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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Educate yourself on the Clinton Whitewater investigation to see how long Republicans will draw out investigations of Democrats.
  2. Gee, I wonder why good lawyers won't work for Trump. Something to do with pay perhaps?
  3. Now all Trump has to do is abandon Truth Social and all the investors that trusted him. Not a problem for Trump. Oh wait, Trump said he wouldn't do that. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-twitter-truth-social-elon-musk-ban-1755413 It will be interesting to see what happens.
  4. How are revenues looking? Did the verified subscriber subscription plan fix them? ????
  5. What? Why didn't people choose Trump's better, cheaper healthcare plan? You know, the one he promised and said would be easy.
  6. Good point. If the software is not well documented then asking someone new and without on-the-job training under a current engineer to maintain it might be asking the impossible. How often is this kind of system both well documented and kept up to date with every new revision? I know that a few decades ago the answer would be not often enough.
  7. Well if Marjorie Taylor Greene says it, you know it's a b*t-sh*t crazy idea. The Trump base will love it.
  8. You know nothing about the engineer and yet you think you know everything about him. That says so much about you.
  9. Right. I expect the Republican's investigations of Biden to be just as productive as their endless investigations of Benghazi. ????
  10. Yeah, that guy was an incompetent buffoon, wasn't he?
  11. 1. Exactly what has been proven about the contents of that laptop? Give credible sources, please. 2. The border is a problem but not a crisis. If it were a true crisis there would be aggressive prosecution of the people who hire these illegal immigrants. I haven't seen any sign of that, or any push for that from Republicans. Have you noticed how DeSantis has gone quiet on illegal immigration now that Florida needs those illegals for hurricane cleanup and rebuilding? 3. Provide links to those films you claim exist.
  12. Your first source is an opinion piece, easily refuted by doing an internet search using the words "president biden fact check". Your second source is not relevant to the topic.
  13. A warning to those just arriving: Beware of Trolls!
  14. There should be a "Hell Yeah!" emoji for some posts.
  15. Do you think anti-missile systems are perfect? You really should improve your knowledge of such things before posting about them.
  16. I see your point: Russia has other countries it wants to invade and you want to let Russia get on with it. Some of us don't want Russia to get on with it.
  17. No, everyone ignored your question because it is ridiculous. There are no angels in this war, but there is an aggressor and a victim. It's easy to distinguish between the two, but I suspect you won't get it right.
  18. Or, NATO let's Ukraine know that it can use the arsenal of captured Russian weapons on legitimate military targets in Russia. Reminding Russians what war feels like could bring this thing to an end.
  19. You've totally bought into the Putin/RT version of events, haven't you?
  20. Yes, there was a lunatic breaking into a house and attacking an old man.
  21. I think some people are getting carried away with the fairness aspect of this and losing sight of the big picture: Musk is continuing to run his $44 billion investment into the ground. Under the circumstances, I think a severance package is a good deal. Twitter is looking more and more like a sinking ship.
  22. As was explained in the video, it doesn't matter who opened the door and people react differently in a stressful crime situation. Here's one plausible explanation: Pelosi thought he was safe after the police arrived and didn't think he needed to run away.
  23. You don't understand why Pelosi defended himself when he was attacked? Weird.
  24. I think Murdoch's abuse of news outlets to promote Faux News is appalling, made more so by his success in using his media empire to play king-maker, or more often, king-slayer. That being noted, I look forward to the Murdoch Media vs Trump battles that are about to ensue.
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