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Sunbelt Asia

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Posts posted by Sunbelt Asia

  1. Please take a minute to vote if...

    You are under 50 years, not married to a Thai, working in Thailand, wanting to learn Thai, have a Thai child, etc... You have no other visa options except getting a tourist visa or doing a tourist exemption stamp run every 15 or fly every 30 days.

    If you were able to get a five year visa stamp with no benefits such as gold greens, spas, fast trac entry. But with the 5 year stamp you did not need to go to an Embassy to get a visa or cross the border. Would you be willing to part with 400,000 Baht as a one time payment to the Thai government to be allowed to live in Thailand for five years? With this 5 year visa, you will be able to work in Thailand, when you apply for a work permit.

    If you qualify with the criteria under paragraph one, please vote. Thank you.

  2. "Registered" is not always the same as "paid-up" when it comes to a Thai corp's capitalization. The B 8M comes out to about US$ 225,000. That is a fair bit of money...won't be able to use a little beer-bar to get a multi-entry "B" anymore.

    Correct. The Penang consulate indicated "registered" capital. This means that its possible to increase the capitalization of the company without fully paying up the shares with cash. However, this increase in capital will also put you into a higher taxation bracket as you will no longer be considered an SME (under 5 million in capitalization).

    Our staff will re-confirm this point when they re-open again tommorrow.

  3. We have today received confirmation from the Thai Consulate in Penang that they will now require the company to show 8 million baht in registered capitalization as well as a valid work permit to obtain a one year multiple entry NON-IMM B (business) visa.

    They have indicated that these are the MINIMUM requirements for the visa and they can still deny applications at their discretion (as always).

    We are currently checking with the Embassy in KL to see if similar restrictions have been applied.

    Thanks for that. Not being a worker, what were the requirements in the past?

    The previous requirement was a valid one year work permit which would require 2 million baht in registered capital (1 million if married to a Thai national).

  4. We have today received confirmation from the Thai Consulate in Penang that they will now require the company to show 8 million baht in registered capitalization as well as a valid work permit to obtain a one year multiple entry NON-IMM B (business) visa.

    They have indicated that these are the MINIMUM requirements for the visa and they can still deny applications at their discretion (as always).

    We are currently checking with the Embassy in KL to see if similar restrictions have been applied.

  5. Can someone translate the following notice on the immigration website? :o

    กรณีคนต่างด้าวขอ Re-entry permit แล้วไม่สามารถเดินทางเข้ามาได้

    คนต่างด้าวที่สงวนสิทธิ์การอยู่ในราชอาณาจักร (Re-entry permit) แล้วเดินทางออกไปนอกราชอาณาจักรไทย และกำหนดระยะเวลาการอยู่ในราชอาณาจักรสิ้นสุดลงระหว่างอยู่นอกราชอาณาจักรไทยตั้งแต่วันที่ 25 พ.ย.2551 เป็นต้นมา สำหรับประเทศที่ไม่ต้องขอรับ Visa สามารถเดินทางเข้าราชอาณาจักรไทยได้ ส่วนประเทศที่ต้องขอรับ Visa ต้องขอรับ Visa ก่อนเดินทางเข้าราชอาณาจักรไทย และหลังจากเดินทางเข้ามาในราชอาณาจักรแล้วให้รีบติดต่อพนักงานเจ้าหน้าที่ ณ ที่ทำการตรวจคนเข้าเมือง ซึ่งได้ทำเรื่องขอสงวนสิทธิ์การอยู่ในราชอาณาจักร (Re-entry permit) ไว้โดยเร็วที่สุด

    posted on5 Dec 2008


    In the case a Foreigner has already applied for a Re-entry permit but cannot enter the Kingdom.

    Regarding a Foreigner who has received permission to stay in the Kingdom (Re-entry permit), after said foreigner leaves the Kingdom of Thailand, and the permitted period of stay in the Kingdom has expired while he or she is outside the Kingdom since the 25th day of November 2008 until now. A foreigner who comes from the countries exempted from visa requirement will be eligible to enter the Kingdom. A foreigner from non-exempted countries, after returning from an overseas country and entering the Kingdom, must contact the officer at the Immigration Office where such foreigner applied for permission to stay in the Kingdom (Re-entry) as soon as possible.

  6. I've noticed in searching for available business opportunites in Thailand that some of the businesses for sale include a registered Thai company and one or more work permits, and wondering what the pros and cons are of assuming such an existing company. I have read that one risk is that you would assume any existing liabilities of that company. In that regard, what ways can one determine if there are such liabilities? Has anyone had direct experience in such an acquisition? What are some of the other complexities or advantages in acquiring such a business?

    At Sunbelt Asia, 90% of the business transfers we are involved are with asset purchase agreements. Sometimes however the reward out weighs the risk of potential outstanding liabilities ( even with indemnification) because of the benefit such as a long term lease, entertainment license, the foreign employees have extension of stay based on business( as a start up you could not qualify in the first year)or the registered capital is very high. In these cases we reco to minimize the buyers risk by leaving funds in a third party escrow account for 6 months to a year. This % is always negotiated but can be around 20% of the purchase price to offset potential liabilities of unpaid bills "forgotten under the fax machine." If its a foreign managing director, it is pretty hard to get credit anyway but always good to see a offset fund account if you are the buyer, no matter how strongly worded the contract is.

    The wording in the advert would imply that this company currently meets the criteria for two work permits with registered capital. However as the tide changes in Thailand, this is not guaranteed that the new owner would qualify. Registered capital ... yes in most cases, unless the seller was married to a Thai (1 MILLION BAHT REGISTERED CAPITAL) and the buyer is single( THEN 2 MILLION BAHT REGISTERED CAPITAL IS REQUIRED) then the capital may have to be raised to get the work permit for the single work permit holder.

    However other criteria have changed in the last year such as some areas are requiring 4 Thai employees per work permit while before they were not. Other provinces were before requiring these criteria of 4 Thai employees and now are not. Due Diligence would be required. If a company is losing money in most cases you are not looking to buy it anyway but if that was indeed the case, the third year it will be harder to get a work permit.

    In most cases the maximum number of work permits granted to a company is ten.

    One thing to keep in mind, it is very hard to "transfer" a work permit now so you are legal on day one. I will give an example. Let’s say the registered capital is 4 million Baht. You want to take over on November 1st. The seller needs to run the business till October 31st. This is the date of the closing. On this date the seller resigns as the director and a shareholder meeting is held which appoints you as the new director. It now takes around three weeks to register this change. (Before July 1st, it was one day) On Nov 21st you are appointed the director and you apply for your work permit. This takes 12 days taking you up to Dec 2nd. You now can apply for the employee who may be a foreign Manager to get his work permit. This takes 12 days which means it was Dec 14th before your Manager has a work permit.

    Of course solutions exist. It may be suggested to increase the registered capital to 6 million but the seller would be reluctant as he would no longer be a SME and his tax bill will go higher if you change your mind on buying the business and your tax bill will go higher as well if you increase it over 5 million Baht.

    The best avenue is to do your due diligence. After you are committed to acquire the business and if you decided not to keep the guy with the second work permit, the seller would have to pay severance to this employee. If this was agreed upon, put 100 % of the purchase price on Oct 7th in a non refundable escrow account to be held to closing. The employee with the second work permit is out and you can get your work permit in 12 days. This way you are legal before Nov 1st and are a director around Oct 28th. Your employee will be able to get his work permit around Nov 15th as the foreign managing director resigns with his work permit on Oct 31st. You apply for your Manager on Nov 3rd( because of the weekend)

    To sum it up... it’s much easier to form a new company and acquire the assets unless the benefits of the existing company are very high.


  7. Went to the original Soi 12 Sunrise Tacos branch today only to find the place has been cleared out, seats, counter, kitchen and all - just an empty shell left! Of course, the larger branch opposite is still open, but I actually used to prefer the original smaller place, sitting up at the counter against the window reading the paper or watching the comings and goings outside, tacos served in a basket, etc. - it had a kind of cosier atmosphere.

    I guess it was an inevitable consequence - with the big place directly opposite I guess there was no need to rent out the smaller unit as well. What's going in its place, anyway? Another Sunbelt business or is it up for lease, with the new tennant as yet undecided?

    With the lease being 60,000 Baht per month, electric of 40,000 Baht and having 60,000 in additional labor, always just made sense to combine the two stores as 90% of the trade at the smaller location was for delivery and overflow seating.. It we could combine,lower our costs and still have almost the same daily sales volume for the two stores before, it clearly would make the most economic sense to do it. It has turned out to be a smart move. Judging from the comment cards it has been a good hit with clients as well, we are getting even higher marks for the quality of food and service. We still do take out and have a small wait area in the larger location.

    The original plan was to put a Subway Shop in the smaller location. However we could not get around a new clause with the landlord that they could kick us out with a 90 day notice if they sold the land or build a hotel which would make a 3 year lease not even three years. The key is the beginning of the third year as my other leases still have two years remaining.

    French guy named Mark and his Thai wife who owns a restaurant in Koh Samui had said he was willing to take the chance and will be opening a French to go concept. The odds are high no building of a hotel will happen anytime soon, so he should be ok. I win as I lowered my cost and was able to get move out money from him. He wins as he gets a good location to introduce his second branch to Bangkok. He should be open in a couple weeks.

    By the way, our Emporium location on the fifth floor has been renovated and reopened on the 16th of October. We have enchiladas there now and it has been one of the top choices for our guests. Have our own waitstaff now and good remarks on the service as well.


  8. Hi does anyone know if its possible to extend a work permit after expiry? the problem is i found out yesterday that my staff had forgot to extend my WP and now its expired by four days. we called the Labour department and they said i need to reaply for a new WP. I have had this WP for about 8 years and am doing my residency this year. help! :o

    Sorry you will have to get a new wp.


  9. We're just renewing a visa for the managing director at the company I work for and the immigration department are suddenly saying that we don't have enough Thai staff, despite the fact that the number hasn't changed and they approved it last year. This has led me to wonder just how many staff are required per farang?

    Does anyone know? Does the number change dependant upon the visa? We have one farang on a non-o and another on non-b visa.

    For the extension of stay of business you will need 8 ( even if one is on a non-o and married to a Thai ) Both foreigners count towards the criteria required for the one foreigner applying for the extension of stay based on business.

    As for the Labor Dept just depends what area the MD will be working. Could be anywhere from zero to 8 required( as you have two foreigners employed)

    The reason it could have worked last year at Immigration, the foreigner with the extension of stay based on marriage applied after the foreigner with the extension of stay based on business had already been accepted. Now as they are both still working, they both count towards criteria of the foreigner with the renewal of the extension of stay based on business.


  10. Tomorrow sees the implementation of a law requiring all businesses in Thailand to set their computers to precisely the same time - or else.

    A nationwide requirement to adhere to Thai Standard Time (TST) will come into effect tomorrow, but rumours of the country's time zone being shunted forwards by a half-hour have been scotched.

    Officials at the National Institute of Metrology (NIM) under the Information and Communication Technology Ministry and the navy's Hydrographic Department keep the official time, but are at a loss to explain where the rumour of a shifting time zone came from.

    "The rumour of a time adjustment of 30 minutes is untrue. TST remains the same, at seven hours ahead of the time in UTC (Co-ordinated Universal Time) scale," the institute said in a press release.

    But while TST might be unchanged, clocks all around the country may have to be adjusted - if only slightly - tomorrow, as it will become a legal requirement for all businesses to strictly adhere to TST.

    Their computer systems will have to match the official national time under a requirement set out in the 2007 Computer Violation Act.

    According to the law, any company which provides computer-based commercial and business services must keep records of all internet traffic, including the names of all users, taking in those who sent and received emails, and the times, dates and durations of computer use, for 90 days.

    The law is aimed at easing criminal investigations, especially into internet crime and other computer-based offences.

    Anybody who downloads, uploads or distributes pornography, writes or posts abusive material, steals personal information, or deliberately spreads computer viruses will be tracked and arrested.

    Lt-Cdr Worrakorn Saorieng checks the equipment at the Hydrographic Department in a specially designed room to make sure Thai Standard Time is in sync with international standard.

    Internet cafe operators will be obliged to record the names and ID card numbers of anybody who uses their services, as well as the time, date and duration of their visit and addresses of all websites they access.

    Those who do not record this information or who do not adhere to TST will be fined between 100,000 and 500,000 baht.

    Personal computers are exempt from the law, although internet service providers already retain information about multimedia transfers, such as videos, audio files and pictures. Mobile phone operators similarly log call details and information on MMS (Multimedia Message Service) transmissions.

    "Retaining computer traffic information is vital, as cyber crime can affect the economy, national security and the general public," said Hydrographic chief Vice-Adm Kongwat Neelasri.

    "This information can be used as legal evidence to charge criminals, so it is very important computers keep the precise time."

    The department's move is the first time a universal time has been mandated since the reign of King Chulalongkorn.

    Back then, ships had to listen out for gunshots marking the time. Knowing the exact time is especially important for mariners, as they have to know when the tide is low or high to move their vessels.

    TST is based on international standard time, supervised by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures headquartered in Paris, and never deviates by more than 10 milliseconds.

    Instructions for installing the official time on computers are posted on the Hydrographic Department's website at http://www.navy.mi.th/hydro/time

    TST will also be announced by the Hydrographic Department via FM radio.

    The NIM will coordinate with clockmakers to develop watches and clocks for sale to the public which will automatically adjust precisely to TST via department servers every hour.



  11. Chile rellenos, my favorite

    Will be having Chile Relenos as our special of the Day on Saturday. Cheese stuffed in imported poblano peppers that have been fire roasted, dipped in batter and covered with our lightly spiced red sauce. Blistering fresh chilies is one of the reasons Mexican food taste so good. Yummm!!!


    Greg.... I have long loved those, the hotter the better....but haven't eaten in SO LONG.... the frying..the oil... the cheese....drives the fat/calorie content off the scale...

    That said... I might be persuaded to indulge for one day... Are you offering the special at all your current locations??? And, just for Sat. Aug. 23.... or future Sats. as well???

    It will be this Saturday along with this Sunday even if we have used up all the poblano chilies( only have 5 kilos) I also have some fresh Anaheim Chilies that we can use Sunday.

    It will be at Sukhumvit Soi 12 starting at 6 p.m.


  12. .

    My only minor complaint was several staff people who apparently had nothing to do, hovered close to my table singing songs and dancing around while I was trying to read a newspaper. A bit annoying but tolerable. I guess it is a small price to pay for a tasty meal.

    I hope that Sunrise is "over the learning hump" and maintains and continues the improvements. I will add them back to my list of places I like to eat if I get another good experience there on my next visit.

    Trying to get them have to more fun but singing songs and dancing? Wonder what the song was?

    Thank you for stopping by. We have stepped it up a notch based on the hundreds of comment cards we see a week. Most of the improvements have to go to the Thaivisa forum pointing out what was wrong. Thanks Guys.


  13. Out of curiosity, how does sunrise get visas for all the filipinos who work there? Are they brought in as "consultants"? Taco engineers? Language teachers?

    They get visas and work permits as cooks, assistant cooks, managers, assistant mgrs, quality control, and customer relations for foreign guests. Major pain with all the visa and work permit paperwork even if I have an advantage of owning a legal firm. We have over 60 Thai staff as well that do a good job working with us.


    24 hour delivery in Bangkok


  14. Chile rellenos, my favorite

    Will be having Chile Relenos as our special of the Day on Saturday. Cheese stuffed in imported poblano peppers that have been fire roasted, dipped in batter and covered with our lightly spiced red sauce. Blistering fresh chilies is one of the reasons Mexican food taste so good. Yummm!!!


  15. Greg, congratulations on the upcoming non-Thailand expansion plans.... Are Vietnam and Singapore going to be company or franchise ventures? And anything new about plans inside Thailand, for example, Pattaya or other???

    Hi John,

    Master Franchises outside Thailand.

    As for Thailand, airport locations are in the works. Trying to squeeze in co-brands but the space is limited. We'll see on the designs this coming week.


    24 hour delivery in Bangkok


  16. Also for a Thai legal entity you need Thai Shareholders. Surely as an alternative to the above strategy, one of them can sign the WP3 form and any associated company minutes in the first instance? By law they cannot be nominees, so what is the problem?

    Several issues...

    We have formed hundreds and hundreds of Thai companies a year with no Thai shareholders.

    You are correct that it may be a requirement to have Thai shareholders for non -Americans in certain categories. Even then it is not a requirement when the foreigner obtains the Alien Business certificate or they are involved in a business category that is allowed 100% foreign ownership.

    However, even if you can own the business 100% as a foreigner this does not give you the automatic right to work. Labor Dept laws are different than the Department of Business Development laws.

    As for those Thai companies that are required to have Thai shareholders, it’s a big difference in having a Thai shareholder and a Thai director. Putting any nominee issue aside, a director has more legal responsibility than a shareholder such as making sure tax is paid, audits are done, and any government reporting is done. If fraud is involved, all directors could be held accountable. A shareholder who has bought shares in a Thai company with cash, service or property should never take responsibility of being a director of a Thai company lightly. As others have found, they may just find one day, their personal assets have been attached to pay civil or criminal penalties. When an audit is not done on time, the director gets the notice from the police dept to pay the fine or face going to jail. The shareholders themselves never get this same notice.


  17. it's a bit surprising from a respectable company like yours(sunbelt) and very known in thailand that you don't provide your customers the minimum required documents listed on the ministry of foreign affaires website...

    it's very clearely stated on it that the consulate may require any additional documents others than those listed, it's never said that some consulate will not ask for those documents.

    it's maybe the will of your customer to jeopardize their visa but you shouldn't get involved in such things as it makes a bad promotion for your bisuness.

    We always tell clients this is what a particular Embassy/Consulate is asking for now but this can always change.

    If you are a Managing Director of a comnpany who is a foreigner, it is impossible to submit the wp-3 application to the Labor Dept for yourself unless you already have a work permit. If you had a work permit, you would never submit a wp-3 application for yourself in the first place to get the visa.

    The only solution exists of obtaining a Thai director for the company but this has additional cost and less protection for the foreign investor and even possible charges of the Thai being an nominee director.

    This is why the quest for foreigners in finding Thai Embassies/Consulates that will give a visa without requiring documents that are impossible or complicated to get.


  18. I'm very suprised Sunbelt didn't explain exactly what you needed to do and/or explained the probability of acceptance using the Thai Embassy in Laos ???

    I used Sunbelt for my non-immigrant B and they told me exactly what to do and where to send it (which Embassy). They never told me Laos was a option and in fact they knew I would be in Laos and never brought up to me this place was an option.

    Laos could have been "cold" then. With the Thai Embassies/Consulates near Thailand it’s changing from strict to lax to strict and back to lax Its a endless cycle.

    I just had two employees get a 90 day visa last week with no Wp-3 in Laos. This Thursday another was rejected like the OP The cycles usually last 6 months to a year so look for Laos to be strict till next year sometime.


  19. I think I will call another embassy and ask documents required by phone to the embassy staff and then I will go to apply in some other country for the business visa .

    Sincerly I hope that the mekong river will do its part and will arrive untill the houses of corrupted officers if they are ....

    Goalposts change from time to time at Thai Consulates/ Embassies. They just changed in Laos to the stricter side for Business visas. With some Consulates an applicant only needs the application and an invitation letter from a Thai company. Others require proof the company is a real company and showing the company shareholders, registration and financial records ( if it has any) .

    When some unscrupulous people have used photocopies and applied for themselves under false pretenses or simply the Consulate has given more visas than other countries. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will tell that Embassy/Consulate to get stricter. When this call happens, it is overnight the change in attitudes and you were caught in this change.

    To apply for a 90 day business visa, you will need the docs showing company shareholders, registration and financial records. However you now will also need a Wp-3 approval as well. In Laos before this, they were requiring this for only teacher applications. By the way even with a Wp-3 when a Consulate gets strict, its not 100% you will get a visa oy you can even apply for the wp-3 as a foreign director.

    If you have already had a 90 day business visa and are applying for a second one… You must show everything as above but also a work permit or a receipt you have applied for the work permit.

    The new requirement in Laos for people applying for a second business visa, if they have the receipt of the work permit pick up date they will now need also a copy of the contract filed with the Labor dept. In order to get the work permit pick up receipt in the first place you must have already given the Labor Dept the contract form signed by the Employer. This is not the employer employee contract but the form from the labor dept that says "Employer contract" For what ever reason, Laos is now requiring this form as well. Be aware if you go to the Labor Dept they will not allow you to photocopy anything there so you must keep a photocopy of this government form before you arrive at the Labor dept. Laos is the only Embassy/Consulate asking for this form now and it was just asked for the last few days.

    Ironically, our lawyers were just warned by Laos Thursday that they should advise clients to not use agents ( runners) in Laos to handle the visa as this will complicate maters. Their thought was they are cracking down on runners and will look at the i to make sure it has a dot.

    I'm sending you a pm on other countries that you may consider going to get a 90 day visa if you want to avoid going back to Laos.


  20. After last nights ITV investigation into salt in sandwiches, including Subways, not many people will be visiting Subways, which came out as one of the worst.

    Yes fine if you like plenty of salt and fat......... oh dear another "fresh and healthy myth" out of the window. Its all a bit like the sun cream companies the truth is you have to literally block the sun out with their cream for it to really work ie you look white all over as the cream is half an inch thick!

    As a business model though Im sure its fine but location is the most important thing, people always want junk food!!

    I am waiting for Sunbelts reply to the above it is all good telling us about there shop standards and profits but what about folks that might have high blood pressure and eat say there tuna 6 inch thinking its healthy??? :o

    Sorry about the delay in responding. Just came back from the States.

    Here is link on reducing sodium.


    If you are trying to lose weight, Tuna would be one of the worse choices. Pick a healthier choice that has 6 grams of fat or less like Ham, Roast Beef, Turkey, Club, Chicken or Veggie. You could eat six 6 inch subs or three footlongs and still have less fat then one single 6 inch tuna sub.


    This is how Subway measures up to other restaurants.



  21. Thanks for that. I assume that I would have to apply in the area that I reside - or perhaps the area in which I work? (Basically they will be one and the same thing). What I am really asking is "Is it possible to choose an Employment office where things seem more favourably inclined?"



    You apply in the area you will be working.

    However, sometimes people get around a strict Labor Dept office and will apply in BKk and then transfer the work permit to another area. As Bkk has already approved the wp, that Labor Dept in that area will accept it.


  22. And I must say, at least based on today's experience, the changes have been for the good. Service today was just fine. I just hope they can replicate that during the busier night times and keep the ship on course...

    Thanks jfchandler for the report. I can confirm that our service has improved. Back at the first of the year, we had growing pains with the opening of two new locations and changing to a sit down restaurant rather than ordering at the counter. Very sorry for people that encountered those earlier obstacles. If that did happen to you, just send me a pm and I'll hook you up with a free dinner for your guest and you.

    Our flavor has to have improved even more as we do lots more roasting tomatoes, garlic and chilies. Our tortillas both corn and flour have improved as it’s made by hand. Getting our staff to understand the temperature outside will change the amount of water used and how you make the tortillas. All of this was a learning curve and we very much appreciate the feedback as it has made us the place you want in Thailand.

    The latest breaking news is we will be expanding to Singapore in the next 90 days. After that it will be Viet Nam.

    In Thailand, we are on track to opening Sunrise Tacos at the airport and a full sit down restaurant at Central World.

    Exciting times ahead. I'm in the States now but will be talking with George on how we can reward the Thaivisa members for helping us with all their feedback even if some posts was very misleading and didn't even deserve a comment. However 90% of the posts have been good in letting us know how we can get better or lettiing us know we are spot on with what they want.

    Yum! Brands, Inc., which owns Taco Bell, KFC and Pizza Hut, has made tremendous profits in Asia, primarily from the fact that the Chinese (and the Thais) love KFC. They have opened about 3 Taco Bell Grandes in China. These resemble a TGIF or Chilis, more than the fast food chain in the U.S.

    Taco Bell is not Mexican food. I don't think the concept would work in Thailand. Good authentic Mexican food would work. You just can't expect the Thais will line up outside your restaurant. Farangs are going to be the core market, but they want real Mexican food, not Taco Bell.

    Sad to say the Taco Bell Grandes stores have closed in China.


    Seems they were trying to adjust the recipes and menu items to try to appeal more to the Chinese palate, rather than offer true Mexican Food.

    An interesting excerpt from a Times magazine article They also point out Caesar Salad was on the menu but most people would be surprise to know that the Caesar Salad was created by Caesar Cardini in Tijuana Mexico!


    Maybe it doesn't take a genius to sell chicken in China, but steak chalupas and chili cheese burritos? Yum's latest effort is a Chinese iteration of Taco Bell in Shanghai, where the company is trying to repeat its KFC and Pizza Hut success with Mexican fare. Little of the Taco Bell formula has been imported from the U.S. The Shanghai outlet, which opened last May, is called Taco Bell Grande. It's a fancier, sit-down restaurant, a concept that is gaining traction in China with the popularity of T.G.I. Friday's, the Hard Rock Cafe and Tony Roma's. Not surprisingly, much of the food at Taco Bell Grande is only vaguely authentic. Caesar salad is on the menu, and there are no hard-shell tacos (research found mainlanders don't like them). There are burritos, quesadillas and enchiladas, but "to be very frank, people can't remember all the names," says Yum director Jamieson.

    Yum developed the Taco Bell Grande menu after more than a year of experimenting in a test kitchen in Shanghai and collecting feedback from several Taco Bell outlets in Singapore,which have since closed. Mexican food might prove to be a tough sell. "I remember from my high school geography class that we were told all Mexico had for food was chili, corn and beans," says Beijing resident Li Xiaoming, 25. "How could they possibly create any tasty fast food out of those ingredients?" Despite the odds, the ever-ambitious Yum plans to open additional Taco Bell Grandes in Shanghai next year.

    Lots of good pictures here of the concept…



  23. so this is new building is very close to an area of farang bars... won't it be kind of weird?

    The Fico Group owns the Grand Millenium Hotel and Fenix Tower on the other side of Soi Cowboy. I think its more weird that Soi Cowboy can compete with income generated on that side as well as the Interchange at Asoke and Sukhumvit also owned by the Fico Group which was founded by the Srichawala family.

    How long before Soi Cowboy is more profitable as a Hotel than a bar area in a prime Sukhumvit CBD area?


  24. yeah but food court is different as that 32% includes cash management, overhead and in some aspects the kitchen so there is much lower capex to set up.

    32% is high for a food court, most of hte others are around 26-30%, 32% is justified when you look at the foot flow at MBK though.

    Subway Leasing would never approve the lease of 32% it as it would be impossible to make money without increasing prices. HQRS is leery of % leases anyway as you have a partner who is a landlord and its very hard to get a rent deduction

    20% at Paragon would be a killer; you think you can get a rent review on that? (my guess is.....not).

    We are on the low end of rent % charged. Most all local brands pay 25% on gross and some even higher. As I said Siam Paragon does very good numbers with traffic. Not much goes to the bottom line however. At 32% with MBK, it would be like selling 100 baht notes for 88 Baht. The more business you did, the more you would lose.

    We must hook up one day and enjoy a cold one.


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