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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. I think the fact that Shokin was not doing his job is very pertinent to the discussion of why he was fired.
  2. I think CNN reported what Forbes reported, and Forbes reported figures without access to Trump's financial records other than the ones Trump selectively released. The estimate is based on estimates of the value of Trump's properties and what knowledge Forbes was able to obtain about loans using these properties as collateral. I don't think that is the whole picture; in particular I suspect there are undeclared loans and obligations that no one will know about until Trump makes his finances public. That's what honest politicians do.
  3. Says the person who doesn't think rate of change matters. ???? Sorry, you have to understand science to understand why that's hilarious.
  4. I think Merrick Garland directs people to investigate potential crimes. For that reason he gets credit or condemnation based on what his people do.
  5. Shokin's job was to investigate corruption. Are you claiming that not doing his job should have nothing to do with whether or not Shokin should keep his job?
  6. Strengthening NATO, showing US allies that we are a reliable partner, confronting China, improving infrastructure, taking climate change seriously...
  7. Not available for emergencies? Total bull****!
  8. You still maintain rate of change doesn't matter? You have a serious aversion to logic and the obvious.
  9. Human's have had significant measurable impact on the land, air and waters of the planet. It results might not have been a controlled but these impacts have had and continue to have affects on earth's climate.
  10. I lived in Thailand for 12 years and could never figure out how to accurately report it as my permanent address. I contacted the US Embassy and asked; while I don't recall the exact answer it was something like "Don't bother, just use any convenient US address."
  11. dormant: temporarily inactive or inoperative, as in temporarily defunct. The investigation was dormant under the prosecutor that was fired.
  12. No, continental drift explains that. The tropics are the region within 23.5 degrees latitude of the equator.
  13. A paywall keeps me from learning how Forbes came up with that estimate, but I assume it involved a lot of guesswork. Trump has never released a credible, independently audited account of his assets.
  14. On this topic I prefer the consensus of climate scientists to the climate deniers. I see very few signs of expertise among the deniers.
  15. What I know about past mass extinctions https://ourworldindata.org/mass-extinctions, the knowledge that there are vast quantities of methane in permafrost that is warming up, the fact that Venus could be somewhat earth-like if it weren't for the green house effect, stuff like that.
  16. I think you need to first establish that something illegal was going on with these phone calls.
  17. What is being done to Trump? You mean subjecting him to the same laws everyone else is subject to is somehow bad for democracy?
  18. Nothing is certain, but it would be stupid to ignore the risks. I don't know for certain that something terrible will happen to my house, but I have insurance just in case. I don't know for certain what the tipping point for out of control climate change and mass extinction is, but I'm willing to make a serious effort to avoid getting there.
  19. Not really. Covid is easily transmittable, and the lethality before vaccines was several times that of the common flu. I'm not aware of any pandemic like that since the Spanish flu.
  20. I would describe myself as reasonably well informed, educated, and concerned about the future. I'm not ashamed of it.
  21. "The trouble with that idea is that climate zealots always work on the principle of policy-based evidence, not the other way around." That's total nonsense. The climate experts were working against government, industrial and economic policy when they started. It was only when the evidence became undeniable that some of these changed their tune, somewhat.
  22. The consensus of the experts early on was that there was a highly contagious disease with a lethality far higher than any easily spread disease since the Spanish flu and it was best to err on the side of caution.
  23. But you suggested that being "noble and wise", or more commonly described as knowledgeable and caring about the future, is a bad thing. I assumed that meant you were opposed to all the benefits of civilized behavior.
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