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Evil Penevil

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Everything posted by Evil Penevil

  1. Did you buy genuine Ziploc brand (part of the SC Johnson group) bags or a generic "ziplock" brand? The Ziploc sandwich bags I bought here in the U.S. don't have a "use by" date printed on the bag or the box that contains them.
  2. This is a crucial point. The claims of genocide are based on figures that have been distorted to serve Hamas' agenda. Anyone who is interested in gaining the real picure of the Israel-Hamas War should read the full report
  3. The statuatory rules which govern the use of Hyde Park established Speakers' Corner in 1866. https://www.betteradvocacy.org/post/from-soapboxes-to-megaphones-a-walk-through-the-unique-story-of-speakers-corner-in-london Unfortunately, Speakers' Corner has fallen far from the days when world figures ranging from Karl Marx and Vladamir Lenin through Winston Churchill, George Orwell and Mahatma Gandhi spoke there. As @herfiehandbag noted, in recent years it's been taken over by Muslims and used as a platform to proclaim Islam.
  4. @stevenl Could you please provide links to the coverage of the trials by Dutch-language independent media? We could use online translators to see if there's any contradiction between the articles posted by @Nick Carter icp and the coverage you consider to be accurate.
  5. You may be using "the law" as an informal synonym for the "court system" or "judicial system." In any case, O. J. Simpson was found "not guilty" by the jury, which means the prosecutor did not establish guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. In the U.S., defendants in criminal trials are presumed innocent and are found guilty or not guilty. There's no verdict of "innocent." The burden of proof is always on the prosecution to establish guilt. A defendant does not have to prove his innocence. Please note: this applies to criminal trials before a judge or judge and jury. Different rules apply in civil trials or on appeal of a criminal trial verdict to a higher court.
  6. From the day of its formation and declaration of independence in 1948, Israel has had a "beneficial and constructive" function of the highest order as the homeland and haven of last resort for the world's Jews. Here's another "beneficial and constructive effect: 6 Syrian Druze Villages Asking to Be Annexed by Israel "During a council meeting of residents of six Druze villages in southern Syria held overnight Friday, it was decided that the jihadist Syrian rebels should be prevented from reaching the Druze area and suggested annexing their villages to the Israeli Golan Heights." https://www.jewishpress.com/news/israel/druze/6-syrian-druze-villages-asking-to-be-annexed-by-israel/2024/12/13/ The Druze villagers apparently consider Israeli Jews to be a lesser evil compared with Islamists.
  7. A classic episode of The Twilight Zone ponders aliens landing on Earth. Be careful what you wish for! Richard Kiel (played Jaws in two James Bond films) was the alien.
  8. I would love to believe UFOs exist. It would be the highlight of my life if I could see one myself. But I can't believe for one simple reason: there's no credible evidence they do exist. Considering the millions upon millions of people who hae access to cameras in this age of cellphones, it's very strange no one has ever captured an image of a UFO that couldn't otherwise be explained as something else. It's the same with ghosts, Big Foot, the yeti and other odd or supernatural creatures/occurrences. No one has ever captured convincing photographic evidence. I really hope something truly weird exists out there somewhere, but so far, wonderous beings seem to be imaginary.
  9. Now that Daniel Perry has been found not guilty and is free to travel outside the U.S., the BiB should bring him over to instruct officers on the use of chokeholds in taking down suspects.
  10. Exodus (the most inspiring movie ever) Godfather 1 and 2 Zulu (the best cinematic portrayal of what made the British Empire great) Davey Crocket at the Alamo (1955 Disney television movie). The image of Davy Crockett swinging his rifle in the final scene has stayed with me all my life. 300 Scrooge (1951 version with Alastair Sim). Best Christmas film ever! Miracle on 34th Street ( 1947 version with Edmund Gwenn as Kris Kringle. Another great Christmas film that harks back to simpler times) Seven Samurai (and its Americanized Western adaptation, The Magnificient Seven) Deep Throat (the first porn film I ever saw)
  11. There were different levels of rule-breaking: 1) Miko Peled, one of the speakers in favor of the anti-Israel proposition, said the Oct. 7 attacks were "not terrorism" but "acts of heroism." The exact quote was "What happened on October 7th was not terrorism – these were acts of heroism of a people who were oppressed." https://x.com/daverich1/status/1862451758317899869 "Expressing support for a proscribed organisation is illegal under Section 12 of the Terrorism Act 2000." and that has resulted in an investigation by counter-terror police. A statement from the relevant police unit said, "Counter Terrorism Policing South East is aware of reports of a person expressing support for a proscribed organisation, namely Hamas, at the Oxford Union on Thursday 28 November and enquiries are ongoing." https://www.thisisoxfordshire.co.uk/news/24782650.counter-terrorism-probe-following-debate-oxford-union/ 2) The catcalls from the audience and inflamed rhetoric of the anti-Israel speakers were so intensely antisemitic they may have violated U.K. hate speech laws. Take a look at the video recordings of the debate. The official versions posted by Oxford Union are here: https://www.youtube.com/@OxfordUnion Please note that Oxford Union censored the recording of Jonathan Sacerdoti's speech in defense of Israel by to remove heckling by audience members when disrupting his presentation. The uncensored version can be seen here: Moreover, the Oxford Union didn't post the speech by Miko Peled, most likely due to the possible violation of the Terrorism Act 2000. It also held back the pro-Israel speech by Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of a co-founder of Hamas. Because Mosab became an anti-terrorist supporter of Israel and converted to Christianity, Hamas supporters always seek to deny him a platform to express his ideas. He was ordered out of the debate for no good reason. The Oxford Union may be trying to conceal one incident during his speech. Mosab asked audience members if they had had knowledge in advance of the Oct. 7 attacks, would they have notified te Israeli authorities. Only about 25% of the audience indicated by a show of hands they would. That proves conclusively 75% of the audience members were pro-Hamas and not just pro-Palestine. Otherwise, they wouldn't have wished the deaths of so many people, both Israelis and non-Israelis. That is also roughly the same margin (21%) of audience members who voted against the proposition that Israel is an apartheid state committing genocide (278 votes in favor, 59 against). You can hear an audio recording of his speech here: https://youtu.be/sGGyltraWBg?si=o7Y0QpXI8Fj-BYwc 3) The Oxford Union Society has rules governing conduct during its Thursday formal debates. The pro-Israel speakers were interrupted, shouted down, insulted and booed throughout the debate, which was a clear violation of Oxford Union rules. I'll put all the boring details and links at the end of this post for those who want them. Previous posts in this thread have shown the abuse of the pro-Israel speakers, so I won't repeat those links either. The behavior of the anti-Israel speakers and the members of the audience spit on the Oxford Union's historical dedidcation to freedom of speech and the exchange of ideas. 4) The President of the Oxford Union is supposed to function as a neutral "chairman," i.e. moderator, during debates. His job is to ensure speakers and audience members follow the rules and admonish those who don't. Incredibly, the current President, Ebrahim Osman-Mowafy, was one of the four anti-Israel speakers but didn't relinquish his role as debate chairman. That's against not only Oxford Union rules but also the entire concept of fair debate. It's analogous to someone acting as both prosecutor and judge at a court trial. It simply isn't done and it's close to unbelievable a venerable organization like the Oxford Union would allow it to happen. Mowafy exhibited clear bias against the pro-Israel speakers and did nothing to halt the attempts of intimidation against them. . https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-oxford-union-has-disgraced-itself/ The details for: 3) The relevant section (RULE 71: DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE (a) Disciplinary Offences) forbids members or guests to "(A) Act violently or in a manner that is liable to distress, grossly offend, or intimidate others." Paragraphs (B) forbids "harassment, bullying, or victimisation," while (C) forbids "a harmful course of conduct motivated by discrimination." You can download The Rules, Standing Orders, And Special Schedules Of The Oxford Union Society from this page: https://oxford-union.org/resources/rules-regulations-and-policies/83/rules-and-regulations-of-the-oxford-union-society-september-2024 4) Same as above, in addition to CHAPTER THREE: OFFICERS RULE 13: THE PRESIDENT.
  12. The surge in violent antisemitism has become a global trend. Jews all over the world are now encountering antisemitism, some for the first time in their lives. The consensus among Jewsih communities is that open antisemitism is at its highest point since the end of WWII. For a rundown of how antisemitism is manifesting itself, check out this link: https://www.adl.org/resources/report/top-5-global-antisemitic-trends-october-7-one-year-impact-report
  13. No, he was a violent felon and ex-con. In Texas, he had been charged and convicted nine crimes between 1997 and 2007. The most serious was a home invasion robbery during which he pressed a gun to a woman's abdomen to threaten her. He was sentenced to five years in prison in 2009 and was released on parole in 2013. It's not publicly known if Chauvin and the other Minneapolis police officers were aware of his record in Texas at the time of the fatal arrest encounter. That knowledge could have consciously or unconsciously influenced the level of violent used against Floyd. Prior to the home invasion conviction, Floyd had been sentenced to a combined total of 40 months in county jail for four separate drug offenses; two theft-related offenses; criminal trepass; and failure to identify himself to police. It's not clear how much time he actually spent behind bars. In all nine criminal cases in Texas, Floyd pleaded guilty or no contest as part of a plea bargin agreement to receive a lower sentence. It's widely believed Flod was stopped. questioned, detained or even arrested by police many more times in Texas, but those encounters didn't result in criminal charges and no formal record exists. After he moved to Minnesota and fell back into drug use, Floyd was arrested or cited by Minnepolis Police for drug and traffic offenses. From the Harris County, Texas, court records. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/jul/28/facebook-posts/post-exaggerates-george-floyds-criminal-history/
  14. Racist? I belong to the same race as most Russians, so racism can't be my motivation. I guess (oops, again!) that I could be accused of indulging in national or ethnic stereotyping, but during the years I lived in Thaialnd, I saw countless violent encounters involving Russians. To be sure, I saw the occasional fight involving Brits, Yanks, Norwegians, Italians, whatever, but far more times it was Russians. Just my observation? Are you being racist towards schoolgirls or just stereotyping them?
  15. Does anyone know what nationality or nationalities were involved? My guess would be Russian, but that's based solely on a blond woman and the proclivity of drunk Russians to get into fights.
  16. To give some context: UCLA is one of the worst universities in the U.S. for direct harassment of Jewish faculty and students. Individual Jews on campus were stopped and told to denouce Zionism and Israel. If they refused, their access was blocked to university facilities like classrooms and the library. The university's administration and regents did very little to stop this harassment. Jewish Students at UCLA Were Harassed, Threatened and Assaulted on Campus, Report Finds Jewish students and staff at the University of California, Los Angeles, were harassed, threatened and assaulted as pro-Palestinian protests spread on campus, according to a new report from a task force at UCLA created to combat antisemitism. The 93-page report said Jewish people at UCLA were subject to “blatant antisemitic” incidents, including a swastika drawn on a classroom chalkboard and a sign on campus that said, “Israelis are native 2 hell.” https://www.wsj.com/us-news/education/jewish-students-at-ucla-were-harassed-threatened-and-assaulted-on-campus-report-finds-d1562e03 In addition to her role as Cultural Activities Commissioner, Alicia Verdugo was one of the leaders of the UCLA anti-Israel protests and "encampment." She's very hard-core- ironically, her name means "hangman" or "executioner" in Spanish- and openly supports Hamas while praising the Oct. 7 attacks. UCLA was infamous for the protestors creating a proudly proclaimed "Jew Free" zone. Verdugo also participated in a demonstration in front of a synagogue in a Jewish neighborhood, during which elderly Jew on their way in or out of the building were jeered and harassed. It's an encouraging development that so much negative publicity has been focused on Verdugo, but she doesn't face much punishment. She's only be reported to the student government and it doesn't even have the authority to fire her. https://haam.org/evidence-suggests-jewish-students-denied-from-cultural-affairs-judicial-board-petition-claims/ It's possible public pressure might force the UCLA admin to take action, but don't count on it. The Cultural Activities Commission had previously listed "zionism" (sic) as a "hateful/bigoted" ideology that would lead to rejection of anyone who professes it. Verdugo could claim she is simply following the rules that were in place regarding new hires. When it comes to the blacklisting all Jews and not just Zionists, that's in line with the dominant mindset among the woke left. All Jews are considered supporters of Israel unless they publicly declare opposition to Israel and zionism, while supporting the Palestian "people." It's an extension of the new left doctrine that all white people are racist and supremacist and must admit their guilt before they cam be considered an ally of people of color. Jews are not seen as a religious minority by the woke left, but as a privileged subset of the white ruling class. This justifies as "resistance" or "liberation" the harassment and even physical assault of Jews and other whites by people of color and other "repressed" groups. I'm not exaggerating. This is the reality Jews face in the U.S. and other Western countries. Shades of 1930's Germany, but at least Jews now have a homeland to which to flee if necessary.
  17. A journalist once asked the coach of the U.S. national wheelchair basketball team how the U.S. was able to consistently field such strong teams for international competition. He answered with two words, "Motorcycle accidents."
  18. The population of the Gaza Strip will grow about 1.0% in 2024, according to the Palestinian Central Statistics Bureau. "Based on the data, the estimated growth rate in Gaza Strip for 2023 will decrease from about 2.7%, according to PCBS estimates for 2023, to only about 1% during 2024," the PCBS stated. https://www.pcbs.gov.ps/portals/_pcbs/PressRelease/Press_En_WPD2024E.pdf It's difficult to claim genocide is taking place when the population is still growing., even if the growth rate has slowed significantly. Palestinians SHOULD have gone to the Arab state which would have been created by the U.N. plan for the partition of Mandatory Palestine. However, the Arab League and the Palestinian leadership rejected the U.N. plan because they wanted ALL of Mandatory Palestine. Arab armies invaded Israel with the goal of pushing the Jews into the sea, but got their ass*s whipped by the newly formed Israel Defense Forces. Through its victories on the battlefield, Israel was able to take over 78% of the land that had been Mandatory Palestine. Arabs who hadn't already fled Israel did so at that point, retreating to the areas of thr former Mandate controlled by (Trans)Jordan, Egypt or another country. Palestinians are generic Arabs. No differences in language, culture and religion seperated the Arabs who lived in the former Mandatory Palestine from those in Jordan, Syria, Egypt and Iraq. There were some cultural differences between Palestinians and Arabs in Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States and Yemen, but nothing that would prevent them from integrating into those areas. Palestinians had plenty of places to go when they lost Israel. A chart from the PCSB (same link as above) shows the distribution of Palestinians. The category "1948 Territory" refers to Arab citizens of Israel. And long before Oct 7. Pogroms by Arabs against Jews in Palestine in the modern era go back to 1920-21. Very serious attacks took place in 1929 and waves of attacks occurred between 1936 and 1939. Anti-Jewish Violence in Pre-State Palestine/1929 Massacres "Arab violence against Jews is often alleged to have begun with the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 or as a result of Israel’s capture in 1967 of territories occupied by Jordan. But even before the Mandate for Palestine was assigned to Great Britain by the Allies at the San Remo Conference (April 1920) and endorsed by the League of Nations (July 1922), Palestinian Arabs were carrying out organized attacks against Jewish communities in Palestine." https://www.camera.org/article/anti-jewish-violence-in-pre-state-palestine-1929-massacres/ It's important to note that before the U.N. awarded territory to the Jewish state, early Zionists (pre-1948) bought all the land they occupied. None of it was "stolen." The Muslim Arab opposition to Jews in Palestine was based on pure religious hatred.
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