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About digger70

  • Birthday 08/20/1946

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  1. UK Faces Prolonged Use of Hotels for Migrants Amid Rising Costs and Calls for Reform. The reform is : use the peoples tax money for UK people and send All the Migrants/asylum seekers back to where they come from if they Not Legally Registered.
  2. Thailand's Coastline Threatened by Melting Iceberg, Expert Warns Here we go again climate change on a Big scale. Who are those Experts , what are they smoking/inhaling/taking . Scare mongering at its best Ocean water level isn't going to rise the ice is already in /under the water . If if it ever gets Too close . Blow i upin smaller ice blocks and tow it back .
  3. Thailand's Ambitious Land Bridge Project Gains Global Interes The distance is only 95 kilometer that's Halve the lenght of the Suez Canal. Wy not built a few super Excavators and dig out the whole length of the canal ,, No changing ,Unloading and loading cargo from one ship to on other and back on a other ship. To me it sounds silly the way they want to do the Land Bridge. Too much handling /changing the cargo too many things Can/will go wrong like Damage /Corruption/wasting time sips not being on time for loading/unloading . In the end A lot more work and not much time saved maybe a few $ cheaper but at what cost.
  4. He just didn't drop dead BROTHEL HORROR Brit tourist, 28, ‘beaten to death by bouncers’ after being turned away from a brothel at 2am in Bangkok He was then reportedly chased by the two men in a motorcyle Juliana Cruz Lima, Foreign News Reporter Published: 7:29, 25 Mar 2025 Updated: 7:41, 25 Mar 2025. https://aseannow.com/topic/1355701-british-man-dies-after-footpath-altercation-in-bangkok/#replyForm
  5. Thaksin's Debt Solution Sparks Debate Amidst Thailand's Financial Woes. What an Idiot get the peoples tax money to buy the bad loans from the bank so that the no hopers don't have to pay, Why the stupid banks give the loans in the first instance to the people that don't earn enough to pay back the bank. Clamp down the banks .Let the banks just arrange a repay program to pay back the loan just give them more time .
  6. They can train whatever/as much as they want but if they don't get of their butt they won't be of any use to the pubic.
  7. Thai PM Paetongtarn Accused of Being a 'Tax Dodger' by MP. This section mandates that all citizens pay taxes on taxable income and stipulates that a prime minister must be honest and uphold ethical standards. Looks like a bit of Dishonestly runs in the Family .
  8. Prime Minister Paetongtarn Faces Censure Over Leadership Allegations Could be a good thing to make her to step down from the leadership than maybe her old man stops interfering in running the country .
  9. Thailand Cracks Down on Vapes with Severe Penalties and Public Reporting How stupid are they . they have more important issues to deal with than Vaping and Weed . Go to the Real heavy duty problems put All the Manpower on to those. Corruption/ Traffic Violations /Health and Safety/unlicensed Wannabe Trades people When all this is under control l(witch is never) think about A bit of smoking.
  10. Police Face Backlash Over refusing to say that wanted ‘female’ is actually male. Why not make it easy for the public to understand and see what they are dealing with, It's a Wolf in sheep's clothing so to say,, ,A man wannabe a Women. Tell the public it's a men dressed like a women, that is clear to understand for everyone .
  11. He seems to be the boss he's getting most things done his way ,may that be with big donations or not it seems to work for him.
  12. Well now He's the big Boss isn't he? 🙏
  13. You know what 10 things really get my back up about Bangkok? Nag nag nag, just like an old women, If it's that bad just sop winging and Move.
  14. British Tourist's Thai Jail Ordeal: Forced to Drink Urine for Survival Believe this story or Not . I Don't. 😇
  15. British Tourist Tricked in Pattaya Herbal Remedy Scam. 5555. Can't Fix Stupid. Gullible Sod.
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