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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. "The Senate, wielding its special power to join the House of Representatives in selecting the new prime minister, has sent a strong message that even a Pheu Thai candidate will be rejected just like Pita if Move Forward is in the nominated person’s coalition." The unelected Senate is making it clear that they don't care who the voters want, they won't allow democracy in Thailand. Words fail me.
  2. And you accuse me of a stunning lack of knowledge about the Constitution. "Although the United States Constitution did not use the words "slave" or "slavery", it explicitly protected American slavery in at least five articles and indirectly protected the institution elsewhere in the document." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slavery_and_the_United_States_Constitution It was not common for anyone to vote in other countries in the 1700's. Slavery was legal in colonies while illegal in most of Europe in the 1700's. It was also illegal in many of the 13 states. All that aside, it is clear that what was accepted in the 18th century is not acceptable now. The US Constitution has had to adapt to the evolving needs of the country. The fact that two of the worst Presidents in US history were elected this century in spite of losing the popular vote is evidence that it's time to get rid of the outdated artifact of the Electoral College.
  3. Nothing on votes for women or allowing slavery? You think slavery should have been legitimized in the US Constitution? You praise the founding fathers for doing so? Your lack of ethics is stunning.
  4. There you go, retreating from your claim about the founding fathers.
  5. You are desperate to divert. My post was: "Expect Trump's lawyers to do everything possible to push this date back. Justice delayed is justice denied. " Clearly pertinent to the topic "Judge sets May 2-25 date for Trump classified documents probe". Nothing you posted in reply was on-topic. Go away, your immaturity is annoying.
  6. Slavery, no vote for women, slaves count as 3/5's of a person in the census. I'm not surprised you think that was right.
  7. I want to apply it to the topic. You obviously want to divert from the topic. I assume that is because you have nothing to contribute.
  8. I take it you are a fan of George W. Bush, his chicken hawks and the unnecessary wars they started.
  9. Wow, what a totally irrelevant off-topic attempt at derailment. Obviously I mean Trump's long history of delaying investigations and trials as much as possible.
  10. Expect Trump's lawyers to do everything possible to push this date back. Justice delayed is justice denied.
  11. Oh the horrors of letting the popular vote elect the President. Just think, Al Gore would have been President instead of W. Bush. 9/11 might not have happened (Gore might have taken note of the Presidential Daily Brief titled "Bin Laden determined to attack the US") and even if it had we wouldn't have invaded Iraq. Imagine how different the world would be.
  12. Social Media is posting stuff intentionally presented to look like a news story. There is no link because it is just his conspiracy theory take on events.
  13. You clearly don't understand how impeachment works.
  14. Don't confuse the OP with a news story; it's a post by a very pro-Trump poster. It's also a lie. The FD-1023 describes claims made by a crook currently in hiding. There is no evidence in it.
  15. Evidence? Sorry, I forgot. Election deniers don't do evidence.
  16. You were asked to identify the parts of the FD-1023 that prove anything. You didn't.
  17. It's a fact that Mykola Zlochevsky is a crook and a liar who's whereabouts are currently unknown. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mykola_Zlochevsky Everything else is speculation.
  18. Supply lines to a military force occupying Ukraine's territory are legitimate targets. Storage facilities and docks used to export food are not.
  19. Here's a link to the FD-1023. https://www.grassley.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/fd_1023_obtained_by_senator_grassley_-_biden.pdf What parts provide proof of anything? I saw nothing that looked like credible evidence of anything.
  20. By that logic, Trump could totally screw up the Democrats' evil plans by working to bring his cases to trial as soon as possible. I wonder why he isn't doing that.????
  21. Trump is proof of that. He's not nearly as good at covering up his crimes as he once was.
  22. No, it doesn't look like that at all. Perhaps you could identify the witnesses you referred to and exactly how the confirmed there was OBSTRUCTION? Please note, disagreements between investigators and prosecutors about if and how to prosecute are common and not proof of obstruction.
  23. I take it you weren't in Thailand during and after the 2014 coup. The military wrote a constitution that allows it to overrule democratic elections whenever it doesn't like the outcome. That's the Senate's job.
  24. Uh, Donald, Patriots are doing something. They're prosecuting seditionists.
  25. Do you honestly think hungry elephants with no fear of humans will stay out of farmers fields?
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