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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. None of the above qualities qualify to be President, as he demonstrated while in office. You know, sharing foreign intelligence with the Russians, attempting to strong arm foreign leaders, failure to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, failure to build the wall and get Russia to pay for it, failure to pass an infrastructure bill even though it was "infrastructure week" for a large portion of his Presidency... I'd rather have a qualified, experienced, boring President than a clueless showman.
  2. Off the top of my head, I'd say having his Attorney General release an inaccurate interpretation of the Mueller Report findings out before allowing the actual report findings to be released counts.
  3. Were you referring to this? "On the flip side, 75 percent of Democrats surveyed said they believed Russia was either likely or certainly behind a pro-Trump cyber campaign, the results revealed." Considering that the Mueller Report concluded that there was Russian interference and it was welcomed by the Republicans, I wouldn't call it debunked. " However, the report states that Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election was illegal and occurred "in sweeping and systematic fashion"[10][11][12] but was welcomed by the Trump campaign as it expected to benefit from such efforts." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mueller_report
  4. Can someone explain how the US interfered in Thailand's political affairs during this election, or during this century? Please, no examples dating back to the cold war, Vietnam war, World War II, British and French colonialism, etc. Give examples from the 21st century.
  5. Really? Please show evidence that Malia and Sasha Obama had to sign the White House visitor log when they visited their father.
  6. No. No proof that Joe Biden had any involvement with Hunter's employment at all. As has been explained repeatedly, corrupt people in places where nepotism is common often assume they can buy access to people in power by paying the relatives of those people. It looks like Hunter took advantage of that. Sleazy, but not illegal and not tied to President Biden. That's been explained dozens of times and will no doubt be explained dozens of times more.
  7. Nah. We just look at the most likely Republican alternatives and think that anything is better.
  8. "People do not pay millions of $ unless they expect to benefit from their spending in some way , more-so when they are regular payments which prove it wasn't a one time scam/ripoff." No, that's the essence of a good scam. People who have been scammed don't want to admit it and continue to throw good money after bad. Look at the people who send money to "Nigerian princes", or lonely beautiful women they met on the internet. Heck, look at all the people who voted for Trump twice.
  9. I'll keep this in mind. After loading Windows 11 three times and re-installing programs after the third time I'm getting tired of the process. Regarding the techs; I did get the impression that the ones I dealt with knew a little more about Windows than me, but not a lot. However once I get into problem solving mode I get a bit obsessed. I want to see what the level 2 people have to say about this.
  10. I have documents made using MS Office going back decades, so I'm a little leery of changing.
  11. According to the techs, once you go to 11 you can't go back to 10. I don't know if that's true, they also told me that reloading 11 would fix the snipping tool problem, both times. Also, I had a problem with 10 slowing to a crawl, and reloading 10 didn't solve the problem. The 11 problem is completely different from the 10 problem, so I don't think the issue is hardware or something other than the OS's. BTW: I ran all the Windows and Dell troubleshooters, which told me I don't have a hardware problem. I've also done two full system scans using BitDefender, so it's probably not a known malware issue.
  12. I "upgraded" Windows 10 to Windows 11, then reloaded twice as directed by MS tech support, and now have an appointment with MS "level 2" support, whatever that is. Windows 11 does not work on my 3 year old Dell. I'm losing faith in ever getting it to work. I have nothing to lose but time and effort in learning a new OS, and I've already lost a good chunk of time and effort trying to get 11 to work.
  13. Firefox, MS Office, an old but good enough video editing program I use on rare occasions, a VPN... I think that's about it for me. I'm not a gamer, hacker, or any other past-time/occupation that demands a lot from my laptop.
  14. Probably less than the time and effort already expended in trying to get Windows 11 to work, so far without success.
  15. Thanks. i will look into it. If Microsoft can't resolve my Windows 11 issue, which essentially makes my primary computer unusable, I will have nothing to lose by trying Linux.
  16. I haven't looked into Linux since the early '90's, so I have some very basic questions that need to be answered. Is it still text or does it have a GUI? Will it run Microsoft programs such as MS Office? How easy is it to install web browsers, video editing s/w, a VPN, security software, etc. Perhaps I should just ask for a good source to educate myself on these subjects.
  17. Boy have I installed Windows 11! Three times in the last four days, with four lengthy chat sessions with Microsoft tech support and many wasted hours. I still have a rogue snipping tool app that makes my primary computer close to unusable. I'm operating now on a very old backup computer, and have another session with tech support. Don't install it unless you have to.
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