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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Good old Faux News. Three years after the fact Hillary Clinton suggested that the playing field, between Russian interference and the FBI's rapid re-opening and closing of its investigation days before the election, cost her the election. She's right. However Hillary Clinton accepted the election results, never challenged them in court, and never called a mob to Washington that ransacked the Capitol Trump supporters really can't distinguish between mountains and molehills.
  2. I disagree that Hillary Clinton ever claimed that the 2016 election was stolen. When did she call a mob to Washington and rev them up for an attack on the Capitol?
  3. Oh my god, a state is behaving in a humane manner instead of letting people die on the streets for lack of medical care. What is becoming of this country?
  4. Your first sentence does not refute my post in any way. Your second sentence begins with an obvious lie; no immigrant can vote unless they become US citizens. Don't reply with a voter fraud claim unless you back it up with credible proof.
  5. A sure indication that someone is spouting nonsense is when they refuse to provide any credible source for their nonsensical claims.
  6. Judges in some states are elected. Federal judges are not. Try to get your facts straight.
  7. Why did he instruct his lawyers to lie about the documents? The Justice Department, not the Democrat Party, is using the law to prosecute Trump where there is clear evidence of illegal activity. That's what the Justice Department is supposed to do.
  8. This topic is racing ahead too fast for me to bother to try and keep up. When was the last time there was an on-topic post?
  9. Crack down on the people hiring the illegal immigrants and you will eliminate the draw for the economic migrants. It's that simple. That won't happen because the farmers and small business owners who hire illegal immigrants generally vote Republican. The Republicans love scapegoating immigrants as the source of all the country's ills, but won't do anything realistic to prevent illegal immigration.
  10. Do you deny that there are men who take no responsibility for the pregnancies they started?
  11. What specifically is being handed to illegal immigrants on a silver platter?
  12. Why would I dig up data regarding your claim? I'm only suggesting your claims would have more credibility of you didn't rely on sources with connections to hate groups.
  13. Ok, do you think California farmers would be agreeable to frequent checks of the status of their immigrant labor and agree to stiff penalties if they hire illegal immigrants?
  14. Of course by that measure Jeff Bezos, the owner of the Washington Post, who is about 50 times richer than Trump must be 50 times smarter.
  15. I didn't bother reading all the comments. I just want to say two things: To Trump; STFU! Seriously, this is embarrassing even for you. To those who are choosing sides and arguing about the merits of blah, blah, blah...., WTF! Who cares?
  16. Do you think California's farmers share your anti-immigrant attitude? "Agriculture is a significant sector in California's economy, producing nearly US$50 billion in revenue in 2018. There are more than 400 commodity crops grown across California, including a significant portion of all fruits, vegetables, and nuts in the United States.[1] In 2017, there were 77,100 unique farms and ranches in the state, operating across 25.3 million acres (10,200,000 hectares) of land. The average farm size was 328 acres (133 ha), significantly less than the average farm size in the U.S. of 444 acres (180 ha).[1]" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agriculture_in_California
  17. I think a better place to start would be from a less biased source: "Overall, we rate FAIR Questionable based on Extreme Right-Wing Bias as it relates to immigration, promotion of propaganda and conspiracies, as well as having connections to documented Hate Groups." https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/the-federation-for-american-immigration-reform-fair/
  18. Computers are definitely part of it, but there is also vastly more current and historical data to work with. When properly analyzed the current climate trends are clear and frightening.
  19. "A funny thing I saw was when I went to local Wendy's and discovered they were now open at 0900 due to fewer workers." A strong argument for allowing in more legal immigrants. However that's not going to happen while immigrants are such a convenient scapegoat for politicians.
  20. In one sense there is no difference. If you go to an anti-immigration website in the US it too will cherry pick numbers to make immigration look bad. However it could be that the UK is better at preventing Immigrants from working, which obviously will drive up their cost and prevent them from benefiting the economy.
  21. It takes two to get the process started, but after that the serious work and sacrifice falls on the woman. The man can walk away from the woman, the woman can't walk away from her womb. Were you aware of that?
  22. Interesting reading, but not a field I have expertise in. I hope people in positions to make such things happen take note.
  23. Posts the person who won't give his definition of "leftist", but uses the term with wild abandon. Oh wait, maybe you did define it. Is your definition of a leftist anyone who doesn't believe your post that "Anyone that helps Trump will be prosecuted the same way Trump was. "? After all, you did follow up with "Sorry, every non-leftist knows they can't try to help Trump or they'll be next."
  24. "Fascism isn't all that bad." That's one MAGA type who came out of the closet. Any others?
  25. Very true. Unfortunately understanding the difference between dramatic temperature changes that occur over millennia, a rate which allows ecosystems to adapt, and temperature changes that occur too fast for such adaptation, seems to be beyond the intellectual capacity of climate crisis deniers.
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