. Paralysis in Trump's government was keeping the National Guard from being called up. And, as has been noted, Trump could have done a lot to defuse and end the situation with a single tweet. He took an oath to defend and protect; he did nothing but watch television until he was confident the insurrection would fail. At a minimum that is gross dereliction of duty, if not complicity in the insurrection. You are not a US citizen. You have never taken an oath to defend the US Constitution. You clearly don't know what you are posting about. Stop annoying people with your ignorant posts.
  4. Do you think you are the only person for whom Trump has replaced Jesus?
  5. The only "fact" of mine you have identified as wrong is your uninformed, un-American disagreement with me regarding the importance of the attack on the Capitol.
  6. You shouldn't post silly comments that demonstrate your ignorance of the subject.
  7. No. It has been shown that he didn't do anything for hours after the attack began, other than watch television. Prove me wrong.
  8. That's what happens when you let the lunatics run the asylum.
  9. Non-Americans should be careful where and what they post. Trump took an oath: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." The US Capitol and US Congress was under attack. He could have ended the attack and made it clear physically attacking the US government was wrong and criminal with a single tweet. Instead he watched television. That must be the biggest, clearest case of dereliction of duty in US history.
  10. "I saw clear irregularities that have never been explained in the voting data from cities like Philadelphia, Detroit and Milwaukee." Please identify these clear irregularities. In a two-party, winner takes all system voting for the lesser of two evils is common. That's why I want to see Rank Choice Voting.
  11. Hateful? For calling the crowd not-too-bright? Who were the intellectuals in that mob? Was it the buffalo horn guy?
  12. I didn't say a day later, I said hours after the attack began. It almost seems like Trump decided to wait and see if this violent assault on democracy would work before taking any action.
  13. Almost three hours after the attack began, and no calls for people to leave the Capitol.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_the_January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack
  14. I've already posted that promoting a protest with lies about a stolen election, whipping up the crowd with words like "fight like hell" and pointing them towards the Capitol is provoking violence, even if the word "peacefully" was used once.
  15. When was it announced that Biden will be investigated regarding Ukraine?
  16. Without looking it up I suspect the Jesus thing is the "Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's". Are you talking about Trump before or after the Capitol attack? During the attack itself he didn't say or do anything of note, which is a criminal dereliction of duty for a sitting President. BTW: I stand by my post that spending large amounts of time studying the words of Jesus and Donald Trump is said. It's kind of like claiming you are a student of Aristotle and Daffy Duck.
  17. Right, it's awful when the media takes a few seconds of a speech and focuses on that. Trump supporters would never do that to Biden, would they? That's sarcasm for those who can't tell.
  18. Pointing out the absurdity of your claim that only those who have committed murder should be banned from Twitter. Bye. You won't be missed.
  19. It was a failed attempt at overturning a legitimate election and illegally keeping the loser in the White House; in other words, and attempt to overthrow democracy. If it is not recognized as such and those guilty punished, it will happen again. Next time it might succeed.
  20. Those were the final straws: "This was the second time in a week Twitter had taken action against the president’s account. Twitter removed three tweets that promoted conspiracy theories about the election and locked Trump’s account on Wednesday, citing “a risk of violence,” after a violent riot at the Capitol. Trump’s official @POTUS account is still active, but if the company determines he’s using it to evade the ban, it will take action to limit its use, a Twitter spokesperson said in a statement." https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/twitter-permanently-bans-president-donald-trump-n1253588
  21. Historical riots have nothing to do with this topic. Trump was banned for posting lies about the election that lead to the Capitol attack. Try to stick to the topic.
  22. What criminal scientific fraud has Gore committed? I'm sure the Biden investigation will have the same results as the multiple Benghazi investigations. Deflecting again.
  23. Can't refute my claims so you disparage them. Got it.
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