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I don't have any expertise on the topic, but my take from across the Atlantic is that it would depend on the circumstances. The U.K. law on hate speech specifies the words must be intended to provoke violence, not merely that there's a possibility they could. To use a classic example, shouting "Fire!" in a crowded theater could result in criminal charges, but writing "Fire!" in an X or Facebook post wouldn't. It's not the words themselves that violate the law, but their intended effect. However, since the example you gave doesn't include any incitement to action, it would most likely be OK as an expression of opinion on the Internet. If you spoke the words in London, it could depend on the circumstances and to whom you were speaking. If someone reported your speech, the police, prosecutor or judge/jury would have to decide on your intent.
If a hospital is used for military purposes, whether storing arms in tunnels; using tunnels as command centers or any other activity that facilitates military action, it loses its protected status under the rules of war. As @Nick Carter icp pointed out to you, if this weren't the case, belligerents could place artillery, rockets, etc in or on hospitals, schools, aprtment buildings, etc. and not fear counterattacks. UN accused of downplaying Hamas terrorists' use of Gaza hospitals as new report ignores important details An excerpt "Bayefsky noted that Israel has "publicly exposed, with photographic and video evidence, the use of hospitals by Hamas for military purposes," including underground tunnels "that utilized the power sources and served as command centers and weapons depots; weapons and equipment on hospital floors alongside patient wards; weapons hidden in incubators; and the use of hospitals as operational facilities to direct military activity." This is the reality with which the IDF must contend in Gaza.
I just completed this quiz. My Score 70/100 My Time 144 seconds
Fact Check: Clipped video of man’s sentencing over social media comments is misleading By Reuters Fact Check https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/clipped-video-mans-sentencing-over-social-media-comments-is-misleading-2024-08-16/ "A video of a judge sentencing a man in Britain over comments he made on social media has been clipped to suggest the conviction centred on a remark about not wanting to give money to migrants. Jordan Parlour, 28, from Seacroft in Leeds, pleaded guilty on Aug. 6 to using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour intending to stir up racial hatred."
The combination of sh*t-faced drunk and out late at night alone could prove fatal in many cities in the world. In my working years, I lived in, worked in or visited many, many cities across the globe. The nine years I lived in Pattaya as a retired person were among the safest I experienced anywhere. I don't think being drunk, even sh*t-faced, is enough in and of itself to get you in trouble in Pattaya. A drunk tourist or expat, whatever his nationality, will have to pick a fight with someone for things to turn violent. Exceptions may exist, but they are rare, very rare.
A bit of an update to the situation for Jews in Berlin: Berlin Police Chief Issues Warning for Jews in City's Arab Neighborhoods Chief Barbara Slowik said some areas of Berlin are unsafe for members of the Jewish and LGBTQ communities. "There are, unfortunately, neighborhoods in Berlin with a majority of residents from Arab backgrounds where there is open sympathy for terrorist organizations and very blatant antisemitism." https://www.newsweek.com/jewish-berlin-germany-antisemitism-lgbtq-arab-1988228
That book has been de-bunked by equally respected professors and academics. The former National Director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Abraham H. Foxman, wrote a book called The Deadliest Lies: The Israel Lobby and the Myth of Jewish Control . In the foreword, former U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz wrote: "... the notion. U.S. policy on Israel and Middle East is the result of their influence is simply wrong." https://www.publishersweekly.com/978-1-4039-8492-0 Alan Dershowitz (Harvard) included an extensive rebuttal of the "lobby conspiracy theory" in The Case Against Israel's Enemies: Exposing Jimmy Carter and Others Who Stand in the Way of Peace. https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-case-against-israels-ene mies-alan-dershowitz/1100296923 Benny Morris, considered a leading academic expert on the Israel-Palestine conflict and author of several books on the topic, wrote, "Like many pro-Arab propagandists at work today, Mearsheimer and Walt often cite my own books, sometimes quoting directly from them, in apparent corroboration of their arguments. Yet their work is a travesty of the history that I have studied and written for the past two decades. Their work is riddled with shoddiness and defiled by mendacity." http://webarchive.loc.gov/all/20060719232227/https://ssl.tnr.com/p/docsub.mhtml?i%3D20060508%26s%3Dmorris050806 Robert C. Lieberman (Columbia) wrote: ""It is quite clear that the book’s argument does not support Mearsheimer and Walt’s central contention, that the existence and activities of an Israel lobby are the primary causes of American policy in the Middle East. The claim is supported neither by logic nor evidence nor even a rudimentary understanding of how the American policymaking system works" "The 'Israel Lobby' and American Politics" https://www.jstor.org/stable/40406928
From its Web site: "CAMERA-UK (formerly UK Media Watch and BBC Watch) is the UK division of the US based Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA), the 65,000 member media monitoring and research organization founded in 1982. CAMERA UK is dedicated to promoting fair, accurate and balanced coverage of Israel in the British media – challenging inaccurate, skewed and often inflammatory characterisations of Israel that mislead news consumers and policy makers – and often fuels anti-Jewish racism." https://camera-uk.org/about-us/ I believe CAMERA-UK is funded through the U.S. "parent," which is a public charity with 501(c)3 status from the Internal Revenue Service. It is funded through paid memberships and tax-deductible donations.
The difference is that Hamas is a designated terrorist group which attacks unarmed civilians far more often than military targets, while Israel is a sovereign state defending its people from attacks by terrorists who use human shields. There's no moral equivalence between the actions of the IDF and Hamas.
It's neither cheap nor an excuse. It is the reason why the Palestinian death toll is so high in the Israel-Hamas War: the tunnel system running under the Gaza Strip makes the buildings on top of the tunnels legitimate military targets. Hamas is using as human shields the very people it claims to be protecting. Urban warfare in a densely populated area like the Gaza Strip will inevitably result in civilian casualties, but deliberately making Gazans into human shields means the death rate will soar. UNRWA is about the most pro-Palestine official one can imagine, but even it condemned a tunnel discovered in 2020 under one of its schools. UNRWA stated in an official release (my bold text): "The Agency protested strongly to the relevant authorities in Gaza to express outrage and condemnation of the presence of such a structure underneath one of its installations. The presence of a man-made cavity underneath the grounds of an UNRWA school is a serious violation of the Agency’s neutrality and a breach of international law." https://www.un.org/unispal/document/unrwa-strongly-condemns-neutrality-breach-against-the-agency-in-gaza-statement/ By targeting the top tier of Hamas' leadership, killing nearly 20,000 of its fighters and destroying as much of the tunnel system as possible, the IDF has come a long way in eliminating Hamas as an effective fighting force. Finding and filling in the tunnel system is the key factor. Once Hamas is isolated, it will be destroyed. To achieve its sworn goal of obliterating the state of Israel and its citizens, Hamas is willing to put the lives of all Gazans- children and adults- at risk. It's perfectly correct to, put "that all" on Hamas. But I'm a good guy!
Yes, they do. Hamas has dug a vast system of tunnels under residential buildings, schools, shops, hospitals, etc. The tunnels are used for military purposes and smuggling and are legimate targets under the Geneva Conventions. The Palestinians who live, work or study in the buildings atop the tunnels have become involuntary human shields. "Snaking beneath dense residential areas, the passageways allow fighters to move around free from the eye of the enemy. There are also bunkers for stockpiling weapons, food and water, and even command centers and tunnels wide enough for vehicles, researchers believe. Ordinary-looking doors and hatches serve as disguised access points, letting Hamas fighters dart out on missions and then slip back out of sight." https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2023/11/10/world/europe/hamas-gaza-tunnels.html#:~:text=After Hamas came to power in 2007%2C and,and electronic equipment to construction materials and fuel. The State of Palestine is a signatory nation to all the Geneva Conventions. The Fourth Geneva Convention in Article 28 states, "The presence of a protected person may not be used to render certain points or areas immune from military operations." https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/atrocity-crimes/Doc.33_GC-IV-EN.pdf By using non-combatants as human shields, Hamas and ultimately the State of Palestine is violating the Geneva Convention and committing a war crime.
It's called Godwin's Law (or Rule) of Nazi Analogies. According to the online Oxford English Dictionary, it's defined as: "A facetious aphorism maintaining that as an online debate increases in length, it becomes inevitable that someone will eventually compare someone or something to Adolf Hitler or the Nazis. Also in extended use. Originally referring specifically to discussions on Usenet: ..." https://www.oed.com/dictionary/godwins-law_n# Godwin's Law goes all the way back to 1990. It was formulated by U.S. attorney Mike Godwin because he felt comparisons to Hilter or Nazis in Usenet discussions of the time trivialized the Holocaust. http://w2.eff.org/Net_culture/Folklore/Humor/godwins.law
Mother Finds 16 Year-Old Daughter Allegedly Working at Bar in Pattaya
Evil Penevil replied to webfact's topic in Pattaya News
Soi Cowboy is named after a U.S. Air Force veteran, T.G. Edwards, nicknamed "Cowboy" because he always wore a cowboy hat. He opened the Cowboy Bar in 1978, five years after the U.S. withdrew from the Vietnam War. Contrary to what you sometimes see on the Internet, it wasn't the first bar on the then nameless lane that would become Soi Cowboy, but it was one of the first few. The Cowboy Bar was very popular and sparked the opening of additional bars on the same lane. Due to the prominance of the Cowboy Bar, legendary Bangkok chronicler Bernard Trink called the lane Soi Cowboy and the name stuck. Cowboy Edwards: -
Through DEI, the U.S. is committing suicide. Public schools across the country are ending accelerated and honors classes in mathematics while China is teaching advanced math to elementary school children. This same kind of "dumbing down" is occuring throughout the U.S. education system, from pre-kindergarten through post-graduate courses. A key factor in U.S. strength had been its dominance in hard science, engineering and industrial design, but that will disappear because DEI is lowering standards so drastically. It will take several decades, but eventually China, the E.U. countries and maybe even Russia and India will eventually overtake the U.S. in terms of scientific and inddustrial prowess. The reason for stifling excellence in the U.S. is to close the gaps in academic achievement between students in various racial and ethnic groups. But instead of pulling up the students who do poorly, the emphasis has become dragging down the most gifted. It's a stupid path to follow and one that will cost the U.S. heavily.
I'm not referring to Makkabi Berlin as an Israeli team because it isn't. It's a German team that thinks of itself in terms of its Jewish identity and history. It was founded in 1970 by survivors of the Holocaust and uses a Star of David as its symbol. It is usually called a Jewish team in the press. https://apnews.com/article/makkabi-berlin-jews-cup-holocaust-germany-4eccfe349e3b3fdd360c26b9624c2bd8 Maccabi Tel Aviv is an Israeli team and I referred to it as such. Are you now saying supporters of the Makkabi Berlin team caused the attack on the players? Exactly what was it that prompted a mob in Berlin to attack Jewish youths? Why would a mob in Berlin attack a youth team over something that happened in Amsterdam?