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Sunbelt Asia

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Posts posted by Sunbelt Asia

  1. In fact it can happen the new work permit has expired while you were out of Thailand. However in that case, you can revalidate it the same afternoon. The only problem is the government fee will be 1,700 Baht rather than 850 Baht.

    Example: 10 days remain on your stay. You leave Thailand and come back in with a new 90 day visa. Your new work permit has expired and you revalidate your work permit for 90 days. That day, you pay 850 Baht for the first application and 850 for the revalidation.


  2. When you have your visa, you can change your mind and decide not come here for work, but your visa is still valid for 12/15 month...

    See Sunbelat Asia : http://www.lawyer.th.com/QR-one-year-visa-thailand.asp

    That link is an old link you provided. It links to our new updated website.

    We have not advertised or solicited business on this type of business visa for well over a year now as were not interested to promote it at this time or ever again in the future.

    At first we were promoting this visa heavily to potential investors. Even though before, our staff had asked questions on the applicant’s plans. It came to our attention, that in some cases later; the client was not sincere to state he wanted to possibly invest. Later we added the warning being in big red type set on the web site “that it was only for people that were serious on investing", still some were not.

    Even though quite a few did end up investing. With hindsight, it was easy to see, it was a mistake at that time to promote it and help some people get a visa this way. Hence for over a year, we stop advertising it all together.

    Also, around this same time period, someone took an invitation letter addressed to them to explore potential business opportunities, was forging the signature and was giving our paperwork copies to others. Lessons were learned.

    At Sunbelt Asia, we are now much more careful in avoiding helping people that plan " on changing their mind." This has caused us to be more diligent in client selection for any business dealings and any signature on any of our paperwork is notarized, as well.


  3. I would agree, differnt concept and huge price difference. It would be fair to compare Sunrise with Sabrosa and in my expirience Sunrise has been by far the best, I now order online about twice a week. When is the Paragon branch open?

    Siam Paragon open yesterday. Sunrise Tacos is next to Secret Recipe on the ground floor. ( near the supermarket) We have 40 seats so can handle a good size group. So far business has been good. We have been very busy with a constant stream of Thai guests that are new to Sunrise Tacos( have not been at the Emporium or Suk Soi 12 Sunrise Tacos locations.)


  4. Hello

    I would like to apologize in advance if this has been asked before. I would like to know whether its possible to obtain a work permit on an Education visa.

    Up to a year ago, any Ed visa could obtain a work permit so some are still "grandfathered" in.

    For new applicants, it’s not possible with only one exception. A university student that has been given permission to work from the school(in the case of a intern needing work experience).


  5. Coyote on Sukhumvit and soi Convent is by far the bestestest tex mex food in Thailand, if not Asia. For some reason they can't access hot sauce like Sunbelt, err, I mean Sunrise Tacos :o

    I know the owners well of Coyote. We in fact set up a company for them. They are good people and I respect them.

    Coyote has pretty girls serving lots of margaritas and Mexican food. It’s more a theme restaurant franchise concept with 80 different margaritas. Their food prices are on average 100- 200% higher than ours as they get in general the target market of upper level spending expats and tourists that are looking for a fun atmosphere or out on a special occasion.

    Our concept at Sunrise Tacos is to position itself as a mass market brand that is convenient everyday and open 24 hours; we always prepare our food fresh, and serve value for money portions. From day one we wanted to go after the Thai market while also serving all local expats and tourist. We do this in an open kitchen so the guest can see the food being prepared. It's this positioning that contributes to our 'modest success', both at the restaurant and home delivery. Our reputation is seen everyday as happy guests return again and again and our delivery numbers have increase every month. I also monitor our guest’s reactions to the service and food in the store to make sure our customers continue to think our food is "great."

    The Coyote owners and I both agree its different concepts and themes. Looking at Coyote’s customer base and ours, it is a different group. We usually don’t take business away from each other because of this variance of our guests wants.

    As for food taste on whose is tastier? Just depends on who you talk to. We both have fans of our food.

    By the way, Coyote does bring in some real hot sauce in bottles from other countries. I think if you ask, they will let you use it.

    We use habaneros to make our John's super hot salsa fresh and hot everyday.


  6. Miguel sounds ok but I'm in bangkok and doing as the thais do - steerin' clear of Mexi food. My gf despises the smell when I've made it. She said it smells like arab or indian food. Man she hates mexican and I suspect other thais feel the same

    Here is another example how much Mexican food is being accepted in Thai culture.

    You may have heard about this popular show about Thai air hostess.

    Tomorrow night “Monday”, the soap opera " Air Hostess War" will be filming a scene at Sunrise Tacos around 10 p.m.

    Here is the trailer


    Have not seen the script if a woman is involved in the scene. But do know someone will be buying tacos at Sunrise Tacos and then they will run into someone at the parking lot and they get into a discussion.

    Sounds like a boring scene unless it turns into a little catfight inside Sunrise Tacos restaurant or in the parking lot after the discussion. :o


  7. Silom road (Patpong end) has 3 Mexican restaurants that I know of already.

    Room for one more???

    Seems to be demand for it. Not a night goes by that I'm not ask at least once " When will Sunrise Tacos open on Silom? " No Mexican place is open 24 hours on Silom and that is one segment we can serve.


  8. Greg - I know it's been asked a few times before, but do you have any plans for a Silom branch?

    I won't be doing it myself. I will however help a franchisee open on Silom RD. Looking to be ready to start franchising Sunrise Tacos in June.


  9. Miguel sounds ok but I'm in bangkok and doing as the thais do - steerin' clear of Mexi food. My gf despises the smell when I've made it. She said it smells like arab or indian food. Man she hates mexican and I suspect other thais feel the same

    At least the Thais that go to our Sunrise Tacos restaurants like Mexican food. In fact at the Emporium the majority of our guests are Thai and our sales are not shabby, being the #1 volume seller the last 6 months out of 14 other restaurants that sell Thai, Italian, Chinese and Ribs. It’s in the Park Food Hall located on the 5th floor of the Emporium so if you have some idle time, just sit there on a Sat or Sunday and count the orders from the Thais.

    Last night we did a USTMAG THAI event, out of the 110 guests that had reservations for the Mexican night at the compound, 83 of them were Thai. We also did catering at lunch for the US Embassy staff the last two weeks ( 3 days each week) and quite a number of Thai employees bought our Mexican food and then order it again the next day. So they do like to try new food and many that do try, come back to my restaurants.

    When I open my new 40 seat restaurant at Siam Paragon this week, I’m sure it will be the same. More Thais than foreigners. For this I’m very happy as it is important to serve the largest nationality where your restaurant is located.

    One point I like to add, even though we get some Thais ( around 15% of the guests) at the Sukhumvit Rd Soi 12- Soi 14 Sunrise Tacos location. This is mostly visited by foreigners and not the location I'm using as an example.


    24 hour delivery now. Order online from 10:30 till 10:30 p.m. at http://www.chefsxp.com/home.php?manufacturers_id=98

    Otherwise call 02-229-4851 afterhours.

  10. Hi all,

    I stumbled upon this website and I find it has some good information. But I need more advice on how to exactly go about setting up a foreign-owned (Singapore owner) office in thailand?

    Questions like

    1) What kind of company (pte ltd?) can allow foreign ownership and what is the maximum percentage of foreign ownership?

    2) what would be the shareholder and director structure be like?

    3) Can this company be a revenue generating one? Can it provide services and get PO (purchase orders) from the local thai companies?

    Can someone help?

    or any companies that offer service to do everything for me in singapore?



    Sunbelt has a office on Orchard Road in Singapore. However all questions in regards to setting up a company in BKk would be handled in Thailand.

    Your questions are very broad and any answers would have to be as well. So many " if and buts"

    What type of business are you looking to set up?

    Feel free to contact us. We are the main sponsor of ThaiVisa.com since 2002


  11. “They could be consultants but they cannot be salesmen for a non BOi company.”

    I thought that loophole was closed last year by the Labor ministry?

    Consultant is not a dirty word. You just have to define what you are doing, as in a few industries such as being an architect you cannot be a consultant. In most other area you still can be. Even then on being an architect, it depends on the Labor Dept.

    If we are not selling any thai-products, will they really approve us anyway??

    This is not a requirement.


  12. Yes I am sick of hearing about Sunrise Tacos too - having read all these glowing reports a while back I suggested a visit there to a Thai ladyfriend in the knowledge that she really likes Mexican food . The net result was she refused to enter the place and I am now referred to as a Cheap Charlie !

    Cheers BB

    One idea would be to take her to our upscale places at the Emporium on the fifth floor or at the Siam Paragon on the ground floor. ( Opening on the 28th of Jan.) Plenty of Hi- So Thais eating our tacos at the Emporium. We have on average over 150 Thais eating on a Sat or Sunday at the Emporium location.


  13. A mexican food forum sponsored by Sunrise Tacos with (suspiciously) new members asking "where can i get my taco fix after a night out at Nana?" and everyone rushing in with "Why, at Sunrise Tacos, of course".

    You better have proof to be making a statement that I would deceive like this. If you do have proof, you'll have 10 million Baht more in your pocket.

    For the record, I or no one I know have ever asked someone to post on Thaivisa.com. Any comments are 100% from that individual. If someone writes, I do have the right to respond to them.

    Never once, have I ever posted under another name or post. I don't hide behind a computer or respond to myself.

    I want to start a thread, thats my right. You have the option to read it or ignore it. If I start a thread or post, you will know it under Sunbelt Asia.

    I'm one of the few owners that does respond to posts from people. Threads can get long, but its always under my name " Sunbelt Asia."

    No other restaurant owner I know, is giving 10% of the profits to Thaivisa.com members for being the eyes and ears so that may be why our restaurant is mention more than other restaurants with threads. Maybe its because the food is good. However only posts under" Sunbelt Asia" or "sunbeltasia" came from me and no other name.

    If anything is stated above is not true. I will pay you a reward of ten million Baht, if you can prove your statements about Sunrise Tacos has or will deceive Thaivisa.com members. This money will be paid to you or a charity of your choice. Up to now, I always appreciated your comments. You are a smart lawyer so you must of been sure to imply like you did but you are flat out wrong. My money will back up that its not hot air and its the fact.

    I would surmise ten million Baht, will give you plenty of motivation to prove your case. Some ideas...go to George the owner of the site and ask for the ISP of the people to see if it matches. PM people and ask who they are? You have enough clout with the moderators, ask them. Tell them you will split the money with them. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

    Guess what? You will never prove I posted other than Sunbelt Asia... because it never happen!

    What will you pay for your insinuation, when it turns out I was right?

    Again for the record. I appreciate people that take the time to write about us. I don't appreciate a bully throwing dirt on them because they did so. You saw the thread title. If you don't want to read about it, don't click on the thread.

    Because of the respect I had for you before, I did go back to look at this thread and the people that responded.

    The original poster canadiangirl with 705 posts

    Jingthing with 4,080 posts

    kyb789 with 102 posts

    onethailand with 928 posts

    lomatopo with 1,613 posts

    PadThaiGuy with 277 posts

    Pumpuiman with 1,621 posts

    Hawkup2000 with 48 posts

    Ulysses G with 7,040 posts

    Dantilley with 1,601 posts

    DamianMavis with 629 posts

    Alexth with 1,716 posts

    Thaihome with 1,253 posts

    Strap with 49 posts

    Blizzard with 1,363 posts

    Beavis and Butth 487 posts

    Jockstar with 7,503 posts

    Khuntan with 4,119 posts

    Trajan with 392 posts

    Wolfie with 4,660 posts

    Kiakaha with 565 posts

    huppe with 24 posts

    Nysan with 2 posts

    trader1 with 90 posts

    adam8169 with 13 posts

    bendix with 2,535 posts

    siamsekitty with 709 posts

    Balthazarbeefhea with 125 posts

    The only one with less than 10 posts was Nysan. He wrote

    It is cheaper than Norway, but then again Norway have europes highest prices when it comes to food. In Norway a cucumber can cost up to 5 euros. I remember when I went there for work. My heart almost stopped when I had to pay a whopping 170 baht for a can of coke at the local gas station. On the other hand, Sunrise tacos is more expensive than the average mexican eatery in Spain.

    To put things in perspective, in Germany and Sweden you have to pay around 5-7 euros for a mexican all-you-can-eat-buffe at lunchtime. A plate of tacos would cost around 3.5-6 euros.

    Is it really that positive for Sunrise Tacos, for you to make your statement? If I was to write under Nysan, I certainly would of not said we are more expensive than Mexican food in Spain. (I in fact find that hard to believe. I've been to Spain and its expensive)

    I do however know who Adam is and I certainly didn't ask him to write. He's a customer just like other people that posts here with over 1,000 posts. Newbies on Thaivisa have the same rights as you. He in fact wrote to me in a e-mail "My experience at Sunrise!!! " ‏on Sat 1/05/08 7:37 PM complaining " staff were quite generous with the filling (read too generous) " Two days later on 2008-01-07 09:50:14, he writes to the Thaivisa members saying the same thing " the burrito is too big."

    So who you think was the poster that in fact is Sunbelt Asia?

    Also for the record, show me the thread about Sunrise Tacos on Thaivisa started with a poster that had one or two posts. Doing a search, I can't find one up to now.

    Well, it's happened before. Never have so many hitherto unheard of posters (with 1-2 posts behind them) started threads when the insurance forum started.

    I'll get my coat . . .

    You stated a fact, now prove this. Where is the thread about Sunrise Tacos, started by a newbie? I have nothing against new members, just asking as you are making a statement.

    As a lawyer you should be able to back it up your insinuation that I have or will in the future deceive Thaivisa members by writing under an assumed name. Getting your coat after you make a statement like this, won't cut it.

    Greg Lange

    Owner of Sunrise Tacos


  14. don't worry I won't!! :o

    on a more serious note! how much money would I need to set-up a thai ltd company whereby i could employ and sponsor 'expats'

    the business itself needs very little investment, I'M sure I could find the employees and I know I can find the phone work for them, its one of those ideas I look into, and when I do I get struct with problems and give up, but in principle the idea works well...

    You are going to open up a large can of worms doing something like this.

    Alone the 4 Thai people to one westerner plus the Thai salary and tax contributions etc etc.

    So you have 10 westerners on phones so that's 40 Thais working for you plus the tax etc etc

    Also you are reliant on the internet connection phone for eg skype, which is sporadicly bad and of course you ahve to pay for, to give a constant good performing line you would have to look into a ground line system, more costs. I can not see this working if the truth be known.

    Infrastructure, red tape, technical issues, legal issues, costs, major costs mmmmmmmm.

    I am sure that there are many many many smarter people out there than me and if this was a viable business proposition it would have been done and out there running already.

    You don't need 4 Thais per foreigner to get a work permit. This is not a requirement for a BOI or non BOI company. It’s only a requirement for a foreigner that is working for a non BOI company and that employee is applying for an extension of stay permit based on business with Immigration.

    If you are with a non BOI company and your employee gets a non immigrant visa with a Thai Embassy/Consulate then you can easily have many foreign employees with work permits and you do not need to have Thai employees. Also if the foreigner has an extension of stay permit based on marriage, no Thai employees are required.

    With a BOI company, the BOI may like to see some Thai employees but this is case by case and it won't be 4 Thai to 1 foreigner ratio, it's more like 4 foreigners to every Thai. With a BOI company, the foreign employees would qualify for the extension of stay permit based on business. It's 7.22 of the BOI code.

    You cannot operate from your home with this business. You must have work stations.


  15. So what would be needed and what would the cost/capital be to set up a company with WP for 10-20 foreigners who sits in bangkok or Pattaya and do phones sells of foreign services/products and keeping a phone support for customers?????

    Our professional fee to submit the BOI application, advise on the presentation required and attend the interviews is 69,000 Baht.

    The registered capital can be as low as one million baht but we have seen some applications for this venture around 16 million Baht. ( application with 120 foreigners working ) Most applications are around 5 million Baht.

    Remember the 2 million baht registered capital per work permit does not apply for a BOI company.

    Also one other thing, if its a call center, you are required to show work stations.


  16. What happened to this place?? The last 2 times I have been in BKK it was closed?

    The food was great, the memorabilia was very interesting but the location was just a bit hidden.

    If the place is up for sale, or any of the stuff inside is up for sale, I would be intereted?


    It's open. However they are closed on Mondays.

    Tuesday to Sundays, they are open from 5:30 to 11 p.m.


  17. My problem is when my company guys went to the immigration for the visa extention the immigration dept asked for the balance sheet of the company which the company could not find it and the immigration officials asked the company to send me back to my country..

    200 employees and they can't find the balance sheet? Have them call the auditor who has to certify it anyway to get the extension of stay permit based on business.

    Can they apply the new work permit without myself extting Thailand?? Is there any provision to do that??

    Yes if you have enough days left on your visa. If your non b is expiring then Immigration stamped your passport with only 7 day extension, you then simply would not have enough time to get the wp.


  18. Is it possible to apply for a BOI sponsorship after the company has already been formed? I just ordered a company with Sunbelt (Chiang Mai) last week, and from what I've read tonight it seems that my company fit perfectly into what the BOI is looking for.

    I'll give a call to Sunbelt (Chiang Mai) tomorrow, but was hoping I could get a fast "yes/no" answer from someone here who knows.

    Yes, its 7.22 of the BOI. For another client, we have a application pending now for a International Call center in BKk.

    If you are using lots of foreign labor instead of Thai, you need to explain why.


  19. Daffy

    what papers you need for "over 50 with child" visa ?????????

    and how much expensive is the SUNBELT service

    I am in the same situation as you !!!!

    Our professional fee is 6,500 Baht.

    The paperwork required depends if you are still married to a Thai wife, divorced, have never married, and how old your child is.

    If you have the correct paperwork you do not need a visa company. They use some of your fee to 'arrange' things. If you are happy to pay the 'extra' -that you will not know about- that is your choice.

    If you are talking about Sunbelt Asia, you are wrong. We have NEVER once in Bangkok ever paid one baht to "arrange" things on anything. We NEVER had to and its not want our firm is about. It’s knowing the law inside and out and being the mouthpiece for our client.

    When the law came out in Oct 2006, we were the only ones I know that were getting extension of stay permits done for clients over 50 based on having a Thai child. We did it by educating many Immigration Officers on the new law. At that time if you go back over posts, a number of Thaivisa members told us we were wrong. The regulations were being misinterpreted by us. We stood our guns that we were right and educated by responding to posts with Thaivisa members, the new regulations.

    Based on our experience and posting on how we did it, some Thaivisa members emulated us. Most new clients including Thaivisa members however continue to let Sunbelt Asia do it. It certainly gives them the peace of mind to just sit there and have someone in their corner.

    We also are glad that we are able to help foreign parents stay... as I told Badbanker the other day on the phone. We were happy to help him be the first Thaivisa member to do it on his own. He has been in Thailand many years and knows how to communicate in Thai so your mileage may vary.


  20. Hello

    Just a word of thanks to Sunbelt again this year for helping with my 1 year visa extension.

    Since the new regulations a couple of years ago a quick trip down to Penang does not work anymore and as I have no money left in the bank can only get a visa as I am over 50 and have a Thai child.

    The local Immigration office does not understand the new regulations so a trip to Bangkok is necessary. I know we could go to the main immigration office and do it ourselves, as others here have done, but the fee that Sunbelt charge is well worth the convenience of getting it all done in a few hours.

    I contacted Sunbelt via e-mail a few weeks before my visa was due; they replied confirming the documents needed and a date to meet at immigration. Our contact Poo was at immigration very early and got a numbered ticket to so by the time we arrived at a civilized hour we only had to wait a short time before being processed. All very painless.

    So thank you Sunbelt - see you next year.

    Just on the side –There is concern about the content and submissions on this forum as “the authorities” may be monitoring and close the site down. That is why we need the moderators who do such a good job. :o

    Well if the “authorities” are monitoring why do they not take notice of some of the difficulties some of us have to go through to stay in LOS just for the privilege of spending our money here instead of else ware?

    The reason I use the “over 50 with child” rule is I don’t have the ready cash to show to get a marriage or retirement visa, so a trip to Bangkok with all the cost involved, travel hotel etc. plus Ms D shopping is a big chunk out of my family budget. Why can’t the local immigration office provide this service and the money spent on a Bangkok trip could maybe be used to buy my kid some extra things?

    Daffy D.


    Thank you for the kind words!

    I appreciate every wonderful note and the thoughtfulness behind them more than you can know. It is very rewarding and fulfilling. Thank you for taking the time to write and for letting me know our staff helped you on the extension. for "over 50 with child."


  21. Ihave a workpermit, but it says i make 30.000 baht a month and i pay tax for the 30.000 baht.

    For the extension of stay, based on being married on a non imm o visa I need to make 40.000 baht a month i understood.

    Does my workpermit has to be changed or do I just go to the tx office and say I want to pay tax for a 40.000 baht a month income?

    if I have to change my income in my workpermit how much will that cost?



    You just start paying on the higher amount of 40k. You are correct that you must be getting at least 30K per month as that was what your wp was approved on.

    If when your lawyer applied for you, it was just 15K then this would be your minimum. The Labor Dept reviews your file when you renew your wp to confirm that you are paying tax on this minimum amt that they approved your wp on the first time. You want to have a higher salary, its ok.


  22. We want to employ 10-20 Native Norwegian speaking peoples to work with telephone sales from here in bangkok. Is there anyway to do this without the need to have 2m baht and 4 thais employed for every foreigner???

    They could be consultants but they cannot be salesmen for a non BOi company. You need 2 million baht registered capital per work permit. This does not have to be cash when you form the company. It can also be equipment or property. As stated you do not need 4 Thais per wp. You are mixed up with the requirememnts for the extension of stay permit based on business.

    Will it make any different if whey gets their salary in Norway??


    I have heard that an export company can hire foreigners with only the 2m baht but not need to hire any thais. Also that the company only have to show 500k baht and not 2m baht. We can show 5m baht if necessary but not 20-40m baht.

    See above. A export or non export company does not need to hire Thais. You do not have to show any money to get work permits unless you are an alien company. ( exception would be Amity treaty companies until Aug 2009)

    Can they be hired as specialist? It is hard for us to find Norwegian fluent speaking thais.

    Yes. Yes


  23. …They said they had BOI approval…

    If Sunbelt says so I'm sure it's true. They are not a fly-by-night operation and it is slander on you part to insinuate that they advertise deceptively.



    Yes they are not fly by night and it would hurt their brand to act deceptively BUT they admit themselves they do not perform due diligence and it is up to the purchaser themselves to do so - they righly say they are merely the agent or marketplace to bring buyer and seller together although they do add on legal services etc

    I am not saying it is the case with the call centre and BOI but in the past they have taken what a seller tells them at face value and advertised accordingly when in fact details givento Sunbelt were false.

    The Selling of the bar's for Santos who was not even the owner is a very prominent case that springs to mind - credit to Sunbelt for withdrawing said business form their list but this was after advertising and everyone and his cat knew prior that Santos was a conman and the busines advertised was not what it was made out to be.

    Sunbelt are probably far more experienced now and it would be less likely to happen now but just like everone else they are not infallible - they are still probably the bst aroundat the level they are.

    Big difference between someone claiming they are the true owner and a company that is BOI. Of course before we took the listing we confirm it was a BOI company and so did the buyer himself confirm with the BOI, who acquired the business.

    As to Santos, the guy certified he owned the bars and restaurants. If I remember right he had at one time but had sold most all the shares on paper to investors but had not registered the sale of the shares. When we were told this was the case we pulled the listing. Could it happen again, we could get a listing like this? 100% it could! In fact easily if the person is a con. Many steps before a business is acquired and the first step is getting a certification from the owner that he or she is the true owner. Later this is confirmed by the buyer that he or she didn’t lie. This is way before any money changes hands. Out of all the companies we ever listed ( over 3,000), this was the only one I remember that had a dispute with who were the real owners.

    I would think most person would check with the BOI before ever acquire a company claiming to be a BOI company. A number of potential investors did when looking into it.

    As to the OP, a BOI company or non BOI company does not need 4 Thai employees to get a work permit. The only exception would be a Thai or American owner who is a sole proprietorship.


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