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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Seriously? South Korea should just assume North Korea will leave it alone if South Korea ignores it? I think South Korea knows a lot more about how to deal with its neighbor than you. Regarding Biden copying the Trump approach; why? What good came of it?
  2. Really? It seems to me that North Korea is behaving the same way it has for decades.
  3. Trump presided over an economic crash. That tends to keep inflation down.
  4. Yes, inflation is caused by too much money chasing too few goods and services. The supply of goods are being constrained by supply chain problems and the supply of services by the shortage of workers. These are not Biden's fault. The stimulus spending contributed to inflation, but the primary cause is the supply chain issues. That is global, which is why inflation is a global problem.
  5. Fortunately Brazil's military does not seem interested in getting involved.
  6. Are you aware that it was North Korea that invaded South Korea in 1950, and that there is still no formal peace between the two countries? Are you aware that it is North Korea that is developing nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles? Do you seriously expect South Korea to neglect its defense and not take measures to protect itself from North Korea?
  7. Keystone was years from completion. Its cancellation had no impact on current oil prices. What are these other restrictions created by the government? Are you referring to the lock-downs during the Trump administration? Inflation is caused predominantly by supply chain problems. Both Russia and China have been identified as unreliable partners and supply chains are being shortened and simplified, but that comes with a cost. In short, globalization is being rolled back, and that is causing inflation. Isn't an end to globalization what Trump supporters wanted?
  8. The insecure narcissist will take any opportunity to insert his name in any story.
  9. It also makes perfect sense that Paul Pelosi was able to open the door and was immediately attacked by the intruder before the police could enter and assess the situation.
  10. What is this "democrat agenda" that is so horrible that you support the party undermining democracy?
  11. A 450m CEP greatly limits their military usefulness but still allows them to be effective terror weapons against civilians. I don't know how effective Ukraine's air defense systems will be against them. In Iran some very brave, justifiably angry women are attempting to overthrow the regime. I wish them the best of luck.
  12. Ukrainian farmers are in the farming business, not charity business. Because of Russia's invasion these farmers are in dire financial condition. So of course they sell to whoever can pay the market price. Grain supplied in large quantities anywhere in the world will lower prices globally, benefiting all who rely on grain purchases, be they impoverished nations or organizations feeding impoverished people. BTW: How much grain is Russia donating to starving nations?
  13. Unless Russia is willing to guarantee that its Black Sea fleet will not be used against Ukraine, its unrealistic to ask Ukraine to not target the fleet.
  14. True, and I meant no disrespect in my post to the brave Ukrainians defending their country. However if Russia can not defeat a small country that only has a few months experience with western weapons I don't think Russia would do any better against NATO countries that have years of training and practice with the same and better weapons.
  15. Natural gas in Europe has risen in price, due to its reliance on Russian imports. Gas in the rest of the world are higher than the historic average, but not a lot higher. https://www.macrotrends.net/2478/natural-gas-prices-historical-chart As Europe increases its ability to import and distribute LNG, prices will come down there.
  16. So clearly Russia's much bragged about military is no match for NATO. I wonder why Putin doesn't explain that to his people.
  17. The money has been spent on infrastructure and payments to Americans. The policies on the southern border are largely the same as under Trump; the surge is a result of easing of Covid restrictions.The oil companies show little interest in making major investments in production that will take years to pay off and may result in stranded assets. The global economy is in a transition phase as globalization is rolled back; that is the primary driver of inflation and supply chain problems. It will settle down soon, but in what manner remains to be seen. Globalization resulted in low prices, low interest rates and low wages. Simplifying and shortening the supply chains that are, at its core, the essence of globalization will result in higher prices. How that will affect wages and interest rates remains to be seen.
  18. I checked the place out last night. It was interesting. The main business is a karaoke room open until 3 am. The place stays almost empty until late night; when I was there at 9 pm the pretties outnumbered the customers by two or three to one. The pretties ranged from pretty to Wow!. Only the team leader spoke English, she used to work as a Heineken girl at BlarBlar so we had a starting point for conversation. The pretties were politely pushy on drink sales, but that's their job. The food was not great but good, and the prices were reasonable. Beer prices were reasonable also. It won't be a regular hang-out for me but I'll probably go back on occasion.
  19. I went to the lake bar (one of them) with my students over a decade ago. It was nice, but this time I'm being lazy, I want to stay close to town.
  20. T-Bar is on my list. Where is Hom bar?
  21. Sad, isn't it. The only places I've found on Nimmanhamin with any activity are Beer Lab (expensive) and Warm-Up (too young). I'm not a Loi Kroh fan; hooker bars lost all their charm after the novelty value wore off. I'd like to find a few restaurant bars that have pretties serving the customers. Serving food and drink, not "full service".
  22. I know there is, or was, a group posting on Chiang Mai nightlife, but now I can't find it. Can anyone help me out? I recently returned after four years away and have determined that Nimmanhamin's long decline continued in my absence; it was great ten years ago, now it is pathetic. I'm looking for alternatives, ideally in the mold of BlarBlar or the original Nimmanhamin OMG, not the new OMG near the river.
  23. President Biden has been fact-checked by the "lame stream liberal media" since before he took office. Just use any search engine and type in "president biden media fact check".
  24. NATO expansion was only an existential threat to Russia's aspirations to expand its empire. NATO never threatened Russia's borders, while Russia routinely threatened the borders of its neighbors. That's why the neighboring countries have been eager to join NATO. It that's too complicated, just consider this: If Russia didn't threaten and occasionally occupy and seize neighboring territory, there would have been no NATO expansion and no need for it. And if that is also too complicated, how about this: Russia instigated this and other wars by invading neighboring countries. That's why Russia is bad and NATO is good.
  25. Whenever someone insists that it is easy to fraudulently vote by mail I challenge them to explain how they would do it and get away with it. They always go quiet. The voting machines are not connected to the internet. Every audit of the results and manual recount of paper ballots confirm the results of the machines. If all ballots are counted manually it would take days to get the results, and the conspiracy theorists would be crying "fraud" all the while. The rare instances of people caught voting illegally proves that such voter fraud is rare.
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