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Sunbelt Asia

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Posts posted by Sunbelt Asia

  1. And i'm addicted by the taste , size

    surely there must be help groups out there for sufferers of this cruel addiction.

    We all have different taste buds but the OP does not alone love Subway. We serve over 2,000 guests a day with just our 6 locations in Thailand. (Total of 23 restaurants is in Thailand). Worldwide there are over 29,000 restaurants so that’s quite a lot of people that are enjoying a healthy sandwich at Subway everyday.


    And at the same time enjoying the taste


    Some people don’t like the taste for whatever reason and I respect that view, as that’s what makes everyone unique.


  2. Another Scam.

    After you confirm the reservation for your business and say no credit card is needed. They then say could you please advance 8,000 dollars to the rental car company. Wonder who eats at the same restaurant for 9 days in a foreign country?

    I get a couple of these idiot e-mails a week..

    [email protected]

    Greetings Sir/Madam,

    I am Dr Allan Wood

    I want book dinner for our staffs who will be visiting your city.

    Please confirm these reservation

    Details of the Reservation:

    Date: 1st,2nd,3rd,4th,5th,6th,7th ,8th and 9th July.

    No of people:10 people

    Arrival times: 6:30 PM each day

    Kindly get back to me with your rate and total cost for the 9 days dinner Ok.

    Mode of payment.

    Credit card only.(I hope you have credit card facilities ?)

    I await your swift response.

    Kindest Regards,

    Dr Allan Wood

    Tel +447045749341


    [email protected]


    I am Dr Hillary Synnoth,from the U.K.

    I want to book dinner for i and my group of friends.

    They will all come for dinner in your place as from June

    17th,18th and 19th, 2008 by 7:00pm each day. They are are 10

    in number. Get back with your response if there is

    availability in your restaurant so that i can book

    immediately with my credit card.

    I shall be waiting for your prompt response so that we can

    proceed with the payment arrangements.

    Kind Regards,

    Dr Hillary Synnoth


    Wonder if anyone ever falls for this?

    Just did a search on the internet. Looks like this has happen before.



    You got to love some of the e-mails these days.


  3. Very good!

    Keymoney is another try to get more cash money from Farangs then from Thais. If you have several rental opportunities you can easily avoid key money. The problem is that many farang are stupid enough to pay it because they still count in Dollars or Euros and not in Thai bahts - thus they are willing to pay...

    IMHO The Landlords that charge key money in most cases don't care what color your skin is. The key money price is the same for whomever.

    Never hurts just to be 100% however to double check by having a Thai call first and see what the rental price is. But in most all cases you will find key money is not strictly a farang thing, its greed of the landlord and the attitude they have of getting the money from whoever has it.

    Funny story the other day, I'm looking at a shell property in a prime A++ location and the landlord quotes me 240,000 Baht a month if I would build a bar, 200,000 Baht a month if it would build a restaurant and only 160,000 Baht a month if I build a hotel. Why the difference in price? He stated" Bars are against my religion and a hotel I already own one on upper Sukhumvit. If you build a hotel I will just take over the building when the lease is over as I know the hotel business." So told him we are looking at a minimum 20 year lease registered at the Land Dept. He’s still not interested as “that’s too long." He wants a lease of three years plus an option of additional three years.

    All I can say he seems to be honest about his intentions. :o

    You just can't get upset about the Landlords and just decide before you start you need to look at 20-30 locations. I can't begin to tell you how many go by the wayside ( a million different reasons.)


  4. Just ate a BLT at subway at Impact expo . And i'm addicted by the taste , size . And price . To start would be great if we can make a list of subway outlet in thailand so people like me can enjoy a good meal . Is there a delivery ? I know there is a outlet at impact expo

    Thanks for stopping by.

    We deliver anywhere in Bangkok for 60 Baht using Chefsxp.com

    You can order online here or call 02-204-2001...


    Here are six locations (I'm involved in these)...



  5. Every where in the World, key money has a different meaning


    In Thailand, it is a gift, given as an inducement for the landlord to rent to you. Key money is illegal in Thailand only if you pay cash and the landlord doesn't report it as income, then you could be charged as an accessory to money laundering and tax evasion.

    Most lawyers will advise against paying key money if it will be paid in cash and the landlord does not want it to be mentioned in the rental agreement.

    Why does the landlord want his rent upfront? Reasons he will give…

    1. Household tax is 12.5% on the rental amt for the year. By him getting this money as a gift no household tax will need to be paid on it. Many landlords will require you to pay the household tax, its part of the negotiations.

    2. Thailand does not have a credit bureau like the West so they need extra protection if you leave the country.

    In reality, for a prime space his logic is its valuable and he wants money upfront to invest in something else.

    Be aware, in most all cases, you will not get your key money back if a fire takes place.

    Also if the Landlord does not give you a receipt you cannot write it off. Let’s say you have a five million Baht Thai Limited Company, you are in the tax bracket of 30% of net profits. Your net profit was one million and your key money for that year was one million baht. You don’t have anyway to show the cash payment to the landlord so that deduction is disallowed. You will then pay 300,000 Baht in tax versus if you gotten a receipt, your tax payment would be zero.


  6. It would be good to get clarification on this point , can a US citizen do business as a Thai person would with no Limited company protection but just as a sole trader.

    Yes you can register as a sole proprietorship( British English: sole trader) for the Amity Treaty. We have register 100’s of these types of Amity Treaty companies for clients. I myself am register as a sole proprietorship and own two branches of Sunrise Tacos. The limitations are you can only hire a maximum of three foreigners while a Thai limited Company you can hire 10 foreigners. Because of this limitation, I formed another Thai limited company which owns the other branches of Sunrise Tacos. I own 99.994% of the shares. The other 6 shareholders par value of shares is 5 Baht each. In July of this year when the new law goes in effect, I will only have to have 2 other shareholders for a Thai limited company instead of the current 7 required shareholders( including myself) for a Thai Limited Company.

    What is the advantage of a sole proprietorship over a Thai Limited Company?

    No corporate taxes, only the personal income taxes on the profits made. As a sole trader, you are only required to report gross income, you have the option of using the Thai governments predetermined deductions for that type of business or using your receipts as the deduction to calculate net profits. You are not required to register for Vat until you reach 1.8 million Baht in sales.

    What is the disadvantage? Limitation of employing foreign workers. Unlimited liability (all debts of the business are the debts of the owner)… that’s why we strongly advocating having insurance in case of any accidents in the business. Immigration does not reconize a sole proprietorship for the extension of stay based on business. ( You would need to do a visa run every three months with a non immigrant visa unless you are married to a Thai or you have another extension of stay on another Thai Limited company)

    How do work permits and the 4 Thai staff requirement fit into this scenario ?

    Up to Feb of this year, you did not need 4 Thai empoyees to get a work permit with a Limited company or Limited Partnership. You only needed 4 Thai employees if you were applying for the extension of stay permit based on business.

    You however did need 4 Thai employees( unless the applicant was married to a Thai than it was 2 Thai employees) to get a work permit if you were a sole proprietorship or working for a sole proprietorship.

    This has changed now in Bangkok with the Labor Dept since Feb. No matter if you are Amity treaty registered or non amity treaty registered Thai limited company, Thai limited partnership or sole proprietorship , the requirements are the same. Four Thai employees are required to get a work permit. One exception, the applicant is a sole proprietorship or working for a sole proprietorship and also married to a Thai, than it is 2 Thai employees.


  7. Are there any minimum payments which you must make to the 4 Thai employees every month ?

    e.g. minimum salary, insurance, health cover , holiday pay etc ?

    In Bangkok, they must get at least 5,250 Baht per month. 5 % of the salary (maximum withholding of 750 Baht) must be taken out from the employee check every pay period. You as a employer must match those funds and submit it to the Social Fund Dept. As an example, one Thai employee would give 550 Baht if their salary was 5,500 Baht. They gave 275 Baht and you gave 275 Baht.

    They must get one week paid Holiday after one year.

    By the way they are going out to the employer’s location to make sure these are not ghost employees.


  8. Tax breaks become official today

    Tax breaks for property buyers will become effective today with the official publication in the Royal Gazette, according to Suparut Kawatkul, the Finance Ministry's permanent secretary.

    Three laws would become effective, with the first reducing specific business taxes for property operators to 0.1% from 3% for transactions occurring over the next year.

    The second law will increase waivers for individual taxpayers to the first 150,000 baht in income from 100,000 baht now, effective for the 2008 tax year. The increase will effectively reduce withholding taxes for individuals immediately.

    The third law affects tax calculations for small companies with paid-up capital of less than five million baht, with the first 150,000 baht in income waived from corporate taxes. Profits after the first 150,000 will be charged under the normal ladder scale at rates from 15% to 30%.

    The Interior Ministry has also announced that land transfer and registration fees will be cut to 0.01%, effective today.

    The measures are part of a 40-billion-baht economic stimulus



  9. thank you for your information.

    i still have another question , when you apply by yourself (i got a two million company company) do you have to show the organization chart with four thai employees(i don't have and no plan to have) or is it only required when you want to hire a foreigner without raising up your capital to four millions bath?

    Since Feb 22nd, in Bangkok it is required for even one single foreigner ( the owner) to have 4 Thai employees to get a work permit. If you are a start up, in some cases you can explain why you don't have 4 Thai employees but you must have them in a couple months.( proof is the social fund payment)

    One exception is if you are married to a Thai, then 2 Thai employees can be ok for the work permit.


  10. Just want to clarify the below:

    1. a spouse is allowed to apply a work permit if an employment is found under the O visa

    correct. (This "o" visa is good for only 90 days at a time.

    2. a spouse is also allowed to apply work permit if an employemnt is found with extension of stay visa, piggybacking off his/her spouse of stay.


    3. the work permit is applied by the employer for the employee

    Both have to sign the application. The Employee ( applicant) is the one that has to go with the lawyer to pick up the work permit.


  11. correct .. you do NOT need a non-imm-B to get a work permit

    You are correct....on not specifically needing a non-imm B and can do on an O, but recently a mate of mine's wife went through this process she was on an O visa based on the husbands Non-imm B/WP etc and she was made to go and get an Non-imm B in Singapore before the WP was processed...so think a lot of this depends on where you are doing the applications....different offices....different rules...so nothing new there for Thailand..

    Irrespective of whether an O or Non-imm B...the lady who asked the question will need a work permit if she intends to work here...she cannot work on the back of her husbands non-imm B and WP

    In Bangkok, for almost a year they were not allowing a work permit to be applied if the applicant was piggybacking off a spouse permit of stay.

    Just to clarify any possible confusion, the extension of stay permit is not called an "O" or "B" as that is for the initial visas. It was an extension of stay being married to a family member who has permission to stay in Thailand.

    The good news is the labor Dept in Bangkok changed the laws a couple months ago and now will allow for a spouse to apply for a work permit with this type of extension of stay.


  12. Right guys. I myself am looking to extend for a year being married to a Thai and we are both trying hard to reach the 40,000THB target per month that is required and then pay tax on it. (Which is all they want no matter what you hear). You show tax slips and your marriage documentation and you WILL get a 1 year visa.

    But what mystifies me is when I hear to get a 1 year extension you need to show this, that , oh and this and that , oh and a work permit. Well you already get a 1 year extension with a work permit so why //edit// would you want an extension for a year. Call me stupid guys but that seems pretty //edit// dum to me.

    Replies are welcome....... :o

    Just because you have a work permit does not guarantee you will get a extension of stay permit based on business. Different government arms…. Immigration and the Labor Dept. Many people qualify for a work permit but many as well do not qualify for an extension of stay based on business (annual audit showing higher gross income than the foreigner’s wages, etc)


  13. Hi Tod. i have often wondered about this also.

    Do you need to have 1'000'000 or 2'000'000 sitting in a bank account

    or how otherwise do they establish the company has this money ?

    In August 2009 they will require seeing a cash investment of 3 million Baht per work permit for new applicants. Until that date no evidence is required or having 3 million Baht registered capital.


  14. Sunbelt, does this situation apply if you are not an American citizen ? If for example there was one

    other Thai shareholder with 51 percent but the foreigner invested 100 percent of the capital,

    could the foreigner obtain a work permit to " manage and oversee the investment"

    and be able to actively participate in the business alongside the 51 percent Thai shareholder?

    Even if you had no shares in the company, you can be hired to be the Managing Director and to manage and oversee the investment of the shareholders.


  15. From what I read on the differents posts on this forum the amity treaty seems to have expired in 2005. Is that true. They also talk about a 1'000'000 or 2'000'000 bath capitalization for a company registered under that treaty. Could you tell me more about that?

    Thank you.

    The Treaty has not expired and they are still taking applications. It is still 2 million Baht registered capital( even if married to a Thai) However Aug 2009 it will be raised to 3 million Baht registered capital for Americans under the Amity Treaty.


  16. :o If you expect to have a profitable Mexican food restaurant you will need to be able to attract enough foriegners (Farang) to be able to make it pay. Thais in rural areas are unlikely to come to a Mexican restaurant in enough numbers to be profitable, they prefer the tried-and-true Thai food. Unless you have the Farang population needed (or possibly university students) I don't see it working.

    Also, even though you can run the place, you need a staff to cook. Can you find enough Thai staff to train to cook Mexican food? I doubt you will be able to find already trained staff with experience of cooking Mexican food.

    Also 4 out of every 5 new business fail in the first 3 years due to lack of proper planning before they are started. So the first requirement is a close analysis of the potentials and pitfalls.

    If you do start it, good luck.

    Wonder if the OP did open his restaurant three years ago?

    We have a pretty good Thai following at our Mexican restaurants at the Emporium and Siam Paragon. Over 70% of our guests are Thai. Today Sunrise Tacos chef was interviewed by Channel 3 TV station and they filmed him preparing a Grilled Chicken Quesadilla as well as Nachos Supreme.

    Last week, a Thai movie super star was interviewed and he was asked “What is your favorite restaurant” He responded with “Sunrise Tacos at the Siam Paragon” and why Channel 3 decided to filmed us today.

    Still having foreigners as guests is important by looking at our sales at the Sukhumvit Soi 12 location. There over 90% of our sales is from food purchased by foreigners. Just wanted to let people know, Thais do like Mexican food.


  17. Ok, Thank you very much for this useful information. Can you give me a rough idea about how much the whole process would cost with your company?

    So many variables depending on your case to give an accurate quote. See above using your own personal variables or have a free initial consultation with one of our officers. You’ll find our firm is very transparent with our professional fees.

    And does your company gives any guarantee regarding the obtainment of the visa and/or the working permit?

    We have been the main sponsor of Thaivisa.com since 2002. We did over 5,000 work permit applications last year with not one application being rejected in Bangkok. However we still cannot guarantee success as it solely up to the officer. We don’t issue the work permits, the Labor Dept does. With the discretion of the new sheriff at the Labor Dept since Feb. 22nd being more strict, I doubt we’ll bat a thousand per cent again this year. But by knowing what the Labour Dept wants to see, we’ll still come very close to it. If you can’t meet the criteria, we won’t take your case. For instance if you were going to be a consultant and no plans to hire Thai employees. With the limited details you have given if you set up under the Amity treaty and you will hire some Thais. I do not forsee any problems.


  18. Bangkok Post



    A Briton and his Thai wife were arrested in Chon Buri province for allegedly swindling more than 40 million baht from their American business partner. Craig Rhodes, 45, a British national, and his wife Piyaporn Chanthorn, 28, a native of Khon Kaen province, were yesterday arrested at Country Property Land & Development Co in Chon Buri's Sattahip district by a team of Crime Suppression Division (CSD) police.

    The arrest follows a complaint from the American, James Russell Generazzo, 64, who asked the CSD to look into alleged cheating by the couple who persuaded him to co-invest some 43.5 million baht in a land development project with them.

    Deputy CSD chief Pol Col Jaruwat Waisaya said there were grounds to believe the couple had swindled Mr Generazzo.

    Investigators found the suspects had set up a firm to develop land projects in Thailand. The firm advertised its projects in several magazines in Pattaya to persuade foreign investors to co-invest in the projects.The ads attracted Mr Generazzo, who later contacted the couple.

    Mr Generazzo was persuaded to invest in a condominium project. The couple asked him to buy two five-rai land plots for the project site. They suggested that two firms be set up to purchase the two plots separately. The firms _ Siam Coastal Enterprise Co and Beverly Garden Co_ were subsequently set up with the couple and the victims serving as executives.

    The actual land price was 3.2 million baht a rai. However, the couple allegedly lied to Mr Generazzo that the land was bought at 4.5 million baht per rai, and he paid 22.5 million baht to the couple for a five-rai land plot. They later asked him to buy two cashier cheques, one worth 15 million baht and the other eight million baht, for the purchase of the second plot. The couple then opened a bank deposit account in their names and put the eight million baht into the account, according to police.

    After the payments were made, the suspects showed no sign of starting the project. Mr Generazzo became suspicious and demanded that the couple resign as executives of the two firms and return 43.5 million baht to him. However, the suspects set a pre-condition that he must pay them 10 million baht first, so he decided to seek help from the CSD, said Pol Col Jaruwat.

    The investigation team also said the suspects had preyed on several other people, mostly foreigners. However, most of the victims were too afraid of Mr Rhodes, who has lived in Thailand for over 9 years, to seek help from police.

    The couple's lawyer said his clients denied all the charge

    Rhodes: Denies all charges against him



    Please do due diligence!


  19. The problem is that from what I've red, in order to get a work permit, you need to have a job or qualification that a Thai citizen cant fill. The government is really restrictive regarding the work permits that they give and I dont think that beeing the owner of an internet shop is something that a thai could'nt do.

    What do you think about that?

    Good question.

    I surmise you are going to be the Managing Director. In this case, you will be managing and overseeing your investment. You will have the same rights as Thais have in the USA under the E-2 treaty investor visa to work in the USA by developing and directing the investment they have made.

    This is why most people should and do invest in a professional lawyer to guide them thru the inital process and making sure the job description will be accurate and detailed not simply putting " Owner" which would just give part of your business plan and objectives.


  20. Hi,

    I started a business in Thailand a few month ago with my wife withnotingelse than a tourist visa. As the shop is working pretty good, I want to make everything straight and be able to work legally. For information I am under 50 years old, my business is a internet cafe with travel agency and motorbike rental and I also have an American passport ( I never used it to come to Thailand but I can take it next time instead of my swiss passport) My questions are: is it possible to get a 1 year visa and a work permit when you have a business like I described it? If possible, about how much would that cost altogether approximately to make a company, lawyer expenses and different charges.

    I here so many different things depending on people whom I ask to that I dont know what to believe anymore.

    Thanks in advance for your answers.

    As an American you can own the business 100% in your name. You can get a work permit ( As of now you must employ 2 Thais even if you have a extension of stay based on marriage to a Thai wife). If you are married to another nationality other than Thai you must employ 4 Thais to get the work permit. ( This is the new rule since Feb. 22nd)

    Look at our professional fees to get an idea of the fees involved.


    For more info on Amity, please click here



  21. Greg -

    I think you are talking about places like Subway, or Hard Rock, or Gullivers - where all the workers are registered employees, and prices are set up specifically for that venue, employees are not "bar fine-able" and the "check bin" is a machine-printed receipt - and your Sole Proprietor comments apply only to Americans..

    I'm talking about the 10,000 small bars where "bar fines" are a revenue generator, and none of the bar-girls are on the books, and the fifty bars in a row all charge the exact same price for a Singha - and none of the suppliers charge VAT. Perhaps 3% or 4% of those have American involvement.

    It is my impression (possibly mistaken) that the OP wasn't asking about Gullivers, or The Londoner - he was asking about all the "shotgun" beer bars crammed into every corner, appearing to have farang managers.

    Your answers are appropriate for the level of establishment that sells food, and doesn't collect bar fines.



    We do have several Go Go bar owners who are our clients. They have work permits and are in the Vat system. Granted they are bigger bars but they are in the system. For the little guy who has a small beer bar, you have a valid point.


  22. <br />
    Thank you! But they have told me they will make the papers for one year.So?
    <br /><br />Papers could be for a one year contract. Doesn't mean they are getting you a extension of stay permit. A work permit can be given even with no salary. I have an intern who gets 6,000 Baht per month and has a work permit. We have helped 100"s get a work permit and they only get around 10K per month. 50K salary requirement is only for some nationalities and only for extension of stay permits with Immigration.<br /><br />www.sunbeltasiagroup.com<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    is the salary of 6k bath or 10k bath legal or do you need to do a trick to the labour so they accept that?

    No trick. This correct salary is put on the application. The officer at their discretion can state the applicant in order to get a work permit will need a higher salary or approve it. If they are in a trainee position or a non executive role, in most cases it is ok. Where people run into problems, they get a salary of 15K, put 30K or 50K or whatever on the application and then have to pay tax on the PND 90 at the year end. If you put a salary of 100K per month, you must show the tax was paid, to get the work permit renewed.


  23. Many thanks for that clarification Sunbelt/Greg, that's saved me some grief/confusion and now makes sense of the things you've been saying in more recent posts. After reading your 2004 posts, could you tell me, are we still ok applying for WP on 2 mil registered capital that has not actually been fully (or 25%) paid up?


    Still would appreciate anyone's knowledge on whether or not for sure Graphic Design, Photography & "work supporting export of Thai products" are legitimate/allowed occupations for a foreigner here in LOS.

    We have a number of clients in the industry. Never had a problem getting them a work permit.

    Also, maybe it would be a good idea if one of the mods could organise an update of the ThaiVisa website (link on the homepage " New work permit rules. May 2002") which is giving missleading and outdated information as regards new applicants. Cheers :o

    Valid point. Will point it out to George.


  24. didn't want to open another thread regarding this..........my friend was refused to provide wp3 letter from the labor ministry stating he doesn't have work experience.......

    do they required 1 year work experience to obtain wp? ..........is it a new rule?

    didn't happen in my case coz i got new wp in january...

    Since Feb 22nd, everything to do with the Labor Deot is more strict. A new sheriff is in town.


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