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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. I don't know, what are the US interests in this election? How did the US meddle? Which party will be more favorable to the US?
  2. 800 military bases that will be closed if the host nation asks the US to remove them. That rarely happens because the host nations generally perceive them as as net positives. Show evidence that the US is stealing Syrian oil, or that the starvation is caused by anyone other than the Syrian government. Please explain how the US has specialized in color revolutions. Also please explain how the US meddled in the last election, or in Thailand in the 21st century.
  3. The title is wrong. Harvard favors students with rich, generous parents. As do many other "elite" universities. If you want your non-white child in these universities you better start writing the checks.
  4. I think you mean Giuliani waited too long before giving the laptop story to the New York Post. No respectable news or law enforcement agency would release the story without first verifying it, which meant the desired October surprise didn't happen.
  5. Right. He just suggested that the President is mentally incompetent. "Rather, it’s to state that the public deserves to know whether Biden is capable of performing the bare minimum required of his office." I'll judge President Biden by his accomplishments, which currently put his predecessor to shame. You know, uniting NATO, exposing the Russian military as incompetent, infrastructure and other bills...
  6. How do you propose stopping the flow of guns into Mexico when we are so enamored with easy access to guns and unrestricted carry in this country? How do you propose to find the top guys in the drug cartels? Once they're out, how do you propose to prevent bloody gang wars among those who want to be the new top guys? In the past arresting or killing cartel leaders led to more violence and did little to stop the flow of drugs. Do you think rewarding Putin for his aggression will keep him in line? I don't. I also don't think Europe will be inclined to renew a dependence on Russian energy exports with an opportunist like Putin. You should go into politics; you have lots of simple solutions to complex problems. They won't work, but they might get you elected.
  7. What say we rerun that referendum when Crimea isn't under military occupation, all original residents have returned and any new transplants from Russia are not allowed to participate.
  8. US dependence on the global economy doesn't allow a full and immediate disengagement from China, it would shut down our own economy. Russia has made itself hopelessly dependent on China by demonstrating to Europe and the world that it can't be trusted as a supplier. Using the US military on Mexico would be an act of war and idiocy; Mexico has a more legitimate claim to use its own military on the US to shut down the supply of US guns going to Mexican gangs. Also, even if invading Mexico could stop the flow of fentanyl and other drugs from Mexico they would just come in from somewhere else. Fentanyl is too easy to smuggle, we need to address the overdose problem here. Never trust a politician promising quick fixes to complicated problems.
  9. So Vivek wants to undermine the US economy, make nice with Russia and abandon Ukraine (thus undermining NATO) and start a war with Mexico. Thanks for the info. I will certainly take it into consideration in evaluating candidates.
  10. From your source: "...I (Weiss) may request Special Attorney status from the Attorney General pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 515. Here I have been assured that, if necessary, I would be granted § 515 Authority in the District of Columbia, the Central District of California, or any other district.” Weiss chose not to request the Special Attorney status, which he was assured he would have been granted and which would have allowed him to overrule the two US attorneys. Apparently the Trump appointed AG didn't feel the case against Hunter in those two jurisdictions was strong enough to justify the effort or warrant the embarrassment if he overruled the two and then came up empty. Of course the NY Post tries to make the situation seem as sinister as possible, but once again it's another nothing burger.
  11. You can start your search for such news sources by eliminating all opinion articles, which don't even pretend to be news, and all pundit programs, which are the mainstay of 24 hour news channels.
  12. From you source: "Hines's LinkedIn says he worked as 'Special Counsel' for the ex-FBI director at his company Freeh Group in New Orleans, Louisiana, between August 2013 and February 2015. It is unclear what projects he counseled Freeh on." "It wasn't until 2016 that Hunter started working with Freeh consulting for Popoviciu." That doesn't strike me as being nearly as big a conflict as Trump being tried by a judge he nominated when he was President.
  13. Opinion piece by someone with no stated medical qualifications.
  14. Clicked on full story. Saw it was an opinion piece. Ignored the rest.
  15. Whether it's 1000 or 10,000 that's a lot of time on twitter. Some users need to get a life.
  16. If it's a real debate with reasonable rules your assumption is probably correct. However if the network hosting it wants Trump to get the ratings up, and Trump insists on rules that allow the loudest buffoon to clam victory, then it will just be a waste of time.
  17. It was worse than brown, it was tan!!! Conservatives went nuts. "There's no way, I don't think, any of us can excuse what the president did yesterday. I mean, you have the world watching." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obama_tan_suit_controversy Funny how the Trump fans who think he has been treated unfairly can't recall how Obama was criticized for the most trivial of things.
  18. The coup was a grossly illegal act carried out by using the very credible threat of extreme violence against those tempted to oppose it. I'm not going to enter into a discussion of semantics; the coup was appalling and unnecessary, and there's something wrong with those who supported it. And there were a great many expats who supported it at the time. I find that disturbing.
  19. Seems like you're making up the rules to fit your argument. I think the old government, which had real experience in Thai government, was doing its best in uncharted legal territory, and that what it was doing was preferable to a coup.
  20. From your source: ""We were at the Four Seasons and we were having lunch and (Joe Biden) stopped in, just said 'hello' to everybody. I don't even think he drank water. And I think Hunter Biden said, 'I may be trying to start a company or try to do something with these guys and could you?' And I think (Joe Biden) was like, 'if I'm around' and he'd show up," Walker said, according to Shapley." Is that the business discussion you are referring to? It doesn't seem like much of a discussion to me.
  21. So you are accusing the military of not allowing the king to install a new government. That's in addition to the illegal coup.
  22. The government was expired because the Suthep crowd wouldn't allow elections. What did the constitution say should replace an expired government? If it didn't cover that contingency, the only reasonable solution is for the "expired" government to continue governing until a new government is selected through elections, not a military coup.
  23. "I sure would remember if I sat next to my drug addicted son, demanding money from Chinese companies." You wouldn't remember it if it never happened.
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