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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. "exactly, it's like, well like a pre-fabricated doc and records tangle with NARA. Hardly enough to state its anything otherwise based on the DOJ leaks and evidence presented to date." Seriously? Are you claiming that the documents found in Mar-a-Lago are part of government plot against Trump? Evidence to date is that Trump had a huge number of government documents he wasn't entitled to, some of them highly classified, and refused to return them. Please share with us your evidence that this is not true.
  2. "The West has openly stated its goal of regime change, government overthrow, and partitioning of Russia." What western nation has stated it wants regime change, etc. in Russia? Use credible sources, please.
  3. "There are wars all over the globe, many fully backed by the US..." What wars are fully backed by the United States? US support for Ukraine is the only one I'm aware of.
  4. A deflecting rant that doesn't directly address anything in my post. Nazi Germany existed less than 100 years ago, in living memory of many. The lessons learned in failure to address an aggressive empire building dictator are timeless. Votes conducted at gunpoint in occupied territories are as meaningless as votes can be. If China decided to take Manchuria back and then held a vote in the occupied territory would Russia accept the result? I never posted that countries that wished to align with Russia shouldn't be allowed to do so. I posted that countries that are threatened by Russia are free to make alliances to protect themselves. What Biden and Obama mischief in Ukraine are you referring to? Give referenced examples. Your admiration of Putin's "balls" is telling. Do you have posters of shirtless Putin in your room? I've observed that sometimes vocal, anti-gay macho men are gay but in denial. Zelenskyy appears in public and visits front line soldiers. Does Putin do that? Thailand abstained on the UN illegal referendum vote because it doesn't want to call attention to its constitution written by the military following a coup and approved in a referendum that fell well short of democratic standards. However the Thai constitutional referendum was still far better than the farce Russia imposed on the occupied territories in Ukraine.
  5. "It's our old friend again, irrational hatred for Trump." I resent that. Trump has been attempting to undermine democracy in the US, undermined our country's alliances with other democracies, and maintains his family's history of avoiding service to country. As a retired officer who takes his oath to uphold the US Constitution seriously, I consider my hatred of Trump to be rational.
  6. "Jan-6 is nothing," Only someone who puts Trump before country and democracy would post such contemptible words.
  7. He wants someone else to find election fraud because he can't (there wasn't any of significance) and he calls people who attacked the Capitol while Congress was in session confirming a legitimate election "patriots". The man is a threat to democracy in the US, as is everyone who supports him.
  8. If you believe Russia is entitled to rebuild the Soviet Empire against the wishes of those countries that have no desire to be part of that empire... However since some of those countries that were former members of the Soviet Empire are now NATO members, and Russia made it clear early in the war that it wouldn't stop at Ukraine, it makes sense to help Ukraine defend itself. Stop Russia now or stop it later. The west waited until later to stop Nazi Germany; it was a costly mistake, especially for Russia. Your assumption that Putin isn't going anywhere may prove to be optimistic. Let's see what happens when body bags are sent home to Moscow, St Petersberg, etc.
  9. "Why would Biden have needed to hire teams of lawyers? He had the entire deep state and mainstream media working dishonestly to protect him." Allow me to state the obvious: The "deep state" is a myth. You can not even define what you mean by it, and you certainly can't prove its existence. It's just something you want to believe in, so you do. It is your religion. Tragically, people who follow the deep state religion often believe bizarre things--lizard people, blood drinking pedophiles, etc. The number of people who believe this nonsense is frightening. The fact that they vote based on these beliefs is dangerous. Another adherent to the deep state religion. The Justice Department is investigating Hunter Biden. If there is enough evidence to prosecute him, he will be charged and prosecuted. Just like Trump. That's not evidence for or against a deep state, its how the system works.
  10. You never tried to get the point that what Putin thought was what mattered, you accused the US of starting the war by betraying promises to Russia, promises that were never made. You believed Russian propaganda about broken promises about NATO expansion, now that you've been shown that the propaganda was a lie you are claiming "that's not what I meant...". You also have not provided any evidence to support your claim that the Maidan revolution was "The Nuland-organized coup in 2014...". Please tell us how the Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs organized this coup. No YouTube videos; actual, credible, documented facts.
  11. Try to remember that the people calling for transparency and investigations of any unfounded accusation against President Biden are the same ones who defended Trump's "right" to keep his business and White House dealings secret.
  12. "Transparency, truth, facts, it should be a priority for all." Tell that to Trump and his supporters.
  13. The hypocrisy of those who insisted Trump had no need to reveal his vast international financial affairs and potential conflicts of interest but who now insist the unfounded speculation of Biden financial affairs justifies congressional investigation is staggering.
  14. Three points: There was never a promise to not expand NATO. If Russia had not threatened its neighbors, they would never have requested NATO membership. Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs "Toria" Nuland did not organize the coup. It was a legitimate rebellion by Ukrainians against the corrupt Russian puppet government of President Viktor Yanukovych.
  15. Those in Thailand in 2006 know that an excellent time to stage a coup is when the leader is away.
  16. I think you mean Russia will join China, and Russia will definitely be the junior partner in the relationship. Unless you mean China will join Russia in fighting Ukraine, which would be a very stupid thing for China to do.
  17. And in the meantime, here are you (surely an authoritarian) telling companies how they must conduct training of their employees. I am an advocate of letting companies decide what kind of training is necessary and how to conduct it. There was a time when the small government, minimum regulation Republican Party would have agreed with me. Clearly those days are gone.
  18. The Republicans once had a libertarian side, but that is long gone. Florida Gov DeSantis' (future Presidential candidate and Fox News darling) used legislation to punish Disney when it announced it would no longer contribute to Florida Republicans because of the "Don't say Gay" law, and his Stop Woke act would dictate what kind of human relations training companies can give their employees. Authoritarians want to tell individuals and businesses how to behave.
  19. "Give warnings and fines, community service, etc." I think I would enjoy seeing Trump in an orange vest picking up litter alongside the road even more than seeing him in prison. And I wouldn't object in the least to also seeing Hunter Biden in an orange vest beside him.
  20. Obviously my three option summary simplified the situation; many volumes could be written about details and hypothetical alternate histories. And it is true that after the war in Europe ended Stalin was intent on capturing as much of Japanese held Korea, Manchuria, China and any other vulnerable lands as possible. This would have certainly happened with either a US invasion or blockading of Japan. I don't think this would have led to a better outcome for Japan or the world. Forcing Japan into a rapid surrender prevented much of this, but the Soviet Union still seized Manchuria and Russia still holds it.
  21. At the end of World War II Japan's suicidal defense of the island's it had captured left the US considering three options for ending the war: 1. Invade Japan, losing hundreds of thousands of US troops and killing millions of Japanese troops and civilians. 2. Blockade Japan and starve it into submission. All evidence indicated that Japan would not submit until millions of its citizens had starved and a generation of survivors would be left mentally and physically damaged by malnutrition. 3. Use the atomic bomb, kill over a hundred thousand civilians, and end to war.
  22. Here's a fine one sentence example of Trump's clarity: “Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago;" https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/donald-trump-sentence/
  23. Are Republicans now rejecting Trump? That's great news!
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