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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. "Sure, it had a night life hooker bars, but for anyone been to Pattaya it was pathetic." Is that what you meant to post?
  2. I was correct: Judgmental curmudgeons who really resent other people enjoying life. Very small minded, unimaginative curmudgeons at that.
  3. Teachers having sexual relationships with students are rare, that's why it makes the news when it's discovered. It does occasionally happen; should we put an end to teaching and schools? That also raises the question of should we end religion; religious leaders and officials have also engaged in sexual relationships that were, to put it mildly, inappropriate. I'd prefer to have the risks associated with sex education in classrooms than the risks associated with young people trying to learn about sex, childbirth, STD's, contraception, etc. by what they find on restroom walls and the internet.
  4. My Bar looks like a backpacker bar; not what I'm looking for. I've done a quick walk down Loi Kroh since I've returned, I didn't notice Paradise Bar but didn't see any bars that looked promising. I explained early in this topic, I'm not looking for a hooker bar.
  5. Good for you, and good luck to her. I've actively avoided serious relationships, I find them stifling. However I like to make friends, go out and have fun. Is that difficult to understand?
  6. And you didn't answer my question regarding you being a judgmental curmudgeon that resents anyone enjoying life. Look at your post that I replied to. The one where you asked "What exactly are you looking for ?" I've answered that repeatedly. I don't care to share details of my sex-life here, and would prefer that you not do so. It's nobody's business, is it?
  7. I've answered the question repeatedly, most recently just a few posts up. If you are not interested in places with good Thai food, beer, pretties and people having fun, you shouldn't be posting on this topic. Your posts make you seem like judgmental curmudgeons that resent anyone enjoying life. Is that a fair description of you?
  8. If this is your idea of making conversation, I suspect you have very few friends. Try to stay on-topic and not fantasize about other people's sex lives.
  9. Having lived in Chiang Mai for 12 years I know that there were some excellent places for food, beer, eye candy, and a relaxed, fun atmosphere. Great places to go with friends or solo. Nimmanhamin used to have several such places, now they're gone. I have faith that such places are still out there, I just need to find them. I've been to Bangkok, and it only takes a few days for the crowds, noise, pollution, etc. to get to me. There is a reason people who live in Chiang Mai don't choose to live in Bangkok. When the CMU students I taught graduated they all tried to find a job anywhere but Bangkok.
  10. Why don't you just ask if I'm looking for a place where I can hit on young women? The answer is no. I am looking for a place with good food, cold beer, attractive staff and the kind of atmosphere that comes with a lively place with young people. I am very open to a little back and forth flirting with a pretty a fraction of my age, but I wouldn't expect anything to come of it.
  11. You consider name calling to be entertaining? That says a lot about you.
  12. In spite of the bold predictions of Republican glory, the red wave looks like a red ripple, with control of the Senate once again likely to go to a run-off election in Georgia. Let's hope Trump once again does his part to discourage Republican voters in that election. The House probably will go to Republicans, but even that is not certain. Republicans greatly under-performed the historical norm for the opposition party in a mid-term election.
  13. Not a place specifically geared towards students, but the kind of lively, affordable place that often attracts students. Four years ago there was an after-hours place across from WarmUp that was operating illegally in plain sight. The food selection was limited but it was still a fun place for a late beer and people watching. Mostly young people, I don't know the ratio of working young to students. Unfortunately that, like so much else on Nimmanhamin, is closed. I wouldn't mind finding another place like that.
  14. We saw how much MAGA people like accountability in their response to the search and seizure of illegally kept Presidential Records.
  15. I think he's more afraid that there will be a coup in his absence.
  16. That and good Thai food at Thai prices, and not too many tourists. The kind of places that my Thai students used to take me too.
  17. Just how small do you think Chiang Mai is? Walking around and covering all likely streets and sois is easy in the Nimmanhamin area, and I've done it. It's more work in the old city, but I've covered a fair amount of that. Doing so in the maze of streets in Santitham is impractical. Also, there may be places along the river or ring road that are worth checking, but not on foot.
  18. You don't conduct an investigation without evidence of a crime. All "evidence" of electoral fraud presented was show to be nonsense.
  19. If the old OMG and BlarBlar were beer bars, then yes, I am looking for a beer bar.
  20. Do you also think a person who can't follow simple directions regarding the Presidential Records Act should be allowed to run for office?
  21. The law that is being followed serves no purpose. When it was first written absentee ballots dated before election day would be counted if received late, but now all absentee ballots must be received by election day or they won't be counted. https://www.vote.pa.gov/Voting-in-PA/Pages/Mail-and-Absentee-Ballot.aspx Can you think of any good reason why a mail-in ballot received before the election and properly filled out should be rejected because the sender overlooked the date part on the outside of the envelope?
  22. You haven't been paying attention. Musk has not changed any policies, he's talked of creating committees to discuss changing them. He's also fired half the staff, is now trying to hire some back, has run off many users and advertisers, has implemented a paid "verification" scheme that doesn't say how or if the people who pay will be verified, banned parody accounts the day a parody account of Elon Musk was created https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/comedian-kathy-griffin-suspended-twitter-mocking-ceo-elon-musk-rcna55916, and in general displayed clueless incompetence.
  23. Promising to do anything without saying when is a standard meaningless political promise. Look at all the promises the last President made and didn't keep.
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