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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. I assume this was a state level poll conducted in Georgia, the place the polling organization is located. "Trafalgar Group only conducts state-level polls; according to Cahaly, "we don't do national polls, and that's for the same reason I don't keep up with hits in a baseball game: It's an irrelevant statistic" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trafalgar_Group
  2. Our system of democratic government depends upon the electoral system. There was a time when I assumed most people knew this. Apparently that isn't true for Trump supporters. Regarding my sources, there are ample others. I chose ones not behind paywalls.
  3. Did the Democrats riot in the Capitol to prevent certification of the 2016 Presidential election? Did they demand numerous recounts and audits, all of which verified the election result, and still deny the outcome? Did President Obama refuse to meet Donald Trump at the White House on the day of his inauguration and turn over the White House and Presidency? No to all of the above.
  4. Hundreds of Republican candidates reject the outcome of the 2020 election, as well as Trump, who still refers to it as the stolen election. The fact that they couldn't prevent Biden from taking office doesn't change that. By rejecting election results without evidence Republicans are demonstrating they don't trust our system of democratic government. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Links_between_Trump_associates_and_Russian_officials https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/report-details-team-trump-s-connections-russia-s-2016-scheme-n1237264 null Of course I am sure. Can I prove there was no election fraud? No, for the same reason I can't prove there is no Easter Bunny. One can't prove a non-existence. However if you want people to believe in the stolen election or the Easter Bunny, you must come up with the evidence.
  5. "The Senate Intelligence Committee released a bipartisan report Thursday on Russian election interference that found the U.S. election infrastructure was unprepared to combat “extensive activity” by Russia that began in 2014 and carried on at least into 2017." "The report was issued just one day after former special counsel Robert Mueller warned U.S. lawmakers that he believes Russia will seek to interfere again in the 2020 campaign and that “many more countries” are also developing similar capabilities." https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/national-security/senate-intelligence-report-finds-extensive-russian-election-interference-n1034736
  6. No, I replied to your entire post without editing out any parts. You edited my post to to provide an out of context reply. Also, my analogy is quite correct: Trump whipped up a mob with his lies and they tried to prevent the certification of a legitimate election. The fact that the mob believed Trump's lies does not make their actions any less criminal. And if they had found Mike Pence they might have turned into a lynch mob.
  7. The fact that they lived in an alternative reality created by Trump's self-serving lies does not change the fact that they tried to overturn a legitimate election and are a threat to democracy.
  8. "Just saying it wasn't rigged isn't enough." Recounts, audits, court cases, prominent Republican election officials, the Trump appointed AG, etc., all say it wasn't rigged. What is a "genuine bipartisan commission", by which I assume you mean a commission packed with election deniers, going to uncover that hasn't already been revealed?
  9. People didn't accept the legitimate election result and tried to overturn it. It not only makes logical sense, it's what happened.
  10. They believed the elections were not fair because they believed the lies of Trump. They attempted to prevent the certification of a legitimate election because of the lies of Trump. Trump is clearly a threat to democracy, and since the Republican Party is currently the Trump Party, it is a threat to democracy. "Whether they were right or wrong is irrelevant..." Seriously? If a lynch mob kills the wrong person but wanted to kill the right person, is that irrelevant? Even if the mob kills the "correct" person, should lynch mobs be allowed to operate outside the law?
  11. Protections in place are currently keeping voter fraud at a very low level. None of the laws Republicans are promoting do that; they just make voting more difficult.
  12. Once again, Russia did interfere in the 2020 election and there were links between Russia and Trump's campaign staff. Also, I don't recall any "riots" following Trump's win that compared to the MAGA insurrection/riot after his loss.
  13. Russia did interfere in the 2020 election, the impeachments were legitimate, and no one tried to prevent Trump from taking office or tried to remove him outside of legal, constitutional means.
  14. How do democrats unite with people fighting against democracy? How do people who fight against democracy unite with democrats?
  15. A large number of Republican candidates across the nation refuse to accept the validity of the 2020 election. Accepting legitimate election results is an essential requirement for democracy to work. In other words: Yes, Republicans are a threat to democracy. That is certainly the attitude of the current Republican Party.
  16. I'm sure the Republican plan for inflation will be just as good as Trump's plan to repeal Obamacare and replace it with something better.
  17. Go back to the 1997 constitution. Oh wait, the military won't like that. I'm sure "he who must not be named" also won't approve. Sorry Thailand, you only get autocracy behind a thin veneer of elections; no democracy for you.
  18. South Korea and the US are enemies to North Korea only because North Korea insists on making them enemies. Neither S.K. or the US have any desire to invade North Korea. South Korea isn't to keen on reunifying the countries because the cost of pulling North Korea out of desperate poverty and backwardness would be astronomical. Kim Jong Un knows this. He proclaims South Korea and the US are mortal threats to North Korea because he needs an external enemy to justify his reign.
  19. Kim thinks that tyrants stay in control by having a powerful military, and in order to justify spending on such a military while your people are starving, it is useful to have an invented enemy.
  20. Covid is still killing thousands weekly. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/nvss/vsrr/COVID19/index.htm No credible financial organization maintains that Biden's stimulus spending is the major cause of inflation in the US, only pundits putting on a rage show for their audience. If even half of inflation were caused by the stimulus act, why is US inflation comparable to inflation in every other wealthy nation? Simple answer: The bulk of the global inflation is caused by supply side problems and pent up demand everywhere. Inflation in the US is typical of inflation in the rich world. That' means that Biden's stimulus, which only was provided to US citizens, is not a significant driver of inflation.
  21. Could you be anymore obvious? Only North Korea claims the military exercises are practice for an invasion.
  22. No problem. A quick internet search will show you that missile launches did not end after Trump's foolish fling with Kim.
  23. Trump was not responsible for Covid, Biden is not responsible for the supply chain problems (currently driven primarily by Putin's war and China's irrational policy towards Covid lockdowns), Covid is still a threat, and all the good aspects of the economy you are trying to credit Trump with were in place before he took office.
  24. Wrong again: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/02/world/asia/north-korea-kim-trump-missiles.html
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