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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Laws without the resources to enforce them are useless. "Congress has failed to provide the agency much-needed emergency funds. Now $700 million in the hole, ICE is eyeing cuts to its central immigration efforts as members of both parties decry the border crisis. " https://www.axios.com/2024/02/15/ice-border-detention-funding-congress Trump and his supporters are starving the border of needed funding because they want the border as an issue during the election.
  2. How is it different from the concept of labor moving to where the demand and wages are high?
  3. I did the search and found this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8451339/ What's your point? Regarding "I answered that twice already now please go back and read what I wrote.", do you see nothing ironic about people being ok with highly experimental brain implants that have a high potential for abuse and unintended consequences, but freaking out about imaginary vaccine tracking chips?
  4. "Did you see scientific evidence about the case fatality rate of SARs Covid 2" Do you mean the evidence that vaccines save lives? Yes. The unvaccinated die at several times the rate of the vaccinated. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/72/wr/mm7206a3.htm Did you see the rest of my post? Funny that you edited it out in your reply. I was pointing out the irony of people who freak out about imagined microchip implants using vaccines but apparently are ok with actual brain implants. It's easy to see brain implants being abused. Imaginary vaccine microchips, not so much.
  5. I saw scientific evidence that vaccinations worked. I saw conspiracy theories about vaccines debunked. I saw vaccinations made mandatory in some professions where there was a high risk of contagion. And I saw people in total denial about overcrowded hospitals and exhausted health care systems.
  6. I pointed out that some people who freaked out about imaginary tracker chips were strangely silent regarding chips implanted into peoples brains.
  7. Ok, what evidence do you have that anyone anywhere was pressured by the Gates foundation to get vaccinated? Where is the evidence for the tracker chip BS?
  8. What Republican attempts are you referring to? What bills have they proposed?
  9. How many of your conspiracy theories apply to the vaccinations the Gates foundation was promoting in Africa?
  10. In your TDS is it ok for Trump? Do you not see any differences in the way that Trump mishandled classified, in particular refusing to return it, and Biden promptly turning over the classified found on his property?
  11. Really? You don't think it was implied?
  12. Evidence of voter fraud? No, evidence was not posted.
  13. Are you going to provide evidence? Or are you trolling again?
  14. And lots of people are in total denial about it.
  15. Ok, you advocate a totalitarian federal government and are completely clueless about the number or arrests and prosecutions that resulted from the BLM protests. Got it. However you failed to address Trump's refusal to do anything to stop the Capitol rampage for three hours, which clearly demonstrated that he had no business being POTUS. Why not address that?
  16. What evidence do you have that the vaccinations promoted by the Gates foundation were given to people by means of "shaming,ridicule,bullying and coercion"? And how do the people giving "informed" consent to a chip implant in their brains know exactly how that chip can be used?
  17. "And why any patriotic, objective American has had it with this administration" Aside from the fact that Biden has nothing to do with law enforcement in New York, and the majority of Americans support helping Ukraine resist Russia's empirical expansion, there is the very significant fact that Trump supporters desperately try to ignore: Trump sat in the White House and watched his supporters rampage in the US Capitol for hours and ignored all pleas to do something. Only after three hours, when it was clear that the mob wouldn't accomplish anything beneficial for Trump, did he put out a flattering, half-hearted Tweet repeating the stolen election lie and asking them to go home. Objective, patriotic Americans understand that such a person should never have been POTUS and should never be POTUS again.
  18. So the people who received vaccinations without giving consent to having a tracker chip installed had nothing to worry about.
  19. If she is allowed to do something that stupid it will be great for the Democrats.
  20. No, I mean like Trump did after he got caught with massive quantities he had no right to have.
  21. When the Gates foundation supported vaccinations the tin-foil hat brigade claimed he was planting tracker chips in people. Why no comment from the same crowd when Musk invests in a company that plants microchips in people's brains?
  22. Um...how many posts have you made on Trump topics?
  23. Trump started the delaying tactics before he announced he was running.
  24. All he has to do to prevent that from happening is to stop obstructing the progress and get trials finished ASAP.
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