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Sunbelt Asia

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Posts posted by Sunbelt Asia

  1. On a visit to the Suk 12 location the other day, I tried the current 3 fish tacos (plus rice and beans on the side) for 189 baht special. Very nicely done, and pretty tasty, and a good price for good food.

    The tacos came literally jammed into the serving basket, overflowing with nice crispy greens, a good top serving of salsa and plenty of nicely done fish. Must say, the "hottest" version of the restaurant's different salsa offerings is now beginning to register on my salsa scale, which is a good thing. And I'm really glad Greg has added the choice of frijoles on the menu. They also were tasty and fairly authentically prepared, though came out with a bit of a "sitting in the serving tray" taste.

    I ended up, a bit by accident, with the soft corn shell version of their tortillas, which literally were overwhelmed by the large portions of moist food inside. Next time I'll try the soft flour version, which is also available, and hopefully will stand up a bit better to all the contents.

    The new expanded menu, with a lot of offerings before the original version, also is much appreciated.

    Good job...John.

    Hi John,

    Good to hear the fish good.

    If you like steak or chicken, you might try our sizzling fajitas as well. They are a big hit. Only 199 Baht for a lot of food. You will be happy and stuffed when you finished that plate! It's like wildfire when people see others order that plate. Soon the whole restaurant is full of the delicious aroma and the sizzling hot plates of fresh bell peppers and steak or chicken.


  2. In regards to YUM! bringing Taco Bell to Thailand anytime soon, I can say with some authority that it will likely be a long wait, if even in the near future, before we see any Nachos Bell Grande, Gorditas, or any of their other menu items in a Thailand location anytime soon. I agree with Jazzbo that it is much more likely that they dip their feet in the water through KFC menus, etc to see if there is an interest to the Thais.

    I hardly doubt that they are salivating at the prospects that Sunrise Tacos, Taco Loco, and any other places are showing, even though they may be profitable standalone concepts to their respective owners. Until a Taco Bell could be placed in every Central, The Mall, Robinson, etc, it probably does not interest YUM! at all.

    For now we are lucky to have the places that we have, and in my opinion, Sunrise Tacos is the best of the bunch and I will continue to eat there when I have the craving for a quick Taco or Burrito fix.

    My two baht...

    They are open in Singapore at one KFC location. It does lukewarm business. They also open in China under Taco Bell Grande and this is full service. Most comments are they don't have beans and its not spicy.


  3. If I were a businessperson operating a Mexican place in Thailand...

    I think many are pleased that you remain an armchair restaurateur while Greg is the visionary delivering fantastic food today.

    Was in the Soi 12 (original shop) yesterday, saw six customers, five of whom were Thai.

    Had the fish tacos again, simply sublime.

    Great to hear the fish tacos were great. We use fresh red snapper and a beer batter that many like you love. :o

    You are right on how some Thais love our food. Mostly at the Emporium. Here is one Thai ladies comments.


    Looking forward to seeing you at Sunrise Tacos.


  4. As the main sponsor of Thaivisa.com since 2002, I could easily enforce the no negativity towards a sponsor and just allow positive posts. I however like hearing both sides. In fact, I ask for constructive criticism and why I'm giving 10% of the profits to a Thaivisa party for readers views.

    Greg Lange

    Sunrise Tacos


    Yeh, thats why i got suspended for 10 days after my coments.

    Wasn't it for your anti Australia comments ?

    Zuki you sent me the following kind message so you confirm it was about another thread and was nothing about your comments on this thread. Have a Happy Holiday and all the best to you. Greg

    Hi Greg-

    It appears that my suspension was not because of the post i made in reference to your place, it was for my thoughts on the Astralian elections.

    Everything i wrote in the post i made was fact, however i think i could have mad a much more diplomatic post than i did and from reading through the thread and your comments to me and other members it is clear that you are trying 100+ percent to get thing right and i admire that. Business in Thailand can be tough, i don't need to tell you that. Staff, suppliers etc the list could be almost endless.

    I still go to the store at Emporium and very much enjoy the food, the staff have always been very good too. Sure it's a smaller outfit so it would be easier but i can see that this is the service you are trying to achieve at all your stores. Good luck with that, i'm sure it will come in time, though i will wait a little while before i try the Times square outlet again, but i will come back.

    Thank you also for your kind offer to eat with you, that is much appreciated and great customer relations and much appreciated.

    The next time i'm around i will look out for you and say hello, i too am going home for the holidays. Have a great time and safe journey.


  5. while Greg is the visionary delivering fantastic food today.

    Indeed, hats off to Greg for getting so much of this right. Waiting patiently in Pattaya for our local Sunrise Tacos (which I think of as Sunrise Burritos).

    Thanks Jingthing. Hope to see you at the restaurant. Think Pattaya would be good for a franchisee but I'm still 6 months to 9 months away from that step.


  6. I have a bit of a habit of hitting this place at the wrong time. Last night I stopped in around 2-3AM, the place was packed which is good news for Greg (who was there by the way), but turned out to be bad news for me – they were out of ground beef.

    Oh well the ham-n-cheese at 7-11 filled my late night munchy needs.

    I like the place and the food – maybe I’ll have better luck next time?

    Sorry that we sold out of the fground beef.

    In fact I was there until 4 :30 a.m. I was working at the original location. I'm not a small guy so you must of been in the expansion location or that was the time I ran to the bathroom. :o We sold over 50 kilos of ground beef that day at Sunrise Tacos. Ground beef is a commodity that is very important its fresh as it has a short shelf life. We had even ordered more ground beef on Tuesday as the next day was the Kings birthday but we even used that quota up as well. As you said we were non stop packed. The good news I was able to source more ground beef on Kings Day and we have been ok since then. Just ordering more now. :D

    By the way, our staff was very uncomfortable trying to explain to customers we sold out of the ground beef so they were happy I was around. Most people were switching to chicken or the steak. Still good choices.

    Pickled jalapeños is another commodity we have sold out several times this week but this is due to our delivery orders being half what we ask for from the distributor. Shortage of jalapeños because of problems at the greenhouse.

    Avocados is another area we had to pay top baht for as problems arose at customs in Australia so we now have switched to importing from New Zealand. Last week though I was paying three times the price just so we wouldn't disappoint customers.

    We strive to always have what you want at the restaurant. We have beem fortunate for 99.9% of the time, to have everything and for it to still be fresh.

    Hope to see you next time.


  7. Contact our sponsor, Sunbelt.

    He has organised for maids from the Phillipines to work legally in Thailand - with work permits. You can do a search for Sunbelts post on how this can be done.

    All the best.

    Thanks Samran! I will try as suggested.

    You may also find that you need to pay her an expat minimum salary (set by Gov.) and income tax.

    Could get expensive.


    not exactly.

    sunbelts point was that a WP can be organised for the life of the underlying B visa (ie 90 days). To extend the visa (and hence the work permit) you'll need to officially earn the official minimum expat salary (30K per month for most Asians?). BUT, and this is the thing, the person can always do a border run, re-enter on another 90 days, get a new WP, and continue working.

    The point is that the extension of the visa requires the minimum salary, not getting the work permit.

    This was not the point. In our post over a year ago we explained this was not a extension of stay permit based on business ( its not possible with a natural employer) so a 8,000 Baht salary for the maid was fine and they would get a work permit. Thy did at that time and those are able to continue with the renewal of the Wp.

    For new applicants ( maids), they are no longer offering work permits at this time in many regions of Thailand.


  8. Most Thais think Mexican food is disgusting...especially beans and Mexican rice. They can't tolerate the smell.

    We sure know different Thais then. Beans and rice are not directly on tacos, Quesadillas or Nacho Supreme orders ( unless they want it) but its served on the side of the plate at the Emporium. Does not put Thais off to order Mexican food. What were you trying to serve Thais with your rice and beans on it?


  9. Yes, I know nothing about Thai palates.......just been around Thais for over 20 years now :o:Dand have tried to get them to eat Mexican food many times with no luck :D :D Thais in Bangkok must be alien-Thais. Anyway, it is interesting that a fast-food joint that serves Mexican food (something that many Westerners love) has a client base that is 90% Thais.......that tells me something. Thanks for that information.

    This 90% Thai ratio to foreigners is at the Emporium which has many more Thais than foreigners as shoppers on weekends. We don't offer fish at this location but will do so at the Siam Paragon. What do most Thais order the most ?... Chicken Crispy Tacos, Nacho Supreme, Quesadillas. We are still number one in sales most days out of the other 14 restaurants in the Food Hall. In order to do this we must outsell ribs, Thai food, Chinese, Italian, Greek and Indian. These Thais then I surmise, must not have tried your cooking. As we are, in fact having luck serving them our food.

    At the USA fair at the Siam Paragon which was visited mostly by Thais. We served over 95% Thais and they loved the chicken, ground beef tacos and quesadillas.

    At Soi 12, as you would expect the ratio of Thais to foreigners is opposite and it is. We cater mostly to foreigners at this location and serve 250-400 foreigners everyday.

    Since last Saturday, we now have a Sunrise Tacos tent as well on the Emporium property directly next to the Emporium building ( next to the Bangkok Bank in the front) Sunrise Tacos is serving margaritas and frozen fruit drinks and Subway is selling sandwiches. At this tent ( with a chandelier !) , it's mostly foreigners stopping by. Here we don't offer Mexican food but we get mostly Farang clients for Subway and our cold drinks. It's early, but it sure looks like some Thais at the Emporium are looking for Mexican food and buy from us, when we have it.

    As for Tex Mex or Cali Mex or Baja Mex or whatever Mex, we cater to many people around the World. We poll our customers what they want andif its possible, we then put it on the menu.


  10. I'd cast a vote here for giving Sunrise a chance to work through its growing pains. The food is really good Mexican for Thailand, and I'm sure things will settle down soon. Greg seems very committed to maintaining a quality business, and that's a good sign for the future. It's also nice to hear the menu is broadening a bit... including the fish tacos...

    Does that mean one can order fish burritos also???


    Yes we have three Baja fried- fish tacos or one burrito. We use fresh red snapper for the fish.


  11. 'Hope nobody minds but I posted this yesterday under the other Mexican food topic about "Where to find..."

    I just went to the Sunrise Tacos last night on my annual Visa extension trip to BKK. I was greeted at the door by Greg himself and we had a chat in between his running around helping/training the staff. Greg's cuisine has been inspired by the Chipotle Grill chain in the USA which I would describe as 'light' Cal-Mex food... Chipotle Grill now has 670 locations so this formula has proved very popular and successful in the USA.

    If you base REAL Mexican food on East LA, Mission SF or Salinas area, or Texas, then this is not it. However, as Khun Greg has a client base consisting of Americans resident in Thailand, tourists from all countries including those who have never tasted REAL Mexican food, and the local Thai community, he has come up with a pretty good compromise. And even in Mex-American communities in the USA the TacoBell formula is quite popular.

    All in all, the grilled Carnitas burrito with black beans and guacamole was a nice treat... when I travel each year to the USA I visit the REAL places in TX or CA as much as I can and get it out my system... nothing beats Mexican cuisine made with REAL lard!

    BTW Tex-Mex cuisine originated in the early 1700's when Spain brought residents of the Canary Islands to settle in what is now SanAntonio and their cuisine blended blended with the indigenous Mexican cuisine.

    Thank you. Enjoyed meeting you and enjoyed your post.


  12. Actually, the negative post was something I ignored in order not to repeat it (showing a bit of respect). You missed that and just misinterpreted my post. In addition, I never said that advertising should not be allowed. My point is that all of us could post similar threads for a huge number of fast foot places. We do not do that for an obvious reason. I understand your place is new......great......good luck with it.

    What I was talking about was when someone said something negative, you didn't object to the thread. But when someone did say something positive you said this is " getting old."

    How many other restaurants have asked Thaivisa members input on ideas? How many are giving Thaivisa members a party with 10% of the profits? How many others are the main sponsor of Thaivisa since 2002? Of course the answer is zero. Thats why you find threads on Sunrise Tacos versus other places opening up.

    I didn't start this thread as the new expansion is not 100% open yet. But when we do, I will announce it in a special post. I do have that right per the founder of thaivisa.com and you have the right to read that thread or ignore it.

    As for our Sunrise, we don't use cans or any processed food. Everything is fresh and sourced in Thailand except for the avocados which we choose to get from Australia instead of using local ones.

    For many, they are very happy with our food. My goal is to make the majority happy and make money as well. I'm proud to say, we are doing that.


    Happy Holidays.




  13. I had a burrito at your new shop at the soi 12 location yesterday and overall it was very tasty, I love the filling. The only improvement I think you could make to the recipe would be to soften up the tortilla a bit, it was slightly too tough. Although on the positive side there wasn’t any problems with it falling apart in your hands like in some places. The service was good as well and every time I have been I haven’t had a problem in that department. I am not American so I dont know what the standard of mexican food is like over there but for me Sunrise is by far the best mexican food I have had.

    Keep up the good work!


    We make our own flour tortillas ( corn tortillas as well) and with this comes freshness and no preservatives but on the downside you can get inconsistencies because of the cook not taking in account the humidity of the day and how much water is needed. If you know Asians you know how its hard to break what is written in a book as its the gospel. Depending on the humidity of the day, they could on some days have water left over thats not even needed. Too most employees, they feel they then did something wrong.

    With making homemade tortillas you need to vary the water with the climate and use logic, this is a obstacle that I'm overcoming. The freshness still makes the tortilla the bomb even if they used all the water the recipe called for but the Tortilla maker is getting better, feeling the difference in the dough.

    Thanks again for your postive points.


  14. Sounds good - I hope to be back in a week to check out the new place then! Hopefully the counter being finished will go a long way to ironing out these kinks.

    By the way, been meaning to ask, what is your delivery area these days? Do you go as far as the Ari area, just off Pahon Yothin Road, 2 BTS stops beyond Victory Monument? And also do you go to the Thaniya / Patpong end of Surawong Road? If so, is there a minimum order size and/or extra delivery charge for going to these areas?


    Hope to see you soon.

    Delivery is 24 hours. Mininum order is 200 Baht. Delivery ranges from 30 Baht to 200 Baht. To Ari it would be 150 Baht. To Silom it would be 60 baht.

    Is this a permanent advertisement spot for a particular fast-food joint? It is getting a bit old now..........

    As the main sponsor of Thaivisa.com since 2002, I could easily enforce the no negativity towards a sponsor and just allow positive posts. I however like hearing both sides. In fact, I ask for constructive criticism and why I'm giving 10% of the profits to a Thaivisa party for readers views.

    The one post last night, did not feel good at all. I've investigated it and continuing to do so to see what really did happen. I did find it strange he stated a competitors food was bigger and tastier but he continues to go to Sunrise.

    Negativity hurts but if its true, then we'll get better from it. We continue to set new records for sales evey week and are now serving 250- 400 people every day at the Sukhumvit Soi 12 branch. More people means more positive reviews and some negative ones as well.

    Pick any restaurant in the world even the most popular such as Joe T. Garcia restaurant in Dallas and you'll find a 7-3 positive to negative ratio. http://search.cityguide.aol.com/dallas/res...67/reviewsprint

    No one seems to ever get a 100% positive review. You have to take the posts in fun as sometimes its someone thats a competitor, sometimes it is someone that has an axe to grind. Thats why it's a forum and all viewpoints needed to be looked at.

    In all honesty, some changes have been made because of some feedback on Thaivisa.com and we are better. Its the little things that you sometimes overlook.

    I do think its funny that you didn't say anything about any negative post but when someone sticks up for Sunrise you say its a advertisement and should not be allowed. :o

    Greg Lange

    Sunrise Tacos


  15. I haven't had an experience as bad as ZukiSuzuki's but it does seem there are unfortunately some staff issues at Sunrise now.

    Last time I went, I went to the original Sunrise shop, mainly by force of habit actually, momentarily forgetting the big new place across the road I've been meaning to check out.

    Anyway, I went in there and there was a member of staff waiting in front of the counter. I thought this was a bit odd to have her there in front rather than behind the counter but, still, I started to ask her a couple of questions about the food. She practically ignored me and started yacking away to one of the other staff behind the counter in Thai - OK, I realise she probably didn't speak English but then in that case why was she there in such a prominent position greeting every customer as they come in? And where was the usual friendly greeting and instructions on how to fill in the forms, etc? Luckily I've been many times before, but if I was a new customer I wouldn't have had a clue about the form I needed to fill in; no-one so much as said hello as I entered the place (it was empty at the time so it couldn't have been the case that everyone was too busy). The guy who I finally managed to speak to spoke very poor English but I managed to make myself understood, just about.

    After sitting there for a few minutes, it seemed that this "meeter and greeter" in front of the counter was actually there waiting to take some nachos over to the other restaurant! What's this all about? There was then a steady stream of food being carried over from one restaurant to the other.... very strange!!!

    Should be noted also that the previously spotlessly clean surfaces where the burritos are constructed were spattered everywhere with food and generally seemed much more messy and disorganised. Didn't matter too much, as inevitably if food is being prepared it will inevitably spread around a bit, but it gives you a bit more confidence in a food outlet if you can see that they've taken the time to keep the place clean and tidy.

    Food was still up to the usual excellent standards. Just seems like the previous happy, smiling welcome and the smooth, professional feel to the place has been lost a little bit...

    Sorry they didn't say Hi. We have had lots of training but it still has not sunk in with all the staff to say Hi

    We are non stop busy at the new restaurant and one counter at the old location is taking care of both of the restaurants and why the toppings are splattered while being put on the food and food having to be carried. With two counters, it will be back to normal soon. When will it be when the construction will be finished... I hope in a week. Then Thank God, I don't need waiters anymore at the new restaurant! I can't wait for that to happen.

    Greg lange


  16. The food was good and I've never seen such a big burrito. Had to have Greg wrap it up so I could take about half home for tomorrow!

    ZukiSuzuki 2007-11-05 18:39:01

    Try Taco Loco at J city next to sala daeng BTS, bigger and tastier than sunrise. :o


    Service aside at Soi 12.

    Was wondering if you still felt this way as you had been going to the Emporium branch ?


  17. Dear ZukiSuzuki

    You had sent me a private message and I responded. As you posted the same letter here, I'll respond here as well. I'm very sorry from the bottom of my heart. it is gut wrenching reading something like this. I rather being penniless than have a customer treated like this. It goes against ever fiber of my body.

    I work over 100 hours a week training and building up the business. Every Thai owner in the complex and my neighbors have come up to tell me they never have seen someone work as hard as I do. I don't consider it work, I love my work and its very rewarding getting lots of compliments. I'm the one that gets the credit and I'm the one that gets the blame as the owner. Fortunately in a month, I don't get many problems. In your case, this is a big problem that makes me sick.

    In this case, even though I was not there I am the one to blame and I'm very sorry.

    I did arrive at 8 p.m. Last night as I was catering the golf tournament for Amcham. It was unfortunately I just missed you. I simply don't remember the last Friday night I was not at the restaurant.

    The reason for the problems is we are not 100% open yet in the larger restaurant because of construction problems on the front counter. ( We were suppose to open Nov 1st!) When this is open we will make the food in front of the customer and they then can sit down at a table if they so desire. Now I'm training people that were never waiters to be one. Hire waiters you say. I'm advertising but finding no luck with English speaking ones as the beer gardens have created a shortage. When I call other owners they are telling me the same, waiters are a premium which I'm finding out. For the right one, I will start them out at 10,000 Baht per month. The average is 5-6K so you would think they would be lining up at the door. Right now I'm just hiring Thais with poor English to help out at 35 baht per hour. ( much higher than the norm) but even with this higher rate, I get some bad apples. I want to have good service and this is why my labor costs are 20% versus other restaurants I own that are 10-12%.. We were short handed last night because of the catering event and we have a bout of flu with some of the employees. I have a policy if they are sick they cannot work as they are dealing with food. Still no excuse for this behavior from this waiter.

    With the new restaurant when it opens, we will have two POS systems and two lines. Now we just have a constant line of food being made at one counter and it does create problems from time to time. When I'm there, I'm on top of any delay by communicating with the customer and waiters. ( Even waiting while training like I did on Thursday and this morning. When I'm not at the restaurant, well sometimes the customer will be treated in a matter that he should never be treated. This is unbelievably bad though. I deserve every criticism for employing someone like this. I've asked for your help in identifying who this was so I can look into this matter.

    Let me assure you this behavior will not be tolerated. I'm very sorry it happen to you.


    Greg Lange

  18. Need decent NZ bread.......LOL

    SUBWAY uses NZ made bread rolls in all their franchises all over the world.

    Sounds strange, but true. Par-baked and frozen.

    We in fact have the bread made here. The dough is made by a bakery in Bangkok who signed a confidentiality agreement. They flash freeze the dough then ship it to the restaurants.

    We just open a Subway at the Jungceylon Complex. First venture for me outside Bangkok so we are getting our feet wet.


    Maybe a year away from Sunrise Tacos in Phuket.


  19. what space are you taking over at Siam Paragon?

    Some pizza place, can't remember the name but they are the only pizza place near the checkout counters of the grocery store. Crepes and co has gotten 50% of the space and Sunrise Tacos will have the rest. Room for 15 seats.

    which sauce do you think is most similar that I should order

    Would reco just heading to the free salsa bar and finding a salsa that you like. If you still miss the Old Johns red hot, let me know and we'll whip up a batch special for you.


  20. why would he open in chiang mai when he hasnt even opened at a siam or silom location in bangkok?

    Will be opening at the Siam Paragon on December 15th. ( near the grocery store) on the ground floor. If our experience at the USA fair ( at the Siam Paragon a month ago) is any guide, we'll have many Thai customers. We are now around 90% Thai customers on weekends at the Emporium. While at the Soi 12 location, its 80% foreigners.

    We will be serving our magariatas at the Siam Paragon as well.'

    I was curious too. A whole page full with a flash movie.

    A very big mistake when you want the site to be readable for most people.

    I would not say this webmaster should work on it some more, better

    fire this one and get a new one. :o

    In my opinion it is also too 'flashy' especially the banner that keeps changing.

    It distracts and keeps pulling your view away from the content.

    Scrolling through the menu is a little awkward (sp).

    The content is there, just put it in some nice HTML layout with pictures next to the menu items. Your other websites from 'Sunbelt' are so much better.

    Can't wait BTW to visit one of your Sunrise Tacos, Mexican food is one of my favourites.

    Will have my webguy look into this. Thanks.


  21. Greg,

    Utilizing your faxed menu and delivery service is no longer an option. I think you need to seriously reconsider how you provide that service.

    I ordered from that today and it is the last time I will do so. More than an hour to get here, then the order is half cold and basically wrong or simply (referring to your nachoes) inconsistent and never the same, I can no longer waste my time with it. I'm sure if you go into your location the satisfaction level is quite high, but since I don't have time for that, I guess my Mexican meals will be confined to my US trips until you can get your delivery and order menu act together.

    Dr. B

    We have delivery 24 hours a day. We now have seven delivery drivers and we do around 35 deliveries a day. We now employ over 40 staff so still training over 50 hours a week. As we are in Thailand, and the language barrier, not sure if we'll ever be as the States but thats my goal.

    The good news is we are on the right track as continue to get many of the same customers returning and get groups of Mexicans coming in. Had a group of 16 Mexicans this afternoon having a great time waving a giant Mexican flag while eating and drinking. Still while we grow, were going to have some inconsistant times with delivery or at the store. If it happens, just let me know. I'll make it right.

    Can you get food to take away at the Emporium outlet?

    Yes until January 4th 2008 when Sunrise and the other restaurants in the Park Food Hall close for two months to do renovations. We then will be a stand alone restaurant and will have our own margaritas at the Emporium. In the meantime we'll have delivery.

    I have to admit I have also experienced inconsistencies there but lets get real. They are doing the first California style build your own burrito in Thailand, and sometimes if you are lucky, they are really good!

    So has anyone bought the Pattaya franchise yet?

    Could of sold it ten times but not close to offering franchising at this point. Around another year away from that point. I do know two different guys who are going to be doing Mexican in Pattaya on their ownwho I told them, we are not ready to franchise yet.

    Do you have a very high turnover? I stop in about once every ten days and the staff always seems different.

    Most all restaurants have a high turnover but in our case, more than anything its new staff being hired and trained to work with existing staff.

    Did you change up the recipe to John's Super Hot Sauce? The cup I was served today was much thicker and had a burnt/barbecue taste to it. I preferred the old recipe.

    Yes we did. Most people seem to like the new improved version. ( should not have a barbecue taste though) We also have Red Picante Saunce on the free Salsa Bar that a number of people like.


  22. sorry,can i ask,for a MD with a work permit,must he pay tax if he is not getting a salary in bangkok but in overseas? what is the tax amount for his salary?,thanks

    He has to pay a mininum tax on whatever his work permit salary was approved. For most MDs its a salary of 35K no matter the nationality unlike Immigration who has a set requirement for your nationality. ( Americans are required to have a 50K salary to get the extension of stay based on business.


  23. I must have missed the part about the MD being outside the country. Can anyone direct me to that old thread?

    I tried to find it but can't find it. We responded to over 100 posts on work permits so its like looking for a needle in a haystack. I'm 100% positive what I wrote before because I'm the one that wrote it and I remember the post. :o

    If you review many of our posts, we always state "we strongly advocate getting a work permit" Don't fight the system, just do it! It is not that complicated!


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