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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Maybe instead of speculating about what life is like, you could crawl out from under your bridge and experience it yourself.
  2. Back under the bridge troll.
  3. I checked out T-Bar last night, then walked around Santitham without seeing much that interested me, then had a final beer in Yawk Bar. The pretties in T-Bar ranged from cute to well below average. Unfortunately a hefty, heavily tattooed "pretty" latched onto me. I finished my beer and left. If anyone is in the mood for an extra large, aggressive pretty with an extra large rack, you should check out T-Bar. Otherwise, maybe not. Yawk bar was nice; not the rambunctious pretty bar I was looking for, but a friendly corner bar good for a beer or three. I've driven past Hom bar, I'll try to visit sometime soon.
  4. While I agree with every word, I can't help but think Christie is positioning himself for a post-Trump Republican Party.
  5. Ok, at this point I'm wondering...have you ever been to Thailand?
  6. Do you not understand the difference between getting spending passed through Congress versus taking Florida taxpayer money designated for transporting illegal immigrants out of Florida and using it to stage a publicity stunt flying asylum seekers from Texas to Massachusetts? If you are not aware of complaints from Floridians about the stunt, perhaps you should seek better news sources. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2022/10/10/desantis-sued-by-florida-watchdog-group-heres-all-the-legal-fallout-he-faces-for-flying-migrants-to-marthas-vineyard/?sh=23e5297d436f https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/22/politics/desantis-florida-officials-sued-migrant-flights-lawmaker-lawsuit/index.html
  7. You asked why Biden is emptying the SPR. He isn't. The source said nothing about $100+ a barrel. Still having reading problems?
  8. I routinely slang pundit programs in general. I've seen enough of them to consider them <deleted>. Tucker Carlson has been treated like valid news enough times here for me to spot check transcripts of his program. It looked like a bunch of unsubstantiated opinions, many of the ridiculous. https://www.foxnews.com/category/shows/tucker-carlson-tonight/transcript
  9. I don't go to bars to watch TV, I don't care what kind of music so long as it isn't so loud as to drown out conversation, and regarding the attentive exotic women in their twenties, it's clear you never went to BlarBlar when it was open.
  10. Perhaps you could give us a few examples of great countries to live in that have closed borders.
  11. Unless Ukraine has enough precision munitions left to destroy the Russian artillery first.
  12. Probably the Alaska election between two Republican candidates for the Senate, a result of Alaska's rank choice voting system. I don't think a result has been declared, so it is technically an undecided election even though a Republican result is guaranteed.
  13. Mis-using Florida taxpayer money to fly Venezuelan asylum seekers under false premises from Texas to Massachusetts? When has Biden done anything like that? https://www.forbes.com/sites/carlieporterfield/2022/09/20/venezuelan-migrants-sue-desantis-for-flying-them-to-marthas-vineyard/?sh=1a21085b699d
  14. Once again, you should read more: https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/05/energy/spr-biden/index.html
  15. If you don't have an intelligent reply that involves refuting the facts and logic of a post, you shouldn't post at all. It makes you look foolish. BTW: I don't watch news on television, I read. You should try it.
  16. That's the kind of ignorance that comes from watching Fox News. Inflation is a global problem caused by supply chain issues. Biden is doing what he can to bring supply chains closer to or inside the US, but that is a project that takes years. In the meantime he has no more power over inflation than any other national leader. There was no energy crisis 2 years ago because demand was much lower. Oil producers stopped the fracking because costs were exceeding price. They won't invest the money to restart until they are confidant long term prices will justify the expense. The supply chain issues were caused by an economic rebound post-Covid and are now largely caused by China's flawed Covid policies. What do you suggest Biden do about that?
  17. DeSantis is all about noise and stunts paid for by taxpayers, along with the inevitable lawsuits. Trump's base will love him.
  18. Good for him. I'm about a decade behind him, prefer beer to rum, and most of my Thai friends are women. That was luck; I met them while giving English conversation practice at CMU, where there are slightly more female students than male, and the women seemed more interested in learning English. The wedding I went to at the end of October was for a former CMU student who has a masters in economics and a good government job. My first Thai wedding was also for a former student who has a masters in engineering and is rising up management at a Pandora jewelry factory. The unofficial leader of the group of students I used to teach is doing post-doctoral work in South Korea. I suspect the posters who assume that nightlife is all about hooker bars don't know Thai people like these.
  19. I am. After a late Tuesday night at the river and closing a friend's bar (it closed somewhat later than usual) I decided to take a night off.
  20. Try going to the start of this topic, reading what I posted as an introduction, and either making on-topic posts or no posts at all. As mentioned earlier, I've been gone for a few years. Some of the old friends are married and settled, others are working in other cities. I'm only here for a few more weeks, and I thought I'd use this forum for one of its intended purposes; asking questions about life in Chiang Mai. Unfortunately some posters see this forum as a platform for making ignorant comments about others. BTW: I met most of these friends at CMU, not "bars and things". Once again, you really need to broaden your horizons.
  21. Exactly where did you see predictions of MAGA hordes wreaking violence? Regarding the death of democracy; let's see how many of the losers accept that they lost, and see what damage the election deniers who won will attempt to do in office.
  22. Most don't mind. I don't know about the religious universities. I don't know if all universities restrict sexual/romantic relationships between professors and students, but even if technically allowed it is unprofessional and I've never engaged in that kind of activity. However strictly social outings of professors and students are allowed and sometimes arranged by the universities. I assume there are no restrictions between professors and former students, but I've never done that either. I've remained friends with some of my former students. The weekend before last I went to the wedding of one former student; I was honored to be one of only two foreign guests invited among the hundreds of Thais. Your comments and assumptions say a lot about you; you can not conceive of nightlife being about anything but sex or that foreigners and Thais can become friends. You really need to broaden your horizons.
  23. It wasn't meant to be. However there are some posters who can't accept that there is more to Thai nightlife than hooker bars, and not every evening out is in search of sex.
  24. You've already confirmed you are a judgmental curmudgeon, you don't need to hammer the point home by displaying your tiny-minded stereotypes. ????
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